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  • Why do we care about scientists' Nobel efforts?


  • Hello everyone, Trace here for DNews.

    嗨,大家好,歡迎收看 DNews。

  • When someone wins the Nobel prize, everyone instantly knows they're kind of a big deal.


  • Winners not only get a shiny medal but 8 million Swedish Krona, and of course they're respected and revered.

    獎項得主除了獲得一面閃亮的獎牌,還會有 800 萬瑞士克朗獎金 (譯註:約一百萬美金),而得主當然值得這些報酬。

  • But it's far from the only prize recognizing contributions to the advancement of humanity.


  • So why is the Nobel prize held in such high esteem?


  • Maybe it's because of the prize's past.


  • The Nobel Prize has existed for over 100 years and has been given to some of the most recognizable names in history,

    諾貝爾獎已超過 100 年歷史,頒給許多歷史偉人,

  • like Albert Einstein -- the relativity guy, Ivan Pavlov -- the dog guy, and Werner Heisenberg -- no, not the meth guy.

    像是物理學家愛因斯坦,那位提出「相對論」的偉人、古典制約論學者巴夫洛夫,那位進行「狗與鈴鐺實驗人」的偉人以及量子力學家海森堡,那位提出「不確定性原理」的偉人 。

  • It was established by Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, who made a considerable fortune off his invention of dynamite.


  • In 1895, he secretly drafted his will to set aside the bulk of his estate for prizes in 5 different fields: physics, chemistry, physiology/medicine, literature, and peace.

    1895 年,他立下尚未公開的遺囑,決定將自身遺產貢獻給 5 個特定領域的傑出人士,分別為:物理、化學、生理學或醫學、文學與和平。

  • Economics was added later by Sweden's central bank, though technically it's not a Nobel Prize, it's just named in honor of Alfred Nobel.


  • Nobel passed away in 1896 and in 1901, the first prizes were handed out.

    諾貝爾於 1896 年逝世,在 1901 年,初次頒發諾貝爾獎。

  • At first, the press was only interested in the peace and literature awards, as the sciences were thought to be a bit too niche for the general public.


  • But when Marie Curie and her husband were awarded the 1903 prize in physics, along with Henri Becquerel, their story captured the public's imagination.

    但在 1903 年,居里夫人與丈夫、貝克勒一同獲得物理學獎後科學等領域逐漸得到媒體關注 。

  • The idea of the poor Curie's scraping by in a laboratory while they revolutionized our understanding of atoms made for great headlines.

    居里夫婦的形象─窮苦潦倒地在研究室不斷努力,最終發現原子終於使其出現在各新聞頭條上 。

  • They became celebrities, and the scientific Nobel prizes started getting recognition.


  • Now the Nobel prize has become a shorthand for greatness, though the awards are not always given out controversy-free.


  • Part of the problem is Alfred Nobel stipulated only 3 people could share the award and the cash prize that comes with it.


  • The cutting edge of science today requires a lot of collaboration, and sometimes people who do valuable research are left out.


  • Other times they're straight up snubbed, like Joycelyn Bell Burnell.


  • She was the first person to observe radio pulsars, but the 1974 prize in physics was given to her doctoral thesis advisor.

    伯奈爾是第一位用無線電望遠鏡觀察到脈衝星的學者,但在 1974 年諾貝爾物理學獎卻把獎項頒給她的博士論文指導教授 。

  • Talk about a No-Bell prize.


  • It's important to remember the winners are selected by committees and so, they can be fallible.


  • Their members are appointed by the Royal Swedish Academy or the medical university Karolinska Institutet.


  • Except for the Peace Prize committee; Alfred Nobel stipulated that they have to be Norwegian for... some reason.


  • Anyway, the committees invite thousands of people respected in their respective fields to nominate winners and narrow it down from there.


  • When it comes time to announce the winners, they don't always make the most perfect or most obvious picks.


  • Usually, they do select scientists who have made lasting impacts in their field, like Peter Higgs.

    通常選出的科學家在該領域有劃時代的研究突破,像是理論物理學家彼得.希格斯 (譯註:提出希格斯機制為粒子物理學標準模型之理論基礎)

  • Higgs had to wait almost 50 years for his prize, because he proposed the Higgs boson's existence in 1964, but it wasn't confirmed until 2012.

    希格斯等了近乎 50 年才獲獎,因為他早在 1964 年就提出希格斯玻色子卻等到 2012 年才獲得學界認證。

  • In 2013, the Nobel committee recognized that he made this massive contribution (pun intended) to particle physics.

    2013 年,諾貝爾委員會肯定希格斯在粒子物理學的重大貢獻 (故意押頭韻)。

  • Because of the delay between a scientist's work and its visible influence, the Nobel Prize has become something of a career award.


  • That doesn't mean Nobel laureates are resting on their laurels and calling it a day once they've won though.


  • Four scientists have won the nobel prize twice, including the aforementioned Marie Curie.


  • She's not only the first woman to win it, she remains the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different scientific categories.

    除了成為首位榮獲諾貝爾獎的女性外,也是目前獲得兩個不同獎項的紀錄保持人 (譯註:分別為物理學獎、化學獎)

  • We can't do episodes like this without our sponsors.


  • If you listen to music and podcasts and are looking for a new Bluetooth speaker, check out Monster's reimagined boombox, the Monster Blaster.

    如果你喜歡聽音樂和廣播,也正在找新的藍芽喇叭可以參考 Monster's reimagined boombox 新款 the Monster Blaster。

  • It's available for monthly payments starting at $25.

    只要每月 25 元美金。

  • The Monster Blaster has the power to bring music to life indoors and out.

    The Monster Blaster 能讓你帶著音樂趴趴走。

  • Check it out at

    到 獲得更多資訊。

  • Higgs' proposed boson took so long to find because we had to build the most powerful atom smasher ever to look for it.


  • I actually visited; you can go see that video right here.


  • Do you guys keep track of the Nobel prizes?


  • Do you care?


  • Are there any that blew your mind?


  • Let us know in the comments, make sure you come back every day for more DNews and thanks for watching!

    在底下留言告訴我們,並每天關注 Dnews,感謝你的收看!

Why do we care about scientists' Nobel efforts?


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