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Well, it'll be fun to finally see the ball drop.
Oh that's a wonderful tradition!
And, of course, there's the other tradition of kissing someone special at midnight.
Well then, I know what we're going to do tonight.
Yeah! We're gonna make our own New Year's ball and drop it from outer space!
Alright everybody, all aboard the tooth-buggies. Ferb even installed dental floss-themed seat belts.
Mmm, minty!
Wow, the periodontal level was awesome.
Hang onto your retainers everyone as we travel through the pulp chamber, past the cementoenamel junction, and up, up up, to the apex of the crown.
Yeah! Woo-Hoo!
Hi Phineas, what'cha doin?
Ferb and I are building a super inflatable wading pool. Wanna help?
I'd love to, but actually, I need your help.
Anything for you, Isabella.
Of course! Your word is my humble command. I would travel the four corners of the globe - which I have actually done - but this time, it would be for you.
All for you!
You were lost in Phineasland again.
Oh! Right. Right.
The Fireside Girls are going for our Beekeeping patch, and we need to borrow something.
Of course, but you're going to bring some collateral if you wannna borrow Ferb.
Oh Phineas!
It's not that funny.
Stand down, Fireside Girl.
Hey, Isabella, we're having iced tea! You want some, honey?
What did you say?
I said, \"We're having iced tea! You want some honey?\"
Oh, um, heh-heh, sure!