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  • Welcome to another Goodwin TOEIC lesson today's

  • lesson is for the photo section of the listening test

  • today's episode one and I'm your teacher Randy league.

  • Let's talk about the photo section now the photo section has 10 photos in it the photos

  • can be of anything it can be of a person a group of people cannot object I've seen anything

  • now each question has for spoken sentences.

  • You have to look at the photo listen to the sentences and choose which sentence that describes

  • the photo. Now we don't have a lot of time to answer really we only have 5 seconds to

  • answer so after 5 seconds the next question will start now before I talked about how the

  • photos can be of anything and that was true of photos can be of anything but there are

  • three main types of photos and I want to show you these. Now the first type of photo is

  • of a person or a group of people now with this the focus is on the person who are they

  • where are they what are they doing now the second main type of photo is a photo of the

  • scene so they can be inside outside in the city in the countryside anywhere. But the

  • overall focus is on the overall landscape so we have to look at the background of for

  • foreground. The location of different objects. The last type of photo is a photo of an object.

  • Now the object can be of anything. It can be a plain a tree you can be a house they

  • could be a pencil anything with this type of photo we have to look at the location of

  • the object what the object is made of what the object is used for and is the object doing

  • anything. I know it's a little difficult now but we'll practice. Let me show you an example

  • photo section question. Okay let's take a look.

  • So

  • how was that easy? Difficult? Don't worry we have a lot of practice in the next couple

  • of episodes so you will definitely improve. Now let's review. The photo section has various

  • different photos for each photo you will hear for spoken sentences. You must choose to sentence

  • that most closely resembles the photo. You only have 5 seconds to answer and there are

  • a total of 10 photos and 10 questions for the entire section. And I know today was kind

  • of short but today was in intro and in shows are a little bit short. Thank you for watching

  • keep studying English keep trying hard and until next episodes I'm your teacher Randy

  • league and I will see you later.\par }

Welcome to another Goodwin TOEIC lesson today's

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古德溫斯托業聽力測試法 (Goodwins's listening test for TOEIC)

  • 2222 89
    阿多賓 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary