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Hi my name is Massimo Banzi.
and I am one of the cofounders
of the Arduino project.
And we are here for another video
about our Arduino starter kit.
Today we are going to look at
a new project
called "The Touch Sensor Lamp".
This is a simple circuit
where we are going to build
a sensor that is able to detect
when a human being is
touching the circuit.
You can see that if I touch this
wire, the LED turns on.
For this tutorial we are going to
introduce a new concept
from the Arduino platform:
external libraries.
This is a very powerful concept because
there are some things
in Arduino programming
that are very complex for beginners.
Like for example, in this
case, we are building a touch sensor.
The touch sensor uses a
fairly complex process
for the beginner.
And it would be quite complex for
beginners to write the code
completely by themselves.
so someone with a lot of
skills in Arduino programming
developed a library that
is able to perform
this sensing function.
On the arduino website
you are going to find all the
instructions you need
in order to install
a new library
into the Arduino development enviroment.
But let's have a look at this circuit.
Here we have an LED
connected to pin number 12
of the Arduino.
And then we have this strange circuit,
where we have a resistor
connected between pin number 2
and 4 of our Arduino.
And then there is a wire
connected to pin number 2.
If i touch the wire with my finger,
the led turns on.
So, this is due to the passive sensor
implemented by the library
that we are going to see
in a few seconds.
The capacitive sensor is able to
detect when a human being
is touching a metallic surface.
It's the same principle used by
the touch sensor
on the screen of every iPhone
or Android mobile phones
that you may have used.
We can also increase the sensitivity
of the sensor
by using an external metallic surface.
I am going to use
a piece of printed circuit board
that hasn't been etched yet.
So as you can see
it is a piece of fiberglass
with some copper on top.
so we are going connect this
to my circuit and see
what happens if I place
a bigger surface.
So we are going to help ourself
using this alligator clip.
I am going to
connect the alligator clip to the wire
and then to the copper surface.
so now when
my hand touches the surface
it turns on and off.
Actually what happens is that
only if you actually have to
the surface, it starts to
sense my hand even
when the hand is just close.
Actually if we flip
the board around here we have
an insulating surface made of
fiberglass and still
if I place my full hand on it,
it can still detect my hand.
so the capacitive sensor
is very useful because I
can actually detect the touch
of a person even through
certain insulating materials.
Now let's have a look at the code.
here you can see
something new already at the
beginning of the code.
We are going to use this statement
called "include".
You have this # sign followed by
include and CapSense.h
So, this statement tells Arduino
to look for a library called
CapSense and include that
into our program.
As I said before
this is quite useful because
it is going to introduce
a piece of code,
which is quite complex
and is going to make
your life very simple.
and you can find online literally
hundreds of libraries
that encapsulate the functionality
of very complex sensors.
And provide you a very simple
way to use them.
So they are an incredibly powerful
part of the Arduino platform.
a little further down in the code
you can see that we are creating
an object of type CapSense
and this object is called capSensor.
And we are specifying that pin
4 and 2
are the two pins connected to
the resistor and pin number 2 is
actually the one that goes to
the sensor.
So, later on we create
another variable called threshold
that is set to the value 1000.
this value will need to be
determined experimentally while you
work on your code.
And finally we create a
constant called ledPin
that specifies that the LED
is connected to pin number 12.
In the setup()
you see there is nothing complex.
There is a Serial.begin()
that opens a communication channel
with the computer at 9600 bits per second,
followed by a pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT)
that makes sure that the pin
connected to the led is set
as an output
so that we can turn in on and off.
If we look at the setup(),
we can see that there is an
interesting command here.
We are using the CapSense library
to read from the sensor
and the number 30
witin brackets - here -
is indicating that we want
to read 30 samples
from the sensor.
This makes sure that we filter
out any unwanted noise or
false reading.
The value read by the sensor
goes into this variable
called sensorValue.
Later on we print sensorValue
towards the computer
so we can visualise it
with a serial monitor.
After that
comes the moment when we have actually
to decide if the led has to
be on or off.
If sensorValue is more
than the threshold then we turn
on the LED. If sensorValue
is less, then the LED turns off.
Then we introduce a small
10ms delay
to make sure that we are not
reading too fast
And afterwards we just
go back to the beginning of the loop,
we'll read the sensor again
and we continue like this.
If we switch on the serial monitor,
we can actually see
a series of numbers
coming from the sensor.
You can see that when I
approach with my hand the PCB
that I connected to the sensor,
the numbers increase.
And when the number
is bigger than a certain value
that we set which is 1000
in this case.
When the value is more than 1000
the LED turns on.
So this sensor
can also be used as a
proximity sensor
if properly configured.
Ok so
we are at the end of the tutorial
I hope you enjoyed this project
and see you later alligator.