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Hello piano players! This is Sydney from In this video we`re gonna
be learning the first to 16 bars of FOR RIVER (Johnny's Version) from "To the Moon"
Let's take a listen!
Great! If you like what you hear, we put out two new videos every week so if you like
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trial. But for now, let's learn the left end of what we just heard
you gonna do a little bit of the thing around
the matter is the same
the start with D flat on your pinky
key here
up to a fun
to the F above that
with your thumb
back down to the eighth with your second
to the beef up with your pinky
with your second
search up to that D flat
when you're done
did you
you thought with your second
dredged up
to keep up with your thumb
back down to be fun
down actually
with their second
and see with your thumb
let's count that together three and four and and and and and
and do it
pretty simple actually right let's move on to the right hand
there's a story about why it's so repetitive I don't want to spoil
anything but this repetitive melody supposed to describe the main care and
if you haven't played to the moon I recommended that gave me feel a lot of
feelings so basically gonna switch between F with your second and third
finger as one and two and three and four and two times three times less bar do if
they fuck
more time that if they fuck up
teeth but
and the fingers will be using are too
so let's just do the right hand but I'm gonna play the left how long she could
have some hermana context but just work on your right hand and we're gonna count
out loud very slowly ready three and four and 12 and four and
and and
do it again
pretty simple
after playing that twice we're gonna move on to the next section
to let us that it sounds the same the left hand but I'll be moving
also in those notes its debt
us over with your second finger in it that s
in a fight with your some again so more time
you get the finger
next is
over again with your second
with your second
don't count that together very very slowly three and four and 12
or and and and
let's do not want more time for good measure 12 and 34 and
and the next two bars are very easy
over with your second so that
team up with your second keep up with their second with your second
with your some crossover scene with their second finger so let's count all
those former very slowly starting with the deal at three and four and one two
three and four and 1234 and
to you
great practice at a couple times on Euro but for now we're gonna move on to the
right hand
so hit with your second
effort your third finger or time gave up with your fun with your pinky those
almost at the same time to find a place called a role in your role from one note
to the next it could be as low for a 61 just makes you play the diva first and
then on the safe side
85 F
the next year
and if I twice
so let's count that very slowly starting with three and four and one and two and
three and four and one and two and three for one more time
three and four and one and two and three and four and two three and four and now
it's at the left hand just for some context before we move on you can either
just to the left hand or just the right hand whatever you feel like you want to
ready three and four and 12 and
and three and
now so in the next part of the right hand
so start with a fight with her son
beefed up with your second finger
he fought with your fourth say that again
at this time would be fun
user third finger
are you fight with your finger up with your pinky and this time with your
thirteen-year with your fourth with the fight with your second or third
your fourth
Angie with your fifth effort here for a very slowly
a fire
a foot
a foot
to fuck
one more time very slowly
if they put a foot
now let's add the contacts but go ahead and just to the right hand as they play
a long three and four and one and two
and and
three and four and
great let's do that all those four parts together if you're not feeling
comfortable yet go ahead and just to the right hand or the left and as i play
along with you feeling ready go ahead and use both hands but he three and four
and 12
let's move on to the next section
left hand is very similar
so the first to Mars
this time he doing
again that's too
crossover with your
and then back down to you
to hit and they have on those of us who bars are dead
twice and then
crossover just seen
don't count that all together very slowly three and four and one and two
4 and 12 and
and practice at a couple times on your own and we're gonna move on to recommend
when your second finger just like the previous line
they vote with your phone this time
the fight with your pinky and roll those notes next so that's one and two and
three and four and one and ever
and define and then a foot so again it's the deep end beefed up after
safer safer land on fire
with your third finger down the eighth with your thumb a foot to foot two notes
and then roll
and with the cease-fire so one more time
defect Best Buy Mobile stew effort they put a foot
gave up but you roll and sea and land on da thought she did not count that
together very slowly three and four and one and two and three and four and one
and two and three and four
and 2323 and and hurting and you're gonna slow it down like this
astray both hands together coming very slowly if you don't feel comfortable do
either hand I T three and four and 12
and you can take some liberties with that last measure they're very
expressive ok let's learn the whole thing together running very slowly and
again as I said before use just your just your left hand unless you feeling
comfortable go ahead use both 23 and more and more
And you`re gonna land at #D with your right and #B with your left
All right! That`s all the time for we have today for this video
this was FOR RIVER (Johnny's version) from To The Moon. So your homework is to
go over this video and practice it very slowly and to go play to the moon `cause it's
one of the best games I've ever played. And like I said before if you have any
comments or suggestions please leave them in the comments below and I'll make
sure I get back to you but until next time, happy practicing!