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  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Welcome back. This is the 17th Annual Isaac Asimov Panel Debate.

  • And weve been going strong ever since the year 2000,

  • when an idea surfaced in the hearts and minds of the family of Isaac Asimov, exploring a

  • way for his

  • memory to be preserved in the programs of this institution. And Isaac Asimov was a friend

  • of the American Museum of Natural History.

  • Much of the research for so many of the books that he wrote took place in and around the

  • halls and in our libraries. And so perhaps there’s no more fitting

  • tribute to him and to his memory, than to keep this celebration going. So, thank you

  • for attending.

  • We are also streaming live on the Internet. And I’m your host for this evening, Neil

  • deGrasse Tyson. I’m the Frederick P. Rose director of the Hayden Planetarium.

  • [applause]

  • Just a couple of newsy notes.

  • This year we sold out in three minutes. And it’s not a particularly sustainable model.

  • So, were going to have top people looking at how to improve that next year.

  • We don’t know how yet, but the least we can do is offer it live streamed on the Internet

  • on So, I welcome everyone

  • from the Internet universe, as well as the universe gathered here.

  • Tonight’s topic is: Is the Universe a Computer Simulation? Yeah.

  • [laughter]

  • Do you want it to be a computer simulation?

  • I mean, this topic iswere going toyoull see.

  • Weve got some highly thoughtful, talented,

  • respected people to weigh in on this. I will introduce them individually, and then we will

  • start the panel.

  • By the way, unlike most debates you might have heard about or read about, where there’s

  • point/counterpoint and an argument is presented and attacked,

  • that’s not what’s going to happen here. Were using the word debate loosely. Think

  • of yourself as eavesdropping

  • on scientists at a break-out room in a conference on this topic. So, well all be sort of

  • arguing with one another, and youre listening in. That’s really what’s going on here.

  • And you get to see how scientists think. You get to see how arguments are contested.

  • You get to see how resolution arrives, if it arrives at all.

  • So, afterwards we will have a brief time for question and answer before we adjourn before

  • 9:00 Eastern time zoneEastern daylight time.

  • So, join me in welcoming my first panelist this evening. He is a professor of philosophy

  • at New York University, where he’s also director of the Center for Mind, Brain and

  • Consciousness, David Chalmers. David, come on out.

  • [applause]

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Hey. Looking forward to this.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Thank you. Next we have a nuclear physicist, who’s a post-doctoral

  • research associate at MIT

  • up in Cambridge, Massachusetts. And let’s give a warm welcome to Zohreh Davoudi. Zohreh.

  • [applause]

  • Next, we have someone who is actually no stranger to this panel. This may be his third visit

  • to it. In part, the topic of this year

  • was selected because he brought it up a couple of years ago. And I said, man, we could do

  • a whole subject on that alone.

  • Let’s give a warm welcome back to James Sylvester Gates.

  • [applause]

  • Another non-first timer is professor of physics up at Harvard,

  • a specialist in nuclear particle physics. Give a warm New York welcome to one of our

  • own,

  • a graduate of Stuyvesant High School, Lisa Randall.

  • [applause]

  • Did I do this out of order? No, we didn’t. Good.

  • And last among the fiveyeah, I did do it out of order. My bad. Yeah, sorry. You guys

  • know where you need to sit. Talk among yourselves while I do this.

  • There’s a friend and colleague, an astrophysicist, also from MIT,

  • who’s done some deep thinking about this very subject and has even written a book on

  • the topic.

  • Let’s give a warm New York welcome to Max Tegmark.

  • [applause]

  • [technical difficulties]

  • How about now? There we go.

  • Oh, by the way, we are lit for live streaming. And the intensity of the lights on the stage

  • is such that

  • two of our panelists—I think they just want to look cool, but they said they need to wear

  • sunglasses for this event. And that’s cool. Later on I might join you. I brought my pair

  • with me as well.

  • If I’m feeling cool I might do just that.

  • So, Zohreh, I’d like to start withno. who should I start with here? Yes, let me

  • start with you, Zohreh.

  • Could you tell me why this topic interests you? Just give a couple of minutes just as

  • an introduction here.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Sure. So, as Neil said, I’m a theoretical physicist.

  • My interest is in nuclear physics. In fact, I got my PhD in 2014 from Institute of Nuclear

  • Theory in University of Washington.

  • And the research I was focused on there, and at the moment, is trying to use the knowledge

  • of the laws of nature and,

  • in particular, strong interactions to start from a bottom-up approach and try to see what

  • comes out in a physical system.

  • And that’s actually relevant to why I got interested in the simulation idea. And, in

  • fact,

  • by just watching the progress that researchers in this field of simulating a strong interactions

  • have made in several past few years,

  • we started to wonder how could we not think about the universe itself based on the laws

  • that weve discovered not simulated.

  • So, that the way that we actually simulate the universe, it might actually give us hints

  • that the universe itself could be a numerical simulation. And then

  • you would start thinking, well, let’s make assumption that if that scenario is the case,

  • and if that simulation is actuallyhas similarities with what we do in our research

  • and just drawing parallels between our algorithms and techniques that we use to simulate laws

  • of nature, and making assumption that they are similar,

  • then what can we actually conclude about the universe as a simulation.

  • Can we actually make predictions for the signatures that we should go after and test?

  • So, that’s that approach we took. And it was a fun idea and fun paper became of it

  • with my collaborators Martin Savage and Silas Beane at the University of Washington.

  • And that’s basically why I’m here. I’m trying to

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, the prospect of this being true didn’t freak you out at

  • all?

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: No, I think it’s a fun idea.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. Just it’s fun for you?


  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. Fine. So, Max, youve got a book on this, too, right? So,

  • what’s going on with you?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah. Well, already as a kid I was always very fascinated by these very

  • big questions

  • about what’s really going on with this reality. I remember actually

  • lying in this hammock I had put up between two apple trees back in Stockholm, Sweden

  • when I was 13, reading Isaac Asimov actually.

  • I’m very honored to get to be here.

  • It really makes you think about these big, big questions. And the more I learned about

  • later on as a physicist, the more struck I was

  • that when you get deep down under the hood about how nature works, down to looking at

  • all of you as just a bunch of quarks and electrons, the rules

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: And you, too. It’s not just us. Yeah.

  • Looking at you as a quark, no, you would come under this category as well.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yes. I am a quark blob, too, I confess.

  • But if you look at how these quarks move around, the rules are entirely mathematical as far

  • as we can tell. And that makes me wonder, if I were a character in a computer game,

  • who starting asking the same kind of big questions about my game world,

  • I would also discover eventually that the rules seemed completely rigid and mathematical.

  • I would just be discovering the computer program in which it was written.

  • So, that kind of begs the question: How can I be sure that this mathematical reality isn’t

  • actually some kind of game or simulation?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, youve analogized yourself to Super Mario in a—that’s who

  • you are?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, Jim, I just remembered you started all of this a few years ago, in

  • my mind at least,

  • just triggering the idea that in your research you found things that forced you to consider

  • the likelihood that somebody programmed us. Could you

  • >>JAMES GATES: Well, first of all, I would disagree with you. I’m not sure somebody

  • programmed us,

  • but that’s—you and I had a conversation where I pointed out that in my research I

  • had found this very strange thing. Physicists, I like to say

  • we all belong to a company called Equations-R-Us

  • because that’s how we make our living, is by solving equations. And so I was just going

  • through solving equations, and I was then driven to things that Max knows about,

  • these things called error-correcting codes. Error-correcting codes are what make browsers

  • work. So, why were they in the equations that I was studying about quarks and leptons and

  • supersymmetry?

  • And that’s what brought me to this very stark realization that

  • I could no longer say that people like Max were crazy.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Okay.

  • [laughter]

  • >>JAMES GATES: Or stated another way, if you study physics long enough, you, too, can become

  • crazy.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: That’s a corollary to that idea. Yeah.

  • >>JAMES GATES: And I’m also a science fiction fan like Max, who talked about his encounter

  • with Asimov.

  • I was reading at age eight, as opposed to 13, sir.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: I hang my head in shame.


  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Got off to a slow start.

  • >>JAMES GATES: I was reading at age eight a science fiction book by an author named

  • Paul French. And some people in the audience might know

  • that’s a pseudonym for Isaac Asimov.


  • >>JAMES GATES: So, science fiction drove me into science in some sense. And then now in

  • my 65th year of life, I find out I have to make friends with Max and people like that.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, Lisa, I kind of brought you on the panel because I knew

  • you—I mean, youre a rationalist in all this. And so I was expecting—I don’t know

  • what to expect.

  • I just needed to anchor this in somebody who I knew was not going there. So, where

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Yeah. So, actuallywell, I can’t say I decided to be on the panel

  • because I think I said what date is it, and they were like, “Thank you for agreeing

  • to be on the panel.”

  • But I have to say I’m curious not so much about the question of whether were a simulation

  • because I think it’s only interesting

  • insofar as there are ways to test it.

  • And we can come back to that, I think, very much in terms of how the laws of physics operate

  • and whether we can actually distinguish that. But I actually am very interested in why is

  • so many people think it’s an interesting question. Like why is the audience here? Why

  • is this panel here?

  • Because really to first approximation we can’t really distinguish it.

  • So, I think the interesting question is: Why do we feel compelled

  • to want this to be true, or even think this could be true? And how do the laws of physics

  • operate? And are there really ways that we could eventually

  • test whether there is something that distinguishes just a true universe?

  • But I have to just say if the inference is simulation, I don’t understand why it gave

  • me a cold today.


  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, my voice might go. But I also think sometimes some of the ridiculous

  • things in the universe and think,

  • really, why would that be part of the simulation? And I realized that if I was doing a simulation,

  • I would definitely put those things in. So, there you go.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. Well, thank you for that. Now, we couldn’t have a panel

  • without a philosopher. David, we needed some philosophical

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: I know how you love philosophers, Neil.

  • [laughter]

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I’m on record for some comments about philosophers that got

  • him a little ticked off.

  • Buy, anyhow. So, David, what do youphilosophers have been at this for a while, yourself included.

  • So, how do you see all of this

  • happening or fitting in to the worldview?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Well, philosophers like to ask the big questions

  • about the world; the foundational questions. And this is one of them. Actually, I blame

  • Isaac Asimov for all this, at least in my case.

  • I got into thinking about these big questions when I was a kid. I read just about everything

  • that Asimov was writing. Not just the science fiction, but the science fact, the history,

  • the detective novels. I read multiple volumes

  • of his autobiography. But throughout Asimov’s work, this was a guy that was just interested

  • in the big questions about the nature of reality at all levels. And that, ultimately,

  • drove me to think about questions about consciousness and the mind, which I could approach as a

  • philosopher

  • because philosophy allows you to step back and say what is the science here telling us.

  • But this question about the simulation corresponds to another of the great questions of philosophy,

  • which is basically how do we know anything

  • about the external world at all [unintelligible 15:46] said how do you know youre not being

  • fooled by an evil genius

  • into having an impression of this world around us? Even though none of it really exists.

  • Well, the contemporary version of that question is: How do you know youre not in a simulation

  • like The Matrix? In which case, allegedly,

  • none of this really exist. And, to me, that question is just extremely interesting because

  • it seems

  • nothing we could know could rule out the hypothesis that were in a simulation.

  • But you also want to think about what follows.

  • Some people think if were in a simulation, then none of this is real. I think if you

  • adopt the kind of perspective which,

  • say, Max was suggesting a second ago, where the universe is all mathematical or informational,

  • this allows us to reorient

  • our attitude to this question and say, okay, maybe were in a simulation. But if we are,

  • all this is perfectly real

  • because all the information is there in the simulation.

  • All the math is there. All the structure is there in the simulation.

  • So, I’d say, well, maybe were in a simulation. Maybe were not. But if we are, hey, it’s

  • not so bad.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: If I do this, you feel that.


  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. So, that’s real. That was a real punch. Yeah.

  • So, Zohreh, let me ask you, I see you coming to this almost from the most pragmatic side.

  • Youve done experiments with your colleagues. Or youve had

  • hypotheses with your colleagues. Could you just detail for me where you landed in one

  • of those papers that you guys published?

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Sure. So, what we did is not actually doing the experiment. We proposed

  • that experiments could go and

  • look for the signs of possible underlying simulation for the universe.

  • And the reason we thought about this, as I said, is because weve been simulating strong

  • interactions, which means that

  • instead of just looking at the larger structures, we’d start from the underlying degrees of

  • freedom of our theory, the quark, gluons,

  • and that we understand. And there are very simple laws governing the interactions among

  • these particles.

  • However, when you think about all these complex systems

  • of atomic nuclei and larger systems in the universe, the ordinary matter in our universe,

  • it all emerges from those

  • simple, fundamental building blocks and these interactions.

  • So, weve been trying to just input those simple mathematical structure with a few degrees

  • of freedom, these quarks and gluons,

  • and then see how these, for example, atomic nuclei emerge from these simulations.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, youre building the universe from the ground up?

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Exactly. But what are the limitations? We don’t have infinite computational

  • resources. We have

  • very large super computers in the national labs, for example, that we can compute these

  • interactions basically

  • and build up these systems.

  • However, we are still limited. And the reason is that if youre interested in simulating

  • the universe, and you don’t know what the size is

  • it could be finite or infinite. However, we are limited to a finite size.

  • On the other hand, if you think about even a finite side, there are infinite numbers

  • of points on these

  • in this finite size that you have to simulate to get the physics right. However, we are

  • not capable of inputting infinite number of information in our computers.

  • Also, we want the simulations to be quantum, which means that there is not just one single

  • path of evolution from one point to the other. There are infinite number of paths.

  • Some are more important than others. And, therefore, there’s another type of infinities

  • that we have to implement in our simulations to get the answer right.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah, but just because you can’t—we can’t do it because were

  • limited,

  • why should that mean the whole universe is limited?

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: So, wait. So, this is the point.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I’ll wait. I got time.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: All right. So, we can do it,

  • and then youbased on assumption that if there is an underlying simulation for the

  • universe

  • that has this problem, that has the problem of finite computational resourcesjust as

  • we dothen what happens?

  • Then the laws of nature, the quantum mechanics and whatever interactions have been going

  • on, has to be

  • put on a finite set of space-time points in a finite volume, and then just a finite number

  • of quantum mechanical paths to a process can be evaluated.

  • So, these are the assumptions. So, if the simulator of the universe, in whatever form

  • it is, is just finite computational resource and not infinite,

  • then it’s limited to simulate the universe in this kind of limited scenario, just as

  • we do. And then by making that assumption, and then going back and look at our simulation

  • and see what kind of signatures we see in the observables we calculate,

  • that could tell us that we started from a non-continuum space-time.

  • Then apply it to an underlying simulation of the universe and make the same assumption,

  • then what would you see? And that’s basically what we look for,

  • and list a few observables in our universe that might lead to actually constrain this

  • scenario under this assumption.

  • And one of which is looking at the spectrum of cosmic rays. Because what happens if these

  • very high energy cosmic rays that approach the earth,

  • they are actually traveling in a discrete space-time, as opposed to a continuum. Then

  • their equations

  • that basically special relativity that would describe the relation between the energy and

  • momentum of this particle is modified.

  • And then you would ask what would that modification mean

  • in terms of the observation we make in our observatories, for example, spectrum and distribution

  • of these cosmic rays.

  • And if we see something that would be hint, that would be consistent with the scenario

  • of a limited computational resources of the universe. And then you might think about

  • other signatures and maybe taking this scenario more seriously and think about [unintelligible

  • 22:23]—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, cosmic rays, it would be your pathway to the limits of what

  • has ever been measured.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Exactly.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: And then seeing at that limit youre probing the limits of

  • the programmer of the universe.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Right. Because these cosmic rays are the most energetic particles that

  • weve ever been able to observe.

  • We can’t even produce them in laboratories. These are very high energy cosmic rays.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Theyre higher than anything we produced in our particle accelerators.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Exactly.


  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Yes. By orders of magnitude. And, therefore, because these are very energetic,

  • they can actually probe

  • the fabric of space-time. This is our way of probing if the universeif the underlying

  • space-time is discretized or just a continuum.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, Max, like I said, youve written a book on this. Yet, you

  • told me offline that you have an argument that would argue that

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: That maybe were not simulated after all?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah. Maybe were not a simulation after all. So, where does

  • that land?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah. So, before giving a counter argument, let me give the pro argument. Of

  • course

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, you can give arguments in both directions here?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: It’s fun to argue with yourself.


  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Of course, we allas David mentionedhave seen the argument,

  • the idea, of us being simulated in The Matrix and in science fiction going even far beyond

  • that. But the guy who really started

  • foreseeing scientists to take this a bit more seriously, and gave this idea a bit more scientific

  • street cred, I think,

  • is Nick Bostrom, my fellow SwedeNick Bostrumwho published this very dry academic article that’s

  • pointing out that

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: He’s a philosopher?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Indeed, indeed.

  • And he pointed out that it seems like the laws of physics allow us to build amazingly

  • powerful computers

  • way beyond what we have now; solar system-sized things, which could simulate minds that would

  • feel just like us. And then he went on to say

  • it seems overwhelmingly likely, if you don’t wipe out here on earth, that in the future

  • the vast majority of all computations and all minds

  • will be inside of such a computer. And, therefore, he said if almost all minds are simulated,

  • were probably simulated. So, that’s the pro argument.

  • Now, it sounds good, but

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, just to clarify, so what youre saying is

  • if simulating universes becomes a pastime among those who have access to high powerful

  • to highly powerful computers, and we are in a universe, were probably in a simulated

  • universe, even if one of those universes is actually real.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Right. That’s basically

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Is that a fair

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: That’s a fair summary, yeah. And if youre not sure at the end of the

  • night whether youre actually simulated or not, my advice to you is

  • go out there and live really interesting lives and do unexpected things so the simulators

  • don’t get bored and shut you down.

  • [laughter]

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Is that the cause of death? Okay.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: But now in terms of the counterargument, if you just take Nick seriously

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: That’s the cause of death.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: There’s something fishy here. Because suppose you buy into this and youre

  • like, okay,

  • I’m sold on Nick’s argument. We are simulated.

  • Let’s talk then about our simulated universe. Were measuring the laws of physics here

  • in the simulated world. And we find that in the simulated world we can build all these

  • supercomputers in the future,

  • and therell be all these simulated minds and so on. And we can make the same argument

  • all over again and convince ourselves that actually

  • were doubly simulated. And then were a simulation in the simulation, and then you

  • can repeat the argument again and say, well, okay, were in a simulation in a simulation.

  • But in the future, therere going to be all these simulated, simulated computers and

  • theyre going to have all these minds. So, were actually triply simulated. No, were

  • quadruple simulated,

  • and it goes on and on all night.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, the turtles all the way down.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Turtles all the way down. And at this point, I get this sinking feeling

  • that there’s something

  • rotten at the core of this argument.


  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: The answer is were at level 42.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Good answer.

  • >>JAMES GATES: No, no, 137.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: One-thirty-seven. That’s the fine structure constant.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Of course.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: And I think where the problem lies

  • is that when you make this argument about what kind of minds are really the most common,

  • the most simulated and non-simulated,

  • it assumes to answer that you have to know what the actual laws of physics are.

  • But if you start making these other arguments, we have no clue as to what the laws of physics

  • are. It doesn’t matter what the laws here in our simulation

  • if it is oneare. We need to know what the real laws of physics are in the basement universe

  • that’s the foundation. And, if so, we don’t really have access to that.

  • So, that’s the philosophical nitpick, which seems to be swept under the rug here.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Jim, where

  • >>JAMES GATES: Where am I?


  • >>JAMES GATES: Well, first of all, I have a finger. And I look at it, and it seems to

  • be real.

  • And so my point of view is very conservative. It was Carl Sagan who once said that, “Extraordinary

  • statements,” and I’m paraphrasing

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Claims, yeah.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Right. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

  • Now, Zohreh has told us about a kind of evidence. And that’s the kind of evidence that would

  • convince me as a physicist. But what I do

  • is sort of a mathematical model of physics. And in our previous encounter here on this

  • stage, I had a chance to tell you about these error-correcting codes,

  • which are very specific kind of digital data. It’s not just general digital data. It’s

  • a very specific kind that seem extraordinarily unlikely.

  • And I have to tell you that one of the reasons I enjoy talking to audiences like this is

  • they get us experts out of our comfort zone. And so one of the first non-physicists that

  • I talked to,

  • or that I read reflected on my comment, said effectively

  • this is not exact words, but effectively he said if the simulation hypothesis is valid,

  • then we open the door

  • to eternal life and resurrection and things that formerly have been discussed in the realm

  • of religion. And the reason is really quite simply. Because if you think about a computer

  • if we are a simulation, then were like programs in a computer, as long as I’m a

  • computer that’s not damaged, I can always rerun the program. So, if you really believe

  • that we are in a simulation, and there’s some structure that runs that simulation,

  • unless something damages that structure, then we can be repurposed. And so it starts to

  • break down a very funny barrier

  • between what people often think as the conflict between science and the conflict between faith.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, what youre saying is that if we are simulated, that means there’s

  • a code that’s doing it,

  • and that code was started at some point. And in principle, it could just be rebooted, and

  • then all of this would happen exactly the way it happened before

  • because it’s running the same computer program. In principle.

  • >>JAMES GATES: If one accepts the simulation hypothesis as an accurate description of nature

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: I would say that’s a useless exercise.

  • What would be more interesting is to actually

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: The word was useless, Jim, in case you missed that.

  • [laughter]

  • Okay, you heard that. Okay.

  • Emphasis on useless exercise. Go, Zohreh. Go.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Trying to repeat what youve already done with huge computation resources

  • is useless. What is more interesting

  • is to go and change the parameters of the simulationthe input parameters. Just put

  • the same laws of nature, and then just change a little bit

  • the value of the parametersthe very fundamental parameters of our universe. And then let it

  • run and see what happens. It’s actually very interesting idea

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: It’s a fun thing to do, as a scientist.

  • >>JAMES GATES: But in changing those parameters

  • you might cancel out my existence, in which case I don’t think that’s very useful.

  • [laughter]

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: The universe without Jim. So, Lisa, isn’t this some of the foundation

  • couldn’t we account for a multi-verse in this very way? That multiple-verse is multiple

  • universes as I understand them

  • will have slightly different laws of physics. Maybe they are themselves the experimenter’s

  • search.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Okay. So, let’s slow down a bit here.

  • So, first of all, I actually want to address some of the things that have come up already.

  • One of the questions is probability;

  • Bostrum’s argument or whatever,

  • that were likely to be in a simulation. I mean, part of the problem is that probabilities

  • have to have a well-defined meaning, or are only useful when they have a well-defined

  • meaning.

  • So, among all possible scenarios we can actually say which one is more or less likely. When

  • we run into infinities, when we run into

  • it stops making sense. I mean, I could say really by probability I’m very likely to

  • be Chinese

  • because there’s a lot more Chinese than Americans. But I’m clearly not Chinese.

  • So, probabilities are tricky, and you have to be careful what you mean when youre

  • saying them.

  • Another thing is I actually find the egotism of thinking that if there was simulators around

  • that they’d come up with us

  • kind of audacious and ridiculous. I mean, I think it’s a very self-centeredness to

  • this whole thing that kind of I find hilarious.

  • [laughter]

  • But in terms of feedbackin terms of error-correcting code,

  • I think it’s very likely that there were going to be feedback mechanisms in whatever

  • universe survives because if there aren’t, I mean, there’s always going to be mistakes.

  • And if mistakes can propagate and just cut things off,

  • those universes don’t survive. So, there have to be—I mean, for any universe, simulated

  • or non-simulated, there has to be error correction. So, that has to be part of it.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Right. That assumes that the programmer makes the same kind of

  • programmingis susceptible to programming errors and programming bugs that we are.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: It’s not even intentional. It could be just that the computer itself

  • is subject to error. I mean, it’s only firing things somewhat random—I mean, ultimately,

  • there’s uncertainty in everything. Nothing is created perfectly.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Quantum uncertainty.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, [unintelligible 32:51].

  • >>JAMES GATES: Can I jump in here?


  • >>JAMES GATES: Because she’s raisedin fact, I think an incredible point about this.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: As long as you come back to me afterwards.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Maybe I take a few times? I’ll [unintelligible 32:59] minutes back later.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yes, okay.

  • >>JAMES GATES: This point about error correction is something that

  • when people havegeneral public has looked at my work, they say, “Oh, you must believe

  • in simulations.” And I’ve said, no, actually I don’t.

  • And the reason is because precisely the point the Lisa points out.

  • If you look in all of nature and ask are there any other places in naturenot in engineering,

  • not in computers, not in the things that we build,

  • but in nature herself, is there a discussion in science about error-correcting codes?

  • It turns out there’s one place and one place only that I have been able to identify. That’s

  • in evolution and genetics. And there’s been a discussion

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Or any biological system.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Right. Or any biologicalright.

  • And it’s not that we think life is some kind of programmed simulation. It’s because

  • the universe itself,

  • as Lisa had said, has to have feedback mechanisms that basically sustain a structure that propagates

  • faithfully forward in time. And I think that’s in fact the most critical point. And you have

  • your time now.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Thank you. And anyone who wants to take my time to agree with me

  • [laughter and talkover]

  • >>LISA RANDALL: But as far as the multi-verse theory goes,

  • so we have to be careful by what we mean by that. I mean, at some underlying level we

  • still think it’s

  • physics in action. Now, what might change in different universes, we might actually

  • have different forces. We might actually have different strengths of interactions;

  • the kind of thing that gets simulated. I mean, we simulate strong interactions the way that

  • were described.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Just to be clear, strong interactions are the forces that bind atomic

  • nuclei.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, protons.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah, protons that are the same charge

  • that are sitting right next to one another in a nucleus. And how’s that even possible

  • when we were taught that like charges repel?

  • So, there’s got to be a really strong force down there holding it together. And there

  • is a really strong force. It’s called the strong force. Okay, so go on.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Which is strong.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah. Okay.

  • Just to be clear.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, and there can be different possibilities for what these parameters can

  • be. It’s still underlying you still believe that there’s the laws of physics that are

  • operating.

  • So, the question—I mean, so it’s not a simulation. It’s just

  • I mean, it’s in principle possible that there are universes we don’t communicate

  • with

  • that are so far away well never send a signal, theyll never send a signal. So,

  • for all intents and purposes, there just are

  • different universes. That doesn’t mean theyre simulated. It just means theyre different

  • from ours and they can have different properties.

  • To really distinguish a simulation, you really do have to see

  • just our whole notion of the laws of physics breaking down, or some of the fundamental

  • underlying properties. So, it would be extremely interesting to look for the kind of

  • violations of [unintelligible 35:43] that were discussed earlier, or things like quantum

  • entanglement no longer hold it. Not because of interaction of the environment, but just

  • the computer just couldn’t keep track of stuff. I mean, that’s stuff that gets so

  • I mean, a lot of the simulation idea—I mean, to simulate the universe, you need the computational

  • power of the universe. So, all of the simulations are based on the idea that there are some

  • approximations that we don’t see,

  • but you have to be able to hide them. So, what were really looking for is the breakdown

  • of the assumption that those approximation s are valid.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But, David, what do your philosophical circles say about proposing

  • an experiment that might falsify these ideas?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Look, I don’t think youre going to get conclusive experimental proof

  • that werewere certainly not going to get conclusive experimental proof that

  • youre not in a simulation. I suppose we could get some kind of various

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Well, why not? You just declared something. Why can’t a clever

  • person come along and

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Because any evidence that we could ever get could be simulated. That’s

  • basically the reason. Sorry. Maybe

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, if I find evidence that were not simulated, the great simulator

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: They could have just planted that for you.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: —put that in.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah. Theyre one step ahead. However

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Were done. Were done here.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Maybe wewe probably could get pretty strong evidence

  • that we are simulated. If someone wrote up in the sky, “Sorry, guys”—the stars

  • suddenly rearrange themselves into, “Sorry, guys, it’s all a giant simulation.”

  • And then they took over the Internet and

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Except it would be in Chinese to get the most number of people

  • to read it.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Then we’d probably have a pretty good reason to think

  • were in a simulation. Either that or the weirdest non-simulated universe that anyone

  • ever imagined. So, for a philosopher anyway,

  • it’s not fundamentally a matter of experimental proof. It’s cool. I really like Zohreh’s

  • experimental evidence that were in a simulation. But I think around here it’s really important

  • to make a distinction

  • that there’s a hypothesis that were in a simulation. There’s a hypothesis that

  • the universe is computational.

  • Those are closely related. If were in a simulation, the universe is fundamentally

  • computational. But it’s not true that this universe is fundamentally computational were

  • necessarily in a simulation.

  • Because the simulation hypothesis is a combination of two things.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: That’s an official thing, the simulation hypothesis.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah. The simulation hypothesis says were in a computer simulation. A computer

  • simulation’s a computation

  • that was created by someone for a purpose. So, basically the simulation hypothesis is

  • that computation hypothesis,

  • plus something else about someone who created it. And around here is where you might be

  • able to get a little

  • theological and say, okay, well, it’s a naturalistic version of the god hypothesis.

  • But, anyway, my worry about Zohreh’s stuff,

  • which is really cool, it’s really evidence for the much weaker hypothesis that the universe

  • is some form of discrete computation and is completely neutral

  • on the question of whether this is actually a simulation in the sense of something that

  • was created

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: With intent.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: —by a simulator.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, Max, do you mind if I call you Mario from now on? Because if

  • youre Mario in the computer game

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Starts with M-A, so [unintelligible 38:46] for the two letters, yeah.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I imagine Mariosomeone coming into a Mario game

  • and calculating how high he jumps and how fast he runs and coming up with the laws of

  • physics of the game, and possibly then questioning

  • why is it that and not something else perhaps. And so, fine, but is therewhy would that

  • allow someone in the game to have any understanding of what’s outside the game?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah, that’s a really deep and good question. Mario mightif Mario

  • can evereven if he figures out exactly the rules of his world

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Then he just figures out the rules.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: —he won’t even know if he’s running on a Mac or a Windows box or

  • a Linux box

  • because all he has access to is this higher level of this sort of emergent reality. And

  • we might, at some level, be stuck

  • in that situation in physics also. It’s quite fascinating to think that so much of

  • what weve figured out, for example, about how a glass of water works

  • with waves and vortexes and things, we figured out already without having a clue about the

  • substrate. We didn’t even know there were atoms. But the same kind of questions that

  • youre asking,

  • which I think are awesome, the kind of questions where you ask suppose this is actually somehow

  • simulated,

  • suppose the simulators cutting corners, how would that show up?

  • Actually, it has been incredibly useful in the past. If you imagine going back 200 years

  • and trying to simulate this water as an infinitely

  • a continuous liquid where there’s a pressure and a density that has to be defined with

  • infinitely [many 40:25] decimal places and infinite points,

  • that sounds horrible to simulate. So, maybe whoever did this cut corners. Maybe there’s

  • a smallest kind of chunk of objectlet’s call it atom or something

  • you can figure out then what are the departures from this simplified continuous physics that

  • I’m guilty of teaching my undergrads at MIT about this morning?

  • And you would figure out a way there’s this one little thing, which is different.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: He trained down a few hours ago from Cambridge.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Thank you for coming and for

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Brownian motion that things should jiggle around in a weird way. And Einstein

  • found that,

  • got the Nobel Prize for it importantly. And I think that the sort of thing youre doing

  • is awesome.

  • Look for corner-cutting evidence. I suspect that whether were simulated or not there

  • are a lot of things that are wrong about what we assume today.

  • I am very skeptical that we really have a continuous space that can be stretched infinitely

  • many times. It seems like some sort of simplification that we came up

  • because it was easier to do the math.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: But do you ever ask why should that be the case? Why do we need a

  • discretized universe? I mean,

  • if you put away the simulation hypothesis or a computational hypothesis,

  • why should we even think about a discretized universe? Why not continuum?

  • It’s [unintelligible 41:42].

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, this is an important

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I don’t want to call it a problem in physics, but a reality of

  • physics

  • that our macroscopic world looks continuous to us. And that has a certain simplicity of

  • modeling. And then as you get smaller and smaller and smaller, it’s no longer continuous

  • and it’s discrete, which may be easier to calculate than being able to be divisible

  • all the way down to an infinitesimally small bit.

  • Because now you need that much bigger computer to do it. By the way, we have

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, you know something that none of us actually know.

  • This is actually a real question, whether space is discrete at really small scale.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Well, we run into this problem when we do flyovers in the Hayden

  • Planetarium. We have a data set for a planetary surface

  • let’s say Marsand you had a given distance. And from that distance you can see Olympus

  • Mons, the biggest mountain around, and Valles Marineris,

  • and you say, fine, now I want to get closer.

  • Well, to get closer, and have more information come to you, you have to swap in a higher

  • resolution map. And we try to do that continuously, so you don’t realize that.

  • So, you keep doing this, and then you reach a point where we don’t have more resolution

  • to give you. So, we actually hold you back,

  • so you don’t go closer. But if you did, all of a sudden you see these discretized

  • pixels of the Martian surface.

  • And that’s basically because we don’t have the data. Were not there. It doesn’t

  • exist for us.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: So, anyone’s who’s used one of these virtual reality devices, like

  • the Oculus Rift, knows there’s something called the screen door effect.

  • It’s like you canif you look closely enough you can see the pixels, so it’s not

  • a perfect simulation. So, I guess really what Zohreh is doing is saying, well, we can get

  • empirical evidence for a screen door effect in real physics.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Yeah, I think it’s actually a deeper question than that. It’s not about

  • not having enough data to resolve those distances, but to some extent that’s true.

  • But the problems is something that even bothered Feynman a lot

  • that why do you need infinite numbers of degrees of freedom, or infinite amount of information,

  • to describe a very tiny chunk of the space-time? That just doesn’t make sense.

  • You can pretty well describe the physics without actually needing that infinite amount of information.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: What I meant to add is that when were zoomed down to Mars,

  • it’s not only that we don’t have the data,

  • even if we did have the data, you would need that much bigger

  • disk space to have it ready and loaded to be able to go from the bird’s eye view down

  • to any kind of small

  • I mean, we rapidly run out of capacity to calculate.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: And that’s a great controversy that even mathematicians have been really

  • arguing passionately about for over 100 years.

  • Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians ever, saidor Kronecker actually said God

  • had created the integers

  • and everything else was just the work of man. All this continuous real numbers with decimal

  • places and stuff.

  • I mean, frankly, as a physicist it feels kind of hubristic

  • to say that you need an infinite amount of information to figure out the height of my

  • wine glass or anything. Nature seems perfectly about to figure out what’s—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: There’s water in that glass, by the way.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah, what to do. And we have this toy model that you need an infinite amount

  • of information to do things.

  • I think youre on to something very deep [unintelligible 44:56] and that nature actuallyinfinity

  • is just something we made up for convenience.

  • And as we dig deeper, were going to find that maybe even space and time itself is at

  • some level digital.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, can I just say something by way of clarification? Which is just in

  • physics

  • we don’t actually prove any theory. We can rule out theories.

  • So, we can rule out a lot of alternative theories, but in any case you can always have the possibility

  • that you can dig deeper and find

  • that whatever theory you thought was the most fundamental has some underlying structure.

  • And so that’s why all the physics weve done works. That’s why we really don’t

  • need to have an infinite amount of information at any time

  • because we don’t have access to an infinite amount of information. And we can’t even

  • ask the question or tell whether or not there’s this underlying infinite amount of information.

  • So, it’s not just we can’t just ask the question whether the universe is a simulation.

  • We can’t ask if any physical theory is absolutely correct. Well never know the answer to

  • that.

  • All we can know is that weve tested it up to a certain level, at a certain level

  • of precision, over a certain range.

  • And so these questions all [unintelligible 46:05], and that’s why I can describe this

  • glass of water without knowing about atoms,

  • because I didn’t havewasn’t doing an experiment where the effects of the atoms

  • became manifest. And the same might be true of the universe as a whole.

  • So, we can have in the back of our mind there may or may not be an infinite number of degrees

  • of freedom. But that’s not what were actually testing.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Let’s disagree on one thing, though.

  • I think there’s one fantastic example where we can tell it makes a huge difference. I

  • think the biggest embarrassment we have

  • arguably in fundamental physics and cosmology right now is this fact that inflation,

  • if it goes on forever, makes this multi-verse, and then we can’t calculate probabilities,

  • like you so eloquently said in the beginning.

  • That comes exactly from the infinity assumption; the idea that you can take a piece of space

  • and just keep stretching it into twice the size forever. So, I think you should question

  • that.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Well, it doesn’t have to be infinite. It could just be a large number.

  • It could be 10 to the 500. I mean, it doesn’t really matter if we say it’s infinite. Why

  • don’t we just say it’s a lot?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: But you can calculate probabilities as long as it never gets infinite. It’s

  • exactly infinity that [unintelligible]—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, he’s cool with 10 to the 500, is what he’s saying, which

  • seems like a really big number.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I know.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: That like equals infinity to me, I think.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: But that’s exactly the point. That’s exactly the point.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Jim, is there any functional difference at all

  • between admitting that we live in a computer simulation and saying that’s basically a

  • secular god?

  • What’s the difference?

  • >>JAMES GATES: Well, first of all, I’ve decided my name should be Morpheus, not Jim.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. Well, let me

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: I’m Mario. Nice to meet you, Morpheus.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Morpheus.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Exactly.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yes. You have to see the movie The Matrix and play video games

  • to follow this conversation at this moment. Morpheus.

  • >>JAMES GATES: But as I said, for non-scientists

  • because I’m going to make this partition. I think for non-scientists, an acceptance

  • of the simulation hypothesis as an accurate view of our universe

  • is equivalent, I believe, to the notion of a deity. I don’t understand how, for a non-scientist,

  • you can make that distinction. For a scientist, however, we are [rather] secular.

  • The definition of science is actually a secular definition. And, in fact, it’s the definition

  • that comes to us from Galileo.

  • Einstein quotes Galileo as being the father

  • of all science because Galileoand these are Einstein’s wordsdrums into us that

  • contemplation alone, without observation of nature,

  • is totally useless in trying to come up with an accurate view of nature. So, it’s that

  • ability of usour human ability to observe the universe

  • that actually defines science. So, if you can’t give me something that I can observe,

  • I don’t know how to do science.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. So, what youre saying is

  • that if in fact there is a programmer who would be philosophically equivalent to a Creator,

  • and you can’t observe them,

  • theyre just outside the realm of science.

  • >>JAMES GATES: I think that’s the definition.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: David, do you have to be defined by that?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Well, I think there’s a theological reading, if you like, to the

  • simulation hypothesis. It says all this was created,

  • but what’s interesting is at the same time it can be seen as a kind of a naturalistic

  • theology. A naturalistic hypothesisfrom the point of view

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Is that the first time the phrase has ever been uttered? A naturalistic

  • theology.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: I think it’s out there already.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Oh, it’s out there. Okay. All right.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Simulation theology [unintelligible 49:36].

  • Simulation theology is the coolest kind of naturalistic theology, from the point of view

  • of the

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Actually, there’s a book in 1750—or who was it?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah, David Hume was into naturalism.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: No, there waswho was the fellow who wrote the book Natural

  • Theology?

  • There was a book with that very title.


  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But not natural simulation or simulated theology.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: If you think about is from the point of view of the simulated

  • I mean, we in this universe can create simulated worlds, and there’s nothing remotely spooky

  • about that. People are already doing it with virtual reality and the Sims and Second Life.

  • And whatever this is is just a far more sophisticated version of that.

  • So, we just need to move that picture to the next universe up and say,

  • hey, maybe that’s what’s happening to us. So, we got a creator, but our creator

  • isn’t especially spooky.

  • It’s just some teenage hacker in the next universe up

  • whose mom’s calling him in to dinner.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Working in the basement, yeah.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: So, I think you could be led to at least entertain this idea

  • by perfectly naturalistic ideas as, say, Nick Bostrum was and say, okay,

  • maybe this is the kind of theology which even someone who’s got no sympathy for spooks

  • and gods and ghosts, needs to object to.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, that’s an interesting point

  • because we don’t think of ourselves as deities when we program Mario, even though we have

  • all power over how high Mario jumps.

  • Because that’s a line in the code. So, youre right. You just take it up

  • a few notches. There’s no reason to presume theyre all powerful other than just they

  • fully control everything we do, say and think.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Could be theyre all powerful. I got into this from watching my five-year-old

  • nephew

  • playing with one version of the Sims or Sim Life or something. He’d make a whole town.

  • He’d build up the buildings,

  • and you got the trees and the jungles and the creatures. And then he’d say now comes

  • the good part,

  • and he’s send down fires and floods and such. I was like, finally, I understand the

  • God of the Old Testament.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Because it is true in our world we have fires and floods.

  • I played one of those SimsSim City because I’m a city kid. Andthe early, early low-res

  • simulation. And there’s a feature,

  • you build up theyou need money. Youre mayor of a city, and you construct buildings

  • and you need the schools and the fire departments.

  • And then every now and then Godzilla stomps through your city

  • and you say that’s not real. I’m trying to be real. But then it’s kind of real in

  • the sense that some major disaster can

  • you will confront like Hurricane Sandy or 9/11. Now, youve got to redistribute resources.

  • So, I look at our real world, and these things actually do happen. So, are they just trying

  • to mess with us? Is that

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: The way I think about—I mean, who knows if there’s actually a simulator

  • who’s actually doing any of this. But if you do take the simulation hypothesis seriously,

  • it’s got a couple of elements of a traditional god. This person could be all knowing about

  • our universe, could be all powerful. The one thing which is probably missing is

  • wisdom and benevolence. If there’s a simulator, I refuse to worship you. You may be out there,

  • but you have established yourself as being worthy of worship. I refuse to [unintelligible

  • 52:53]—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Right. Because theyre all powerful and all knowing, but not all

  • good.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: There’s no reason to think theyre all good.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Cut him some slack. He’s only five years old.

  • [laughter and talkover]

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Youre going to be maturing one of these days.


  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Yeah. So, I think there is a big danger in trying to compare

  • our idea of simulation with what comes with computer games, whether youre talkingat

  • least in my point of view and I think a physicist’s point of view.

  • What’s called the simulation is you just input the laws of physics,

  • and nature and universe emerges. You don’t actually try to make it look like it’s something

  • going on. You don’t try to

  • the same as with computer games. You don’t interfere with what youve created. You

  • just input something that is very fundamental

  • and just let it go, just as our universe.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Like [deitism]?


  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: In other words, you set the laws into motion

  • and let the universe unfold.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Exactly.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: However those laws prescribe.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Because a priorityyou don’t know what happens because the universe

  • is complex. The laws of physics are simple,

  • but you don’t know what kind of complexities you should expect. And then you just get it

  • wrong

  • and things emerge, and we just watch.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But, Lisa, in the search for the Theory of Everything,

  • isn’t that got a little bit of this in it? Once you find the Theory of Everythingand

  • youve been on two of our Theory of Everything panels here

  • youre going to find out the one equation that the five-year-old working in the garage

  • wrote down that made our entire universe.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Well, you might recall, since I’ve done this a couple times, that the

  • Theory of Everything,

  • I think, is very badly named for a lot of these reasons. Because even with the equations,

  • as was pointed out earlier,

  • you could start your system in very different ways. You can have different conditions. And

  • there’s a lot that we don’t understand.

  • I mean, even if I understood quantum gravity at a fundamental level and could derive all

  • the equations,

  • that’s still not going to help me predict waves at a practical level. I mean, the computer

  • simulation will never be that detailed,

  • in my opinion. It’s much better to go to different levels and figure out what’s going

  • on at what I would call an effective theory approach. So, even with the fundamental equations

  • now, I mean, clearly if you had infinite computing power, then you would just be literally mimicking

  • the universe. And possibly you could do that. But short of that,

  • youre going to have to find these approximations, these descriptions that are sort of somewhat

  • in between. Theyre still science.

  • Theyre not something I’m just making. There’s still equations that work, and they

  • ultimately are attributable

  • to whatever is that fundamental equation. But that doesn’t mean it’s fundamentally

  • how were computing it. It doesn’t mean it’s fundamentally how it’s working.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But, Zohreh, you started this whole discussion by

  • describingtrying to obtain an understanding of the basic forces of nature and the particles

  • and build up from there.

  • But isn’t there surely a gap between what you know drives the behavior of individual

  • particles

  • and what might be emergent features in a macroscopic system. Isn’t that true with the gas laws?

  • We learn gas laws in the first week of chemistry,

  • but I don’t know that you can get the macroscopic gas laws by knowing every single particle

  • at every single instant.

  • I don’t know that theyre fully reducible to that. So, can you admit the possibility

  • that there are gaps

  • and that there’s emergent phenomena thatso, starting at the very basic level won’t get

  • you there?

  • Is that possible?

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: I do admit to that, and it is in fact

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay, good. Thank you. You admit to it.

  • No, go ahead.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: No, this is indeed a field of research now, for example, in nuclear physics

  • we know that these microscopic features about particles

  • and building blocks of that would contribute in strong interactions,

  • but we don’t know exactly how to get these complex system of nuclei.

  • And we have very good microscopy and [unintelligible 56:51] models that describe all these larger-scale

  • phenomena,

  • but we still don’t know how to get them from this phenomena.

  • So, that’s what, as physicists have to

  • >>LISA RANDALL: In principle, if you could do it—I mean, if you had infinite computing

  • power.


  • >>LISA RANDALL: In principle, you could actually see a system that exhibited the gas laws.

  • The question is whether we as scientists would call themderiving the gas laws. It wouldn’t

  • be a very useful description.

  • It would mean that we’d have to have these enormous computations every time to do it,

  • rather than solve an equation that, as you know [unintelligible]—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Oh, so I never heard that before.

  • Youre assuming that if in fact we could compute the behavior of every single particle

  • in a gas,

  • that out of that would emerge the macroscopic gas laws.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: But it would behave according to the gas laws. That doesn’t mean that

  • you [unintelligible]—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. That’s confident. So, what youre saying is it’s not emergent

  • Because I’m intrigued which of you mentioned the water

  • >>LISA RANDALL: No, emergent means that it emerges from the fundamental laws.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But because we understood, to a very high degree, a fluid dynamics

  • long before we knew that fluids were made of atoms.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Right.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: And I don’t know how much the public knows that atoms arethough,

  • the idea is old,

  • evidence that atoms are real is relatively recent.

  • And even as recently as the year 1900, it was still kind of not sure.

  • And it wasn’t really until Einstein and Brownian motion in 1905 where there’s really

  • good evidence that atoms were real things.

  • Yet, we had full understanding of fluid dynamics

  • in any way that mattered for us.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Right. But we also now can derive fluid dynamics from the atomic description,

  • in certain cases.

  • Not all fluid dynamics, but some of the properties of condensed matter physics

  • we can derive by that.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay, I’m glad to hear that. So, were still talking about

  • reducible things.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Theyre two separate things, though. We mustn’t conflate.

  • On one hand, I think in principle it can derive all these higher level things,

  • I think, even ultimately even consciousness like David Chalmers is working on, from starting

  • out with a quark as the [unintelligible 58:53]—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Youre going to bring consciousness into this?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: And practice, on the other hand, whether we humans are smart enough to

  • figure it out.

  • That’s a whole different story. And I think that’s—

  • I’m guessing that’s what you were getting at there. You weren’t saying that there’s

  • some mysterious [unintelligible 59:04] gap that we can’t—

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Oh, no, no. That’s not what I meant.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: But that we might be able to understand.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: We haven’t yet have the resources and probably enough tools and understanding

  • to fill that gap.

  • But the phenomenal equations are there. It’s just a matter of when we actually get there.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, I’m curiousthis brings me to a point that we did not discuss

  • earlier in the notes that we shared.

  • You can know everything you can about cell biology, about how life works.

  • And it’s not obvious to me that by just studying a single life form

  • that you can derive evolution by natural selection. That that’s an emergent phenomenon given

  • the system.

  • So, if it’s emergent, then no one actually programmed it in to do that.

  • That’s just something that resulted.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Right. So, the way I would describe it is I would say that the fundamental

  • whatever’s fundamentally therethat substrateis essential to whatever happened,

  • but is not necessarily essential to your description of what happened.

  • And so the laws are following from this, but it’s not giving an explanation.

  • So, I can note that there’s atoms, but it doesn’t help me predict

  • what will happen when I throw a ball. I mean, in principle I could probably figure it out

  • based on that;

  • put it all together, but it won’t help me. It’s so inefficient.

  • So, it’s much better to have a description of a solid ball, even though it’s made of

  • atoms,

  • which are actually mostly empty space. So, that solid ball description

  • leaves all that out, and it works just fine. It tells me exactly where the ball will land

  • [unintelligible 60:43] measure it.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: David, you and your consciousness cronies,

  • is it generally recognized that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon of a complex brain?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah. Well, this word emergence is kind of word that people used to cover

  • a huge variety of sins.

  • I mean, sometimes I think it’s kind of a magic word we use to make ourselves feel comfortable

  • with things we don’t really understand. So, ah, that’s emergent.

  • There’s different kinds of emergence. There’s the kind you get with, say, complex systems

  • like the Game of Life;

  • Conway’s Game of Life where the cells blip on and off,

  • and you get complex phenomena like gliders that move along.

  • You know it’s surprising, and you wouldn’t have expected it, but you can put together

  • the equation that it’s totally predictable.

  • You run the game of life over and again with simple computational rules,

  • itll be predictable again and again.

  • Evolution is interesting at the immediate case. Maybe given the laws of physics in certain

  • initial conditions.

  • You can run them again and again. I don’t know.

  • Maybe youll getmaybe itll turn out evolution arises 60 percent of the time.

  • If so, that’s incredibly cool, and then that ought to be explainable in principle.

  • Now, for consciousness, people sometimes say consciousness is emergent,

  • but there’s a gap there of a kind that we haven’t even begun to close in the gap of

  • consciousness.

  • People can tell stories about life. People can tell stories about evolution.

  • No one’s even begun to tell a story that enables you to predict the existence of consciousness

  • from any number

  • any amount of underlying physical dynamics.

  • It explains the behavior. It explains how we walk, how we talk, but why that should

  • actually feel like something from the first-person point of view,

  • that is emergent in a much stronger sense. I’d say that’s strongly emergent in the

  • sense of it might require new principles to explain.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Max, is there any role of chaos theory in this?

  • Because we know that in principle and in practice there’s some systems that are so complex,

  • that you cannot accurately predict its future behavior.

  • Now, is that true even if you had an infinitely powerful computer?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: No matter how powerful a computer we build on earth,

  • we can certainly not predictwe could not have predicted that the Red Sox were going

  • to win the World Series right after I moved to Boston.


  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Because precisely of chaos theory, where tiny

  • changes in the position of some particle made a huge difference later on.

  • But

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Just the Butterfly Effect.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah. If things

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I’ve got to tell you real quick, there’s the Journal of Irreproducible

  • Results,

  • which is if youre a scientist and you come up with something that you know isn’t right,

  • but it’s a really cool calculation, you publish it there. And it’s like in there

  • youll find the calculation of what happens

  • if you strap a jellied toast to the back of a cat.

  • Since toast always lands jelly side down, and cats always land on their feet,

  • what would happen if this dropped? Okay.

  • And so in the paper, they hypothesize that the cat falls, and then hovers over the

  • so, it’s stupid fun calculations. One of them was

  • sorry for this interlude, but one of them was there was some major storm system that

  • happened that hit the

  • East Coast of the United States, and someone said, “We found the butterfly that caused

  • this.”

  • And they killed it and it was on display. So, go on. So, this Butterfly Effect

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah, yeah. I was just [unintelligible 64:13] complicated emergent phenomenon related

  • to chaos and such.

  • I just wanted to come back to what David was saying about consciousness here,

  • and kind of connect it with what you opened with here. How can we test with scientific

  • methods

  • these ideas of whether were simulated or not? Or at least update our odds in one way

  • or the other. I think one thing that’s great to do is what

  • youre doing. Again, looking for this evidence of a simulator cutting corners to make the

  • simulation easier to run.

  • I think another thing we should do is if you want to test this computation

  • hypothesis that everything is a computation, or that everything’s mathematical,

  • we should look precisely at the things where were the most clueless right now about

  • how we would actually describe it mathematically. And I can’t think of anything were more

  • clueless about

  • right now than consciousness.

  • And try our very best to see if we can bring also that in under the type of things that

  • we can describe with math.

  • If we fail spectacularly on that, and can realize why, well see, wow, our universe

  • is not mathematical.

  • Boom, done. Death to the simulation hypothesis. Whereas, if you and your cronies,

  • as were told that theyre called, succeed, that would I think be a big boost

  • for the simulation hypothesis.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah. And there are people who are pursuing the idea.

  • As you know, the consciousness is fundamentally about information processing in the right

  • way

  • when information, for example, is integrated in just the right way. Maybe you get a kind

  • of consciousness.

  • That’s still a very controversial idea, and a lot that it doesn’t explain. But if

  • something like that is right,

  • it goes very naturally, at least, with the simulation hypothesis

  • because it’s very natural to suppose that in a simulation there could be all that information

  • being integrated and giving you consciousness.

  • Certain other viewsjust say, for example, consciousness requires a certain very specific

  • intrinsic property

  • like a certain specific biology. Then there could be a simulation of the whole universe.

  • But if it didn’t have that biology,

  • then no consciousness. It would just be a world of

  • unfeeling

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: [Of worlds 66:11].

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: —zombies.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I have a question, though.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Unfeeling physical dynamic. So, it really makes a difference.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: How do you ever show that something can’t be described mathematically?

  • You’d have to believe you understood fundamentally what the degrees of freedom are.

  • So, you might just have the wrong description. I mean,

  • even in physics, I mean, we know classic examples where people thought certain things were impossible

  • until just a new law of physics was discovered.

  • I mean, Darwin got the age of the world

  • our world closer than the greatest physicists of the time because Darwin just looked around,

  • and Kelvin thought he knew the laws of physics, and he didn’t get them right.

  • So, I don’t see how youre ever going to be able to show that something has no mathematical

  • description.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But, Max, youre big on the mathematical concept here. What

  • youre saying is

  • everything is mathematics. And if everything is mathematics, then everything is programmable.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: That’s right. That’s right. And so I think as an answer to Lisa’s question,

  • David put it very well in the beginning. In physics, we aren’t ever able to really prove

  • that something is true.

  • The only people who prove stuff are mathematicians.

  • But if David and [unintelligible 67:22] and others succeed in this endeavor to try to

  • actually explain consciousness mathematically,

  • it wouldn’t prove that things are purely mathematical, but it would certainly be yet

  • the great boost.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I asked the other question of how you [unintelligible].

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Because if you just go backlet’s go back to Galileo again.

  • We were eulogizing him earlier, right, for his great insights. When he wrote that our

  • universe is a grand book written in the language of mathematics,

  • that was 400 years ago because he was so impressed that things moved in parabolas and things

  • like that.

  • He had no clue why oranges were orange and hazelnuts were hard and some things were soft.

  • That seemed like it was beyond what he could do with math. Then we got Maxwell’s equations,

  • the Schrodinger’s equation, the standard model of particle physics.

  • More and more has been explained by math. I think Galileo would be really impressed

  • if he were on stage.

  • So, it’s really cool to look at what are the things left.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I’ll invite him next time.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: [Unintelligible 68:16]. Well, you can reincarnate him and bring him on.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Just simulate him.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Well just have to simulate him. That’s what well do.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: So, it’s really cool to look, well, what’s left. Like consciousness, for

  • example,

  • and see if we can also make some progress there. There’s no better way to fail on

  • anything, including consciousness understanding

  • than to tell ourselves, oh, we know it’s impossible because of some principles, and

  • let’s not try.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah, those aren’t good scientists who behave that way.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: I think we have to distinguish, though, between the two claims that you can

  • give a mathematical description of everything,

  • and you can give a complete mathematical description of everything. Even consciousness,

  • obviously, give many mathematical descriptions of color space has certain geometrical properties,

  • the light,

  • the feeling of the light is more or less intense. You can give a very rich mathematical description

  • of it.

  • And that’s what, say, someone like [unintelligible 69:04] is doing. But can you give an exhaustive

  • mathematical description of it

  • once youve given a full mathematical specification of consciousness? [Unintelligible] everything

  • about it, or is there some further nature like the redness of the red,

  • or the blueness of the blue?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: What Max is saying is that previous frontiers in that question

  • were ultimately breached when enough smart people came along

  • to figure it out. So, whatever’s our state of mind today, it would be unwise to suggest

  • that it somehow transcends any access that the future of math might

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I mean, on some level we don’t have an exhaustive description of anything

  • because we understand that there can always be something more fundamental,

  • something we haven’t seen yet.

  • >>JAMES GATES: I agree.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: In fact, the very word atom in Greek means indivisible.


  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, yeah, with thathow long did that last?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: And unchanging.


  • >>JAMES GATES: While we have been all bowing at the altar of mathematics,

  • [laughter]

  • a number of us are aware of this result bydel called the incompleteness theorem.

  • And it even says in some sense mathematics is incomplete. There are things in mathematics

  • that you cannot prove.

  • That’s what the theorems say. And so we, as humans, I think

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: In fact, Gödel proved it.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Yes. Yeah, right. He proved it. That’s exactly right.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Gödel proved that math cannot be proven.

  • >>JAMES GATES: That’s right.


  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: If it’s consistent.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Right. If it’s consistent.

  • [talkover]

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: In defense of our universe here

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Somebody’s got to defend our universe, so go ahead.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Standing up for our universe. There’s actually no evidence that our universe

  • is inconsistent,

  • or that mathematics is inconsistent. Gödel said that we humans,

  • we cannot prove ever that mathematics is consistent.


  • >>MAX TEGMARK: We cannot prove thatthat’s impossible to prove that one equals two.

  • But I think that’s probably more of a reflection of our own limitof the limitations that

  • thinking beings have,

  • rather than our universe has some kind of identity crisis. Our universe seems to know

  • exactly what it’s doing.

  • It doesn’t seem very inconsistent except when I watch the Presidential Debates.


  • >>JAMES GATES: Oh, boy, I’m not going there. But, Max, that was precisely my point,

  • that maybe what were talking about is in fact part of our limitations. Not limitations

  • on the universe,

  • butin science it’s very funny because the way we do science

  • well, when I give public talks, I like to say if you look at family in their house,

  • you might be an anthropologist and record what they do,

  • and they turn the appliances off and on. And you might come up with some big record book

  • of this.

  • But then when everybody’s out of the house, you might just go to the house and watch how

  • it behaves.

  • The thermostats go up and down, and maybe you have a timer that does other things.

  • And so the house has a set of rules for operating when youre not there. And in some sense,

  • in science, that’s what were doing.

  • And when we do this split between science, non-science, in some sense were talking

  • about how the universe behaves as if we could take our consciousness outside of the universe.

  • And that’s a very sudden point to appreciate. And so maybe what this whole discussion has

  • been about

  • is actually just our limitations.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, were all stupid, is what youre saying.

  • [laughter]

  • >>JAMES GATES: Actually, the universe made us very clever, at least most of us.

  • [laughter]

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, Jim, I got to ask you something.

  • Your discoveries of the checkserror-correcting code within the laws of physics themselves,

  • at the depths that youre researching them,

  • what I wonder is we live in the age of IT, of information technology. So, we all have

  • a certain fluency.

  • So, it’s in our brains to think that way at some level.

  • Could it be that how the saying goes, if youre a hammer then all your problems look like

  • nails,

  • and you solve them by hitting them.

  • If now we are in an IT revolution, and youre finding IT solutions to your problems, maybe

  • it’s just the fad of the moment.

  • And youre forcing a solution that is either not real, or there’s a better one awaiting

  • in a revolution that has yet to occur.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Sure. So, the last time I was here I actually misspoke.

  • I used the name of Shannon when I meant Hamming code instead.

  • So, first, let me correct that for this wonderful audience and mention it

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Error correction in action.

  • >>JAMES GATES: That’s right.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Error correction

  • >>JAMES GATES: Error correction in action, absolutely.

  • But inlook, in our work, first of all, we don’t know it’s the physics of our

  • universe.

  • There is a large experiment underway that Lisa knows a lot about in Geneva because she

  • has written papers about possible outcomes in these observations.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Lisa, are you flying to Geneva tomorrow?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I am, but not for that.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Not for that, okay.

  • >>JAMES GATES: So, the Large Hadron Collider is going to explore more of the structure

  • of the universe.

  • So, first, the mathematics that I have done will only become physics, or relevant to nature,

  • when the LHC or some other observational device says the idea of supersymmetry is correct.

  • Then it will kick in.

  • So, that’s a big if. There are lots of physicists who don’t believe the universe will be supersymmetric.

  • In which case, all I’ve done is an interesting mathematical fairytale.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, supersymmetric proposes a whole other regime of particles

  • that are counterparts to the particles that weve come to know and love?

  • >>JAMES GATES: Correct.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. And theyre yet to be discovered, but they could be describing

  • a whole other parallel reality,

  • awaiting our discovery?

  • >>JAMES GATES: Well

  • >>LISA RANDALL: But even that—I mean, I just want to clarify.

  • We may or may not find evidence at the Large Hadron Collider, which is what’s being discussed.

  • But that doesn’t even mean that supersymmetry doesn’t exist. It means that we can’t

  • find the evidence at the scales that we can probe.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Exactly.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, it could be that there is some fundamental symmetry,

  • and it’s broken at such a high scale that we cannot access any of the evidence of it.

  • And that’s the world we live in. I mean, that’s what we do as scientists. We try

  • to simulate what we can.

  • We try to derive what we can. We try to measure what we can. And then we have to allow for

  • the possibility that we just haven’t had the accuracy.

  • We haven’t had the cleverness, or we haven’t had the resources

  • >>JAMES GATES: Technology.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: —to be able to test certain ideas.

  • And so I think that’s right, that it’s a combination of what’s out there and what

  • we can actually do.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, I don’t who among you to ask this direction, so I’ll just

  • put it out there in front of you like a piece of raw meat, and you can chase after it, if

  • you

  • >>LISA RANDALL: You think were dogs? [Unintelligible 75:30].

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Or you vegetariansome raw carrots. Okay. So, you can chase after

  • it. I don’t know if any of you are vegetarian.

  • So

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Can you cook the meat at least?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I’ll cook theokay. Well cook the meat.

  • My question is I remember physics 101 and 102 and 201 and 202,

  • and as you learn the laws of physics, every now and then something pops up that’s just

  • kind of weird.

  • All right? You learn Maxwell’s equations, which describes the behavior of electromagnetic

  • radiation, the behavior of light,

  • and theyre really beautiful except there’s an asymmetry in there.

  • There’s like you can have particles that have electric fields like electrons,

  • but you don’t have isolated particles that are their own magnetic fields. There’s always

  • a plus and a minus stuck together.

  • So, theyre not symmetric that way in the equations. And it’s like you cringe when

  • you see that because part of us wants some beauty and symmetry to the universe

  • if it is—I don’t know. Were holding it in very highholding very high expectations

  • for what we

  • want to find.

  • And then you go back to the early universe, and you find out that one out of 100 million

  • one out of 100 million photons did not become a photon because symmetry was broken,

  • and it made only one matter particle. Whereas, all the other interactions had matter and

  • antimatter they annihilated and became photons.

  • And we are made of this one in 100 million stuff that’s left over. Something broke

  • in the early universe.

  • And I ask you why aren’t these bugs in the program that were dealing with?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, I’m going to actually answer that.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Youve got an answer for that? Very cool. Very cool.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, it’s definitely not a bug in the program because in both these

  • cases,

  • the underlying laws actually do exhibit symmetry. As Jim knows really well, that it has to do

  • in our description of electromagnetism, you have electrically charged particles.

  • There’s an alternative description where the fundamental particles would be magnetic.

  • That’s not the universe we find ourselves in. So, a lot of the symmetry is broken by

  • the actual state of the universe we live in.

  • So, it could be that the laws of nature have some underlying symmetry that gets broken

  • at some point.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, who’s breaking it?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Who’s breakingthe universe. The universe is [unintelligible 78:06]—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: No, that’s not the answer.

  • [laughter]

  • I’m looking for a little more insight into who’s breaking the laws of the universe

  • than just the universe.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Well, here’s a simple example, okay.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Well, just to be clear, we come up with what we saw are laws,

  • and then if we see an exception we say that there’s a case where the law is broken.

  • >>JAMES GATES: No, no.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Okay. Let me give you a simple example.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: And were okay with that.

  • >>JAMES GATES: It’s the symmetries that are broken.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Suppose I have a pencil

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Oh, sorry. Symmetries that are broken.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, say I have a pencil standing on end. I have rotational symmetry, right?

  • We’d like to believe everything’s rotationally symmetric. Why should one direction be different?

  • So, I have a pencil standing on end. It’s going to fall down. It’s going to fall down

  • in some direction.

  • Now, who made it fall down in that direction? No one made it fall down in that direction,

  • but it was going to fall down in some direction. So, the symmetry is broken.

  • We didn’t ask the symmetry to be broken. The fundamental laws were perfectly symmetric,

  • but the symmetry is broken.

  • And there’s many things in the universe that are like that. The fundamental laws are

  • symmetric,

  • but the actual universe we live in has broken.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, we can’t look for weirdness because if it is a program that’s

  • running,

  • which came up earlier, and weve all had programs that crashed, what happens if our

  • program crashes? Do we all disappear like instantly?

  • What are the consequences to this being a program if someone unplugs it, if there’s

  • a bug that crashes the entire system?

  • Is there any piece of the universe where that part of the program failed?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: I have it on good authority [unintelligible 79:24]—

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: A big spinning wheel here on the stage going round and round and round.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: I have it on good authority it’s crashed five times during this panel

  • discussion,

  • but, fortunately, it rebooted perfectly and we have no memories of it. That’s just good

  • error correction.

  • >>JAMES GATES: No, no, but, Neil, the point you raised, in fact, is for me one of the

  • most uncomfortable ideas about the simulation hypothesis.

  • That it’s running on some device, and that the errors would thenhow would it manifest

  • itself?

  • Well, in the way that I think most of us think about it, it’s kind of the end of the universe.

  • And, for me, the universe that I have studied for 50 or 60 years is a kind of a—it’s

  • a place of mystery,

  • but it’s not a place of the fundamental kind of insane, unleashed chaos that kind

  • of end.

  • Now, we know thatwe talk about, for example, false vacua. That’s something, again, that

  • Lisa knows a lot about because it was pioneered largely by Sidney Coleman,

  • a professor at Harvard before Lisa got there.

  • We know that these possibilities are out there, but the breaking of the symmetries are so

  • one thing that’s really odd about this is if you don’t break the symmetries you don’t

  • get us. You don’t get a universe with creatures like us in it unless you break these symmetries.

  • And so maybe the question we should

  • >>LISA RANDALL: [Unintelligible 80:46] why did I break those symmetries?

  • >>JAMES GATES: That’s right. The simulation’s like why am I breaking those symmetries?

  • So, the fact of our existence says something very deep about the mystery of this place

  • we call the universe because the lawsthe symmetric laws,

  • theyre beautiful. We write them with simple equations on one or two lines.

  • But if those laws held exactly, were not here.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: In fact, it’s just a universe of photons.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: I think that’s a very good point you bring up there.

  • At first, it looks like if someone’s simulated this, they have been drinking too much or

  • whatever,

  • or really wasteful because you might ask whyif they just wanted to simulate us, did they

  • bother simulating all this dark matter? Six times as much matter, obviously, increase

  • their CPU cost, what they had to pay for their über cloud services, whatever.

  • Who needed that?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Plus we came really late in the universe.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: But every single thing weve discovered, like dark matter, for example,

  • that seems superfluous, weve since discovered that if it weren’t there we would be dead.

  • Or, in fact, we wouldn’t even have evolved in the first place.

  • If there were no dark matter, for example, then its gravity would have not been there

  • to help pull our galaxy together,

  • and the Milky Way wouldn’t even have existed.

  • So, it’s an interesting question, I think, to ask is this the simplest kind of simulation

  • you could run that would actually get some interesting life?

  • Or is there something in our universe, which is really just bells and whistles that you

  • could

  • optimize out?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Someone was just doingthis kid was just doing a science experiment.

  • He ran a million simulations overnight, and exactly one of those universes produced

  • broke the symmetries in the right way to produce conscious beings and, hey, here we are.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Why did they make [unintelligible 82:28] so difficult to simulate on the [unintelligible]?

  • >>JAMES GATES: That’s a scientific question, guys.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, Zohreh? Yeah.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: So, maybe just adding something to this.

  • If someone was just looking at the weirdness that we observe in the universe, maybe more

  • fundamental question to ask

  • again, we can ask why the parameters of our universe, mass of the electron or the cosmological

  • constant and things like that,

  • why should they have the value they have?

  • In terms of the simulation scenario, you can sort of start to think this is just an input

  • as many other input.

  • Or the other way to interpret it is that we don’t know, at a fundamental level, what’s

  • going on. Maybe there is embedding theory that would arise to

  • that is simpler. It has fewer input, or maybe just one, and then gives you the values of

  • the standard model and all these theories that,

  • no, to be exactly the same that we observe in nature.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Well, just to be clear, when weif any of us program a computer,

  • a simulation of anything, there’s a set of parameters that are established up front.

  • And then you watch what happens thereafter, and then you sometimes tweak the parameters

  • if necessary.

  • Some other parameters are non-tweakable. Almost all of our codes, there’s a line that gives

  • the value of pi that’s not tweakable.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: We don’t have any mathematicalsorry.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: My sons tell me, for example, that in Minecraft when you create a Minecraft

  • world,

  • I’m taught by Philip and Alexander, you have to input a world seed.


  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Yeah. And if you put in a different one, different universe.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Basically, it means that we don’t have the mathematical equations,

  • for example, to say that the mass of the electron should be what we measure

  • and things like that. So, we don’t have yet a description as why these have these

  • values.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But why should we bethis might have to go back to David.

  • Why should we be the measure of what an intellect is,

  • and then judge what is hard or what is easy? So, in other words, just because we think

  • something is hard because of all of these physical constants that come together,

  • so that we exist many billions of years after the universe forms, maybe that’s just trivial

  • for anybody who’s programing the universe.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah, I mean, it probably is trivial. Theyre probably got Sim universe

  • technology.

  • Everyone’s running it on their desktop, [unintelligible 84:48] Google in the next

  • universe up.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: The next universe up. That’s now a phrase.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Create a Sim universe by, okay, set a few parameters around the universe.

  • No big deal.

  • Some of those universes produce nobody. Some of those universes produce somebody.

  • And those somebodies have to reverse engineer their universe,

  • and it turns out reverse engineering is really hard, whether youre in a simulation or

  • not.

  • But that’s justif you look at it this way, it’s just a matter of perspective.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Because when I think of the game Tick-Tack-Toe, to a child this

  • is a challenging game.

  • They don’t know what move to make next, and then they might win or lose, and then

  • they cheer, or theyre sad.

  • And then you realize this is a pointless game you can play so that youll never lose,

  • or win. But then it’s no longer fun.

  • But to a child, it is a complexit’s a game that challenges them. And then we have

  • the game of chess,

  • which challenges us, but you go up an intelligence level, and then it’s just a trivial exercise.

  • I don’t care how many possible moves there are. It’s trivial if the brain is a greater

  • brain than ours.

  • And I’m reminded, which one of you may rememberjust to correct me if I don’t get it right

  • was it Feynman who first analogized the laws of nature to our attempt to understand the

  • laws of nature

  • would be like coming upon a game of chess and you know nothing of the game, and youre

  • just watching people move, and you don’t have the rule book.

  • And you have to deduce what the rules are.

  • And so pretty easily you can see, well, this piece moves this way and this only goes diagonal.

  • You get that, but occasionally one of the pieces jumps two squares instead of just one.

  • Well, why did it do that? So, you make a note of that, right? And then later on that little

  • piece that jumped too,

  • it reaches the other end of the board, and then it becomes a whole other piece. That’s

  • kind of freaky.

  • It’s rare, but it happens, and it’s an important rule of the game that most of the

  • time you don’t see.

  • And so I’m left wondering how much of a chess game, without the instruction manual,

  • is the very universe in which we live.

  • To get your answers one each from that. Yes, Zohreh?

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: [Unintelligible 87:04]—

  • [laughter]

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: All right, David, you led off with that.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: I would say that’s basically the situation were in.

  • We call thatthis is the game of reverse engineering the universe, and we call it science.

  • A little bit for philosophy, too.

  • There are clues we could get about thewe certainly get the equations and so on, but,

  • hey, there are clues we could get about the grander structure.

  • Hey, maybe at a certain point were going to find one of those constants that has an

  • arbitrary value,

  • and find there’s a coded message in there in the simplest possible language saying,

  • yeah, you guessed right.

  • It’s a simulation.

  • If so, then that’s part of the reverse engineering, too, but it’s actually a miracle we can

  • understand anything about the world were in from this perspective.

  • The world could have so much complexity, which is completely beyond us. And it could be that

  • we are simply scratching

  • the surface. But I think to do science, youve just got to take the optimistic.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But you left me very disappointed earlier in saying that anything

  • I was trying to find evidence to show that were not,

  • and that evidence that were not could be put in by someone who is.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah, I’m afraid

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, that was disturbing. So, I’m getting back to Zohreh’s point.

  • What’s the point of thinking that way?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Well, you might take on [unintelligible 88:24] Ockham’s razor, which

  • is if we don’t need the hypothesis that were in,

  • a simulation, then we should just do without that hypothesis. Maybe science is going to

  • tell us a bunch of math.

  • It’s a bunch of equations. Yeah, that could be combined with the further hypothesis were

  • in a simulation.

  • It’s a lot simpler if were not. So, Ockham’s razor at least says why bother.

  • Then, on the other hand, youve got Bostrum’s statistical argument. We might actually produce

  • a whole lot of simulations,

  • and have very a good reason to believe there are a lot of simulations in the universe,

  • at which case you can just raise the question.

  • We know some people are in simulations. We cannot assign at least probability of zero

  • to us.

  • At that point it becomes a statistical question.

  • So, I think the standard scientific reasoning of Ockham’s razor might give some reason

  • to reject it,

  • but the statistics starts to maybe balance that [unintelligible 89:15] around. At a certain

  • point, youve got to start doing some math

  • about the probabilities.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, Ockham’s razor actually goes very far back, I think, to the

  • 14th century,

  • where it was the Earl of Ockham who suggested

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: William Ockham.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: —that of all explanations, perhaps the simplest has the best chance of

  • being correct.

  • And that was well before the methods of the scientific method and others. So, weve

  • been using it an invoking it ever since.

  • So, Lisa, is the universe a chess board and were

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, I was very much with you until the very end.

  • [laughter]

  • So, I think it is indeed true that we don’t know the answer, and were just going to

  • keep doing science until it fails.

  • And it hasn’t failed yet. Seems towe make progress, and so were going to keep

  • doing that.

  • In terms of are we trying to figure out, I actually love the idea

  • that were a simulation where they actually kind of saved in efficiency by making us not

  • quite smart enough to figure all this stuff out.

  • [laughter]

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, [unintelligible 90:18] a lot of it.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: That’s a built in

  • >>LISA RANDALL: But, really, that’s too much computational power, so let’s make

  • them a little bit dumber.

  • But I do have—I understand it’s a possibility there’s a simulation,

  • but there is a problem with the statistical argument. I mean, I think if you asked any

  • statistician,

  • there’s just not based on well-defined probabilities here.

  • And actually one of the keyso, Bostrum’s argument would say that also that you have

  • lots of things simulating, lots of things that want to simulate us.

  • And I actually really have a problem with that. Why simulate us? I mean, there’s so

  • many things to be simulating.

  • None of us actually get together and say—I mean, we simulate processes or whatever, but

  • we mostly

  • are interested in ourselves. I don’t know why this higher species would want to bother

  • with us.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: maybe they don’t care about us. They just simulate a bunch of physics,

  • or a bunch of laws. And, hey, we came along as a by-product.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Yeah, it’s in the realm of possibility.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, we grew out of their Petri dish.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: But I do think that, again, ultimately whatas physicists, as scientists,

  • were interested in the things that we can actually test.

  • So, to the extent that it gives us an incentive

  • to ask interesting questions like do we see cosmic rays at different energies,

  • or from different directions, going at slightly different speeds, or anything of that nature.

  • Or do we find the laws—I mean, that’s certainly worth doing to see what is the extent

  • of the laws of physics as we understand them.

  • But that is what were doing anyway, but maybe well framemaybe well be presented

  • with a bunch of other questions.

  • But that is—I mean, so it’s a little bit of a systematic way of figuring out the chess

  • game because

  • in the case of the chess game, you have many games. You can watch many games.

  • Here, we have this one universe, and we can try to make little tests within that universe

  • to try to test laws, but those apply in those little realms.

  • I mean, one of the brilliant things about Galileo was he realized there’s many ways

  • to do science. There’s plot experiments,

  • observations. But he actually came up with the experiments themselves. [Unintelligible

  • 92:15]—

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: We were bringing him to the next panel.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Yeah, I know. I know. I’m totally excited about that one, too.

  • [laughter]

  • So, that’s just the nature of science. So, I think we are trying to figure it out to

  • the extent that we can.


  • >>JAMES GATES: I think you nailed it with the chess game analogy.

  • One thing that I think that a lotoften times, when I talk to peopleand Lisa alluded

  • to this very well, is that a lot of people think it’s all about them.

  • They really do. They think it’s all about them. They have to understand things

  • that’s somehow related to them.

  • It’s all about them. And I think that one of the things that science actually teaches

  • us is that it’s not all about us.

  • We may be struggling with the description that were trying to construct, but the

  • universe doesn’t care whether I understand or don’t understand.

  • The universe doesn’t care whether I exist or not exist. The universe, at least as I

  • have studied it, is I’m going to retreat into Einstein,

  • and at the end of the day it is an extraordinary mystery. That’s the sense that I get from

  • having studied science for now 50 years almost.

  • That we live in this place of mystery, and we need to accept a humbleness about our efforts

  • to go out and explain

  • that chess game that you described.


  • >>MAX TEGMARK: I fully agree with you that the world would be a better place if we humans

  • could be a bit more humble.

  • At the same time, I also feel that the very soul of physics

  • is this audacity to look for hidden simplicity in things. So, I think the metaphor of chess

  • is a beautiful one.

  • We have as a goal in physics to look at this very complicated [unintelligible 94:00] universe

  • and look for hidden simplicity, look for rules of chess, which are actually simple. Not the

  • list of one Googleplex different possible things.

  • Were not just saying it’s all random.

  • And, of course, we don’t know yet whether there are rules that are simple enough that

  • our human minds can understand them or not.

  • But I’m an optimist, and I feel it’s actually much healthier as scientists if we have this

  • innate optimism

  • instead of saying, well, it might be they were too dumb to ever figure this out, so

  • let’s just not try.

  • I think it’s much healthier to say there is a real possibility that there is this hidden

  • simplicity,

  • and, in fact, Galileo and Einstein and so many before us have found simplicity far beyond

  • what their ancestors every dreamt to.

  • So, let’s keep looking for even more hidden simplicity.

  • Maybe this is actually all computational mathematical, which that’s anyway the ultimate audacity

  • to hope for that because that would mean that in principle, at least,

  • it really is possible to figure out the rules of the game.

  • That’s that attitude I’d like to take. Consider the possibility that it is possible,

  • and then try our very, very best to actually figure it out.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Thank you, Mario, for that and, Morpheus. So, Zohreh?

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: So, yeah. I would like to deviate a little more from your question very

  • quickly because it didn’t came up in the discussions,

  • but I wanted to distinguish between the idea that we can simulate a universe, as opposed

  • to the universe being a simulation,

  • because there are fundamental limits to our capacity to actually compute things.

  • And these are based on the physical laws that govern our universe. Basically, we can’t

  • have infinite power, the energy, the laws that govern

  • [unintelligible 95:56] uncertainty principle can limit the right that we can process logical

  • operations, and also the entropy and thermodynamic laws can limit

  • the amount of memory that can hold in a given amount of the space-time.

  • And thanks to ideas like this that were discussed by [unintelligible 96:14] and other people,

  • and therefore we might not be able to actuallyand there are other actually limits when you think

  • about larger-scale expansion of the universe,

  • whether or not it can ever casually connect to parts of the universe. It’s expanding.

  • And, therefore, store and process those information

  • to be able to actually re-simulate the universe that we have.

  • So, it’s a different idea. I don’t think that based on the physical laws of our nature

  • this could be possible,

  • but that doesn’t mean that our universe could not be a simulation inside another universe

  • that has another laws of physics

  • that doesn’t actually limit the amount of computation that is required to simulate a

  • universe. So, these are two different ideas.

  • But just to come back to your question, I think as a physicist and thinking about the

  • simulation idea,

  • I think it doesn’t change the way I think about the science, and I do my every day job

  • as a scientist.

  • I think just the notion of whether or not were real or just simulated, it’s kind

  • of irrelevant because what we are observing is no different from being real or imaginary.

  • We just go and discover things that we already don’t know about the universe, that laws

  • that we haven’t

  • discovered. But at some point, maybe we find some sort of more strong evidence that could

  • connect us to

  • a higher level that says something about whether or not the universe is computational based

  • and there is some simulator besides us.

  • These are the ideas that require more thinking and more thinking out of the box, I would

  • say, at the moment,

  • but maybe at some point in future when we have more understanding of the laws of our

  • universe,

  • we can have more rigorous way to go and look for those evidences and say something meaningful.

  • At this point, there is not such evidence. Weve just started to make assumptions by

  • just comparing our simulations of the universe and see

  • what would be the consequences of those kind of assumptions. But at the moment we don’t

  • have such evidence,

  • and it would be wrong to put a lot of focus on this idea. But it’s definitely a very

  • fun and curious idea to think about as a scientist and,

  • therefore, I think that’s why I do science.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: I just have to alert you she knows the answer to your chess question,

  • and she’s just not telling us because youre Persian and you Persians invented chess.

  • [laughter]


  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Yeah. I actually played that game when I was very, very young.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, she does have the answer.

  • [laughter]

  • So, let me just end before we transition to Q&A. I want to get the likelihood that you

  • think we are in a simulation.

  • Ten percent chance? Twenty percent? Just give me a number. Just a number. Go.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: I can’t give you that number. I don’t have any answers.


  • [laughter]

  • She’s not authorized to divulge that information. Okay, so youre giving no answer. Max?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Seventeen percent.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Seventeen percent.

  • [laughter]

  • Jim? Morpheus?

  • >>JAMES GATES: One percent.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: One percent chance.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I’m going with effectively zero.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Effectively zero. David?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Forty-two percent.

  • [laughter]

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I think the likelihood may be very high.

  • And my evidence for it is just it’s a thought experiment, and it’s simple.

  • Well just end with this reflectionand I’m elsewhere like on YouTube saying this,

  • so you can check it out later, if you choose.

  • I just think when I look at what we measure to be our own intelligence, and we tend to

  • think highly of it,

  • getting back to Jim’s point, there’s a certain hubris just even in how we think about

  • our relationship to the world.

  • And that’s understandable perhaps, even in the search for intelligent life in the

  • universe.

  • It comes with the assumption that well find life that also thinks we are intelligent.

  • Well, if we look at other life forms on earth with whom we have DNA in common,

  • there is none that we would rank ever in the history of the fossil record, or life thriving

  • today,

  • that we would rank with us and our level of intelligence.

  • So, given our definitions, were the only intelligent species there ever was because

  • we have poetry and philosophy and music and art.

  • And then I thought to myself, well, if the chimpanzee has 98-whatever percent identical

  • DNA to us

  • pick any animal. It doesn’t matter. Dogs, it doesn’t matter.

  • Mammals have very close DNA to us. They cannot do trigonometry.

  • Some people can’t do trigonometry. Certainly not these animals. So, if they cannot do trigonometry,

  • and they have such close genetic identity to us, let’s take that same gap and put

  • it beyond us and find some life form that is that much beyond us that we are beyond

  • the dog or the chimp.

  • What would we look like to them? We would be drooling, blithering idiots in their presence.

  • The smartest chimp can do maybe some sign language and stack boxes and reach a banana,

  • put up an umbrella, like our toddlers can do.

  • Our toddlers do that.

  • So, maybe the smartest humanbring Stephen Hawking forward in front of this other species,

  • and theyre chuckling because theyll say, oh, this happens to be the smartest human

  • because he’s slightly smarter than the rest because he can do astrophysics calculations

  • in his head, like little Timmy over here.

  • [laughter]

  • Oh, youre back from preschool? Oh, youve just composed a symphony. That’s so

  • let’s put it on the refrigerator door. We just derived all the principles ofoh, that’s

  • cute.

  • And so that is not a stretch to think about. And if that’s the case, it is easy for me

  • to imagine that everything in our lives is just the creation of some other entity for

  • their entertainment.

  • It is easy for me to think that. So, whatever the likelihood is: zero percent, 1 percent,

  • 17, 42, no answer,

  • I’m saying the day we learn that it is true I will be the only one in the room saying

  • I’m not surprised.

  • Thank you all for coming tonight, and thank the panel.

  • [applause]

  • We will bring up the lights,

  • and in this transition between the formal part of the panel and the Q&A that well

  • be taking from you,

  • I just want to tell you what it takes to run this thing.

  • As I told you earlier, it was formed by an endowment created by Isaac Asimov’s widow,

  • Janet Asimov,

  • and friends of Isaac Asimov.

  • And weve been going strong ever since. And so I just want to say we have people who

  • run this thing.

  • We have Susan Morris, who’s director of Hayden programs.

  • We have Susan. Susan is out there.

  • And we have Emily [unintelligible 103:41]. She’s also part of this team that make this

  • work.

  • We have my executive assistant, Elizabeth Stachow.

  • We have Laura Jean Checki, who’s our stage manager.

  • [applause]

  • We have some fans of Laura in the audience. Good.

  • We have Miriam Poser, who has been with us like forever and is a die-hard supporter

  • as a volunteer of our programs.

  • Lydia Marie Petrosinodid I pronounce that right, Lydia? I only ever call you Lydia Marie.

  • Lydia Marie is good. And, of course, we have Betty Walrond.

  • These are people who make this happen every single year. I just want to collectively give

  • them applause.

  • [applause]

  • We have about 15 minutes for Q&A, so let’s go straight to it. Well go back and forth,

  • left and right.

  • No one will hear you unless you speak into the microphone, so let’s start here. Let’s

  • go.

  • >>QUESTION: Okay. So, my question is does it really matter

  • would you view the universe differently if we knew it was simulated? Could we do the

  • math differently?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Ooh, I like that. To make this efficient, well pick one person

  • to answer,

  • so how about Max because your book is tiltedwhat’s the title of your book?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Our Mathematical Universe.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah. So, he’s the guy to answer this question. Okay.

  • If you knew, would your math be different?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Well, I’ll take your question. I mean, if I knew, would that make me super

  • depressed or super excited?

  • Would it change the way I feel about everyday life? My answer is absolutely not.

  • I feel that when we look at these rather sterile equations or the computer code, or whatever

  • it is that’s running this,

  • there’s no meaning or purpose built into that. We shouldn’t look through our universe

  • creating the meaning for us.

  • It’s we who give meaning to our universe. So, the way we feel about things,

  • and the meaning we create, is the same regardless of whether were simulated or not. And I

  • think this is very much the point that David was making earlier also.

  • We shouldn’t diss things just because theyre simulated.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: The math is a little bit different if were simulated, on the other

  • hand,

  • because there’s also the math of the simulating universe.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Right.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: There’s a math of our universe embedded in a bigger one,

  • which raises some exciting prospects like, hey, maybe we could get out and explore that

  • one. So, that would be cool.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Wait. So, youre swayingcan you embed a complete system

  • of mathematics within a higher system of mathematics?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah. Maybe the embedding universe is a vastly higher level of complexity

  • than ours,

  • in order to have the computational power, for example, to simulate ours. Maybe theyll

  • let us out one day.

  • Were just computers in their world. Theyll give us input devices.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, you feel like youre in prison?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: No. it’s just like earth is cool, but the galaxy’s even cooler.


  • [laughter]

  • Yeah, a quick one here.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I think it would feel different.

  • It’s always interested me that if you miss a basketball game and you know it already

  • happened,

  • it’s less interesting to you to watch, even though you know it happened already

  • because it’s not happening in real time. And you might not even know the result, but

  • I think there is a sense in which psychologically

  • the idea that it is preprogrammed would be disturbing, at least to me.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: My analogy to that is if you go to the Smithsonian Air and Space

  • Museum in Washington,

  • and you see the Apollo 11 Command Module that went to the moon and came back, and there

  • it is,

  • if you made an exact replica of that and put it on display anywhere else and say you cannot

  • really tell the difference except microscopically,

  • but it’s a fake, it meansit’s different to you even though you can’t tell the difference.

  • The knowledge that it’s really seems to matter to us

  • than if it’s a simulation or a model, in that case.

  • So, I have to agree. I reluctantly agree. I don’t want to agree, but I have to agree.

  • >>JAMES GATES: I disagree for one reason. I don’t do science to make me feel something.

  • I do science because I think it’s an investment in the long-term survival of our species.

  • Our science underlies our technology.

  • If our environment changes, we will use that technology to survive,

  • whether that’s true if were simulations or not. That’s why I do science.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Are you also running for president?

  • [laughter]

  • >>LISA RANDALL: No, because they can’t talk about science.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Who, by the way, Jim Gates is on the President’s Committee of

  • Advisors of Science and Technology, PCAST.

  • And youve been there for almost the entire administration, so keep up the good advice

  • that youre giving.

  • [applause]

  • Let’s go right here. Hey, how are you doing?

  • >>QUESTION: Good.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: What grade are you in?

  • >>QUESTION: Eighth grade.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Eighth grade, cool. So, what do you have?

  • >>QUESTION: So, you were saying about bugs in the code of the universe, if it is a simulation.

  • How come if it probably statistically would not be perfect, how come we have not so far

  • seen any

  • corruption or glitches maybe in the far-looking like the cosmic background radiation? How

  • have we not seen anything that just seems like it couldn’t be there?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Great question. Jim, what do you got?

  • >>JAMES GATES: That’s an easy one to answer.

  • Up until September of last year we have never seen gravity waves either. The point is that

  • our technology was not sufficient,

  • and might not be sufficient now.


  • [laughter]

  • So, what he’s saying is that it may still be there. We just haven’t found it yet.

  • That’s a cop-out answer, I think, between you and me. But don’t tell him that I said

  • that. Yes, Zohreh? Yes?

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Yeah. So, exactly the line of investigation that we have in our favor

  • is

  • whether or not the simulation is imperfect, as you say.

  • So, given that we haven’t already seen something doesn’t mean that we might not see something

  • and,

  • therefore, as I said, we look for evidences that tells us that there are some imperfection

  • in the universe because the simulator

  • or the amount of computation that could be done to generate our universe has been finited,

  • [unintelligible 109:54] infinite and,

  • therefore, there might be some evidence. But it doesn’t mean that the fact that we haven’t

  • seen it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go and look for it.

  • It’s been difficult, but

  • >>JAMES GATES: But I thought the question was why haven’t we seen it. That’s what

  • I answered.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Well, yeah. And don’t you both agree?

  • Youre saying if you haven’t seen it, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Keep looking.

  • >>JAMES GATES: Absolutely.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Right.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Good. I’ve got a question from Twitter

  • that came in. [Even Quinter] from the Twitterverse asked, “I think I’ll direct this to Max.

  • If the universe is a simulation, does that mean there’s a limit to how far our universe

  • can reach?”

  • Because we speak of an infinite universe beyond our horizon all the time. So, youre ready

  • to say if it’s a simulation, it can’t be infinite,

  • and there is the limit to the code.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: It’s a great question. If we are being simulated in one universe up

  • on finite computational resources,

  • yeah, then either the size of our universe is actually finite, or there’s some other

  • trick

  • like it just keeps repeating itself over and over again.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Like the background in the Flintstones when theyre riding in

  • the car?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: Precisely.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: The background just repeats. I was so angry.

  • I said you can’t draw me a—what’s with your budget?

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: That’s right.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Have you ever seen the backdrop of cartoons when people are running?

  • It just repeats. When I was a kid, that disturbed me.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Maybe it’s a just-in-time simulation. It’s kind of like the Truman

  • Show or something.

  • They started off simulating me in Australia where I was born [unintelligible 111:25].

  • I came to New York, so suddenly I had to simulate all of you guys and


  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah, exactly. Or for whoever. Or maybe they started off with the earth,

  • and then we go to

  • the Voyager just reachedthe thing just reached Pluto, so now they had to simulate

  • Pluto.


  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Just like that. So

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Let’s not start with Pluto.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Start small and go bigger.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah, don’t get me started on Pluto, first of all.

  • [laughter]

  • But what youre saying is they might just be laying down the bricks in the road as we

  • drive along.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah. Just-in-time simulation, they call it.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Just in time.

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Yeah. Simulate only as much as you need.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. Right here. Yes?

  • >>QUESTION: Hi. So, we briefly discussed infinity and how it relates to this topic.

  • But I was just wondering on the other end of the spectrum why is nothing not a thing?

  • Is there not nothing when you come down to the fundamental question?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: We had an entire Asimov panel on that very subject. Where were you?

  • The title of that was The Existence of Nothing, and we had all the experts on nothing

  • on the stage at the time. I’m just saying.

  • [laughter]

  • So, okay, maybe he didn’t know that, so

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I actually have a probabilistic argument.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. So, well entertain it, but go online. The whole thing is there.

  • It’s called The Existence of Nothing. Okay, yes?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, in my book Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs I have a section on cosmology,

  • and I actually talk about the probability of nothing. And I think nothing is just very

  • unlikely.

  • I mean, first of all, we wouldn’t talk about nothing because we wouldn’t be here. But

  • nothing is just one

  • if you think of a number line, zero is just one point on it,

  • and nothing is just—I would say it’s very unlikely. And if you have an explanation of

  • why there’s nothing,

  • then there’s something there that allowed you to have the rules to explain it.

  • [laughter]

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So, youre saying the act of posing the question of why there’s

  • something is proof that there could not have been nothing?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Right. So, there’s two answers.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. Crystal clear now.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: That’s one. And the other answer is probabilistic.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. Yes, sir?

  • >>QUESTION: Hi, Neil. How are you?


  • >>QUESTION: So, I think I’m going to say this every day now after this. I’m going

  • to say computer end program when I wake up in the morning.

  • But the question is say we assume that we are in a simulationwe don’t try to prove

  • it anymore

  • would it be possible to come up with equations, knowing what we know from the past, to predict

  • what inputs might be in the future,

  • assuming that this is an original idea and it’s not an input from the programmer and

  • were not on a holodeck within a holodeck within a holodeck within a holodeck.

  • You think that would be possible and maybe escape the simulation?

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: David, what do you have?

  • >>DAVID CHALMERS: Well, I think were probably stuck for now with the laws of the actual

  • simulation

  • of the simulated universe. If it’s a perfect simulation, were not going to be able to

  • do better than that. Were not going to get information about the character of the

  • simulated universe.

  • Now, if it’s a buggy simulation, or if it’s interactive simulationif theyre sending

  • messages down here in the way that God was supposed to and so on

  • then all bets are off. All I can say is so far I’ve not seen evidence that we can use

  • to make predictions, hey, tomorrow the simulators are going to call the whole thing off.

  • So, all we can do there is speculate as far as I can tell.

  • If Zohreh’s work pans out, maybe well suddenly have a lot more evidence.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: And I would add that at the end of the day we are living in this universe.

  • So, we are constrained by the laws of this universe. So, the concept of escaping from

  • this universe

  • doesn’t seem logical to me because we are bound to be evolving according to the laws

  • of this universe,

  • and not something beyond that.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Plus, some other universes have slightly different laws of physics. I

  • don’t want to be the first to visit them.

  • [laughter]

  • Send something else then, and well figure it out. We only have time for a couple more

  • questions, one of which I’m going to take from our Twitter list.

  • So, let’s go right here. Sir, yes?

  • >>QUESTION: Sorry, Neil, I tend to disagree with your conclusion about the universe simulation

  • percentage,

  • and more agree with Lisa’s zero percentage. Here’s why.

  • Using your chessboard analogy, yes, there are 64 pieces on a chessboard. You can assign

  • numbers to each piece.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Sixty-four squares.

  • >>QUESTION: Sixty-four squares, right. And you can assign values

  • numerical values to the chess pieces, and then use computers to see into the number

  • applies: 3, 4, 5,

  • and then run the simulation, and you get the end result of who’s going to win and so

  • forth.

  • However, just look at the humans on this earth. We have seven billion people now on earth,

  • and even if we can mathematically model one person, when we have interactions of each

  • other, we have interactions of more than each other

  • because every action there’s a reaction, and then we have seven billion people.

  • So, the result is going to be totally unpredictable. In fact, it doesn’t look too good because

  • the earth’s with its limited resources,

  • and the earth population growing at a logarithmic rate.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Exponential rate.

  • >>QUESTION: The conclusionexponential rate.


  • >>QUESTION: It’s going to be one conclusion, and that isthe result is not going to be

  • good.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: But it may be that these multiple interactions that transcend

  • our native ability to compute

  • are no different from the Tick-Tack-Toe game being played by the five year old.

  • Were just too stupid to know.

  • >>QUESTION: Well, that’s true.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Okay. That’s right.

  • >>QUESTION: But, again, when you look at the complexity and try to mathematically model

  • seven billion people’s characteristics

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah, we can’t do it because we just have human brains.

  • >>QUESTION: Absolutely. Thank you very much.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Yeah, sure. Forgive the rest of the people online. The last question

  • is going to have to be from our Twitter stream here.

  • And this one I’m just going to send to Lisa. Lisa, you will take us out with your answer

  • to this question.

  • This is from Ashley [Cannino], “Is dark matterthere are multiple ways you could

  • probably get to this, but let me say how it’s written,

  • Is dark matter transparent where simply rules of the game a computational structure?”

  • Like an operating system.

  • And think of dark matter and dark energy, these permeating elements of the universe

  • that we don’t understand at all.

  • We don’t know what’s causing them, but we can measure their existence. Could that

  • be the blood of the operating system throughout the universe?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: So, it’s an interesting question, and people have asked that question.

  • And you have to take a little bit of an Ockham’s razor approach here.

  • So, first of all, dark matter is indeed transparent matter. It’s matter that just light just

  • goes through.

  • There’s evidence for it not because we see it, because it doesn’t emit or absorb light,

  • but because it has gravitational influence. And we can observe the gravitational influence.

  • Now, you can ask is that because we got the laws of physics wrong and there really wasn’t

  • matter, and the we got the laws of physics wrong.

  • First of all, it’s a lot simpler to believe this matter that we have no reason to believe

  • shouldn’t be there is there,

  • than to think we got the laws of physics wrong. Because the laws of physics work incredibly

  • well

  • over many distant scales. So, there’s no evidence that those laws of physics are wrong.

  • But, furthermore, there’s actuallythere’s more and more evidence that makes it look

  • just like it’s matter.

  • One of the things is known as the bullet cluster, or other clusters,

  • which are really mergers of clusters of galaxies. Clusters of galaxies are bound states of many

  • galaxies [headed] together.

  • And when those things go through each other, a cluster of galaxies has gas in it and it

  • stores in as dark matter. When it goes through it, you see the gas get stuck in the middle.

  • You can see that through X-rays. Through gravitational lensing, you can see the dark matter just

  • pass through.

  • It acts just like you would expect matter that’s not interacting to act.

  • It goes right through, the gas stays in the middle. Now, you can try to mock up equations,

  • or some simulation or something that does that, but it looks just like matter would

  • look. It’s exactly what you would predict.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Except we established earlier that we don’t form our own galaxies

  • without the existence of dark matter

  • creating the womb in which we collect. So, isn’t that kind of like an operating system,

  • enabling matter to do its thing?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Well, gravity is, in some sense, the operating system. But gravity is

  • responding to the existence of the dark matter.

  • And dark matter does play a big role. There’s more of it. It collapses. It doesn’t attract

  • with light,

  • so it can form structures more easily than normal matter.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I like that. Gravity’s the operating system. Well, how about dark

  • energy?

  • >>LISA RANDALL: Dark energy is another just thing that’s in there that’s responding

  • to gravity.

  • So, dark energy isfor those who don’t knowsmoothly distributed. It’s not like

  • matter that clumps together.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: It’s the operating system.

  • >>LISA RANDALL: It’s not the operating system either.

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Operating system is everywhere you touch on a computer. So it

  • dark energy.

  • [laughter]

  • >>LISA RANDALL: I’m just getting confused now.

  • It’s part of what I put in, at least in my initial state, and then I let the gravity

  • equations work on it.

  • So, you have this distribution of energy. You have this distribution of matter.

  • And then you can ask what is the effect of this energy that we don’t observe directly.

  • In some sense, we observe the fact that it is responsible for the acceleration of the

  • expanse of the universe.

  • But gravity is the only law there. The other stuff is just stuff. Dark energy is stuff.

  • Dark matter is stuff.

  • The gravitational equations are acting on that, and it’s actually creating the gravitational

  • [force].

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Well, so if gravity is the operating system of the universe,

  • I can’t wait for Universe 2.0.

  • [laughter]

  • Thank you all for coming this evening. Thank the panel.

  • [applause]

  • Zohreh, Max, Jim, Lisa, David.

  • [applause]

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: It was so much fun.

  • >>ZOHREH DAVOUDI: Thank you.

  • >>MAX TEGMARK: That was really

  • >>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Thanks for coming out. That concludes the 17th Annual Isaac Asimov

  • Panel Debate.

  • Good evening to everyone watching live stream. Goodnight to you all here in New York. Well

  • see you next year. [End of audio]

>>NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: Welcome back. This is the 17th Annual Isaac Asimov Panel Debate.

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2016艾薩克-阿西莫夫紀念辯論會:宇宙是模擬嗎? (2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Is the Universe a Simulation?)

  • 96 4
    林芷妤 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary