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Hey you guys. Just finished a coaching call and something really interesting came up.
Has this ever happened to you where you consistently attract guys who are not at your level? Well,
let’s go up to my office. I’m going to break down three reasons why this happens.
So I was on a coaching call and one of the women on the call brought up this point and
she said, “You know, I’m successful. I make great money, I own my own place, I’ve
got a job that I love, I’m on purpose, I work out, I’m fit, and yet I can’t seem
to meet a guy who has those same qualities. Like all the guys that I attract, either they’re
broke or they’re not doing a job that they love or there’s something that’s not on
par with their life. We’re definitely not at the same level.” And she goes, “It’s
frustrating to me and I really want to attract somebody who’s at my level.” I said, “Well
let me as you a question. Is this a pattern? Have you see this over and over and over again,
attracting guys who are really not challenging you, not taking you to a new level, guys who
are beneath you so to speak?” And she said, “Yeah, it’s a pattern and
this is like constant for me.” And I said, “Okay. Let me as you a question. I want
you to be honest and really peel back the layers here, because any time that we see
a pattern in our life, it’s an opportunity to look at what’s the gain? The only reason
we have something recurring in our life is because we’re allowing it and often there’s
a gain, there’s a benefit, there’s a reward for actually attracting that experience. Even
if on the surface, we say we don’t want it, there’s often an underground hidden
gain that we’re getting. So let me ask you,” and I’m asking this woman, “What’s the
gain of attracting guys who are not at your level?”
And it’s silent for a while and then I hear this, “Oh… my God.” And I said, “What?
What’s the gain that you experience?” And she goes, “It just dawned on me. When
I can actually turn some guy around or help him improve his life, right? Help him become
a better version of himself, then that actually validates my power, that validates my worth,
that validates who I am and a woman because I’ve helped them improve, right? Because
my life is great. If I can lift him up, then I get that extra boost of, ‘Wow, you are
awesome, girl. Look at what you did with this guy.’ If a guy comes in at my level, I actually
don’t get that same experience, and there’s great power in being able to influence someone
else. There’s great gain.” She said, “That was the first one.”
She goes, “The second thing that dawned on me is that also keeps me safe because if
I’m technically higher value than a guy, then I’m less worried about him leaving
me because he needs me. I’m actually a source of inspiration and support and growth for
him. But if a guy comes in at my level, now I might not be the same level of support and
inspiration for him, so what’s keeping him there? So it’s actually more insecure for
me to attract a guy who’s at my level. It’s like it puts me in this place of insecurity
versus a guy who’s below my level. There’s a lot of security in that like he’s not
going anywhere because he actually needs me.” And she said, “The third reason that just
dawned on me, this third benefit or gain is that I get the gain of actually being able
to work hard at something.” She goes, “One of my belief systems that drives me is that
I have to work hard for it to actually mean something and be valuable; that if it comes
to me too easy, then it’s not a lot of value and it’s not worth much. I am a workhorse.
I’m used to working hard to getting things. And so if the relationship is a lot of work
and I can improve him, then it’s going to be that much more valuable and worthy, but
if a relationship’s easy, if a guy’s at my level and it flows and it’s too easy,
there’s part of me that gets shaken, like this is too good to be true, like what’s
wrong with this?” And so I thought that was brilliant on her
part, to peel back the layers and look at this. What’s the gain? It validates her,
it’s more secure for her, and it aligns with one of her core beliefs: that she’s
got to work hard to have success. And so I said, “Okay. What could you do to shift
that? What could be a new belief, a new thought, and a new idea? A new affirmation that you
could use to replace that?” I said, “Are you ready to replace that?” She said, “Hell
yeah, I’m ready. I’m tired of these old results. I want to shift that right now.”
And so we gave her a new affirmation, and this is an affirmation that you can take.
If that’s been your pattern where you’re attracting guys who are not at your level,
ask yourself the question, “What’s the gain? What am I gaining by experiencing this
pattern?” If you’re experiencing any negative pattern in your life, you can ask yourself,
“What’s the gain? What benefits am I getting as a result of this?” And then you can ask
yourself, “Okay. What do I want to replace it with? If I want to release it, I can’t
just release it and not put something else in its place, right?” Nature [INAUDIBLE
04:47] a vacuum so when you release something, you have to insert a new idea or a new belief,
what you’re attracting now. And so the affirmation that we came up with
is that, “I am so happy and grateful now that I am easily attracting a high-quality,
healthy man and we are inspiring each other to become the best versions of ourself.”
Take that affirmation with you. Use it in your own life to create new results for you
and attract a man who is at your level. Now, if you like this video, please share
it with someone that you care about and pour love into their life. And I want to hear from
you. Post in the comment: what’s a pattern that you’ve been noticing in your life,
a man that you’ve been attracting? What have you seen that you’re like, “You know
what? I want to release that and attract something new?” What’s the pattern that you’ve
been seeing showing up in your life? And as always, there is a great resource that I’ve
posted, a link in this video, that can help you expand your heart and attract the relationship
that you want in your life. So click that link, claim that free gift, and make sure
you’re subscribed so you can be the first one to get the latest and greatest videos
that come out. Thanks so much for watching. I’ll see you soon.