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  • Hi, I’m Adriene Hill, this is Crash Course Economics, and today, we need to have a little

  • talk about a subject that most people try to avoid. Death. Were all going to die.

  • Now, I know from our demographic analytics that most of you are young, and youre statistically

  • likely to live quite a bit longer. But it’s still going to happen someday. And how and

  • when we die has some significant economic impacts. So let’s all listen to the Crash Course song,

  • watch the credits, have a small existential crisis, and then well get down to the economics of death.

  • [Theme Music]

  • Let me start by pointing out that my co-host Jacob isn’t dead. He’s in Canada where

  • he’s writing a textbook and making econ videos for his YouTube channel, ACDC Leadership.

  • And probably still wearing ACDC belt buckles everyday.

  • Now, a couple of disclaimers. One: This is not Crash Course philosophy. Were not gonna

  • get into the moral issues surrounding death. We don’t know what happens to you after

  • you die, although we will talk a little about what happens to your money after you die.

  • Two: were going to focus on how death and dying impact the economy of the United States.

  • And it’s not because were American exceptionalists or something, it’s because we read and write

  • in English, and information on the US is readily available to us.

  • We know that attitudes and practices around death differ throughout the world, but most

  • of our conversation is going to focus on death in America.

  • And no, Stan, not death to America. We focused on that in World History.

  • All right, a little good news: on the whole, throughout the world, life expectancy at birth has been increasing.

  • According to the United Nations, the global average life expectancy has risen from 65

  • years for people born between 1990 and 1995, to 70 years for those born between 2010 and 2015.

  • But there are still some pretty big disparities. People born in Africa have a life expectancy

  • at birth that's 12 years less than the global average, and 21 years less than the number

  • for those who live in North America. So that’s not great.

  • In the United States, life expectancy has changed dramatically in the last 50 years.

  • Americans live longer than they used to, and more and more of them die of natural causes.

  • Accidents and murder and violent death in general are way down. People are living longer.

  • The Pew Research foundation reports that by 2010 in the United States, 31 percent of deaths

  • were among those aged 85 and older. This was a huge change from 1968, when 12.5 percent

  • of people who died were in that age range.

  • It’s not all roses though, I mean, this is still an episode about dying.

  • When we look at this data by income level, the numbers look a little different.

  • A recent study found that income levels affect life expectancy. A lot.

  • In 2010, an upper income man in the US was expected to live to age 89. The same lower

  • income man would live to 76. And this shortened lifespan has a big economic impact.

  • In effect, the rich receive a lot more government benefits over the course of their lives.

  • That 89 year old upper-income man would collect an average of $522,000 dollars in government benefits during his life...

  • ...while the lower-income man would only collect an average of $391,000 dollars.

  • So how do our on average longer lives affect the economy?

  • Well, economic thought about this stuff varies.

  • Some economists argue that increased lifespans are, in a very basic sense, good for the economy.

  • When people live longer, they have more years to consume stuff, contributing to economic growth.

  • On the other hand, long life tends to come with more health problems, and memory-related

  • illnesses have become much more prevalent. In 1968, the Centers for Disease Control and

  • Prevention documented 293 deaths from dementia, senility, and Alzheimer’s.

  • In 2010, those illnesses accounted for more than 180,000 deaths.

  • The CDC also reports, five million Americans suffered from Alzheimer’s and dementia in

  • 2013, and that number was projected to rise as high as 13.8 million by 2050.

  • People with Alzheimer’s can live for a long time with the disease, and they need a lot of care, which is expensive.

  • The cost of caring for patients with Alzhemier’s and dementia was 200 billion dollars in 2012.

  • And those costs could rise as high as a trillion dollars by 2050. That's a lot of money.

  • As youll recall from our Economics of Healthcare episode, the US already has the highest per capita

  • healthcare spending in the world, and end of life care accounts for a huge part of that spending.

  • In 2012, 50 billion dollars of Medicare spending covered care for patients during the last 2 months of their lives.

  • And that doesn’t account for the costs that families absorb caring for dying family members at home.

  • Medicare doesn’t cover all the costs of home health care, and direct care from family members often results in lost wages.

  • It’s also worth asking exactly what were buying with all this money. Surveys indicate

  • that the vast majority of people would prefer to die at home, but more than 70 percent of

  • Americans die in nursing homes or hospitals. Patients often end up receiving a tremendous

  • amount of care at the end of their lives. The question we need to ask ourselves is whether

  • that intense and expensive level of care improves life, or simply prolongs suffering.

  • The answers to those questions tend to be mixed, and here we stray into the thorny territory of medical ethics.

  • Studies indicate that many doctors and patients are uncomfortable with the idea of having cost-of-care factor into end-of-life-decisions.

  • No one wants to be denied a course of treatment based on budget concerns.

  • One widely agreeable option for cutting costs in end-of-life care has grown out of a movement

  • meant to improve the quality of people’s end-of-life experience.

  • Hospice and palliative care treat patientssymptoms and manage their pain as they die,

  • rather than performing more and more procedures in an attempt to prolong life.

  • In 1982, the United States passed a law that allowed Medicare to cover hospice benefits

  • for patients with terminal illnesses.

  • While studies indicate that expanded access to hospice and palliative care do work to

  • lower end-of-life costs, theyre by no means a single solution to rising expenditures.

  • For now though, let’s put aside the complex mysteries of American health care costs and

  • agree that dying is expensive.

  • And we haven’t even started counting what it costs to actually be dead.

  • Once we get beyond the costs associated with dying, were still left with the cost of disposing of our bodies.

  • Let’s talk about what happens to you when you die, and how much is costs, in the Thought Bubble.

  • According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the median price for a funeral

  • with viewing and burial in the United States was $7,181 in 2014. The median price of a

  • cremation and funeral was $6,078. And while the two seem comparable, the costs of burial are

  • quite a bit higher, as that $7,181 doesn’t include a burial plot or headstone.

  • That $7,181 DOES include a bunch of stuff though. Your funeral starts with something

  • called the basic non-declinable service fee, which should run about $2000. That means for

  • a funeral professional to even look at your body, it’s going to be two grand, and if

  • you want any sort of funeral, youll need to pay up.

  • The rest of the costs of a funeral are declinable, but if you want a public funeral, youre

  • probably going to want to pay them. Let’s add it up. The median price of transporting

  • a body from the hospital or home to the funeral facility is $310. Embalming will run you $635.

  • Other preparation of the body, like makeup and dressing is about $250.

  • Use of the funeral home facilities and staff for viewing and ceremony; thatll be around $915.

  • The median hearse rental is $318.

  • Printing up memorial cards runs $155, and the median price of a metal casket is $2395.

  • Add a headstone and burial plot (which like all real estate can vary widely in price,

  • depending on what kind of neighbors you want), with everything included, the price of a funeral

  • in the US can run as high as $15,000 dollars or more.

  • Thanks, Thought Bubble. All this is to say that dying in the United States is really,

  • really expensive, even after youre dead. And funeral costs can be hard to absorb, especially

  • when combined with the massive doctor and hospital bills that can be a side-effect of dying.

  • If youre lucky enough to die at an advanced age, as most people in the US do, Social Security

  • does pay out a 255-dollar death benefit, but that’s not going to cover your costs.

  • That won’t even get you embalmed.

  • So, what can we do to reduce some of the costs of dying? The government does take a role

  • in reducing the cost of death. The Federal Trade Commission regulates the funeral industry, and

  • has very strict rules about what a funeral provider can and can’t charge for, and which charges are required.

  • And a lot of changes to Medicare in recent decades have looked at ways to cut costs,

  • from paying for hospice care to reimbursing doctors for discussing death with their patients.

  • Which takes us very nicely to what we as individuals can do to reduce some of some of those costs.

  • Make a plan! Study after study recommend that the best strategy to manage expenses for end

  • of life care and funeral costs is planning. Doctors, funeral directors, and all manner

  • of experts advise us to put an advance directive in place, write a will, make a plan for your

  • assets, and get some life insurance.

  • The problem is, mortality is a difficult thing to think about.

  • To quote one 17th-century Frenchman: “One cannot look directly at either the sun or death.”

  • Which is to say, people just don’t like contemplating their own death. According to

  • the Pew Research Foundation, in 2013, only 37 percent of Americans reported that they

  • had given a “great deal of thoughtto their end of life wishes for medical care.

  • And only 33 percent had put their wishes in writing.

  • But, when it comes to medical costs of dying, putting advance directives in place with doctors

  • and loved ones can be very effective. If you don’t want doctors to go to extreme and

  • extremely expensive measures to preserve your life at all costs, make sure everybody knows

  • about it. When youre not in a position to make these decisions for yourself, you

  • want to be sure that whoever’s making the decisions knows what you want.

  • And when it comes to funerals, some of those costs can be dealt with before youre dead.

  • Life insurance is readily available in the United States, and is a pretty straightforward

  • way to insure that your loved ones at least aren’t stuck with the bills for burying you.

  • And What happens to your debt when you die? Do your relatives have to pay it? Well it

  • all depends on the type of debt and the state that you live in. If you die owing credit

  • card debt, and your estate doesn’t have the money to pay it offin many circumstances

  • your family won’t be legally obligated to pay it back. The creditor is just out the money.

  • But that doesn’t stop debt collectors from trying to get families to pay up. If you find

  • yourself being asked to pay off a dead relatives debtit’s worth investigating the state

  • law to find out if you REALLY have an obligation to do so.

  • If you make it through all the end-of-life costs and youre still solvent, youre

  • also going to need a plan for your assets. We don’t have time to get into the realm

  • of financial planning and estate taxes, but the good news is, if youve made it this

  • far, youre probably a good planner, or have at least gotten some good advice.

  • The least you can do is have a will in place to guide the distribution of your assets.

  • A good financial planner can let you in on all ways you can move your money to the heirs

  • you really love, while avoiding expenses like probate court and estate taxes.

  • The fact is nobody likes to think about death. But get over it. There are huge economic reasons,

  • on both the societal level and on the personal level to face up to it. While a cost-effective

  • death is good for society, it may be small comfort to your family. But if everything

  • is taken care of in advance, your family can focus on grieving, rather than straightening out your finances.

  • Thanks for watching. See you next week, when we talk about the other unavoidable: taxes.

  • Thanks for watching Crash Course Economics, which is made with the help of all these fine people.

  • They're also working on coming to terms with their own mortality.

  • You can help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever by supporting the show at Patreon.

  • Patreon is a voluntary subscription service where you give what you can every month, and get rewards.

  • Thanks for watching and don't forget to make an advanced directive.

Hi, I’m Adriene Hill, this is Crash Course Economics, and today, we need to have a little

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死亡經濟學速成班經濟學第30期 (The Economics of Death: Crash Course Econ #30)

  • 30 14
    Jane posted on 2021/01/14
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