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Let's move on now to Mexico, the only place you can get a truly authentic
Volcano Quesarito.
Mexico's president Enrique Peña Nieto has been struggling in the polls recently.
Poverty remains deep-rooted, and massacres involving security forces and corruption scandals
have made Peña Nieto the most unpopular president in twenty years.
Wow, Mexican, Mexico's most unpopular president, that's actually impressive,
because until recently the most unpopular president in Mexico was still American president
James K. Polk, also know in Mexico as "that guy who took
Texas from us".
Mexicans are justifiably upset at the moment, which is why a video Peña Nieto government
placed on their YouTube page on Monday, was such a bad idea. a vignette set in working class Mexico, a carpenter tells off a workmate moaning about
the government's controversial reforms. And ends his lecture with what the PR department
must have thought was a killer line. "Asi es que ya chole con tus quejas"
Enough already with your complaining, he says in slang.
Enough of your complaining, have to say you get used hear in politicians
say "we heard your voice" but they don't usually follow that up with
"and it's annoying, so shut the fuck up!"
Unsurprisingly the Mexican public was not impressed.
"¿Cómo no te vas a quejar si hay tanta cosa mala en el pais?"
How we not going to complain when there is so much wrong with the country?
If they solved the problems we wouldn't be complaining.
Twitters jumped on the thing with a long list of complaints they do have in a country where
corruption and impunity dominate. Within hours the video was gone.
Yeah, yeah, gone from the YouTube page but not gone from the Internet.
You think people would know by now you can't delete anything from the Internet.
The only way to guarantee no one will see something on line is to put it in,
that is the only way to guarantee it.
And while the video may've been taken down, the hashtag it inspired #YaChole,
Spanish for enough, is going strong with people twitting things like
"Enough with the excessive political theft, forced disappearances and corruption"
and "Enough with your corrupt and mediocre cabinet Peña Nieto"
and my absolute favorite, a GIF that says enough with you and then just a exploding
poop emoji.
And that is perfect, because when the government decides to tell its citizen to stop complaining
they should know that shit is eventually going to blow up in your face.
And finally this week...