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  • The Xbox One is a powerful piece of hardware with its 8GB RAM and 64-bit processors, but

  • as time passes this hardware will age.

  • However, the Xbox One is built to communicate with servers in the cloud to increase the

  • computational potential of the system.

  • Xbox One Director of Development Boyd Multerer points out: "[As a developer] I can start

  • doing things like shifting latency insensitive things to the cloud. You may have a limited

  • number of transistors in your house, but you have an unlimited number of transistors in

  • the cloud."

  • As bandwidth improves, there is potential for actual game computations to be off-loaded

  • to servers in the cloud, freeing up internal transistors to do more, and essentially allowing

  • the Xbox One to become more powerful over time as more and more transistors are connected

  • to Microsoft's cloud infrastructure.

  • "We have an ever-evolving, powerful world [in the cloud] that we can tap into," Multerer

  • explained. "This is not going to be as static a console

  • as we've seen in the past."

  • Given that the Xbox One doesn't require an online connection, it's unknown specifically

  • how game developers will be able to take advantage of cloud computation. One potential possibility

  • is that only gamers connected to the internet with a fast enough connection will be able

  • to use the additional computational power of servers in the cloud and experience an

  • increasingly powerful Xbox.

  • IGN expects to learn more specifics on the Xbox One's innovations at E3 in just 20 days.

  • Until then, stay tuned to IGN.

The Xbox One is a powerful piece of hardware with its 8GB RAM and 64-bit processors, but

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IGN新聞 - Xbox One將隨著時間的推移變得更加強大 (IGN News - Xbox One to Become More Powerful Over Time)

  • 22 0
    阿多賓 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary