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  • the dumb

  • how to achieve long-term goal achieving long-term goal is much easier if you

  • don't lose track if you target along the way

  • here's some tips to keep in mind he will need

  • an achievable goal a plan for achieving the goal

  • and adjustments to the plan step 1:

  • the left a long-term goal that you can reach with hard work and determination

  • if you have more than one goal prioritize them

  • step to you right down the gold

  • this will help you remember it and improve the chances that it will be

  • achieved

  • step 3: set a date for achieving the gold

  • write it down and make sure you do enough each day to stay on the path to

  • that date

  • de por create a problem for reaching your goal

  • the plan should include specific steps that you will take to meet the goal

  • think he's dead short term goals

  • def by post your goal and the step that you will need to take to achieve it in

  • place for you

  • feared every day this will keep the plan fresh in your mind

  • step periodically review your plan and decide whether you need to make

  • adjustments to it

  • very few long-term plans are accomplished without them changes along

  • the way

  • now get started did you know on November

  • 8 1917 Tom Dempsey in the mornin think

  • kicked in nfl-record 63-yard field goal

the dumb

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如何實現長期目標 (How to Achieve Long-Term Goals)

  • 198 20
    Shun-Pin Huang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary