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lets start it
have put the transducer down. first thing I wanted to use the patient information
sure, how to do that certainly we have a patient data entry key here
will notice here that we have all the information that we would what
need is you should trackball place number and then
you can tab over okay and then put the last name in this case will put like
twenty eight weeks
we also have all they are other identification you would want referring
anything you would want here for today's purposeful just put in there
due date under the additional tad and it would be
see that we can do different ever just doing anyway and we can pick that one
okay absolutely in and based upon what type of exam
we told we were gonna do in this case OB then automatically should've brought
that up
and then the the due date he
aa do you know your day hammered
okay and that generates hemingway should be day
and we just said okay yes up
Cherie now we also I
have to course choose the appropriate transducer
in this case were using a C-five to which is a good
Domino transducer we also have the be 62 which is would be for 3d
and then we would choose the appropriate preset based upon what we're doing a
course today in OB
and those who the controls you have here so now we have our basic to the image
and what you wanna do to optimize the imager let's go over the control panel
just a little bit the trackball
is your basic where most if your controls are going to be
changed or values change for that sort of thing your calculations
so it's right here in front of you with your left hand you can
you can adjust all that the system your mold keys are grouped together here
so you have become a parry and share your actual CPA
im old your pulse wave and your color
right here for you these are where you would do your measurements turn on your
calculations do any kind of the notations
body markers all in this a script here on this side for you
my labeling and measuring right absolutely
okay so your debt it's here where you wanna change adapt to know what optimize
your depth you don't wanna have the baby in the very top part you want to be able
to have
have the appropriate depth position so that toppled down
other deeper into the body and I tell up I'll get much
more superficial yes and then your focus is from
your the ideal focal point will be right at the area of interest
or just below okay and I have that indicator here
yes can I change the number of locals around or do I just have one
yes you can that would warrant to be the sole this will be our to be controls
okay so that theory behind this is the top bro
are on of or changing like in this case left-right
of harmonics on of and
bit tweet your question the focus on numbers here
so that would be a number we where you would turn
so this 6 indicates this its correlated this
six here and I think turn
increase yes okay and then to move my focal zone
use this latter yes to bring it back to you one
here and then the idea behind vocals owns the more focus and
have the better resolution however
slower time
theoretically yes but am if you read on small part to that sort of thing that's
where you see the real difference in the focus on placement
in OB not really so much we want to keep a
fast frame rate really yes should use
yes I hope great on
okay so that's our focus on Saturday ap and for dual screen that's here
yes okay like that and how I talk between
you would go are either you could press this or you could go either side
this indicator here tells you which one is your active mode
and then you have a red indicator here that tells you which one is your active
okay ok explain it to get out at 2i 2d
yes some okay so let's talk about these
for that user that may not be familiar with what
what is to be mean in node was that mean
let's should be sure so you know those here to use color
how would I adjust the size and scale
this how close the size
your your controls are going to be here once again we talked about a trackball
function okay this is box position
in it and then you could just press either one of those select he's to the
side that
in little changed to highlight the box okay so whatever mode you're in
that's what your trackball will allow you to adjust okay so I can talk a
back-and-forth second
my box when I'm in box position correct had the Select
he and then I can suggest the box largest
correct okay and let's say I think this collar is
too sensitive were not sensitive enough I want to change my
t-race and you can change your perf directly by your scale
okay but we also have a quickie that will help you with your flow
optimization that will change your scale
the baseline some other factors that just by once again turning this number
five button
would allow you to change changer flow state nowhere close state
for instance if you were looking for renal kidney flow or that sort of thing
higher flow state would be like maybe the fetal heart something with the
faster flow state you still have control
those controls but this is step like a macro key to be able to help you with
nice very nice okay color
I'm color power and yeah to explain that Corp aryan geo is looking
at instead of the velocity or the blood flow what's looking at the
uplifted so the advantage to that is that it's less angle dependent so if
you're trying to find
a a peace accord or something and it's not
a good angle looking at it this will help you to evaluate that
now we've also added with that a
arm away doing a directional portion of that were here you can see we're just a
solid color
and but the newer a systems you can
actually turn on where you can see you
utilizing the amplitude parted the signal
but you able to see the direction as well when I find it
very helpful in the field heart know exactly the direction that's nice
yes so that was on the second page okay
and you can turn that on and turn that off great and we will change appear
in the same manner yes it there macro keen we have
you could do it that way are you with your scale absolutely and either bring
the scaled-down
ac it lowers my here at which makes more sense
yes bring it up make it exxon okay
too so to get outta any of these I just press the 2d yes
okay let's talk about overall gain NTC
user affair walk up to the machine and someone had used it before
right happen it to us
absolutely doesn't gain is important to be able to see the information that you
need of course
and there's a fun you know there's in a lot of his personal preference some
people like to skim brighter than others
this is a little too bright because you're gonna
at artifact there in this is to damage she saw
but most systems now have an automatic button
to be able to optimize that for you and in this case is called I skin on the
Philip system is called my skin
and you still have the adjustment have been able to to do if
if you like and then a the TTC's is is time gain compensation
where Julie if you wanna show what when you movie 20 min individually where you
can boost near field for fielder in between
in a specific part of that care and then if I have this
all wacked out you could just hit i scan it corrected for you
you could getting let's talk about him alright
we're gonna go to the heart I wanted to see an area
in more detail there's two types -ism
there's the reeds own and then there's the rights and the right the same as
when you have an area of interest for making a box
in years owning up that particular area said he would press the button
and once again this would allow you to track ball
position or size I recommend you use a combination
up the beach soon in the right zone okay you don't wanna make it so small that
its it's going to blow up the pics also make it and
and read about civil absolutely I'm so now we have that's even
press that button that again okay so now you concentrated all your line density
in this particular
area but if you still want to zoom up a little bit more you just turn the button
want to marry and it ice-t_ yes and you can move it
then you can paint pan p.m. so the baby's moving you can stay with the baby
with that night and also P-three's the image
then you can still
use your arm reads them and and I'll do it after the fact this website
and that would be if you had color or anything on there that there was an area
that's really wanted to focus on the take a picture
that you could do that okay and if I and frozen went to two DM out
cravings me home yes all rights now let's talk about
hour into the now so these are to be controls here that we're able to change
certain functions are but two
to enhance your image that there's a lot of these is not a right wrong answer to
it's a personal preference
the first one is dynamic range the higher the number
the greater the image is gonna be more shades of grey
rain more shades of grey are introduced yes
the lower the number the more black and white
so that's just the its
a dynamic range it's a compression last systems also a compression
alright so were here the next button
is great mapping once again that's a personal preference 1
in this case is more contested five is gonna be
I'm r6 a little Barrie nation all these all have a little bit different look
okay right above that is
left-right invert I'm be careful
don't use it okay I just okay I gave it to both
it particularly new users not to
in for your screen you get
and if someone does that and another user comes behind you in this screen is
flip flop you may get confused as to you
trip yes show I don't really understand wide
you may want to use that their purpose that you can thank a
in OB not necessarily but there are some instances where people learned
somewhere else at the skin backwards why for the life of me I don't know we don't
we can teach you that right now with it
all take it right yes and I understand some in
image guidance Neil guidance some physicians
would prefer to see the needle coming in from a certain direction so you may have
to left-right the screen
that makes their sense to me that's fine but I think it's scanning
we childish to it
suggest that we we don't left-right the screener
right for yeah i think is important to understand it's their colors on all
but I think you're your at comment don't go there's good
yeah this is the indicator correct so this is my not
in this P will tell me that I'm in the correct yes in reference to wear
whether yes indicator is on the set on the chest is yes okay yes
so the the some next but not
a chromite is an color overlay a view to the image
so if I turn miss you can see that
every systems gonna have a different hue her some love
everybody's I see things a little differently and actually the chroma will
help you may be like
help dad to find kidneys a little better are some subtle
structure you'll be able to pick up better the theory is a human eye sees
color bather then it does she did great so that's why and some customers prefer
skin and all the time so
once again a personal preference and almost takes
I cellco like items like kidneys are not
sometimes hard to distinguish in
it if you change that color map it may
bring out those subtle differences that you wouldn't I noticed the great a
little better border definition in some instances
the ion-selective electrode and
okay say measures sodium potassium chloride on the spare the machine here
and any person I like also into that and
dilution turn table at the back
it makes a dilution if that sample with I'm