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  • If you're drowning in a sea of symbols, you're probably wishing for a life preserver. I'll

  • throw you one nextit's the definition of allegory.

  • In almost every book you read for English, you'll probably come across at least one symbol.

  • (Remember from Recap 3 that a symbol is something that represents something else.)

  • But when everything stands for something else, you don't just have an author who's obsessed

  • with symbols. You have an allegory.

  • Now I'm not big on scholarly stuff, but here's a tidbit that's actually pretty awesome. Allegory

  • comes from the Greek word allegoria, which means "speaking otherwise."

  • Translation: An allegory is all about double meaning. You've got what's going on on the

  • surface of the story and then you have a political or social message that all the elements of

  • the story are working together to convey.

  • There's no tell-tale sign for an allegory, but often allegories have fantastical elements.

  • And context helps, too. If you know the author had a thing for criticizing the government,

  • you might have an allegory on your hands.

  • Still confused? Lord of the Flies, Gulliver's Travels, and The Wizard of Oz are all allegories.

  • Check one out to experience allegory firsthand ...

  • ... or click on this video again for a repeat tutorial.

If you're drowning in a sea of symbols, you're probably wishing for a life preserver. I'll

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AP英語文學和作文術語|ALLEGORY|60秒回顧®。 (AP English Literature and Composition Terms | ALLEGORY | 60second Recap®)

  • 56 5
    Chia-Yin Huang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary