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What I'm about to share with you is going to be the most important thing
that you ever learn about meeting and attracting the beautiful women that you
want in your life.
The guys that do not know this are missing out on so much and they're not
going to be able to attract the women that they want. The guys that do know
this and that are implementing it are having the most incredible success with women.
I'm Ben Alexander from The Legends Academy and let's get into this
amazing topic today about female psychology. Now what I'm going to share
with you is simple
however it seems very counterintuitive. It doesn't seem like it could be true, it
doesn't seem to make sense. Now
it took me years to figure this out okay, so I want you to really take this stuff
on board. Now let's think about how guys look at attraction. With us guys, we we
see a beautiful woman walk into a room and we think, "Wow she's beautiful!"
Then we might have a conversation with her or hang out with her and think, "Wow I
had a great time with her".
We think, "Well what more could there really be to that?" you know, it just seems
We think, you know, she's good looking that's the reason we're attracted to her.
That's pretty much it for us okay? So now where men go wrong is we try and
actually impose our way of feeling attraction for women, onto women.
So when we made a woman we think, "What's the most important thing? Well probably
looks because that's the most important thing to us." Then we think well we saw a
movie and so on and all this kind of stuff, and the guy was good looking, he
usually has a good job, he's got lots of money, got a nice car, a nice watch
and in movies that's sort of what's seen to be attractive and stuff like that so
we think, "Well that kind of makes sense
so I guess we need to do that to a woman". Now
what sort of really threw this out for me was when I would see guys walking
down the street, like, they weren't good-looking guys, they didn't look
wealthy yet they're with a beautiful, beautiful girl. Or I had friends and the
same thing ,they weren't rich they weren't good looking
yet they were able to have massive success with women. I was like, "Well
something's not right here I'm missing something".
So what I did I started researching. It literally took me years.
I would read books, I went all over the internet scouring things, watching videos
and YouTube and all this kind of stuff trying to work out this conundrum: How is
it that you don't need to be good-looking and rich and have all these
things yet you can still attract women? And when I worked it out guys it totally
blew my mind and I hope it's going to blow yours too and make a huge difference for
you, and what it was is, you know, I was always thinking like a man and trying to
apply it to women. And I figured, well, I guess if I, what happens if I try and
work at this from a woman's perspective? Let's work out how women are attracted.
And when i did this guy's, it was huge! So I started thinking, well, what's
important to a woman? And what I noticed was, well, if it's not the looks, if it's
not the money,
maybe it's the feelings! You know, how is this guy making her feel? Because they
always seem to be having such a good time with these guys that were having
you know a lot of success with them. So I thought, okay, let's look at creating
the right feelings for a girl.
And then what I found guys was women are actually, they need certain feelings
they need to feel certain emotions and so on when they're with a man. And that's how
they actually make up their mind about whether or not they're attracted to a
guy. I know! It's crazy right? So us guys, we're all logical, we're like, "I need this
thing, we need that thing". A woman, she needs to feel right about someone. So if she's
hanging out with a guy having a great time,
you know, they're enjoying each other's company she's laughing she feels good
when she's with him,
that's enough for her to feel attracted. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying
that there doesn't need to be a base level of attraction,
I'm not saying that you can just completely let yourself go, and let
yourself get all out of shape, and
not take care of your appearance and get all smelly, like, that that's not
going to work. You need to take care of the basics
however looks are nowhere near as important as you would think! Money is
nowhere near as important as we think!
Ok, and this is great news guys! Why is it great news? Well it's great news because
it means so long as you and I can work out how to create the right emotions in
a woman when we're with her, she's going to want to keep seeing us. She's gonna want
to keep spending time with us.
She's going to want to be our girlfriend and more. Ok so it's all about the
emotions, all about the feelings,
making sure she feels great when she's with you, and then you're going to have,
like, way more success than if you're trying to impress women with
money, or you know, being upset because you feel you don't look good enough and all that
kind of stuff. That stuff's irrelevant.
You just need to be able to know the way in which to create the right emotions in a
woman. So I really hope this has been a huge revelation for you.
I hope this is going to help you in your journey of success with women as much as
it's helped me.
I hope you love these videos. Thank you for watching us. Remember to share it
with a friend if you think this is going to help him too, and also remember to