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(Nigahiga) Dear Ryan, can you do parkour?
Dear Ryan, can you do parkour?
Dear Ryan, do parkour!
- Dear Ryan, parkour! - Dear Ryan, parkour.
- Parkour! - Parkour.
- Parkour. - Parkour.
So this is probably, no, definitely the most common Dear Ryan
that I get all the time. Every single time I post a Dear Ryan video.
And I've actually done things kind of similar to parkour,
but I've never actually done it because, well, I just don't know
how to do it. I can't do parkour.
(somber music)
Ever since I was a little kid, I've always dreamt that I would
one day learn parkour, but, you know, no matter how many times
I tried over, and over, and over again, I just...
I just could never seem to get it.
You know, I remember this one obstacle in particular,
this dinosaur in the middle of the park was...
you know, the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
I could just never figure it out. I could never get over it.
I could never learn parkour if I could not defeat this dinosaur.
And I always thought one day I would... but I never did.
And it just made me realize that it doesn't matter
how much you want something. It doesn't matter how hard you try.
Some dreams...
some dreams just don't come true.
(upbeat music)
(ripping paper)
He he he!
- (whooshing) - Whooooo!
(spring boings)
Heh heh heh heh heh.
(spring boings)
(upbeat music resumes)
What the...?
(grunting, springs boing)
(printer buzzes)
- (upbeat music resumes) - Waah-hoo!
Whoo! Whoo!
(seagulls squawk)
(spring boings)
(screaming fades in and out)
(rushing air)
(rushing air, screaming)
(dramatic music)
- Hey! - (chuckles)
(growling, roaring)
- (roars) - (Ryan gasps)
(puzzled growl)
(fierce growl)
(crickets chirrup)
(dinosaur whimpers like a puppy)
(upbeat music)
You know what?
No, forget everything I said earlier.
If you have a dream, you chase after it.
As impossible as it may seem, even if it seems like
it'll take a miracle to get it done, miracles are possible.
At one point, it was considered a miracle that electricity was possible.
Or a miracle that we could travel through space.
Even the idea of the internet was a miracle,
and yet we still accomplished all those...
'cause there's nothing in this world that's impossible
until you believe it is.
So never give up on your dreams because there's no obstacle
that you can't overcome.
Make a miracle happen.
Defeat your dinosaur.
(upbeat music)
Tee hee!