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  • In the past hundred years as the super technologies have been developed...

  • the west, the smashing of atoms, the invention of radio...

  • ...television, computers, immunology so forth and so on...

  • has been arriving about the practices of...

  • ...aboriginal cultures all over the planet.

  • That they dissolve ordinary realities, ordinary cultural...

  • ...values, through an interaction, a symbioses, a relationship to local plants...

  • ...that perturb brain chemistry. And in this domain of...

  • ...perturbed brain chemistry, the cultural operating system...

  • wiped clean and something older, even for these people...

  • ...something older, more vitalistic, more in touch with the animal soul...

  • ...replaces it. Replaces the cultural operating system.

  • Something not determined by history and geography, but something writ...

  • the language of the flesh itself. This is who you are, this is true nakedness.

  • You are not naked when you take of your clothes. You still wear your religious assumptions...

  • ...your prejudices, your fears, your illusions, your delusions. When you shed...

  • ...the cultural operating system, then essentially you stand naked before the inspection of you own psyche.

  • Desmond Morris called it "The Naked Ape".

  • And its from that position, a position outside the cultural...

  • ...operating system, that we can begin to ask real questions about...

  • ...what does it mean to be human, what kind of circumstance are we caught in, and...

  • ...what kind of structures, if any, can we put in place to assuage the pain...

  • ...and accentuate the glory and the wonder that lurks waiting for us in this...

  • ...very narrow slice of time between the birth channel and the dawning grave.

  • In other words, we have to return to first premises.

  • So I've been thinking about this a lot, and at first it seemed to me only a metaphor...

  • ...this phrase : 'Culture is your operating system'.

  • But because I travel around a lot and get that jolting experience frequently...

  • ...of, let's say, leaving London on a foggy evening and arriving...

  • Johannesburg 14 hours later to a sweltering day in a city of 14 million...

  • ...on the brink of anarchy. I get to change my OS...

  • ...frequently.

  • And so I notice the relativity of these systems.

  • And some work for some things and some for others.

  • For instance, if you are a positivist, if you are running 'positivism 4.0' you can't support...

  • ...UFO's. Positivism 4.0 does not support UFO's.

  • If on the other hand you're running "Urantia Book 5.1" as your OS...

  • ...UFO's and a number of other things can get in through the door.

  • That is what we would technically say is a more tolerant OS, or it's...

  • ...plug-in supports special effects denied to the positivists.

  • Well it's fun to think this way because it shows you that you don't have to be the...

  • ...victim of your culture. Its not like your eye color, or your height, or your gender.

  • It's fragile, it can be remade if you wish it to be...

  • ...and then the question is: How does one download a new operating system?

  • Well, first of all you have to clear some space on your disc.

  • The best way to do this is probably with a pharmacological agent...

  • think of some while I have a drink of water.

  • Psilocybin is an excellent disc cleaner.

  • You can put a lot of things in the trash and have them just disappear...

  • ...with a psilocybin upgrade.

  • Other pharmacological agents that will clear your disc are Ayahuasca...

  • ...and of course, these are gentle clearings of the disc which take 5, 6, 7 hours.

  • If youre in a hurry to dump that old data and leap right into the new operating system...

  • on the button marked Dimethyltryptamine(DMT). A compressed disc eraser...

  • ...will immediately be downloaded, unstuffed, bin-hexed, implemented, installed, run...

  • ...and you will find yourself with a entirely different head.

  • Now, Shamans have always known, but they may not have used the kind of language...

  • ...I'm using here, Shamans have always known this trick.

  • What trick? It has two facets. First of all that culture is an operating system...

  • ...that's all it is, and that the operating system can be wiped out...

  • ...and replaced by something else.

  • So, essentially, what's going on among Shamans and those who resort to them...

  • ...for curing and counseling and so forth, is somebody is running a slightly more advanced...

  • ...operating system than the customer. The Shaman is in possession of certain facts...

  • ...about plants, about animals, about healing, about human psychology, about the local geography...

  • ...about mojo of many different sorts that the client is not aware of.

  • The client is running culture light, the shaman paid...

  • ...for the registered and licensed version of the software and is running a much heavier...

  • ...version of the software than the client.

  • I think we should all aspire to make this upgrade.

  • It’s very important that you have all the bells and whistles on your operating system...

  • ...otherwise somebody is gonna be able to get a leg up on you.

  • Well, what's wrong with the operating system we have? "Consumer capitalism 5.0"...

  • ...or whatever it is, well... it's dumb, it's retro...

  •'s very non competitive, its messy, it waste the environment...

  • waste human resources, it's inefficient, it runs on stereotypes...

  • runs on a low sampling rate which is what creates stereotypes.

  • Low sample rates make everybody appear alike when in fact...

  • ...the glory is in everyones differences.

  • And the current operating system is flawed. It actually has bugs in it...

  • ...that generate contradictions. Contradictions such as we're cutting the earth...

  • ...from beneath our own feet, we're poisonings the atmosphere that we breath.

  • This is not intelligent behavior, this is a culture with a bug...

  • its operating system, that's making it produce erratic...

  • ...dysfunctional, malfunctional behavior.

  • Time to call a tech, and who are the techs? The Shamans are the techs!

In the past hundred years as the super technologies have been developed...

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Terence Mckenna - 文化是你的作業系統(英語和希臘語字幕) (Terence Mckenna - Culture is your operating system (english & greek subs))

  • 25 2
    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
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