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  • >> Did you notice? She's using 'gonna'. "We're gonna bring it out. We're gonna put arugula."

    >> 你注意到了嗎?她用的是 "要"。"我們 把它拿出來我們要放芝麻菜"

  • Welcome to Rachel's English. I believe that everyone should be able to get the education

    歡迎來到瑞秋英語。我相信 每個人都應該能夠接受教育

  • they're looking for. So I've set out to make materials for non-native English speakers

    他們正在尋找的東西。是以,我開始製作 為非英語母語者提供的材料

  • so that they can improve their American English pronunciation.

    從而提高他們的美式英語 發音。

  • >> Did you hear how I said "cuz of the oven"?

    >> 你聽到我說 "因為烤箱 "了嗎?

  • Teachers, please feel free to use this content as well. In the 'Sounds -- How To' playlist,

    老師們,請隨意使用這些內容 也可以。在 "聲音 - 如何 "播放列表中、

  • you'll find a video for every sound in American English. The video explains the mouth position,

    您可以為美式英語中的每一個音 英語。視頻解釋了口腔位置、

  • and you'll get to see the pronunciation of various words up close and in slow motion.

    您就能近距離、慢動作地看到各種單詞的發音。 各種單詞的發音。

  • I have a series on 'Words that Reduce'.

    我有一個關於 "減少的詞語 "的系列。

  • >> I can bring food, I can, I can.

    >> 我可以帶食物,我可以,我可以。

  • There are Ben Franklin exercises that each you how to analyze and learn from the speech

    本-富蘭克林練習 如何分析和學習演講內容

  • of any native speaker. There's also an 'American English in Real Life' playlist that brings

    的任何母語使用者。還有一個 "現實生活中的美式 現實生活中的美式英語 "播放列表

  • you into my life, shows you a bit of American culture, and always includes a pronunciation

    讓你瞭解我的生活,向你展示一點美國文化 文化,並總是包括一個發音

  • lesson. Many people find, as they study pronunciation, that their listening comprehension improves

    課。許多人在學習發音時發現 他們的聽力理解能力得到了提高

  • too. This is just a sampling of what you can find on Rachel's English. Make sure you click

    也是。這只是您可以在 蕾切爾英語》上的內容。請務必點擊

  • Subscribe here, or in the description below, to get easy access to every new video that's

    在此訂閱,或在下面的描述中訂閱、 輕鬆獲取每一個新視頻

  • released.


  • >> Oh boy!!

    >> 哦,天哪

  • >> That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

    >> 就這樣,非常感謝使用 瑞秋英語。

  • If you liked this video, be sure to subscribe. Either click here or in the description. But

    如果您喜歡這段視頻,請務必訂閱。 點擊這裡或描述中的鏈接。但是

  • don't stop there, keep learning with my American English in Real Life playlist, my Ben Franklin

    不要止步於此,繼續學習我的美式 現實生活中的英語》播放列表、我的本-富蘭克林

  • playlist, or my Word of the Week series. Click on me to check out my channel where there

    播放列表或我的 "每週一詞 "系列。點擊 查看我的頻道,那裡有

  • are hundreds of great videos. Don't forget to visit my website, where you can learn about

    有數以百計的精彩視頻。別忘了 訪問我的網站,瞭解

  • my premium membership and online courses.


>> Did you notice? She's using 'gonna'. "We're gonna bring it out. We're gonna put arugula."

>> 你注意到了嗎?她用的是 "要"。"我們 把它拿出來我們要放芝麻菜"

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