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  • PROFESSOR: So welcome to this week.

  • We're going to talk about trees mainly.

  • We're going to talk about some very special ones,

  • spanning trees.

  • But before we do this, you will go

  • through a whole bunch of definitions

  • and look at examples to explain how it works.

  • So let's talk about walks and paths.

  • So you've already seen a bit of graph theory.

  • We've talked about graph colorings and so on.

  • But now we're going to talk about special types of graphs,

  • and special structures within such graphs.

  • Well, let's start with the first definition.

  • How do we define a walk?

  • Well, a walk is something very simple.

  • You walk from one vertex in the graph over an edge

  • to a next vertex, to a next vertex, and so on.

  • So how do we define this?

  • A walk is a sequence of vertices that are connected by edges.

  • So for example, we may have something

  • that looks like a first vertex.

  • That we call the start.

  • And an edge that goes to a second vertex.

  • We continue like this until the end,

  • say, at vk, which we call the end of the walk.

  • And if you look at this, we say this

  • is a walk from v0 all the way to vk.

  • It has exactly k edges.

  • And we say that the length is actually equal to k.

  • So this is a very basic notion.

  • And what we are really interested in

  • is actually paths.

  • And paths are special types of walks

  • in which all those vertices are actually

  • different from one another.

  • But let's first give an example of a graph

  • that you will study throughout the whole lecture, especially

  • when we come to spanning trees.

  • So let's have a look at the following graph.

  • So let this be a graph.

  • And for example, we can have a walk that

  • goes from this particular edge.

  • Say we call this v0.

  • It goes over this edge over here.

  • Suppose I want to end over here.

  • Well, I can go many ways in this particular one.

  • I can go for this edge.

  • I may go over here.

  • I may go all the way to this part over here.

  • I may return if I want to.

  • And I finally, I take this edge for example back to--

  • over this edge, I will end in the last vertex vk.

  • So what we notice here is that we

  • have a walk that actually gets to this particular vertex,

  • and then returns to this vertex.

  • So for a few other edges, and then goes all the way to vk.

  • So if you talk about the path, then we really

  • want all the difference vertices not to occur twice.

  • So let's define this so the destination is

  • that a path is actually a walk.

  • Is a walk where all edges, where all vertices,

  • vi's, are different.

  • In this particular case-- well for example,

  • if you strip off this part over here,

  • you will get a path from v0 to here, to here, to here.

  • And all these vertices on the path on this walk

  • are different.

  • And therefore it is a path.

  • This also shows us something.

  • It is possible to construct from a walk a path.

  • As you can see, we started off with this particular walk.

  • And we just deleted, essentially,

  • a part where we sort of came back to the same vertex again.

  • And when we delete all those kinds of parts,

  • you will end up with a path.

  • So can we formalize this a little bit better?

  • Then we get the next lemma.

  • I call this lemma one.

  • And let's see whether we can prove this.

  • So we want to show that if there exists a walk from, say,

  • a vertex u to-- well, maybe I should not use arrows.

  • That's confusing-- from u to v. Then there

  • also exists a path from u to v.

  • So how can we prove this?

  • Do you have any ideas?

  • So what kind of proof techniques can we use here?

  • And maybe one of the principles that we have seen?

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] but I have an idea

  • about how you could show this.

  • It's basically if you visit one vertex-- let's

  • you go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 6.

  • You can walk from 1 to 6.

  • Then we just take out the 4, you just go 1, 2, 3, 6.

  • PROFESSOR: Right.

  • So what did we do there?

  • We essentially had a walk.

  • And then we cut out a smaller parts here

  • that recurs in a sense.

  • And we have shortened the path, we have shortened the walk

  • to a smaller path.

  • So what we've used here is we can sort of take out

  • parts of the walk just like we did over here

  • until the walk gets shorter, and shorter, and shorter.

  • So maybe one of the things that we may consider

  • is a walk of shortest length.

  • And we know that this is possible.

  • Oops, sorry about that.

  • So let's prove this.

  • So for example, suppose there exists such a walk from u

  • to v. Then we know by the ordering principle

  • that there exists a walk of minimum length.

  • So that's what we're going to use here.

  • And then we're going to essentially go

  • in the same direction as what you were talking about

  • because we're going to show that it's not possible to delete

  • anything more.

  • Because otherwise, if you could do that,

  • the walk would get shorter.

  • And that's not possible, because by the well ordering principle,

  • we simply consider that there exists a walk of minimal length

  • that we are interested in.

  • We will show that this particular walk is actually

  • going to be a path.

  • So let's see how we can do this.

  • So let's do walk be equal to-- well, it starts in v0.

  • It's equal to u.

  • There's an edge to, say, v1.

  • It goes all the way up to vk, which is the last vertex, v.

  • So what are we going to prove?

  • We're going to prove that this is actually a path.

  • And since this is a walk of minimal length,

  • well suppose it is not a path.

  • So we are going to use contradiction.

  • Well if it's not a path, then by our definitions over here,

  • there must be two vertices that are actually

  • the same, just like in here.

  • So we go from v0 to, say, this particular vertex, or this one.

  • And then we come back to this one,

  • and then all the way to vk.

  • So if it is not a path, then two of those

  • must be equal to one another.

  • And then we are going to use this trick.

  • We're going to take out this part.

  • We get the shorter walk.

  • But that contradicts that our walk is minimal length.

  • So that's sort of the proof technique that we're doing.

  • OK.

  • Let's do this.

  • So first, let's consider a few cases.

  • If k equals 0, then that's pretty obvious.

  • We have only a single vertex u that is connected by a 0 length

  • path to itself.

  • So this is fine.

  • For k equals 1, we have just a single edge.

  • And then we're done too.

  • That's a path as well.

  • So let's consider the case where k is at least two.

  • Well, suppose it's a walk.

  • It's not a path.

  • So we are going to assume the opposite.

  • If it's not a path, then we concluded

  • that two of those vi's must be equal to one another.

  • So there exits an i unequal to j such that vertex vi equals vj.

  • Ah, but now we have a walk that goes

  • from v0 all the way to, say, vi, which is equal to vj.

  • And then we go all the way up to vk which is equal to v.

  • So essentially, we have created a shorter walk.

  • We have taken out this little triangle over here.

  • Now this is a shorter walk.

  • And this contradicts our assumption of minimality.

  • So that means that our assumption over here

  • is not true.

  • So the walk is actually a path.

  • So this concludes the proof.

  • So even though this lemma is pretty

  • straightforward in the sense that we all

  • feel that if you have a walk, then you can create a path,

  • if you really want to write it down with all the principles

  • that we have been taught, you can see

  • a few things appearing here.

  • So we first started with the well ordering principle.

  • And also we used the method of contradiction in our proof.

  • So let's set talk about the next definition.

  • So we talked about walks and paths.

  • Let's talk about connectivity.

  • We actually defined two vertices, u and v

  • to be connected if there is a path that

  • connects u to v. So u and v are connected

  • if there is a path from u to v.

  • And now we can talk about the graphs that are connected.

  • That's a very important concept.

  • A graph is connected if every pair of vertices is connected.

  • So when every pair of vertices in the graph are connected.

  • So an example is the particular graph on the blackboard.

  • You can see here that there's always a path

  • to be found from this vertex, to this one, or to that one,

  • to this. to that, to this, or that.

  • You can do this for any two vertices.

  • So this is a connected graph.

  • A graph that is not connected looks something

  • like this for example.

  • You may have a single edge plus, say,

  • another triangle, maybe with another edge

  • or something like that.

  • So they are disconnected from this vertex.

  • I do not have a graph that connects

  • to this vertex over here.

  • So this is about connectivity.

  • And now we can start talking about cycles and closed walks.

  • Together, these concepts will help us to define trees.

  • And then we can start talking about this very

  • special concept, spanning trees.

  • So let's see how that works.

  • So cycles and closed walks.

  • We first define a closed walk.

  • And once we have done this, we are able to get into cycles.

  • So what's a closed walk?

  • Well, it's actually a walk for which the start and the end

  • vertex are the same.

  • So it starts and ends at exactly the same vertex.

  • So this is all pretty straightforward.

  • So we have v0 connected to, say, v1, all the way up to vk.

  • And vk itself is equal to v0.

  • So you have a walk that goes all the way

  • from v0 all the way back to vk.

  • For example, in this graph, you could have walked all the way

  • back to v0.

  • You would have a closed walk.

  • So what's a cycle?

  • A cycle is a little bit more special

  • in which all these vertices over here

  • are actually different from one another.

  • So if k is at least three-- so the walk

  • is not just a simple edge, or just a single vertex.

  • And if all v0, v1, all the way up to vk minus 1 are different,

  • then we are saying that we have a cycle.

  • Then it is called a cycle.

  • So these two concepts, connectivity and cycles,

  • will help us to define trees.

  • So what are trees?

  • A simple example is something that

  • looks like this, for example.

  • The idea is that a tree is both connected.

  • And it has no cycles.

  • So in this case, we can see that every vertex it's connected

  • to every other vertex.

  • But there is no cycle like a triangle or something

  • that is connected all around.

  • So let's define this properly.

  • A definition is that a connected and acyclic graph

  • is called a tree.

  • And within trees, we also have something very special

  • that we call leaves.

  • And leaves are exactly those nodes that have degree one.

  • So for example, this node has degree one.

  • It has only this edge connected to it.

  • So this is called a leaf.

  • This one also is a leaf because it has just one edge

  • connected to it.

  • But this lead over here has three edges.

  • So it has degree three.

  • This one has degree four.

  • This is the leaf again.

  • This one is a leaf, this one, and this one.

  • So this is very important concept.

  • We often use leaves in our proofs.

  • And we will get to one.

  • So a lead is a node with degree one in a tree.

  • OK great.

  • So now let's have a look at trees.

  • Suppose I'm looking at a subgraph of a tree.

  • What can we say about a subgraph?

  • What kind of structure does this have?

  • So suppose for example I want to take some connected subgraphs.

  • So that's what I'm actually interested in.

  • So for example, I take this-- suppose

  • I take this connected subgraph.

  • Then what does it look like?

  • Do we see some structure in this?

  • It's-- no?

  • AUDIENCE: It's a tree.

  • PROFESSOR: Yeah, it's a three.

  • So are we able to prove this also?

  • So this lemma you actually lose later on.

  • So any connected subgraph of the tree is a tree.

  • And to prove-- well, how can we start out a proof?

  • Any suggestions?

  • So let's have a look here.

  • So how may I think about this?

  • Well, I may take a connected subgraph,

  • and I want to show-- of a tree- and I

  • want show that it is a tree.

  • A general method could be, for example, to--

  • AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] You know, one

  • of the things, one of the conditions

  • is it has to be acyclical.

  • So since you're not adding nodes and you're not

  • starting within cycles, you can't create a new cycle.

  • PROFESSOR: Yeah.

  • I think you're saying something like,

  • if I have a connected subgraph, which

  • is like a smaller part of the tree--

  • now suppose that would not be a tree.

  • Say it would have a cycle.

  • Then that cycle would also be present in the tree itself.

  • And that's not really possible because a tree has no cycles.

  • So that's sort of indeed how the proof goes.

  • So we essentially use contradiction.

  • So let's suppose that this connected subgraph is actually

  • not a tree.

  • So suppose it's a connected subgraph.

  • It's not a tree.

  • Well then, in that case, it must have a cycle,

  • because a tree is something that is both connected

  • and has a cycle and is acyclic.

  • We have a connected subgraph, which is not a tree.

  • So it must have a cycle.

  • So it has a cycle.

  • But now since it is a subgraph of the bigger graph,

  • we know that the cycle must also be in the whole graph.

  • So the whole graph has this particular cycle.

  • Wait a minute.

  • The whole graph is the tree.

  • And a tree's acyclic.

  • So we get a contradiction.

  • So that means that our original assumption that it's not a tree

  • is wrong.

  • So it is a tree.

  • So this is, again, such a general kind of proof method

  • that we repeatedly use here.

  • So this lemma, which we will call two,

  • we will use in the next proof where

  • we're going to talk about the relationship between vertices

  • and edges within trees.

  • It's a very beautiful relationship.

  • The lemma states if you have a tree that has n vertices,

  • then it must have n minus 1 edges.

  • So this is a very tight relationship here.

  • So a tree with n vertices has n minus 1 edges.

  • So let's see.

  • How can we prove this one?

  • Any suggestions?

  • So what did we use at the beginning of the course here?

  • So we have n vertices.

  • And we want to show that it has n minus 1 edges.

  • We can use induction, right?

  • So let's use induction.

  • on n.

  • So how do we proceed if you do this?

  • Well, we always start out with an induction hypothesis.

  • So the statement here would be something

  • like, well, there are n minus 1 edges in any n vertex tree.

  • And if you start with induction, you always

  • start with the base case, right?

  • So we have the base case.

  • So how does this work?

  • So for example, we want to consider P1.

  • So there are zero edges in any one vertex tree.

  • Well, that's true, right?

  • If I have just one vertex, there's no edge.

  • So this is definitely correct.

  • So that's easy.

  • So let's prove the other part, which is the inductive step.

  • And the inductive step is--

  • So to do the inductive step, we are going to always assume Pn.

  • And then we want to prove Pn plus 1.

  • So let's do this.

  • So we have the inductive step.

  • And we always start out the same way.

  • So we suppose P of n.

  • And now we want to prove Pn plus 1.

  • So how do we do this?

  • Well, take a tree that has n plus 1 vertices vertices.

  • And we want to show that it has n edges.

  • So take any such tree.

  • So let T be a tree that has n plus 1 vertices.

  • So how can we use the induction hypothesis here?

  • So do you have any ideas over here?

  • So I have a tree with n plus 1 vertices.

  • And if I want to be able to use this induction

  • at this induction hypothesis, then I

  • can only apply it on trees that have n vertices.

  • So somehow I have to delete one vertex.

  • Right?

  • So what kind of vertex can I delete in such a way

  • that we still have a tree?

  • And I need that because this induction step can only

  • be applied to trees.

  • So what type of vertex can I remove from a tree and it still

  • stays a tree?

  • So for example, if you look at this example up here,

  • what kind of vertex can I remove here?

  • AUDIENCE: A leaf.

  • PROFESSOR: Yeah, except.

  • I can remove a leaf-- for example, this one.

  • And why is that?

  • Because if there's only one edge connected to the rest

  • of the tree-- so if I delete it, I will actually keep a tree.

  • So that's how the proof will continue.

  • So we take out one vertex.

  • So let v be a leaf of the tree.

  • And let's remove this particular vertex.

  • So what do we get?

  • Well, we again have a connected subgraph.

  • So this creates a connected subgraph.

  • And we also know that this is a tree.

  • So how can we conclude that?

  • Well, we had another lemma somewhere

  • that's behind this blackboard.

  • It says that if you have connected subgraph,

  • then we still have a tree.

  • So this is great.

  • So this is also a tree.

  • So now we can apply Pn because we have n vertices,

  • because we deleted one.

  • So by Pn, we can conclude that this particular subgraph

  • has n minus 1 edges.

  • You simply apply our statement over here.

  • But we want to say something about the original tree.

  • So how do we do this?

  • Well, we have to somehow reconstruct this tree.

  • Well, we have deleted v. So we have to reattach v again.

  • So let's do this.

  • So we reattach v. And if I do this,

  • well, let's look at this example over here.

  • I reattach the leaf.

  • I will add one more edge.

  • So if I reattach this particular leaf,

  • I will get back the original T over here.

  • And how many edges does it have?

  • Well, it has these n minus 1 edges

  • plus the one edge that is needed to reattach the leaf.

  • So that's all together exactly n edges.

  • So now we have shown that for every n plus 1 vertex tree,

  • every such tree has n edges.

  • So now we're done, because this shows P n plus 1.

  • So this is how the lemma is proved.

  • And in the homework, you actually use this.

  • So let's now talk about very special trees, spanning trees.

  • I think this is a very exciting topic.

  • So let's look at this particular graph over here.

  • Let's define spanning trees.

  • So what's a spanning tree?

  • A spanning tree is a subgraph of a graph that somehow spans all

  • the vertices within this graph.

  • So it's a tree that touches every single vertex.

  • So for example, we may have--

  • Maybe this is not such a bright color.

  • Maybe this one.

  • So for example, we may have a tree that looks like this.

  • So in this particular graph, we can

  • create a subgraph with the thickened green edges

  • over here, which is a tree, and also covers

  • all the different vertices of the original graph.

  • This is actually pretty amazing that you can do this,

  • you can actually create such a kind of tree.

  • And what you want to prove, first of all,

  • is that for every connected graph,

  • we can construct such a spanning tree.

  • So let's first define this.

  • And then we will prove this theorem.

  • And then after this, we're going to talk about weighted graphs.

  • That will lead to minimum weight spanning trees.

  • And then it gets really interesting

  • because you want to figure out how we can actually

  • construct those for any graph.

  • So let's define a spanning tree.

  • A spanning tree--

  • And we appreciate this as SD-- of a connected graph

  • is actually a subgraph that is a tree.

  • So that's the first condition.

  • And it also covers all the other vertices.

  • So it has the same vertices as the graph.

  • And over here, we have this example.

  • So now what you want to show is the following theorem

  • that any connected graph actually

  • has such a spanning tree.

  • So the theorem is every connected graph

  • has a spanning tree.

  • And let's think about a proof together.

  • So for example, we may start with the idea

  • to use a contradiction.

  • Suppose there exists a connected graph that

  • has no spanning tree.

  • So how would we go ahead?

  • So how can we prove that we have a contradiction here?

  • So the proof that we're going to propose here

  • is by contradiction.

  • That means that we're going to assume the opposite.

  • So assume that we have a connected graph,

  • a connected graph G.

  • That has no spanning tree.

  • So how can we use this?

  • How could this be strange?

  • Or what can we do here?

  • So one of the nice things about trees over here is--

  • so that maybe gives us some insight is that if we have

  • a tree-- well, it seems like such a kind of spanning tree is

  • like--

  • It's a solution to a subgraph that is connected

  • with a minimum number of edges.

  • Like if I have any other type of subgraph-- for example,

  • if it has cycles, I can always remove an edge of course.

  • So we know a subgraph of G that touches all the different edges

  • and has a cycle can get shortened

  • by eliminating one edge of a cycle that's

  • within such as a subgraph.

  • So maybe we have an idea here.

  • And maybe we can use this.

  • So maybe we can say, let's set consider a graph T. So

  • let T be a connected subgraph of G, but with a property

  • that it has a minimum number of edges.

  • So let this be a connected subgraph of G.

  • And we assume that it has the same vertices of G of course.

  • In addition, it has the smallest number of edges possible.

  • So what do we know?

  • Well, let's look at our assumption here.

  • We said that a connected graph, G-- that's

  • what we consider here-- for which

  • there is no spanning tree.

  • So what do we know?

  • We know that this particular T over here

  • can definitely not be a spanning tree, because that's

  • what we assume here.

  • Can we use this?

  • So let's think about this.

  • So if it is not a spanning tree, then what must it have?

  • So we already know that T is a connected subgraph of G

  • with the same vertices of G. So the only difference

  • between a spanning tree and T is that the spanning tree is

  • a tree, and T is not a tree.

  • So therefor, T must have a cycle.

  • So we use our assumption over here.

  • We know that T is not a spanning tree.

  • And now we can conclude that it must have a cycle.

  • So now we can start thinking about this cycle.

  • And let's feel--

  • What can we do here?

  • So we constructed T as the subgraph that

  • has the minimum number of edges possible.

  • So now if you have a cycle, the whole idea

  • is that we're going to delete one of the edges of the cycle.

  • And if you do that, we will be able to construct a smaller

  • subgraph T, essentially, with a smaller number of edges.

  • And that contradicts this particular statement over here.

  • So that's sort of how we go ahead.

  • So if it has a cycle, let's write it out.

  • For example, here we have a cycle like this.

  • Well, let's prove that if we remove one of the cycle,

  • that we still have a connected subgraph.

  • So the whole graph T is much bigger, right?

  • It has lots of connections and so on.

  • Suppose we will remove this particular edge over here.

  • So we remove this one.

  • Do we still have a connected subgraph of G

  • that covers all the vertices of G?

  • Well, of course it cover all the vertices of G

  • because we only removed an edge over here.

  • So that's fine.

  • All these parts are still connected to the rest.

  • If you can show that it is connected, then well we just--

  • well, we removed one edge.

  • So we actually created this smaller graph.

  • And then we get contradiction.

  • And then we're done with our proof.

  • So let's see whether we can prove that if we remove

  • this particular edge over here, that we still

  • have a connected subgraph.

  • So how can we do this?

  • Well, let's take-- so the first case would be if a vertex

  • x is connected to y.

  • So I want to take any pair x, y of vertices.

  • And suppose that the path that connects x and y

  • does not contain this particular edge e that I remove here.

  • So suppose this does not contain e.

  • So I look at the graph T. I Know T is connected.

  • So I take a pair of vertices x and y.

  • I know there is a path between x and y in T.

  • If this path does not contain the edge e,

  • then I know that the same path still exists in the same graph

  • where I've removed this particular edge.

  • So that's great, right?

  • I have shown that x and y are still

  • connected in the new graph where I've removed this e.

  • So now let's look at another case.

  • For example, x is over here.

  • And it is connected all the way through here

  • over this particular edge all the way to, say, y over here.

  • So this is case number two.

  • Well, are x ad y still connected?

  • Yes they are, right?

  • Because I have removed e from a cycle.

  • So I can still go into the other direction of the cycle

  • and connect back towards y.

  • So what we see here is that x can go all the way to here.

  • But it can still go over the cycle back

  • to here, and then to y.

  • So we are still connected.

  • So this shows that in both of the cases,

  • for any pair of vertices, even after removal of e,

  • the graph T minus this edge e is still connected.

  • So let's write this out.

  • So all vertices in G are still connected

  • after removing e from T.

  • So now we are done.

  • So what was that again?

  • We now constructed a smaller graph--

  • smaller in the sense that it has one less edge-- that is still

  • connected, and with the same vertices as G.

  • But I assumed that T was already the smallest

  • such graph, such subgraph.

  • So we have a contradiction.

  • So what does this mean?

  • This means that our original assumption that we have over

  • here cannot be true because we started off with this

  • assumption.

  • Because of this, we could start to construct this.

  • And then you could derive this whole argumentation.

  • And in the end, we get a contradiction.

  • So our original assumption is wrong.

  • So actually, this is not possible.

  • There does not exist a connected graph G that has no ST.

  • So the theorem is true.

  • So this is an important theorem.

  • So now we can start talking about weighted minimum spanning

  • trees.

  • So let's use this picture over here and assign some weights

  • to this graph.

  • So for example, we have 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, a 1 over here,

  • another 1, 1, 4, and 7.

  • And let's construct a spanning tree.

  • So let me give an example over here.

  • Actually, this is an example that we have right her

  • in the thick lines in green.

  • So what is the weight of the spanning tree

  • that we have here?

  • So we simply add the weights of all the edges.

  • So we have 7, 3.

  • That makes 10.

  • 11, 14, another 2, 16, 17, 18, 19.

  • So the weight of this particular spanning tree is 19.

  • So now the problem is-- and that's

  • the rest of the lecture-- how can you

  • construct a minimum weight spanning

  • tree, one that has the minimum weight possible?

  • So we see another example.

  • So could I swap some edges around

  • or something like that such that I can get a lesser weight?

  • So for example, over here, I have-- for example,

  • this node over here is connected by an edge that has weight 3.

  • But I could also have connected it

  • to this particular one over here, which is only weight 1.

  • If I do this, I actually improve the spanning tree construction.

  • So I will get something that looks like--

  • Let's see-- that looks like this.

  • And now we replaced 3 by 1.

  • So it gets 17.

  • So can we do anything less than this?

  • That's maybe-- it's still a tree, right?

  • Because there's no cycle.

  • Here we have this, this, this, this part over here.

  • If you want to have connected subgraph,

  • I always need the 7 in here.

  • Well, it seems like you cannot really replace anything

  • by something cheaper.

  • Like any edge in here seems to be pretty necessary.

  • Of course, what I could do is I could create

  • other minimum spanning trees.

  • So actually it turns out that 17 is the minimum weight.

  • For example, I could, instead of this edge,

  • I could use this edge.

  • That's another solution.

  • Or instead of this edge, I could use this edge.

  • So how do we construct such a minimum weight spanning tree?

  • Can we somehow find an algorithm that creates this?

  • And that's the big problem of today.

  • So let me write out one spanning tree

  • that I will use for the rest of this class.

  • And maybe I will use a little bit different color.

  • Let's use red over here.

  • I hope this is visible.

  • So we have red, this one, and this one,

  • and this one, and this one, and this one.

  • That's going to be-- this is going

  • to be the spanning tree that I'm going to look at.

  • This is also weight 17.

  • So let's first define what a minimum weight spanning tree

  • is, just to be very precise.

  • And then let's have an algorithm.

  • Maybe you have already ideas of how this could be done.

  • It turns out actually that if you just

  • start with a greedy approach, you just

  • start to add sort of through the edges of minimum weight,

  • that you can still add without creating any cycles.

  • You will get an algorithm that is

  • going to do the trick for you.

  • So that's kind of surprising.

  • So let's talk about the definition.

  • So the minimum spanning tree of an edge weighted graph

  • is defined as--

  • It's defined as the spanning tree of G such

  • that it has the smallest possible sum of edge weights.

  • Well the algorithm that I'm thinking about

  • here is very straightforward.

  • Actually I'll use this blackboard

  • because this algorithm will be the focus

  • of the rest of the lecture.

  • So what's the algorithm?

  • We actually grow a subgraph step by step.

  • So one edge at a time such that at each step

  • we want to add the minimum weight edge that

  • keeps the subgraph acyclic.

  • So this is our algorithm.

  • Let's have a look how this works in this particular graph

  • over here.

  • So suppose I would start off with-- well,

  • if I start with this algorithm.

  • I take, say, any minimum weight edge.

  • Say I take this particular one.

  • So this could be my first edge that I choose.

  • Then I may want to choose another minimum weight

  • edge such that I do not create a cycle.

  • Well, which one could I choose?

  • I could choose this one.

  • I could also choose this one.

  • With this one, I could choose this part.

  • With this one, I could choose that part.

  • I could also choose this one.

  • So let's choose this one actually.

  • This would be our second step and our second edge

  • that we select in our algorithm.

  • There are two disjoint edges.

  • So there's definitely no graph.

  • Well, maybe now our third step, I

  • can choose one of these edges, which also has just weight

  • 1, which is minimum weight.

  • So this could be my third possibility.

  • Then what's the fourth possibility?

  • Well, I have to choose one of those actually.

  • I cannot choose this weight 1 edge?

  • Why not?

  • Because that would create a cycle.

  • So I'm not allowed to choose this one anymore.

  • So I choose one of these two.

  • So for example, I choose this one over here.

  • This is the fourth edge that I add to the whole picture.

  • So note that in the meantime.

  • I have two disconnected components.

  • One other here, which is this arc, and another arc over here.

  • So which edge do I attach now in the algorithm?

  • Well, I can still add this minimum weight edge

  • over here of weight two, because it does not create any cycle.

  • So this would be the fifth wonder

  • that I add to the whole picture.

  • Well, now I can choose either one of those.

  • So for example, this would be my sixth step.

  • And then finally, I can choose none of these

  • because those would create cycles.

  • But I can choose this one.

  • So this is going to be the seventh one that I

  • add to the whole graph that I construct here

  • and grow in this algorithm.

  • It turns out that this algorithm actually creates for you

  • a minimum spanning tree.

  • And the proof is much more complex

  • than what you have seen before.

  • So that's what we're going to do right now.

  • So when we think about this algorithm,

  • then somehow I want to guarantee that at every single step,

  • I will be able to grow into a minimum spanning tree.

  • And that's the basic intuition that we have.

  • And that's the lemma that we want to prove first.

  • So formalizing, we get the following.

  • We want to prove the following statement.

  • So the lemma that will help us is let S be the set of edges

  • that I have been selecting up to now in the algorithm.

  • So let S consist, for example, of the first m edges.

  • What we want to show is that we can still

  • extend this set of edges into a minimum spanning tree.

  • We can still grow within the algorithm

  • into a minimum spanning tree.

  • That is what you want to show.

  • So we want to show that their exists a minimum spanning tree

  • T that has the vertex set V and an edge set E.

  • So this is the minimum spanning tree for the graph G

  • such that S is actually a subset of the edges

  • in this minimum spanning tree.

  • So this is a nice mathematical formulation

  • that really precisely states that we can still

  • keep on growing into a minimum spanning tree.

  • So how would this lemma help us in proving the theorem

  • that we want to show?

  • Actually, where is the theorem?

  • I did not write down the theorem so far.

  • I can put this over here.

  • So the theorem that's want to show

  • is that for any connected weighted graph G,

  • the algorithm creates a minimum spanning tree.

  • The algorithm produces a minimum spanning tree.

  • So how can we prove his theorem?

  • Suppose we know that this lemma is true,

  • which we will prove later.

  • Then how do we know that this theorem holds?

  • Actually, I'm wiping out this particular theorem over here.

  • We will use this in a moment.

  • So we know that every connected graph has a spanning tree.

  • We already know that.

  • But now we want to show that we can even

  • construct a minimum spanning tree for a weighted graph.

  • So how are we going ahead?

  • The proof of the theorem is as follows.

  • I will suppose that the number of edges--

  • the number of vertices-- is actually equal to n.

  • And if we want to show that we get to a minimum spanning tree,

  • we want to first of all show that the algorithm

  • is able to choose at least n minus 1 edges, right?

  • Because a tree has n minus 1 edges.

  • We have shown this before.

  • The algorithm should not get stuck.

  • So let's first prove that.

  • So suppose I have chosen less than n minus 1 edges.

  • So suppose we have less than n minus 1 edges picked.

  • Well then what do we know?

  • Well, there exists as edge in E minus S--

  • well, let me first write it out--

  • that can be added without creating a cycle.

  • So why is this?

  • Well, I know that E is the edge set

  • of my minimum spanning tree.

  • I know that S is a part of-- is a subset of all the edges.

  • I know that a minimum spanning tree is a tree.

  • It's a tree on n vertices.

  • We know that's a tree on n vertices has n minus 1 edges.

  • I know that less than n minus 1 edges have been chosen so far.

  • So that means that S has less than n minus 1 edges.

  • E has successfully n minus 1 edges.

  • So there's at least one edge that is contained,

  • that it is an element in E, but not in S.

  • And for that particular edge-- well,

  • since it's part of this tree, together

  • with S, which is also part of all the edges within the tree--

  • well, we know that that edge, for that reason,

  • will not create a cycle.

  • Because otherwise, the original would have a cycle.

  • So we know that the algorithm can always

  • select an edge such that's no cycle is created.

  • And that means that we can keep on going in the algorithm

  • until at least n minus 1 edges are selected.

  • So what happens if we have n minus 1 edges?

  • So once n minus 1 edges have been chosen,

  • well, then S has exactly n minus 1 edges.

  • E has exactly n minus 1 edges, because it's a tree.

  • They are subsets of one another.

  • So they must be equal to one another.

  • So essentially what we have here is

  • that S exactly defines the minimum spanning tree

  • that we are looking for.

  • So the algorithm at the very end,

  • when it has chosen n minus 1 edges,

  • produces a minimum spanning tree.

  • So we know that S defines the edges of a minimum weight

  • spanning tree.

  • So if this lemma really holds true,

  • then this theorem can be shown.

  • So now let's have a look at this lemma.

  • And we're going to use that picture over there

  • to see how we can prove this.

  • So this is a little bit tricky.

  • And the way to go about this is actually to use induction.

  • So let's check see whether we can do this together.

  • So the proof of the lemma is as follows.

  • We want to use induction.

  • On what do you think we are going to induct here?

  • Well, we want to prove this particular lemma,

  • and we have this particular variable m.

  • So that seems to be a good methods to continue.

  • So we'll use induction on m.

  • Let's state the induction hypothesis.

  • Well, it's exactly the same as in the lemma.

  • So we say for all G and for all sets

  • S that consists of the first m selected edges,

  • there exists a minimum spanning tree of G such

  • that S is a subset of E.

  • So this is how induction hypothesis.

  • And as always, we start with the base case.

  • And the base case is going to be pretty

  • straightforward in this particular case.

  • We have to do a little bit of work for it.

  • So let's see how that works.

  • So the base case is m equals 0.

  • So let's reread this statement where m is equal to 0.

  • Well, if we have zero selected edges, then S is the empty set.

  • So I have to prove that for all G,

  • there exists a minimum spanning tree such

  • that the empty set is a subset of E. Well, the empty set is

  • always a subset of E, right?

  • So that's no problem.

  • So what I need to proof is that for all G,

  • there exists a minimum spanning tree of G.

  • And this is where our previous theorem comes in,

  • because we showed that for all graphs G,

  • there exists a spanning tree.

  • And if there exists a spanning tree,

  • there exists a minimum weight spanning tree.

  • So that's the base case.

  • So m equals 0 implies that S is equal to the empty set.

  • So that means that S is definitely

  • a subset for any set of edges of a minimum weight spanning tree.

  • And now we're going to use our theorem to show that there also

  • exists a minimum spanning tree.

  • So this in itself is not yet sufficient, right?

  • You see that.

  • I know that if S is the empty set,

  • then I know that this always holds.

  • But the statement is a little bit bigger.

  • For all G, I still need to prove there

  • exists a minimum spanning tree.

  • And that's what our previous theorem told us.

  • So we'll now write that part out.

  • So we have to base case.

  • Let's see.

  • I think I will go and prove this over here.

  • So let's look at the--

  • That's the inductive step.

  • And then hopefully we can play a little bit with this picture

  • up here to get some insight.

  • So how do we do this?

  • Well, with an inductive step, we start as usual.

  • We assume that P of m holds.

  • Now how do we go ahead?

  • So I want to prove Pm plus 1, which is stated over here.

  • So I want to consider the set S that

  • consists of the first n plus 1 selected edges.

  • So well, essentially what I'm interested in

  • is what happens in the n plus 1 step.

  • So let E denote the edge that I added in the m plus 1 step.

  • And let S be the first m selected edges.

  • And we know that we can apply p of m for S, right?

  • Because we assume this is our inductive step.

  • So we can apply something for S. We

  • would like to show Pm plus 1.

  • So we would like to show something

  • for the union of those two.

  • So let me repeat that.

  • Let S denote the first m selected edges.

  • So by our induction hypothesis, we can-- well, let's apply it.

  • We know that there exists a minimum spanning

  • tree such that S is a subset of the edges.

  • So let's just pick one such minimum spanning tree.

  • So let T star be such a minimum spanning tree.

  • It has edges E star.

  • And we know that S is actually a subset of E star.

  • Let's look at the very first case.

  • So what are the kind of cases that we are interested in?

  • So let's think again.

  • What do we need to prove?

  • We need to prove Pn plus 1.

  • So we need to prove something about the union of S and E.

  • We want to show that there is a minimum spanning tree such

  • that the edge set of this minimum spanning tree

  • contains both S and also E.

  • So what kind of cases can we handle here?

  • Well, what will be a really good first case?

  • The first case could be that E is actually already

  • part of E star.

  • Well, if that's true, then of course, S together with E

  • is also a subset of E star.

  • And that means that we are done, in this particular case.

  • And why is this?

  • Because this is an example of a minimum spanning tree that

  • contains both S and E. So it contains the n

  • plus 1 first selected edges.

  • And so this is Pn plus 1.

  • Now the next case is the difficult part.

  • OK, let's wipe out-- actually, we

  • do not really need the proof of the theorem anymore.

  • So let's take this off the blackboard.

  • So the way to do this is to sort of see

  • how we can use the tree, T star, and somehow transform it

  • into another tree for this particular case

  • where we assume that E is not in E star.

  • So let's have a look at that graph up there.

  • Let me rewrite it a little bit.

  • And let's look at what happens in the algorithm

  • after two steps.

  • So I will redraw the graph.

  • So we have, say, these edges.

  • This one-- let me see.

  • I want to use some different colors to make this as clear

  • as possible.

  • We have this one.

  • We have this one.

  • We have this one.

  • And we also have this one actually.

  • Sorry.

  • All right, so let's define the different edges.

  • The straight ones from the set S.

  • So after two steps over there, we have selected this edge

  • first, and then this edge was the second edge

  • that we selected in our algorithm.

  • So these two together form the set S.

  • So what is T star?

  • T star could be, for example, the spanning tree

  • that contains both these edges plus the dotted ones.

  • So let's have a look here.

  • This is indeed a tree, right?

  • And if we look into this picture over here,

  • you can see that the weight of this particular tree is 17.

  • It's also a minimum weight spanning tree.

  • What is G?

  • G is the complete graph and contains not only these two

  • types of edges, but also these sort of more orange colored

  • ones.

  • So this is so the situation that we are in.

  • Now in our algorithm, we want to choose

  • this particular third edge.

  • So this is going to be our e, this particular edge.

  • And as you can see, e is not part of T star.

  • It's not one of those two kinds of edges.

  • It's actually one of the orange edges.

  • So what can we do here?

  • Well, the idea is that we want to recreate like a you

  • tree in which we somehow exchange e-- exchange one

  • of the edges in T star with e, and still

  • sort of maintaining the minimum spanning tree property.

  • So how can you prove this?

  • The way to do this is to figure out

  • what the algorithm teaches us about e,

  • and also what the tree property tells us.

  • So let's combine all our knowledge.

  • So first of all, we know that the algorithm,

  • from its definition, implies that as together

  • with e, actually has no cycle.

  • That's how we select the n plus 1 edge.

  • There's no-- all selected edged together

  • should not contain a cycle.

  • That's the definition of the algorithm.

  • We know that T star is a tree.

  • And this implies that if you look at the graph that

  • has the edges, has the vertices V together

  • with E star with edge e, then this must contain a cycle.

  • Now this property I will not prove right now,

  • but it is pretty straightforward.

  • It's a one line proof actually in the book.

  • So you can look it up.

  • So it simply states that if you have a tree, if you

  • add another edge, an edge that is not contained in E star,

  • then we will create a cycle.

  • So now we can combine these two statements together

  • and conclude that, well, if S with e has no cycle,

  • but E star with e has a cycle, and S is contained in E star,

  • well there's only one possibility.

  • And that is that this cycle must have an edge, e prime, that

  • is in E star minus S.

  • Because if it would not have such an edge,

  • then all the edges of the cycle must be located in S-- in S

  • together with E. But S together with E has no cycle.

  • So that's not possible.

  • So this cycle must have and edge e

  • prime that is outside S, but still in E star.

  • So we can find one over here.

  • e prime can be this particular edge.

  • So e prime is in E star.

  • But it is not already selected in S.

  • So now we are going to do a trick.

  • The idea is to swap e and e prime.

  • So that's the main idea.

  • So let's first write down what we know about the weight of e

  • prime and e.

  • So since the algorithm, well, could have selected e

  • or e prime-- it did select e, right?

  • But it could have also selected e prime,

  • because e prime does not create a cycle with S.

  • That's what we have seen here.

  • So this really implies therefore that the weight of e

  • is at most the weight of e prime.

  • So why is this?

  • Because the algorithm always chooses the minimum weight.

  • And it can choose between e or e prime, but it chose e.

  • So the weight of e must be less than the weight of e prime.

  • So that's what we know also.

  • So now let's swap e and e prime in T.

  • And then we're almost done with this proof,

  • because that will be the tree of which we will prove that it

  • is a minimum spanning tree.

  • So the key idea is to swap e and e prime in T. How do we do it?

  • Well, let T double star be equal to V

  • with the edge set E double star where

  • E double star is really equal to, well, the original set E

  • star.

  • But we take out of this e prime.

  • So this one is taken out of the minimum spanning tree.

  • And we add e in here.

  • Now we want to prove that this particular T

  • double star is a minimum spanning tree that

  • fits our lemma.

  • So what do we know?

  • We know that T double star is acyclic.

  • And why is this?

  • Well, we actually removed e prime from the only cycle-- so

  • look up here also-- the only cycle in E star

  • together with e.

  • So it's acyclic.

  • T double star is also connected.

  • And why is that?

  • Well, since e prime is removed-- but it was on a cycle.

  • So it remains connected.

  • And finally, we also know that T double star actually

  • contains all the vertices in G. So all these three together

  • with prove that T double star is a spanning tree of G,

  • because it's acyclic, connected, contains all the vertices.

  • Is it a minimum weight spanning tree?

  • Now we are really almost done, because-- let me write it out

  • here.

  • We know that the weight of T double star

  • is at most the weight of T star.

  • Why is this?

  • Well, we showed just now that the weight of e

  • is at most the weight of e prime.

  • So we have exchanged e and e prime.

  • So that means that the weight of T double star

  • is at most that of the weight of T star.

  • We also know that T star is a minimum spanning tree.

  • So if you combine these two together,

  • then we know that the weight of T double star cannot get less

  • than the minimum weight possibility.

  • So it also has a minimum weight.

  • So T double star is a minimum spanning tree.

  • So now we're done because in this case,

  • we have constructed a T double star such

  • that S together with E is a subset of E double star.

  • And that means that we have shown that our induction

  • step is true.

  • We have shown that Pn plus 1 holds.

  • So now we finally have figured out that the lemma is true.

  • And now we showed already how to use the lemma in our proof

  • for this particular theorem.

  • So this is the end of this lecture.

  • And tomorrow, you will actually go again over this proof

  • because it's rather complex.

  • And then hopefully you really get into all

  • the different proof techniques.

  • OK.

  • Thank you.

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Lec 8 | 麻省理工學院 6.042J 計算機科學數學,2010年秋季。 (Lec 8 | MIT 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science, Fall 2010)

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    Dou Lin posted on 2021/01/14
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