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Hello! This is Cynthia Sue Larson with Reality Shifters dot com.
and I'm here today to talk with you about muscle testing
and how you can learn to do this in just a couple of minutes. First of all,
if you've got two of your hands free, you'll be wanting to put your fingers together
making little circles like this,
between the thumb and the pinky finger. What you're doing is creating
something like a daisy chain when you put the two links together.
I suggest using the pinky finger because usually it's
one of the least strong fingers. You want some minimal resistance.
The next thing you do is ask a question that you already know the answer to.
For example, I would ask myself, "Am I Cynthia Sue
Larson?" and pull my daisy chain rings
apart--and they hold together very firmly. I'm not really trying to do this,
I'm just focusing on, "Am I Cynthia Sue Larson?" This is my "Yes"
when the chain does not pull apart. Next,
I can ask a question such as, "Is my name
John?" and I pull the chain apart. I'm once again not TRYING to do this at all,
it's just a weakness in the muscle, so that's why they call this "muscle testing."
It is a form of dowsing. The reason behind it
has a lot to do with physics, actually, and the fact that when you ask a question,
you are essentially entangling yourself with the subject of your inquiry.
This is through the focus of your attention. I talk about dowsing
in my book, "Aura Advantage," which describes some other methods you can use.
I describe the fact that we are in the Quantum Age right now
in my book, "Quantum Jumps," describing many of the principles behind quantum physics,
such as entanglement,
coherence, superposition of states, and
teleportation. Once again, if you want to use this method
of muscle testing, you may wonder what can you use it for?
You can use it for choosing things, when you
want to know in advance before opening the package, is it good for you?
Is this the right car to buy? You can say,
"Is this broken-down jalopy that
gets twelve miles to the gallon-- that kind of thing--
and costs twenty thousand dollars-- is this the right car for me?" That's a NO!
And now I'm just speculating with this question.
if you ask another question seriously, and you're looking at different ads
different cars, cameras,
computers, or anything might want to figure out... where you want to live...
what kind of food is good for you... which restaurant to choose...
and so forth, you can get really strong indicators. You are connecting with your
you are entangling with the subject of your inquiry. You can also locate things.
I've used this successfully-- this very same method,
because my hands are always with me-- to locate my friends and family
when I've been in crowded environments. I just ask, "Should I turn?
Are they to the right of me?" and then if you get a strong yes like that,
then you'd know to go that direction.
And I ended up... I've got some amusing stories! I ended up able to just walk directly to
a group that I'd gotten detached from.
So have fun with this! I know you will. This is Cynthia Sue Larson