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(narrator): Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles,
is a little kingdom of elves and fairies.
Everyone who lives here is very, very small.
- I'm Ben Elf! (trumpeting and barking)
- And I'm Princess Holly.
(bells jingling) (barking and laughter)
Come on, let's play!
- Wait for us!
(laughter) (lively music)
(narrator): Today's adventure starts...
at the Little Castle.
- Ah, what a lovely morning for a bit of wand practice.
(bells jingling)
- But, Nanny Plum, I was going to play with Ben.
- Princess Holly, there's a time for playing with elves,
and a time for wand practice.
- Please, Nanny. I promise to practice later.
- Hmm. Very well, but come in when I--
- Thanks, Nanny! Bye!
(lively music)
Oh, where's Ben?
Oh, well, I suppose I could do some wand practice while I wait.
Now, wand, what shall we do today?
Yes, let's make a pretty hat.
Abracazat, a pretty hat.
Oh, it's not very pretty.
And it's too big.
Bye-bye, silly hat.
(lively music)
- Hi, Holly. - Hi, Ben.
I'm practicing my magic.
Do you want to see?
- Uh... okay.
- Stand very still.
I'll make you a new hat.
Abracazat, magic Ben a hat.
(muffled screaming)
Ben, are you in there?
Oh, it's empty!
I've turned Ben into a hat.
(muffled screaming)
- Gosh, what a big hat.
- Uh... it's Ben.
I... accidentally... turned him into a hat.
- Princess Holly!
That's exactly why you need to practice your magic more.
- I was practicing,
but it all went a bit wrong.
- I expect you waved your wand all over the place.
- I tried waving it right,
but this wand is no good!
- Now, now, a good fairy never blames her wand.
- Yes, Nanny Plum.
- I have a good mind to leave Ben as a hat,
just to teach you a lesson.
(muffled screaming)
- Please turn Ben back, Nanny.
I don't think he likes being a hat.
(muffled screaming)
- Oh, very well. Watch and learn.
Ding, dong, den,
hat to Ben.
(birds tweeting) - What happened?
- Uh, things went a bit wrong.
But Nanny Plum came to the rescue.
- Thank you, Nanny Plum. - You're welcome, Ben.
Now, Holly, next time, shake the wand gently.
- Yes, Nanny.
Sorry, Ben. Were you scared?
- I'm an elf.
Elves are never scared.
(Holly giggling) - Good.
In that case, can I try again?
- Uh... maybe later. See you!
- Bye, Ben! (giggling)
(suspenseful music)
- Princess Holly. What have you forgotten?
- Uh... - Your wand!
Where is it?
- Oh, I don't seem to have it.
- You haven't lost it, have you?
- Oh! I know.
I left it in the meadow.
(suspenseful music)
I'm sure I left my wand here.
It's gone!
- Hi, Holly.
- Hi, Ben.
- What's wrong?
- I've lost my wand.
I can't do magic anymore.
- Maybe that's a good thing. (laughing)
- It's not funny!
I'm never going to find my wand and I'll be sad forever.
- Cheer up, Holly. I will find your wand.
- How?
- Elves are very good at finding things,
and I'm an elf.
(Holly giggling) - Thanks, Ben.
- But if I find your wand,
you must promise not to turn me into a hat again.
- I promise.
But, Ben, how are you going to find my wand?
- I've got a simple plan.
- Oh, goody. (giggling)
- First, try to remember where you left your wand.
In your bedroom perhaps, or in--
- There. - Oh.
- That's where I left it.
- Ah.
- What's the next bit of your plan?
- Um...
that was the plan.
- Ah...
I knew I'd never find it.
- Oh, look, it's Gaston the Ladybird.
Maybe he can help.
Hi, Gaston.
Can you help us find Holly's wand?
- It was here and now it's not. (barking)
- Gaston's good at smelling things.
He'll find your wand in no time.
- Clever Gaston!
(lively music)
(barking) - Oh.
- Why has Gaston stopped?
- He's looking up into the sky,
so that's where your wand has gone.
- How? - Um...
can your wand fly?
- My wand is magic, but I don't think it can fly.
- Well, it's up there somewhere.
If only it could talk to us and tell us where it is.
- That's easy. It can't talk,
but it can make a sort of tinkly sound.
- Great! Could you call to it?
- Okay.
Wand, oh, wand?
That's my wand!
- It's coming from up there!
It's a jackdaw.
- And it's got my wand.
- Jackdaws like shiny things.
- It's very high up.
And I'm not allowed to fly high.
- No problem.
I'll climb up.
- Be careful, Ben!
- Don't worry, Holly, elves are very good at climbing,
and I'm an elf.
Nice birdie.
Can we have our wand back, please?
(squawking) Whew. That was lucky.
- Wow, Ben.
Tricking the jackdaw to open its mouth -
I would never have thought of that.
- Uh... yes, elves are very good at that sort of thing.
We should go, before the jackdaw works out what to do next,
- Okay. (rhythmic music)
- Giddy up, Gaston! Giddy up, giddy up!
(rhythmic music)
- Nanny! Ben found my wand.
- That's very nice.
But you really shouldn't have lost it in the first place.
- Yes, Nanny Plum.
- Now, Ben, I understand we have you to thank
for finding Holly's wand. (Ben giggling)
- It was nothing, really.
- I think a reward is in order.
I hear you want a new magic hat.
- Um-- - Yes!
It can be my thank-you to Ben.
- No, please, don't bother.
- Stay very still, Ben.
And, Holly, wave the wand gently.
- Yes, Nanny Plum.
(jingling) Abracazat, magic Ben a hat.
Wow, it worked.
- It's all down to wand control. (jingling)
(laughing) - And it's a nice cowboy hat.
- Ben, thanks for finding my wand.
Sorry I didn't believe your plan would work.
- And I'm sorry I didn't trust your magic-hat spell.
- Oh, no.
The magic hat has turned Ben blue.
- How do I look? - Um...
I think your old hat suits you better.
- Me, too.
- Ah, it's good to have my old hat back again.
- And it's nice to have you back, wand.
I will never lose you again.
(jingling and laughter)
(narrator): Today's adventure starts...
at the Little Castle.
- Nanny Plum, where's breakfast?
- So sorry, Your Majesty,
but the elves haven't delivered the food yet.
- A boiled egg is all I want, Nanny.
Can't you just magic one?
- I could magic an egg, of course.
But real farm eggs taste much better.
- I don't care. I'm hungry and I would like an egg now!
- Very well, Your Majesty.
Abracadabra, a...
boil eggy!
(farting sound) - Ugh!
- Ugh, smelly!
- That's disgusting! What is it?
- It's a dragon's egg. - Well, get rid of it.
(farting sound)
- I could magic a real chicken to lay an egg for you.
- No, don't. I think I'll wait for the elf-farm delivery.
- It might take some time, Your Majesty.
- I am not leaving this table until I've had my egg!
- As you wish, Your Majesty.
(horn honking) - Nanny!
They're here! (giggling)
Hi, Ben!
- Hi, Holly! - Food delivery!
- What kept you, Mr. Elf?
King Thistle is waiting for his breakfast!
- Sorry, nanny Plum. We dropped a carrot on the way,
and had to go back to pick it up.
- Okay, let's get this food into the castle.
small lettuce.
Oh, where's the egg?
- Oh! The egg! - That's the one thing we need.
The king wants an egg.
- We'll go straight back to the elf farm and get one.
- Holly, do you want to come with us?
- Yes, please.
Nanny, can I go to the elf farm?
- Okay, Holly. You can make sure we get a good egg.
(Holly giggling)
(lively music)
- What's that buzzing noise? I hope it's not the engine.
- It's Gaston the Ladybird!
- Gaston! We're going to the elf farm.
Do you want to come along?
(kids giggling)
Hello, Wise Old Elf.
- Hello, Princess Holly.
Welcome to the elf farm.
(Holly giggling)
You must wear this hard hat.
- What for?
- In case something falls on your head.
- Ooh. - This way to the carrots.
(kids giggling)
This is the carrot field.
(kids): Ooh...!
- Stand clear!
Carrot coming up!
(all): Heave-ho!
(rumbling) Heave-ho!
- Wow!
- Oh, hello, Princess Holly.
- Hello, Mrs. Elf.
(Mrs. Elf laughing)
- This way. - Bye-bye!
(kids): Bye! (giggling)
(lively music)
- This is the lettuce patch.
(kids): Ooh...! (feedback)
- Clear the area. - Clear the area!
- Clear the area!
- Clear the area! - Why have you got an umbrella?
- We are going to make it rain.
- With magic?
- You don't need magic if you have a big watering can.
- Wow!
(all): Push-ho!
Push-ho! Push-ho!
- That's amazing!
- If you think that's amazing,
wait until you see the tomato plants.
- Ooh!
- These are the tomato plants.
- Wow!
- I'm afraid we have tomato bugs.
- Oh, dear.
- Tomato bugs like to eat the tomato plants.
- Go away. Shoo. (buzzing)
Shoo. Shoo. Shoo.
- Oh, they keep coming back.
- Yes. If only we could find a way to get rid of them.
- Gaston scared them away!
- Of course!
Ladybirds like to eat tomato bugs.
- Clever Gaston.
- You should be our chief pest controller.
(barking and laughter)
- Now we can harvest a tomato.
Carry on!
- Righto!
(lively music)
- That looks dangerous.
- It is.
That's why we wear these hard hats.
- But there's another job that's really dangerous!
- Ooh! What's that? Can I see?
- It can be quite scary.
- I'm not afraid. - It is possibly...
the most dangerous job in the world for an elf.
- What is it?
- Collecting eggs.
- What's so dangerous about collecting eggs?
- Chickens.
- Wow!
They're big, aren't they?
- Yes.
That's why we have this high fence.
And why it's very important to lock this gate.
(kids giggling)
- Ooh, exciting!
- Wait, Princess Holly!
- These chickens don't look dangerous.
- It's collecting eggs that's dangerous.
- How do you collect an egg?
- An elf must run very quickly to the egg,
pick it up and run away with it as quick as they can.
- What happens if they're not quick enough?
- They get sat on.
(farting sound) (clucking)
- Oh, dear.
- Now you see how important it is
that the gate... is locked at all times.
- A chicken's escaped!
- Catch that chicken!
(clucking) (screaming)
- A chicken's escaped!
(farmers screaming)
- Whoa! Whoa!
- Catch that chicken! (clucking)
To the elf truck!
- Follow that chicken.
(elves screaming) (clucking)
(rhythmic music)
- Oh, we've stopped.
- Oh, no!
The clockwork has wound down!
- Quick, Holly, let's wind it up!
(rhythmic music) (clucking)
- Oh, hello.
(clucking) - Will somebody give me an egg?!
Now! (clucking)
Goodness me!
Nanny Plum, I told you not to magic a chicken!
- That's not my chicken.
- Nanny, can you speak chicken?
- Yes, Your Majesty.
- So what did it say? - Mrs. Chicken said:
- Oh.
(rhythmic music)
- Look!
There's our chicken.
- Careful, Nanny Plum.
That is a dangerous animal.
- Don't be silly. It's just a chicken.
- The chicken's laid an egg! (all): Hurray!
- Hurray!
- Mm, yes, a much better service than the elf truck.
- Eh? What?
- Nanny Plum, could you ask Mrs. Chicken
to deliver an egg for breakfast tomorrow?
- Certainly, Your Majesty.
(theme music)
Subtitling: CNST, Montreal