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  • [Movie clip, The Pursuit of Happyness, 2006, Columbia Pictures]

  • WILL SMITH: I remember that day, because that’s the day that I found out there was only $21.33

  • left in my bank account. I was broke.

  • [Door rattles.]

  • [End clip]

  • BRANDON TURNER: So a fairly moving depiction of what poverty looks like in that clip. And

  • so I’ll start off with Professor Horwitz. Do we have an obligation to alleviate poverty,

  • and how do we do that?

  • STEVEN HORWITZ: Yeah, and I want to make one quick point about that clip, two related points.

  • One, we don’t know, from that clip, why Will Smith's character’s in that situation,

  • which I think is an interesting question. I’d also note that, sort of, as we think

  • about getting libertarian messages across, we need more clips with that kind of emotional

  • power, right? That sort of depict the ways in which people can be wronged by forces outside

  • their control sometimes.

  • So I think one of things that we want to say about that—I want to say about that is,

  • look, if the question is how do we alleviate, how do we fix inequalityand really I think

  • what were really talking is how to alleviate povertyis the question how do we bring

  • people up? I think one of things that we can do is to focus on the ways in which governments

  • sets barriers in front of the opportunities for poor people to make themselves wealthier.

  • So if I could wave my magic wand, I think I’d do four things, four changes I would

  • want to see that would, I think, help address this.

  • One, we need to end the war on drugs, which is destroying poor neighborhoods, particularly

  • urban neighborhoods as well as rural ones, as well as all the other terrible things that

  • the war on drugs does. But certainly it has decimated neighborhoods and made them uninhabitable

  • and discouraged businesses from operating there and providing work. Second, we need

  • to get rid of the minimum wage, which has knocked off the lowest rungs of the economic

  • ladder for millions of Americans, again, particularly the lowest-skilled and those who need entry

  • into the job market the most. Relatedly, third, occupational licensure laws that make it more

  • difficultoften at the behest of incumbent, wealthier producers of productsto set up

  • barriers to entry to poor people who want to open, whether it’s anything from a hair

  • braiding shop to whatever, up to driving a cab, to whatever else it might be, that those

  • opportunities are being closed off to them. And finally, something I mentioned earlier,

  • I think one of the most important things we can do is we have to get more competition

  • into the schooling system. Urban and rural—I live in the rural area, and I can tell you

  • many of the public schools there are just as bad as the same ones we see in urban areas.

  • Government has failed at providing effective schooling for poor people. We need alternatives.

  • We need competition. We need choice to find ways to help poor folks get the human capital

  • they need to try to avoid the kind of the situations we see in that clip.

  • JEFFREY REIMAN: I agree with most of that. I certainly think that the war on drugs is

  • a disaster. I certainly think that it’s good to get more competition into schooling.

  • I think so far the results of that are mixed. I don’t think it’s an obvious panacea

  • that’s going to solve all these problems. There may yet be other things that have to

  • be taken. About the licensure laws, I’m actually kind of libertarian. I don’t even

  • like the fact that I have to get a prescription from a doctor to get a medication. I’m a

  • grown-up with a PhD. I know the difference between poison and—.

  • TURNER: Youre already a doctor.

  • REIMAN: That’s right. I’m already a doctor. You would think, you know, I can marry people,

  • you would think I canas a philosopher. Anyway, so I’m opposed to that. The minimum

  • wage, I think, is a more complicated question. The economic studies that I have looked at

  • or heard of suggest that the reduction in unemployment because of that is very small

  • and eventually made up for by the fact that there is more money in the economy and therefore

  • more demand. I don’t think it’s obvious that this is a negative thing, but maybe it

  • is; I’m open on the empirical question. The thing I just want to insist on is, when

  • you look at this picture, don’t think about Will Smith; think about that kid, okay? Why

  • Will Smith got poor is maybe his problem. Maybe he deserves it. Maybe he’s a crook.

  • Maybe he’s stupid. Maybe he was lazy. The kid doesn’t deserve it. That’s where our

  • real obligation comes.

  • TURNER: So let me put a question to you, Professor Horwitz. Is there a role for government to

  • play in the alleviation of poverty, ideally? So, in other words, sort of, for writing up

  • a treatise on political philosophy, what role does government play in alleviating the plight

  • of the least well off? And then, attached to that, is there a role for the government

  • to play in 2012 America? So this particular governmentis there a role that it can play—a

  • positive role it can play?

  • HORWITZ: A couple of things. I mean, I think that we can imagine a world, perhaps, where

  • the role of government is minimal. And this is a point that of course libertarians have

  • disagreed on. We have from more anarchist ones at one end who think that all of those

  • services can be provided through the market or through civil society organizationssynagogues,

  • and churches, and mutual aid societies, and all thatto classical liberal types who

  • would argue that government perhaps has a role to provide something like a minimum income

  • floor or the like. I think those are all within bounds as a kind of libertarian position on

  • what the role of government should be.

  • So, again, if were going to write up that treatise on political economy, I think it

  • depends upondifferences among libertarians will play themselves out in how they see that.

  • We can have Rothbard kind of on one end and Hayek on another, and those are all in play.

  • So, do we need government to solve those problems? I’d like to think we can do with the least

  • government possible to solve those problems. For me, the most interesting question is,

  • let's see what happens when we get government out of the way, and see how well people do,

  • and see what were left with as a real problem of poverty. And then think about what kind

  • of ways there are to deal with it.

  • In the world we exist in today, I think we are in a more complicated situation. We can

  • see the ways in which opportunities for poor people are restricted by the kinds of things

  • that I talked about before. And at some level one could argue, if government’s going to

  • restrict those opportunities, then perhaps it has an obligation to sort of fix what it’s

  • destroying on the other half. I certainly think it’s really important when we think

  • about these questions from a libertarian perspective to not take away the safety nets before we

  • create the additional opportunities. The right way to go about this is: create the additional

  • opportunities by getting government out of the way in the ways I talked about. Then,

  • once we give folks the opportunity to pull themselves up, then let's start to talk about

  • how much of that so-called safety net orwhether it’s a safety net or straight jacket’s

  • not clearhow much of that that we can live without. And I think that’s the right way

  • to go at it from a libertarian perspective. That might not be a direct answer to your

  • question, but as libertarians think about these issues of inequality and poverty, that’s

  • one way to go at it.

  • TURNER: So let me twist the screws a bit with you Professor Reiman. So, on the one hand,

  • right, weve got some very large, sort of government-led, causes of poverty, right?

  • The rich have a tendency once they have climbed the ladder to pull the ladder up behind them,

  • right? It’s this image that we have. And so we have got government programs like the

  • war on drugs, like thewe have a series of wars that were engaged in, right, all

  • of which tend to disproportionately affect the least well off. So in other words, libertarians

  • have done a lot of work in terms of trying to describe the ways in which the rich to

  • tend to seize the mechanisms involved with government through the things like professional

  • licensure and these sort of things. Do you see the power of those arguments? Do you see

  • the weight of those arguments?

  • REIMAN: Sure.

  • TURNER: In other words, is there a way to say, maybe to rephrase something Dr. Horwitz

  • said in the last session, where, government is the problem, government is the solution?

  • REIMAN: Well, I don’t believe government is the only problem, because I think other

  • things, like discrimination, are problems too. And the government doesn’t make that

  • happen. But I am certainly sympathetic to the idea that there are restrictive licensing

  • rules, that people with power try to cut off access to competition from other people, and

  • that we should eliminate those things. Where that can be demonstrated, they will have my

  • vote.

  • I am very dubious about the idea that we can eliminate government here. I mean here’s

  • one thing: Steve talks about charitable organizations, mutual aid, and so on. This is something that’s

  • always surprised me about libertarians, because after all, if you say that this is charity,

  • then you make the recipientin a certain senseis diminished. That person receives

  • the free charity of other people who are better off. If I’m right and inequality or some

  • degree of inequality is a matter of justice, then it shouldn’t be rectified by charity.

  • Charity means I give freely what I have out of my generosity. Justice means I give what

  • I owe, what people have a right to, and that I believe treats people with greater dignity

  • than charity. Now that’s not to say that welfare programs treat people with greater

  • dignity. It’s to say that the idea that you do it by law, that you say these people

  • have a right, treats them with dignity. And of course you should follow through on that.

  • So, you know, I’m skeptical of the idea that we can do this without that. And if you

  • asked me what we should do now. Well, I would love to see Obama's proposal for encouraging

  • preschool education. The French have a terrific preschool system. It’s government funded,

  • okay? It’s everybody, even the richest people, try to get theirwant their kids to be in

  • it. And it has a kind of equalizing thing, equalizing the starting points of people.

  • It’s beautiful. I mean, there’s a required amount of budget that has to be spent on beautification,

  • on introducing the students to culture and art and so on. Everybody goes through this.

  • Well maybe you can figure out a way to do this privately, without government. I doubt

  • it. I don’t think you can do it for the poorest. But I would say I would like to see

  • a system like that in America. Something like it. I think that’s something that government

  • could at least help get started, even if we thought of a better way to do it than have

  • government fund it, but I think that will be unavoidable as well.

  • TURNER: Steve . . .

  • HORWITZ: Just two quick comments here. I think, one, it’s doubtful to me that it actually

  • does respect the dignity more of poor people to turn them dependent on government. But

  • the other question is whether charitablewhat about the dignity of the giver? Right? At

  • least within charitable and other kinds of organizations givers are giving because they

  • think it’s important. They think it’s valuable. They want to help. I think that

  • respects their dignity more than taking money from them when

  • REIMAN: But I think the dignity that is challenged here is of the poor. I don’t think that

  • the rich charity givers have a problem about dignity that I have to worry about. I’m

  • worried about the poor

  • HORWITZ: And I am too. But again, it’s is not clear to meespecially when at least

  • the studies that I know indicate that folks who benefited, historically, who benefited

  • from charity and mutual aid, got off of those and got on their feet more quicklythat

  • seemed to respect their dignity in a much more important way. One other point real quick

  • I wanted to make about the comparison to Western Europe: I think it’s important to point

  • out that a lot of those countries have systems different from ours and do have larger welfare

  • states and often more targeted in certain sorts of ways. But those countries also have

  • higher unemployment rates and lower labor-force participation rates. If we want to talk about

  • dignity of people, we want to talk about the opportunity to carve out one's life and to

  • earn a living for oneself and to do the things that one loves regardless of what one earns

  • at it, I think it’s important to make sure that we maximize and employment opportunities

  • for people. I think that’s a shortcoming in many of those societies that have chosen

  • to trade off that kind of supposed security against more dynamic growing economies.

  • TURNER: Okay let me, so let’s move to the final segment, then, which is the second round

  • of questions. So I think last time we startedso well go back this way: Steve do you have

  • a question that you want to ask for Jeff?

  • HORWITZ: I’m curious, Jeff: So how, in your idealized world what would that role of the

  • market be? And, how do you see those limits of inequality? Where, what would you want

  • to do about it? And how would you know that inequality was too great? I mean, where, I

  • mean, youve talked about how, you have this kind of libertarianism in that it’s

  • not inequality per se. So I’m just curious, where are the problems you see in markets?

  • And where are those limits?

  • REIMAN: Well, first of all let me say, I am a believer in capitalism. I am a believer

  • in the free market. I have recently written a book, which is, I’m sure youll love

  • this, A Marxian Defense of Capitalism. You think that’s logically impossible, right?

  • So, you know, I believe in, I believe that the main contribution that comes from the

  • market, and this is a moral thing, is dramatically increasing the standard, the material standard

  • of living of people. I think this has been going on now for a long time. I think it’s

  • going on globally now because of the spread of capitalist reforms. It’s going on constantly

  • in America, even in the face of inequality. I agree that the poor are better off now materially

  • than they were 20 years ago, then 40 years ago.

  • Here’s one statistic which I just really love. In 2009, 82 percent of Americans below

  • the poverty line had air conditioning. Think about that. Imagine what they had 20 years

  • ago or 40 years ago. So that’s a way in which capitalism is working, but I mean that’s

  • very general. That is across the board. It doesn’t quite get to individuals like the

  • kid in that movie.

  • There I think that there are questions about discrimination, about poor education, and

  • related ideas like that, which, I don’t think you can just exclude the role of government

  • there somehow becausedogmatically. Maybe government can be replaced; maybe not.

  • I think that weve had a welfare system which treats people as the objects of charity,

  • has treated them in a very condescending way and that contributes to dependence. I’m

  • all for changing that. But I’m not worried about the dignity of charitable givers. I’m

  • worried about the recipients who think, only because of the kindness of these more successful

  • people do I get it. It’s not because I deserve it, that the society owes me some kind of

  • fair share.

  • TURNER: Jeff, I want to give Steve a chance to respond real quick and then wrap up.

  • HORWITZ: Real quick, I think the only comment I’d make there is the assertion that government

  • isn’t the solution to these problems or perhaps isn’t necessary, for me, is not

  • a dogmatic assertion, it’s an empirical question. Has government worked at these things?

  • Can it work at these things? That’s the question.

  • REIMAN: And I think it’s got a more mixed answer: it’s worked some and failed some.

  • So let's make it work more.

[Movie clip, The Pursuit of Happyness, 2006, Columbia Pictures]

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辯論:如何應對貧困|學習自由主義--------。 (Debate: What To Do About Poverty | Learn Liberty)

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    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
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