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Look at these cute little guys. So sweet and delicious. You just wanna eat ‘em up, right?
That’s the problem. We consume so much sugar these days, that it’s killing us. Seriously.
You see, sugar is everywhere. It’s in all the usual suspects but you might not realize
that it’s in a lot of other foods. Did you know that our daily intake averages 95 grams?
That might not sound like a lot, but it adds up to 77 pounds of added sugar every year.
Now look at The American Heart Association’s daily recommendations, it’s no wonder 1
in 3 adults and 1 in 5 kids are obese. It’s not just because sugar tastes good; it’s
also addictive. Consuming it — even thinking about it — causes a euphoric effect that
triggers the production of dopamine in your brain, a neurotransmitter that controls pleasure
and is responsible for reward motivated behavior. Studies show sugar is as addictive as alcohol
or cocaine. And it’s hard to avoid. There are about 600,000 different packaged food
items in grocery stores today — and 80% of them contain added sugars. But what we
drink could be our biggest problem. Guzzle just one of these beverages and you've more
than filled your daily recommended sugar allowance. It's tricky. Did you know that food manufacturers
use more than 30 different names for the most common sugars? So what’s the problem? Well,
sugars are carbohydrates that are roughly half glucose and half fructose. Consuming
glucose makes your pancreas secrete a hormone called insulin, which, among other things,
causes your body to store fat. Your liver deals with the fructose, but it can’t do
it in the quantities many of us consume today. It releases some of it as fat, but most of
that backs up in your liver cells. Now you’ve got a condition called insulin resistance.
You’re secreting more and more insulin in response to all the carbs in your diet and
even the proteins. The result you get fatter, and you get fatty build-up in your now inflamed
arteries. You're what some doctors call metabolically disturbed. Your body can no longer regulate
itself. Eventually it will kill you! Along the way, your pancreas might give out and
you’ll become diabetic. And there’s reason to believe that metabolic disturbances cause
high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and of course, obesity. Well, the good news
is that there are 5 simple things you can do to avoid and reverse the damage: Number
1, avoid sugary drinks. All that glucose and fructose literally is an assault on your system.
Give tea or carbonated water a try. Something besides processed sugar water. Why drink all
your calories? Number 2, read labels carefully. Yes, processed foods are convenient — but
often they’re loaded with sugar and provide little nutrition. Number 3, exercise a little.
It may not seem like much but a daily ½ hour walk helps reduce stress and control your
blood sugar (and cravings). Number 4, don’t trust processed “low-fat” foods. Guess
what? The missing fat is usually replaced by salt and sugar. And your body just converts
the added sugar into fat after you eat. And number 5, eat more fiber. Try to eat at least
25-30 grams of fiber every day. Fiber rich foods typically are high in vitamins and antioxidants
and keep you feeling full longer. Hey, it just comes down to making smarter choices.
The foods you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the
slowest form of poison.