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  • Jon: You've probably heard the word "holy" before

    Jon: 你可能曾經聽過「神聖」這個詞,

  • or at least sang it in a church song once or twice.


  • And for most people, this idea is really just connected to being a morally good person...

    對大部份的人來說, 「神聖」指的是一個道德良善的人。

  • SoGod is 'holy' because he's morally perfect.


  • Tim: Yeah, that is part of it...

    Tim: 是的,但那只是其中一部分。

  • but in the Bible the idea of 'holiness' is even bigger and more rich.


  • What it's really describing is how God is the creative force behind the whole universe.


  • He's the one and only being with the power to make a world full of such beauty and life.


  • And so all these abilities they may God utterly unique, which is the meaning of the word 'holy'.


  • A helpful way to think about God's holiness is by using the sun as a metaphor.


  • The sun is unique, at least within our solar system,


  • And its really powerful. Its the source of all this beautiful life on our planet.


  • And so you could say that the sun is 'holy'.


  • And you can actually take this metaphor even further


  • in that the whole area around the sun is also 'holy'.


  • Jon: Yeah because the closer you get to the sun the more intense it gets.

    Jon: 是的,因為你越接近太陽,你的感受就越強烈。

  • Tim: yeah, exactly. So that very power and goodness that generates all this life is also dangerous.

    Tim: 沒錯! 所以那神奇的能量能夠創造生命, 美善卻也危險。

  • I mean the sun, if you get too close, will annihilate you.


  • And in the same way there's this paradox at the heart of God's own holiness


  • because if you're impure his presence is dangerous to you


  • and not because it's bad, but because its so good.


  • And so the first time we see this paradox of God's holiness, it's in the story of Moses and the burning bush.

    所以我們第一次看到上帝的「神聖」, 出現在摩西和荊棘火中。

  • Jon: So God tells Moses to take off his sandals because he's standing on holy ground.

    Jon: 上帝告訴摩西脫下腳上的鞋, 因為他所站的地方是聖地。

  • And Moses covers his face in fear and God says


  • "hey don't come any closer". Its intense. likely that intensity of God's holiness


  • Tim: It's actually that intensity of God's holiness that's explored even more in the stories of Israel's temple

    Tim: 上帝的「神聖」在以色列的殿中更為彰顯。

  • which was the main place where God's holy presence was located


  • and at the center the temple was this room called the Most Holy Place


  • it's the hotspot of God's presence.


  • and whether you're an Israelite living in the land around the temple


  • or a priest working right in the temple, you are in proximity to God's holy presence.

    或者是在聖殿中服事的祭司, 這些人都和神聖的上帝很接近,

  • which is dangerous.


  • Jon: Yeah, this is a problem. So how is it supposed to work?

    Jon: 是啊,這是個問題,所以要如何解決哩?

  • Tim: Well in the Bible the solution is that you need to become "pure".

    Tim: 聖經說我們必須"純潔",這就是解答。

  • Jon: So like being Morally Pure?

    Jon: 所以是道德上要純潔?

  • Tim: Yeah, and that's easy enough to understand...

    Tim: 是的! 這很容易懂,

  • ...but the Bible spends a lot of time talking about another kind of purity


  • being Ritually Pure


  • which is a state where you separate yourself from anything related to death


  • like touching things like diseased skin, or dead bodies, or even certain bodily fluids.

    譬如: 觸摸患病的皮膚、屍體、或某些體液。

  • all these make you impure.


  • And becoming ritually impure isn't necessarily sinful.


  • What's wrong is waltzing into God's presence when you're in an impure state.


  • And so that's why God gave the Israelites very clear instructions for knowing when they were impure...

    所以上帝告訴以色列人非常清楚的律例: 何時他們是不純潔的、

  • steps to become pure, so that they could go into the temple again.


  • Jon: So that's what the book of Leviticus is about.

    Jon: 所以《利未記》就是在記述這個。

  • Tim: Right. But it doesn't stop there. This idea keeps developing

    Tim: 沒錯! 但還沒結束喔! 儀式上純潔的觀念繼續延續。

  • So later in the scriptures we find this really interesting story by a prophet named Isaiah.

    我們在聖經中發現一個有趣的故事, 一位名叫以賽亞的先知,

  • And he has this crazy vision where he's in the temple


  • and he's right in God's presence. He's totally terrified.


  • Jon: Yeah. He knows the rules. He shouldn't even be in there.

    Jon: 是的,他清楚上帝的律例,他不應該在那的,

  • And he's worried about being destroyed.


  • Tim: And then this crazy creature called a Seraphim.

    Tim: 突然有個神奇的生物撒拉弗出現了。

  • Jon: Yeah, that is a crazy creature.

    Jon: 真的是個神奇的生物。

  • Tim: Totally. So it flies over with a hot coal.

    Tim: 沒錯! 它向先知以賽亞飛去,手上拿著燒紅的炭,

  • And then it sears Isaiah's lips with the coal and says something really weird...


  • "Your guilt is taken away and your sin is atoned for."

    「 你的罪孽便除掉 、 你的罪惡就赦免了 。」

  • Jon: So this burning coal somehow makes Isaiah pure.

    Jon: 所以這個燒紅的炭讓以賽亞變純潔了。

  • Tim: Yeah, its remarkable

    Tim: 嗯! 很不平凡!

  • because normally if you touch something impure it transfers its impurity to you.


  • But now here's this new idea where you have this coal,


  • this very holy and pure object, and it touches Isaiah


  • and it transfers its purity to him.


  • Isaiah is not destroyed by God's holiness, he's transformed by it.


  • I mean the implications of this are just huge.


  • But there's one more development, this time from another prophet, Ezekiel.


  • And he has this vision where he's standing at the temple


  • and he sees water trickling out from it.


  • And then that water turns into a stream


  • and then a grows into a deep river that starts flowing through the desert


  • leaving this trail of green trees behind it.


  • And then it flows into the Dead Sea making everything fresh and alive.


  • Jon: So, instead of becoming pure first and then going into the temple...

    Jon: 所以我們不用先變純潔才能進入聖殿,

  • God's holiness comes out from the temple making things pure bringing them to life.


  • What does it all mean?


  • Tim: So, we don't know. Until we meet this man Jesus.

    Tim: 我們還不知道,直到我們遇見耶穌。

  • And he claims that he's fulfilling all of these ancient visions but in surprising new ways.


  • So Jesus, he went around touching people who are impure...


  • ... people with skin diseases, a woman with chronic bleeding, or dead people...


  • and when he touches them, their impurity should transfer over to Jesus ...


  • ... but instead, Jesus' purity transfers to them and actually heals their bodies.

    但是沒有,耶穌的純潔反而改變了他們, 並且治療他們的身體。

  • Jon: Jesus is like that holy coal in Isaiah's vision.

    Jon: 耶穌就好比以賽亞異象中的那塊燒紅的炭。

  • Tim: Right. And Jesus claimed that he was the human embodiment of God's own holiness.

    Tim: 沒錯! 耶穌說他就是上帝神聖的化身,

  • and that he and his followers were now God's temple


  • so that through them God's holy presence would go out into the world


  • and bring life and healing and hope.


  • And so this is why Jesus described his followers as having streams of living water flowing out of them.


  • Jon: So this is our part of the story where we find ourselves now, but where is it all heading?

    Jon: 所以我們現在就處在這世界, 這會帶領我們到哪呢?

  • Tim: so the last pages of the Bible end with a final vision about God's holiness...

    Tim: 聖經的最後在描寫上帝神聖的最後異象。

  • This time it's by a guy named John.


  • And in his vision we see the whole world made completely new.


  • The entire earth has become God's temple.


  • And Ezekiel's river is there flowing out of God's presence,


  • immersing all of creation,


  • removing all impurity and bringing everything back to life.


Jon: You've probably heard the word "holy" before

Jon: 你可能曾經聽過「神聖」這個詞,

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