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  • Please stop calling me every half an hour, I told you I am going to be ready in five minutes

  • Jeez

  • How Girls Get Ready

  • There's a common belief that girls need a lot of time to get ready. A lot! Well let

  • me just say, that is so true. But do people realize all the stress?! I only have 3 hours

  • left! Pressure!? Even torture!? Ow! We got to go through when getting ready for a special occasion ­

  • Like going to school or stepping outside the house, you know huge events.

  • Imagine the situation! What? We go through a breakup. Oh so sad! What do we do to comfort

  • ourselves? Tell me. We spend the days at home eating junk food and watching TV.

  • Wait I do this everyday too. Never mind! Suddenly an unexpected chance of a lifetime is thrown

  • into us. See this is the chance.

  • Ow.... Huh... Date!? Yeah!

  • Wait tonight?! Oh no!

  • We regret all the chips, pizzas, and other junk that we consumed in the past months.

  • But there's no time to feel sorry because we have about 5 hours to put ourselves together

  • and slay that date! Wait! How much time do we have? 5 hours! We're not going to make

  • it! So here's how we girls get ready for a big occasion like a prom, first date or a

  • night out. Step 1, call BFF! ­No matter how much in a hurry you are you always take the time

  • for your friends, right?

  • I only have 5 minutes. You won't believe what happened. He asked me on a date!!! I know...

  • I only have 4 hours left, I got to go! Bye!

  • BFF is informed. We can now focus on ourselves. We haven't been exercising at all recently

  • that's true. But one kick ass workout can still make a huge difference for our body!

  • This is not working... Ah Whatever.

  • Let's try with food instead. We may have been consuming ridiculous amounts of junk food

  • up until one hour ago. Oh, I miss it already! But not any more... No way!! We're gonna wash

  • all that away with some super healthy meals. Chia seeds, Macca powder, Goji berries are

  • life. That's poison you know, you're gonna die.

  • There are tons of healthy recipes online promising amazing results for our skin, hair, nails,

  • body, life, everything.

  • Drink this delicious detox smoothie for youthful glow! Instant results! Yes, let's do it.

  • Apples! Spinach! Milk! Ha­ha!

  • Cheers.

  • *gag*

  • OK, maybe our muscles aren't defined after a 5 minute workout. And maybe that smoothie

  • only made us feel sick but at least we can make our skin look amaze-balls. Yes! I heard

  • a beauty guru talking about that DIY face mask that transforms your skin in seconds!

  • Like snap! I need to try that! Egg! Avocado! Oil! Ew, this looks like puke,

  • I hope it works.

  • Oh this burns my skin pretty badly!

  • Oh my God what's going on, please go down,

  • please! Oh my god, no...

  • At this point we should be looking healthy, fresh, glowing but we still look like us or

  • even worse. So depressed - everything goes wrong. It's time for some severe action in

  • the bathroom. We still have so much to do! Body wash, pre-shampoo, shampoo, post-shampoo,

  • conditioner, exfoliate, wash, moisturize, brush teeth,makeup, hair,

  • dress, nails, dress up!

  • All I see is you, all I see is you... What?! Why today? I'm gonna touch it

  • not going to poke it! Stupid pimple! What have I done?! No stress Sara, I'm going to

  • cover it with makeup! Makeup makes us look all nice and glam, but in the process of applying

  • makeup we look rather horri... not really appealing. Here are the 10 horror faces girls

  • make while applying makeup: chimpanzee, dolphin, aye aye, dog, hyena, aardvark, lizard, tarcier,

  • proboscis monkey, inverse raccoon, and people think the duck face is weird...

  • When we are in a hurry, things can go very wrong especially with makeup.

  • ow

  • That's a bit dark! What? Ok, I can do this.

  • Seriously?! I need the toilet sweetie.

  • Hiss. What?! Ouch!

  • Oh great!

  • What?

  • I hate you! Stupid makeup! But one thing is true though: nothing makes us happier than

  • mastering something difficult like a cat liner!

  • What? Both eyes are the same?! Oh my god, I can't believe it!?... wait I've got to document this!

  • Alright, makeup is on point, but we still have to fix our hair. By the way, as soon

  • as we turn on a blow-drier, curling wand, or when we shower we become super stars, models,

  • singers...

  • For you, I let you break my heart in two! Right to the edge of the earth with you! There's

  • nothing that I wouldn't do you're so dangerous, dangerous for you...

  • I think we do it because we feel like no one can hear us... Well, we're wrong.

  • There's nothing that I wouldn't... But the

  • most embarrassing is that this is how we think we sing. And this is how we actually sing:

  • This is forever!

  • Oh well. OK, back to hair! What hair style is in right now? Long, Voluminous, Luscious

  • hair! Right, so anything but this. How to solve the problem? Extensions! Yeah.

  • Mom what do you think? Are you going on a Halloween party? Ah forget it!

  • I kill you! Aha!

  • Sometimes I really wish I was a guy. Let's see how he's probably getting ready for a date

  • I'm jealous! Whatever.

  • We all have that one favorite dress that fits us like a dream. Oh man! But of course right

  • when we need it... Ha It's in the wash!

  • Aah!

  • Come on dress you can do it!

  • You can't fail me today! No please!

  • Oh it worked! Yay, I did it! Yay, I did it! Haaaaa... legs!

  • Ow!

  • Jeans it is! Jeans is great.

  • Alright, we are almost done and ready to kill it on the date. Sorry. We forgot to post about

  • the big moment on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whats-app, whatever, Snap, let's take more

  • pictures. As you may know, we girls have several social media approved poses to chose from:

  • kiss selfie, pretend you're asleep selfie, duck face, fish selfie, look at me I'm so

  • fit selfie, lizard face, mustache selfie 1, mustache selfie 2, no that's not cute, unintentional

  • front camera selfie, horse selfieno that's not approved, enjoying on the beach selfie.

  • Right, we have officially survived getting ready for a date!! Woohoo, victory! But we

  • only have 3 minutes left so go, go, go, go!

  • Keys!

  • He's not here yet!

  • How do you guys get ready for special occasions? Tell me in which of these situations you find

  • yourself most often?

  • Don't forget to check out my previous comedy video and subscribe to my channel if you are

  • new here. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys soon. Mwah!

Please stop calling me every half an hour, I told you I am going to be ready in five minutes

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女生如何做好準備--現實中的跟我一起準備 (How Girls Get Ready - Realistic Get Ready With Me!)

  • 56 7
    kath_chaste posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary