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  • everyone mr. coming here i'm going to be playing pokemon gold just ate and have a

  • look and see if you want to download this i'm going to put a link in the

  • description if you're in the united kingdom which is where i am and you will

  • be able to download it and play it today that's on android and iphone so

  • basically when you start the game it looks like this it is all done through

  • GPS so that is the street where you live and what will happen is you'll be able

  • to find the pokemons that are in your area

  • now if you live in like a feel the area or a place like this you can look around

  • and these are puffy stops and this is where you can get extra pokeballs from

  • what i have to do is go over to the area

  • you actually have to walk there but once a problem on in your area

  • all you do is you want to try and catch it so all you have to do is click the

  • screen and then just make sure you hit the pokemon that you got that was

  • pitching for me and then all you have to do is manage to get through the three

  • little bit and then he is yours and then you can train him

  • upgrade and from there so you can see that picture is core to get your points

  • and then you can rank up from there and then what you can do is you can train

  • them or you can evolve them and make them even better pokemon again

  • so once you have all of them you get this really fancy cool cuts screen and

  • then it changes into the next version of that same thing now

  • then if you want to get into training them and stuff you actually do have to

  • walk to a training ground

  • you can't just go and just click on the one on the map you actually have to walk

  • this system is running in compute the eggs you have to walk a certain distance

  • so we'll actually get you quite fit for those of you who want to

  • and so you can see on the air it tells you all the updates a pidgeotto a way

  • you actually caught him as upgrades and then if you've already got one

  • you can send them off and then they'll give you resources you can use to

  • upgrade so any men you've got your character you've got your team that

  • you're on if you're fighting for a team in he got all the pokemon that you've

  • got and how their rank is if you can upgrade them all that kind of good stuff

  • on the next screen that i'm going to show you is what you can do and it

  • linked all your pokemons which i think i got there eventually and it took a

  • little while to get used to it but it actually works really really well it's a

  • lot of fun

  • so I think there's like a hundred and something i think it was a hundred and

  • seventy pokemon so you can get and they're all dependent on the areas now

  • this is the training ground so you do have to walk 21 after off the one for

  • this video on the phone and you'd have to actually get out of the car

  • head over and go into the training ground now what you can do is you can

  • just go on train and if you win the fight

  • this gym will become your team so if you're going to pick a team a tree and

  • pick the team with your friend

  • now this is my first by team so I didn't do exceptionally well but did well

  • enough to see you can see how it all works basically if you put him on die

  • you can revive them back anybody so you're not going to lose them forever so

  • it's not a complete another failure and that's it so they're download link for

  • this will be in the subject section below and just click on that and

  • download the apk case and then where you go if you have any problems you know

  • just put a message in the comments section below and I'll try and help you

  • the best of class i'll leave you with a little game play at the end just so you

  • can see what's going on but that's pretty much it and it's a lot of fun and

  • just be careful when you're walking around because I walked right into the

  • back of a parked car because it was just not paying any attention whatsoever

  • that's it and if you are like it hit the like button and subscribe them off

everyone mr. coming here i'm going to be playing pokemon gold just ate and have a

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口袋妖怪Go玩法及資訊 "口袋妖怪Go一定要把他們都抓起來" (Pokemon Go Gameplay And Information "Pokemon Go Gotta Catch Them All")

  • 325 12
    Jones Chen posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary