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  • That is absolutely delicious.

  • Oh, hey. Hey, everyone. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and

  • welcome to this lesson on "Adverb and Adjective Collocations".

  • Now, "collocations" is just another fancy way to say combinations.

  • And specifically, these are adverbs like:

  • "very", "really", "seriously", "incredibly", "absolutely", and adjectives like:

  • "hot", "cold", "injured", "wet", whatever.

  • And these are ones that go together commonly. Okay? So, let me put my

  • coffee down, and we'll get started with the lesson. Today we're going to look at 10 of them.

  • So, first, we have: "Seriously injured" or "Seriously hurt". If you watch a lot of sports,

  • you will hear this. Okay? So, for example: "She was seriously injured in the 2nd half."

  • Now, for me, when I was around 23-24 years old, I used to play football just a little

  • bit, and one time I was playing and I twisted my ankle, and I heard the muscle rip a little

  • bit. It was very painful, and I was seriously hurt, seriously injured, and I couldn't walk

  • for about two weeks. So it was a... It was a tough time. All right? So, again:

  • "seriously injured", "seriously hurt". You could just say: "hurt", "really hurt", "very hurt", but

  • for some reason, the word "seriously" and the word "injured" have been put together

  • time and time again. They sound beautiful together to people.

  • Next: "highly probable", "highly likely". So, if something is highly probable, highly

  • likely, it means there is an excellent chance that it will happen. So, in the weather report,

  • you might hear: "Rain is highly probable tomorrow." It is highly probable that it will rain. Okay?

  • So, very likely, very possible or probable. So, again: "highly probable", "highly likely".

  • Next: "cautiously optimistic". Now, if you are an optimistic person but, you know, something

  • is coming and you're optimistic, but you're carefully optimistic, you're not sure 100%

  • how optimistic to be - you can say: "I'm cautiously optimistic." Okay? So, for example:

  • "I'm cautiously optimistic about the next Star Trek movie."

  • So, I have enjoyed the first two Star Trek

  • movies directed by J. J. Abrams. There's a third one coming where he's the producer,

  • and the director is the guy who did The Fast and the Furious. So, The Fast and the Furious

  • director is doing a Star Trek movie, and in the trailer, like, Captain Kirk is on a motorbike?

  • I don't know. I don't know. But I enjoyed the first two movies. I think I'll enjoy the

  • third one, but I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be good. Okay. And if at this time

  • the movie has been released, and hopefully it's great; if it was bad, I'm sorry.

  • Next: "totally wrong", "totally wrong". All right? So, you could just say something is

  • wrong, but people commonly say: "That is totally wrong." All right? "Your answer was totally wrong."

  • Totally incorrect. Absolutely incorrect. Okay? So, you can imagine you can use this

  • in a variety of contexts.

  • Next: "incredibly lazy". Okay? So: "He was incredibly lazy as a kid." Like, let's say

  • this kid, whoever he was, just played video games all day, ate Doritos chips, drank Coke,

  • skipped school all the time. I don't know, never did anything. His parents told him to

  • do stuff, he didn't do it. He was incredibly lazy. So you can say:

  • "Oh my god, my sister is so incredibly lazy." Or: "She is so incredibly lazy."

  • My uncle, or my cousin, or my aunt,

  • or my best friend is incredibly lazy. They are so lazy that it is incredible. All right?

  • So, let's go and look at five more.

  • "Virtually impossible". So, "virtually impossible" means something is practically, or almost,

  • absolutely not possible. So: "This quiz is virtually impossible!" Some video games, if

  • they're very difficult, you're like: "This game is virtually impossible to beat! I can't

  • finish it." Like Dark Souls. Or when I was a kid... What was a game that was really difficult

  • to beat? I had this game for the Nintendo Entertainment System called Time Lord, and

  • I could never get past, like, the fourth level. It was a pirate ship, and I had no idea how

  • to finish it. Or the original Ninja Turtles video game for the NES was also virtually

  • impossible. Bad memories. Okay.

  • "Absolutely incredible". So, at the time of this video, you know, Star Wars episode seven

  • is kind of a big deal, and I would say that: "Star Wars was absolutely incredible!" Just

  • very, very good. Excellent. Okay?

  • "Fully aware". So, if you are fully aware, it means you completely have knowledge of

  • something. So, for example: "He was fully aware of the consequences." If you have a

  • job and you know that if you do something that is against company policy, but you do

  • it anyway and you know that if you do this thing you will be fired or you will have a

  • warning from your boss, you are fully aware of the consequences. Okay? So, "fully aware",

  • you know absolutely what is going to happen next.

  • "Blatantly obvious". This is kind of like saying: "Obviously obvious", because if something

  • is blatant, it is easily seen. It is in your face. So, for example:

  • "Your feelings for him are blatantly obvious."

  • So if you have a friend and your friend really likes this

  • guy, and every time she is around this guy she acts like nervous or like she's in love

  • with him, or can't stop looking at him, you say:

  • "Wow, your feelings for him are blatantly obvious." Like, it's very easy to see.

  • Okay? So, something that is easy to see. "Blatantly obvious".

  • And finally: "absurdly difficult". So, if something is absurd, it doesn't make sense,

  • it is so hard. "The test was absurdly difficult." Okay.

  • So, today, we looked at 10 adverb and adjective combinations or collocations. And if you'd

  • like to test your understanding of the material... And on the test, on the quiz, I will, you

  • know, give you the adjective. You have to tell me the correct adverb that goes with that adjective.

  • So you can do that on And if you like this video, as always,

  • comment on it, like it, subscribe to the channel.

  • If you want to support engVid, you can donate at the link attached to the video.

  • And until next time, thanks for clicking, guys.

  • Bye.

That is absolutely delicious.

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屬於一起的詞。英語中的副詞-形容詞搭配 (Words that belong together: Adverb-Adjective Collocations in English)

  • 242 76
    郭璧如 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary