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  • Translator: Leonardo Silva Reviewer: Steven Li

  • When I was seven or eight years old,

  • I was awaken at 5 am one morning to a loud bang.

  • That loud bang was federal agents kicking down my door,

  • looking for a family member of mine

  • who was a big-time drug dealer at the time.

  • He wasn't there. It was just me, my Mom and my sister.

  • I can still remember the fear, the confusion,

  • and the traumatic impact that that event had on me.

  • That event stole my sister's security.

  • I didn't feel safe in my own home.

  • They threatened to come to my school and take me away from my parents,

  • so I didn't feel safe there.

  • And lastly, it shaped my perception of police and law enforcement.

  • I now looked at them as the enemy.

  • Like in many other low-income communities, growing up in the city of Boston

  • you had more liquor stores than grocery stores,

  • more drug dealers than college graduates,

  • and more funerals than weddings.

  • Most will believe that behavior is learned,

  • and I can honestly say that was the case for me.

  • I became what I saw every day. I became a product of my environment.

  • If you were to walk through a low-income community

  • and take a poll and ask individuals, or even go inside prisons and ask them,

  • \"When your were younger, what did you want to grow up and be?\"

  • I could guarantee you almost none of them would say,

  • \"I wanted to grow up and be a gangbanger,\"

  • or \"a drug dealer,\" or \"a robber.\"

  • It used to be, \"I want to be a superhero,\"

  • or \"a police officer,\" or \"a firefighter.\"

  • So, when did that shift happen?

  • I believe the conditions of poverty helped create that shift.

  • Aristotle offers a quote and says,

  • \"Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.\"

  • And I believe that to be true.

  • Being a student in middle school in Boston public school system

  • was pretty rough.

  • The school looked more like a prison than a school.

  • We had forty students in one class.

  • We had one book for every three students.

  • I remember spending most of my times in the hallways,

  • running around, not engaged in any type of material.

  • And then, I remember being at my middle school graduation and thinking,

  • \"How did I even get here? I don't deserve this. I didn't work for it.\"

  • And at that moment, I realized,

  • \"They don't care about me. They're pushing me out.\"

  • So, as if matters couldn't get even worse,

  • it was in eighth grade when I lost my first friend to street violence.

  • Da-Keem Galloway, seventh grade,

  • shot in his head because he didn't want to give up his hat

  • to some of the local gangbangers in the neighborhood.

  • This happened just blocks away from my school.

  • So now, I wasn't being engaged, I didn't feel safe,

  • I didn't feel like anyone cared.

  • So I said, \"To hell with it.\"

  • That led me on to getting suspended, missing days of school,

  • and eventually getting introduced to the juvenile justice system

  • for truancy.

  • That apathetic attitude poured over into high school,

  • and I eventually got kicked out of three different high schools,

  • and written off by society.

  • And I remember I was on my last trial thinking,

  • \"How did they kick me out?

  • They're the ones that failed me.

  • They failed to provide a safe space.

  • They failed to provide caring adults to make me feel like a student,

  • and not a number,

  • and they failed to provide a childhood curriculum

  • to keep me engaged.

  • But yet, I'm the bad guy.\"

  • So, as a direct result of being disengaged for roughly two or three years,

  • I caught myself in a vicious cycle.

  • I turned to the streets.

  • I felt like I had no other option at the time.

  • I didn't consider myself a criminal. I considered myself a survivor.

  • In that two-year period, I couldn't find a job,

  • so I started selling drugs, got arrested,

  • started getting into fights, getting jumped,

  • watching my friends get gunned down in the streets,

  • and I myself came face to face with death on three different occasions.

  • I was \"knee-deep in the game\".

  • Within one day, there was a huge sweep in Brockton.

  • They arrested over twenty individuals for drugs in the city.

  • They were all my friends, and I thought, \"Shon, you're next.\"

  • On that very same day, I turned the corner of my street,

  • and there was a police cruiser right in front of my house with their lights on.

  • When I saw that, I immediately went back to being eight years old

  • and remembering those federal agents kicking down my door.

  • It was then that I said to myself, \"This is not about you anymore.

  • This is about your family.\"

  • I couldn't put my sister and my mother through that again.

  • So, at that point, I said, \"You've got to make a change.\"

  • So, I went on to look for a second chance.

  • It wasn't easy.

  • I found my second chance at an organization called YouthBuild.

  • YouthBuild is a comprehensive program

  • for youth who have dropped out of high school and are unemployed.

  • And while they're in the program,

  • they spend half of their time working towards their GED or high school diploma,

  • and the other half getting marketable job skills,

  • for their low-income homes, for low-income families.

  • There are social and emotional components of the model,

  • and also chances to develop leadership skills,

  • which has helped lead me to this stage today,

  • to represent thousands and thousands of YouthBuild students

  • and local communities across the US,

  • and now in fifteen countries across the globe.

  • When the education system failed me, when the job market failed me,

  • when the justice system failed me,

  • YouthBuild was there to welcome me with open arms.

  • I first heard about the program from a cousin of mine who graduated.

  • My initial intentions on the program were to join the program, get my GED,

  • pick up a certificate and a trade, and be on my way.

  • But boy, their staff did have plans for me.

  • They said, \"Lashon, we respect your decision,

  • but why don't you give college a shot?

  • Don't say it's not for you, unless you give it a shot.

  • Hey, we'll pay for it, we'll bring you to the class, you know.

  • If it doesn't work, what's the loss to you?\"

  • So I took them up on their offer.

  • So immediately after completing the program,

  • I enrolled in the Bridge program,

  • which was a partnership between my local YouthBuild program,

  • and the local community college,

  • and that was my first college class, and I passed it with an A.

  • Receiving that grade motivated me to want to go on

  • immediately in full time in the next semester. And so, I did so.

  • And I kept up the pace,

  • and eventually, ended up completing my associates in criminal justice,

  • with high honors,

  • and ducked in to three honor societies,

  • and made Dean's list every single semester.

  • (Applause)

  • Thank you.

  • Now, this picture is significant to me

  • because this is me and my father at my graduation.

  • Now, this would be the last time I'd see my father

  • because he was murdered three weeks after that.

  • That was one of the most trying and darkest times of my life.

  • I wanted to give up on everything, education, you name it. I wasn't for it.

  • Even though I was two years out of the program,

  • the YouthBuld staff was still there for me.

  • They served as my counselors,

  • they came to my house unannounced to make sure I was OK.

  • And lastly and most importantly,

  • they reminded me that the last thing my father would want

  • was for me to give up my education.

  • So, I internalized that and kept up the pace,

  • and this May, I just completed my bachelor's at UMass Boston.

  • And now, I am on my way to Northeastern University

  • for my master's in nonprofit management.

  • (Applause)

  • Now, while I appreciate all the accomplishments

  • every time I come to DC or go to any other city

  • and I go back to my community, it's a smack in the face.

  • My people are still under struggle.

  • There are over 6.7 million opportunity youth who are unemployed

  • and have no education.

  • In addition, there are over 2.3 million individuals in our prison systems.

  • What if they had a second chance?

  • Would the world be a better place?

  • My answer is yes, and it's not too late.

  • But we all have to work collectively to help change their conditions

  • and help provide more opportunity for the millions of youth in America.

  • So the question is, how? How can we do that?

  • I have three solutions for you.

  • My first solution is, instead of making decisions for them,

  • give youth and members of the community a voice.

  • They're the experts, they're the ones living in these situations.

  • A perfect example would be the National Council of Young Leaders,

  • Opportunity Youth United,

  • in which I represent youth for USA.

  • We've put together a set of recommendations to increase opportunity

  • and decrease poverty in America.

  • Some of our priorities are to increase comprehensive programs like YouthBuild,

  • and reform the criminal justice system, and many more.

  • But again, these recommendations were all produced

  • by former opportunity youth themselves.

  • Secondly, instead of investing more in jails and in building more jails,

  • let's invest in more YouthBuild programs,

  • so that every youth who wants a second chance

  • can have the opportunity and take seize of it,

  • where they could earn their high school diploma and GED

  • with a relevant curriculum and opportunity for service learning;

  • where they can gain job training and become community assets,

  • instead of liabilities;

  • where they have access to caring adults to help them work through life challenges

  • and build the resilience to transform their lives;

  • where they can engage in community service

  • for communities that they may have damaged before,

  • but now they can then go back and build a connection.

  • And lastly, give them leadership skills

  • and the tools to take responsibility and advocate for change

  • in their community, in their lives, in this nation, and in the world.

  • Lastly, let's look at some of the policies

  • that are preventing these men and women from reaching their full potentials,

  • such as the regulations around criminal records

  • and the school discipline policies,

  • so that we can have less of these,

  • and more of these.

  • Now, that is a simple formula,

  • and I believe that that formula will change lives and open many doors.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, that was my story.

  • I thank you for listening.

  • (Applause)

Translator: Leonardo Silva Reviewer: Steven Li

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TEDx】我的脫貧之路| Lashon Amado | TEDxPennsylvaniaAvenue (【TEDx】My path out of poverty| Lashon Amado | TEDxPennsylvaniaAvenue)

  • 100 9
    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
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