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How to communicate.
I'd like to thank Deep Breath Technologies for sponsoring this video as part of my Kickstarter campaign.
So how to communicate, we've talked a little bit about how the internet was designed, how
things kind of communicate between different devices and
break things up in the different chunks and stuff like that,
so we're going to continue on that discussion a little bit.
Sp, some parts that we need to communicate between two devices.
Let's start out with with two nodes here so we're going to have
device one, and
device two. And that's going to be connected by a cable
and within these devices
are network cards which we'll talk about some more coming up.
They're going to do the communicating for us
so in order to communicate we need to have
a source and a destination.
We need to have an encoder and a decoder so within this computer
let's say it's a computer, we need to take the data from
the applications and put it in some sort of format
through the network card to get it onto this cable in order to do so we need to
encode it so we need to have
over here an encoder
which tells it how to put those bits onto the wire
and over here going to have to have decoder
how do we interpret these bits that come
and permanent record and I receive them
we also have to have a transmitter
the receiver so
we need to have some sort of way of getting it on to the wiring in some sort
of way of getting an offer the wire
we also have to have
some sordid medium so we through this already but this will be our
medium it could be copper fiber
Wireless I'm anything like that
different flavors agree to those kinds
generic kind media if that's inserted media to transmit across
so those are the basic parts we need to communicate
source the destination an encoder and decoder
wants teen cody gets transmitted and then received
and that all goes across some thirty media an ordered
for the transmitter to send it onto the medium
we need to segment it in the different pieces
so up here will have some sort of
application that's running was terrible
in such a happy occasion turning and then has to get down
into our network card and get sent across the media
he needs to get that data from this application is to get chopped up
we had a cut-up in the pieces the recall segmenting
and then those segments intern get transmitted to this gets transmitted
and then this gets transmitted and then this gets transmitted
and then as they work their way across the wire
then get received
and then they'll get built again will go into more detail on this
incoming videos but that's the general idea is that thing gets built back
this piece by piece and then we have our data over inside
you can also
changer color you can also have multiple
applications or multiple communications across
that same wire that same media it is called multiplexing
we can have as I mentioned the efficiency have
the packet packet switching networks are
vastly more so than absolute circuit switching networks
this is bird is why is that multiplexing so this could be
you know application number two is blue
I and then it comes up on the other side
or this could be some completely other computer
on that same wire we could have you know someone down here
in he is a source number two
it's that is a network card and making purple
and then he also wants to talk on that same connections
so he turned to talk to the destination as well
we're gonna multi-plex is traffic rate in there as well
and that's gonna get to its destination and then this guy ever hear
he's going to receive that seem application
that's the general idea multiplexing is getting multiple communications on that
same wire
otherwise you not been fishing with its use
now we have some devices here
we've already labeled but we have ball talk about like this junction here we're
going to talk about
we have we have devices on your network now we have this is considered an end
missus and and device or a host or something
review any use for your terminology but that's our and devices
they're going to generate and receive that data so we have the
transmitters and decoders receivers encoders that's on
that on this site here were grating sensor dove
data to be sent receiving it over on the other side
in the middle and we'll switchover
critical piece here
gonna put a router just for fun
this is going to be are intermediary device and this is really what we focus
in Cisco with CCNA this this is
this is what we're going to worry about we may have other devices in here as
but I'm but this is what we consider an intermediary device
group area and you know I'll put another one in here too
so we cover both
both aspects have common intermediary devices
put a switch in here as well so here's a switch
and you might have someone else coming off that as well
sell more talk about switches and routers and how they
on makers to
mission to we'll talk about routers and switches and how they
differ and other similar got coming up
but these are this is also considered an intermediary device
I so I mention we have the media that could be copper
fiber radio waves on
each one has its own method over transmitting an encoding
on how to get across the media even within
fiber or copper more radio waves
there's many different versions in different protocols to use within that
'em things have changed over the years
you know we've gone from 10 megabits per second networks up to
10 gigabit per second networks need step by the way has had a different encoding
method to use a different way of accessing that media
to get that level of quality and speed
and across these networks
on what we're in coding and transmitting and receiving and such
these are we consider services so maybe this
is not say this is a
is a server over here
and he's hosting web sites his
existing HTTP
that the service says they're going to consider a service
kinda makes entering Server service
other could be on a host as well when we run
TFTP on our computers to transmit
bin file the IRS to our routers and switches
we are hosting a TFTP service
on RPC an intern turning it into a server centrally
so there's going to be a service in a shitty P that's that's at the screen
guys could be for example cell
these little segments could be little he's TTP packets
transmitting across
I can have a much different ones this could be FTP
the other one could be let's say a
maybe this is VoIP so will say this is the phone and to this could be a
committee VoIP that's how we get everything onto
one network and how we communicate is by using these network cards to
I and the OS I layers were to get into to take
in applications data on
break it up into segments encoded and transmitted across the wire
ill most likely go through some sort in community re device
or multiples love on its way to its destination
it will then be received and decoded and then rebuilt
into some sort of an application or data for some
some use by the other side any of these
protocols are talk a lotta know nothing about a lot of these applications and
protocols are talking about
we consider them services especially when you're talking about the
client-server model
there will be getting into is other services
now that we refer to that are commonly used that's that's so these are HTTP FTP
on VoIP
also to different ones out there SMTP pop
you whatever you want to call them they're all they're all services have
some kind
so going from this
we're going to be expanding into the sizes have networks
now that we know how the basic idea network communication works both how big
can I get a network from
what kind of design can I make this is kinda messy network here we've got some
little router in here we got some random switch with a buncha devices spinoff
doesn't really make much sense will get into you know how
how large can I make it was the proper way of designing it what are the terms
for the different sizes networks Landsman spans man's et cetera
others and and we'll get into that
as well as I'm
the something more detailed information about the what the physical side is
a interconnecting the within large networks
I'd like to think
deep breath technologies for sponsoring this video as part of my Kickstarter