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  • For office workers who enjoy a large cup of tea,

  • the proper brewing method is very important.

  • For example this cup is about 300cc,

  • the tea leaves should be 1.5 percent of this amount,

  • in other words 300cc X 0.015

  • equals 4.5 grams, so we'll add 4.5 grams of oriental beauty tea leaves.

  • The ideal water temperature for brewing oriental beauty tea is 85 degrees

  • celsius.

  • The tea should be brewed for about 10 minutes for best results,

  • after 10 minutes it will also be cool enough to drink.

  • When you're tired a cup of perfectly brewed tea,

  • not only taste great it also quenches your thirst.

  • Tong Ting oolong tea is famous both in Taiwan and aboard,

  • it comes from the mountains of Noutou counties Lugu township

  • at an altitude of about 500 to 800 meters.

  • the Tea Leaf processing includes rolling in a cloth ball

  • creating an appearance that is semi spherical, it is a tea formed with medium

  • fermentation and

  • heavy rolling, the leaves are dark green in color

  • and the tea is a beautiful golden yellow with a rich

  • fragrant aroma and sweet taste.

  • This tea has a unique flavor and a pleasant after taste.

  • For Tong Ting oolong

  • the water should be heated to 95 degrees Celsius

  • with the bubbles forming in large quantities the temperature is about 95

  • degrees

  • perfect for brewing Tong Ting oolong.

  • If you plan to brew the tea for five rounds you only need to fill the teapot

  • one-quarter full

  • with Tong Ting oolong tea leaves, of course you can adjust this to suit your

  • taste.

  • For the first round, brew the tea for about one minute.

  • Pour the tea into a pitcher and then fill the teacups.

  • Remember, if you pour the tea directly from the teapot

  • into the teacups then fill the cups slowly and in turn

  • one quarter at a time and then top of each cup.

  • This will ensure the tea's strength will be more evenly balanced.

  • Tong Ting oolong tea leaves undergo medium fermentation

  • producing a yellow colored tea, it has a deep floral aroma and a mature

  • and full flavor.

  • Like the other teas, the brewing time for the first round is one minute

  • the second round is reduced to 20 seconds, the third round is 45 seconds

  • the fourth round is 1 minute 20 seconds

  • and the fifth round is 2 minutes 20 seconds.

  • This is just a rule of thumb and should be adjusted according to the quality and

  • released time of the tea.

  • For people who enjoy a big cup

  • of Tong Ting oolong tea then the question is how to brew a cup that's both tasty and not

  • bitter.

  • Here is a simple way to brew a large cup of good tea.

  • This glass tumbler holds about 500cc of water,

  • the amount of tea leaves should be about 1.5 percent of the water used

  • in other words 500cc X 0.015

  • equals 7.5 grams.

  • So add 7.5 grams have Tong Ting oolong tea to the glass.

  • For the best cup of Tong Tine oolong tea use water heated to 95 degrees Celsius

  • and steep for 10 minutes. Also by this time the tea is cool enough to drink.

  • savoring a large glass of Tong Ting oolong like this

  • is a true pleasure.

  • High Mountain Oolong refers to tea produced in tea farms located about 1,000

  • meters in altitude.

  • These are mainly produced in new T areas located at 1000 to 1300 meters altitude

  • in Chiayi and Nantou counties, with the cool mountain temperatures and the veil

  • of morning and evening fog,

  • the daily amount of sunshine is shorter reducing the amount of catechins

  • and other bitter ingredients in the leaves.

  • Plus the amount of ammonia acid and dissolvable nitrogen

  • ingredients which contribute to the tea's sweetness are increased.

  • The tea leaves are also more supple and thicker

  • and possess more pectin making it a mature tea for medium fermentation and

  • heavy rolling.

  • Therefore the high mountain oolong tea leaves are vivid green

  • with the sweet taste and an elegant aroma producing a tea that's easy to brew

  • and a light greenish yellow in color. For high mountain oolong the ideal brewing

  • temperature is 95 degrees Celsius.

  • This water producing large quantities have bottles should be about 95 degrees,

  • making it perfect for releasing the flavors have high mountain oolong.

  • If you want to brew five rounds of tea with high mountains oolong.

  • Fill the pot one-quarter fall with tea leaves, for the first round steep about

  • one minute.

  • Of course, brewing time can be adjusted to the personal taste.

  • Then pour the tea into a pitcher before pouring into the cups.

  • Remember, if you pour the tea directly into the cups,

  • fill the cups in turn one quarter at a time

  • and then top of each cup. This will ensure a smooth tea.

  • High mountain oolong undergoes medium fermentation leaving it bright green in

  • color.

  • The aroma is light and elegant in best of all,

  • is it's easy to brew and has a flavor that is sweet

  • and invited. The brewing time is the same,

  • the first round is 1 minute, the second round is reduced to 20 seconds,

  • the third round is 45 seconds, the fourth round

  • 1 minute 20 seconds and the fifth-round 2 minutes 20 seconds.

  • This is just a rule of thumb and should be adjusted according to the quality and

  • release time of the tea.

  • For tea lovers not satisfied with a small serving,

  • learning how to brew a large individual serving is a must.

  • For this 200cc cup, the tea leaves should be about 1.5 percent of

  • the water.

  • In other words 200cc X 0.015

  • equals 3 grams, so we'll add 3 grams of high mountains oolong to this

  • cup.

  • The best brewing temperature for high mountains oolong is 95 degrees Celsius

  • and 10 minutes it's steeping will produce the ideal strength of tea.

  • After 10 minutes the tea will also be the perfect temperature for drinking

  • a large 200cc cup of high mountain oolong

  • is both tasty and satisfying.

  • You can also try this method for brewing a large pot of tea.

  • It is suitable for making large quantities of tea.

  • Take note of the ratio of tea leaves to water when brewing,

  • the general standard is one part tea leaves for every 50 parts water.

  • After brewing 5-6 minutes pour the tea into a separate container and

  • enjoy.

  • If you wish to brew a second round of tea, just add boiling water

  • and lengthen the brewing time.

  • When examining the Chinese character for 'Tea',

  • You can see it has the character for person nestled between the grass and

  • trees.

  • This is a fitting definition for 'Tea',

  • describing a person in the great outdoors among the planting the trees

  • enjoying the subtle fragrance, the breeze

  • sweeping across her face with their mind at ease.

  • Enjoying a cup of tea on a regular basis will not only make you more healthy,

  • it will also help relax your mind and put your spirit at ease.

  • It is an indispensable beverage to truly appreciate the taste of fine tea,

  • we recommend that you try a cup of one of Taiwan's great teas

  • and gravle in the beauty of life.

For office workers who enjoy a large cup of tea,

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How to brew great Taiwan tea - Part 2/2 (English version with captions)如何泡好臺灣茶 - Part 2/2 (英文版有英文字幕) (How to brew great Taiwan tea - Part 2/2 (English version with captions)如何泡好台灣茶 - Part 2/2 (英文版有英文字幕))

  • 94 27
    Sprina Dai posted on 2021/01/14
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