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Welcome to "Weird, Gross and Beautiful," a discussion
about animals that I think are weird, gross, beautiful
or all three.
And today, we're talking about sharks.
That's why I'm wearing this shirt and also that costume
from before.
Sharks are fish.
I knew that.
Dolphins aren't fish.
But sharks are.
And then when they're all smelling the water, the water
it goes through their gills so that don't die.
There's almost 50 different kinds
of shark species that have light-emitting organs called
And they use it for mating purposes and also camouflage.
When sharks bite something, they whip it.
They whip it around-- [SHARK GNAWING SOUND]
so that they can get the little chunks of meat.
If you get bitten by a shark, you
should just give it a nice body hug.
So like grab onto the shark's dorsal fin,
because it's going to try and whip you.
If you want to keep that arm, give it
the best hug of your life.
Sharks give zero cares about how murky the water is,
because they have these little things on their eyes,
called tampetum lucidum, and it helps them see light.
Whale sharks are the world's biggest fish and also a shark.
They mostly feed on plankton and vegetation and stuff like that,
so you don't really have to worry about them.
But they can give birth to over 300 babies at a time,
but also they have to wait until they're 30 years old
to have babies.
You live for 30 years, and then you go through puberty,
and then you have 300 children.
Your life sucks.
Sharps have eight unique senses.
What's important is that it's more than we have,
which is five.
Some people think they have six.
John [? McClane ?] is a ghost the whole time.
So in addition to the normal five sense, which
are hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch,
they have three extra senses.
The lateral line detects vibrations in the water,
and the lorenzini detects electromagnetic fields
in the water.
And then the pit organs detect infrared heat ion the water.
They have super duper amazing hearing.
Also they listen to wounded creatures from miles and miles
and miles away, says research.
Did you hear that?
Also a great way a shark would be
able to detect a single drop of blood in an Olympic size pool.
I think it's weird and also beautiful.
My favorite kind of shark is a whale shark.
But my second favorite kind of shark
is a Wobbegong Shark, not just because it
has a ridiculous name.
They're so distinctive.
And they have like leafy-weird patterns and little branches
that stick off of them, to make them look like sea weed.
They're pretty Territorial, like if you go up to them,
they'll be all like [MOCK SNARLING].
They kind of have the same attitude as most animals.
They'll leave you alone.
And you need time alone.
So leave them alone.
That's all that I have for you today,
on "Weird, Good and Beautiful."
So be sure to subscribe was suggested to me by Luke.
And this is his Twitter handle.
Luklear missile.
That's hilarious.
And if you want to learn more about sharks,
you watch this episode on the bull shark,
on Discovery Word Safaris, really, way awesome.
So be sure and follow me on Twitter, subscribe,
and I love you so much.