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What could be more iconic than the Kalashnikov?
Rough-hewn from wood and iron, its simple construction belies an enduring example of
industrial design.
It's the weapon of choice for a revolution, and the backbone of any insurgency.
So, what makes the AK so special?
所以,是什麼讓 AK 如此的特別?
Why is a near seventy year old rifle still so popular?
And is there really no substitute?
The legendary rifle's story starts in Soviet Russia, in the embers of World War 2.
This was an era of rapid technological progress amidst valiant acts - and the Soviet Union
它是一個發生在技術快速進步時代下的一個英勇作為 - 伴隨著
loved a hero.
Mikhail Kalashnikov was a tanker in the Red Army, wounded in action in 1941.
During his recuperation he learned of his comrade's woes with their issued rifles - and
resolved to tackle them with a soldier-focussed approach to small arms design: with innate
因此他毅然的決定聚焦在士兵們關注的重點 - 輕武器設計:具有先天的耐用性
usability borne from simplicity and reliable function.
His early designs caught the eye of officials, and Kalashnikov found himself part of a small
arms development group for the Red Army.
The Soviets were not shy to take influence from what other forces were fielding - and
between captured Nazi weapons, Allied supplies - and a long line of Russian prototypes - the
其中包含納粹的武器、同盟的補給 - 以及大量的俄製原型武器
AK-47 began to take shape.
在此,AK-47 開始成形。
The German Sturmgewehr 44 was a major influence: with similar form factor, it proved the viability
德國的 Sturmgewehr 44 擁有最重要的影響:近似的外型、它證明了
of a mid-power cartridge - and provided the gas system for Kalashnikov's design.
短藥筒步槍彈的可行性 - 而且向卡拉什尼科夫的設計藍圖提供了氣導式系統。
The earlier RPD would also lend its intermediate cartridge to the AK-47: the 7.62x39mm round,
早期的 RPD 輕機槍也將中間型威力彈的想法提供給了 AK-47:7.62x39mm 步槍彈
also known as the M43.
也就是人們所知的 M43。
Its slightly tapered casing is responsible for giving the AK-47 its distinctive curved
它略成錐狀的彈殼也是為了提供 AK-47 那獨具特色的
In demonstrations, the 1947 prototype outperformed any rival, and was readily adopted by the
在測試中,1947年的原型槍勝過它的所有對手,俄羅斯很果斷的就採用了 -
Russians - although initial manufacturing issues did slow down deployment.
These issues were remedied by 1959, when a modernised version was introduced: known as
這些問題在 1959 年得到修改,使蘇聯開始採用現代化版本:
the AKM.
亦即是 AKM 。
It replaced the milled receiver with a stamped metal one - both lighter and easier to produce,
它以沖壓金屬取代了原本的軋壓式槍機 - 更輕盈也更益於量產。
and was also equipped with a muzzle brake to improve the accuracy of automatic fire.
There were a large number of variants of this basic design: from the AKS, with a folding
有大量的變形是根據 AKM 的這個基本設計:從AKS,更改為摺疊槍托;
stock; to a large number of foreign-produced AK pattern rifles, such as the Chinese Type
到大量由國外生產的 AK 構型的槍械,例如中國的 56 式步槍;
56; Hungarian AMD-65 or the Finnish Rk 62.
匈牙利的 AMD-64 又或是芬蘭的RK 62。
The smaller calibre AK-74 emerged in 1974 - firing the lighter but higher velocity 5.45x39mm
小口徑的 AK-74 在 1974 年誕生 - 更輕盈,初速卻更高的5.45x39mm 步槍彈:
round: with greater wounding potential versus the older round, the AK74 would supplement
相對於以前的彈種擁有更卓越的殺傷潛力.AK74 作為一種輔助
and eventually replace the AKM in service.
並且在最終取代了 AKM 的地位。
Pair these variants with such a broad service history, and you have a recipe for a very
popular weapon indeed.
There have been more Kalashnikov-pattern rifles made than all other assault rifles combined
- in fact, of all the small arms that exist: 1 in 5 is an AK.
- 實際上,在全部的輕兵器當中:每五把步槍就有一把 AK
It's utterly ubiquitous: found in every corner of the globe - and such is its influence,
它是如此普及:在地球上的任何一個角落都處處可見 - 它即是具有這般的影響力
it even adorns the flag of Mozambique.
No surprise, then, that the AK-47 is as popular in video games as it is in real life: with
perhaps as many digital renditions as those stamped from steel.
It's so well known that most instances - regardless of variant - are labelled as the 'AK-47',
這點是如此的眾所周知,大多數情況下 - 無論衍生型 - 這些被稱之為 "AK-47" 的槍不用任何授權:
without fear of license rights: only the most cautious opting to use ersatz appellations,
such as Goldeneye's 'KF-7 Soviet' or the 'CV-47' in earlier Counter-Strike games.
例如《黃金眼007》的 "KF-7 蘇聯" 以及在 CS 早期系列中的 "CV-47"。
These virtual depictions reflect the rifle's design in a variety of ways: but there's no
mistaking the familiar characteristics of the AK.
而他們也沒有忽略 AK 最令人熟悉的特點。
Often, a weapon's identity is forged by the powers that wield it: and with its prominent
use by the Second World during the Cold War, the AK has come to symbolise the defiance
即是冷戰時期的第二世界,AK 開始成為它們挑戰
and might of those who would oppose the west.
It's the foil to the American M16, and the weapon of choice for any opposing force: and
也是它重挫了美國 M16,並且讓這樣的武器成為任何反對勢力的首選。
for that reason it's often the default option for the 'bad guys' in games that mirror any
recent conflict.
In some cases, like in Counter-Strike, the AK is only available to the terrorist forces:
在一些案例中,例如在 CS 裡頭, AK 更是只提供恐怖勢力選擇的專屬武器。
and here it has prime placement, being the top-tier automatic weapon on offer, alongside
the Counter-Terrorist's M4.
Perhaps it's by its association with untrained militia fighters, or just affinity by design:
but long bursts of automatic fire - spray and pray - seems a natural fit for the AK.
不過同是為全自動步槍提供長時間連續射擊 - 傾瀉與禱告 - 這般配對於 AK 而言如是天造地設。
It has perfectly good accuracy, and is more than capable of hitting targets within its
effective range: but somehow the AK doesn't feel like a marksman's rifle.
但是不知怎麼的,AK 並不讓人覺得是一把精確射手步槍
Luckily, the weapon is quite suited to sustained fire: and this is normally reflected within
its depiction.
The AK's rate of fire is fairly moderate, and while recoil is present it's still possible
AK 槍族的射速總是相當緩和的,雖然它的後座力非常明顯
to wrest the weapon onto a close-range target.
It's not particularly elegant, nor great for ammo conservation - but you've got 30 chances
雖然它不是非常精美,也不是非常的節省彈藥 - 但是你仍然有30次機會
to hit something, even if it's not what you were aiming at.
Of course, it's not just enough to be capable of automatic fire - a weapon must also be
able to dole out magazine after magazine without stoppage or fuss.
- 一把武器更還必須在擊空彈匣以後不會阻塞或故障。
Luckily, the AK's reliability is legendary: with loose tolerances, and as simple a mechanism
as possible - there's not too much that can go wrong, and even less that can't be put
- 它沒有什麼機會出錯,甚至它根本
This is one trait that doesn't transfer well to video games: malfunctions are seldom shown,
as firearm maintenance isn't a particularly exciting endeavour - and experiencing a feed
畢竟槍枝保養不是個振奮人心的嘗試 - 和糧食缺乏中體會漫長的槍戰
failure mid-firefight would only prove frustrating.
Some games do reflect these factors, however - perhaps most notably Far Cry 2, with scavenged
有一些遊戲的確反映了這些要素:但是 - 也許是這當中尤其值得注意的,《極地戰壕2》證明了
weapons proving much less reliable than those bought brand new.
Weapon condition is also a factor in some RPGs, such as in Fallout 3: but a poorly-kept
weapon suffers only in the damage stakes, rather than with any interruption.
It's this reliability and simplicity that gives the weapon much of its charm - other
weapons might be more high-tech, but that does you no good if it chokes in dusty environments.
- 其他武器可能是更多的尖端科技,但是那對你沒有好處,在多塵的環境下它會很容易故障。
It seems almost sacrilegious to tamper with the purity of the AK - strapping anything
修改純正的 AK 幾乎是一件褻瀆的事 -
superfluous to the weapon is an insult to the design principles of Kalashnikov.
Some games do let you customise your AK-47 with a variety of attachments: optics, suppressors
而一些遊戲會讓你自定 AK-47 來安裝許多輔助具:光學、抑制器
and garish paint jobs.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare had the right idea, as equipping a red-dot sight would harm
《決勝時刻4:現代戰爭》有著正確的觀念,裝備內紅點瞄準具會影響AK-47 的遠距離傷害:
the AK-47's long range damage: meaning the most sensible choice was just a plain rifle
with iron sights.
Remember: just because you can... doesn't mean you should.
Of course, if you're some tin-pot dictator of some far-flung land you can generally do
whatever you like - and this extends to having your favourite rifle gold-plated.
做任何你想喜歡的事 - 這可以衍伸到幫你的愛槍鍍金
Although such weapons are ornamental, and clearly not designed for the rigours of battle,
some games do feature golden guns.
Some represent the pinnacle of accomplishment with the weapon, a reward for the completion
of challenges: while others just represent an absence of good taste.
So, the AK-47. The very best there is.
From drug lords to peasant rebellions, the AK is everyone's favourite weapon: a great
從毒梟到農人起義,AK 就是所有人最愛的武器;
equaliser, irrespective of wealth or status.
It's not the most accurate weapon, nor the most elegant - but it simply doesn't have
這不是最精確的武器,也不是最優雅的 -
to be. It's good enough.
It excels where fighters need it most: it's reliable. Stoppages are rare, and any faults
that do occur can probably be fixed with a hammer.
It's simple to use. There's no need to pore over a manual, the AK is point and shoot.
它易於使用。不需要熟讀任何手冊,使用 AK 只需要瞄準與射擊。
It's so simple a child could use it - and in some parts of the world, they often do.
它易於使用以至於孩子也能操作 - 而在世界上的某些地方,的確就是如此。
It's cheap. Easy to manufacture and even easier to acquire - if you're looking to arm an insurrection
它便宜。容易製造甚至更容易取得 - 要是你正在尋求成本低廉的叛亂
on a budget, no other rifle will come close.
It is an old weapon, but it's not yet outdated: at the end of World War 2, it was cutting
edge - and led the way for the rise of the assault rifle during the 20th Century.
- 從而導致了突擊步槍在 20 世紀興起。
Today, although not quite as high-tech as some infantry weapons, the AK-47 still performs
在今日,雖然它不像那些尖端武器與某些步兵武器,但是 AK-47 依然還在執行它的任務:
its duty: and with 100 million rifles in existence, its popularity is unlikely to evaporate any
time soon.
With its widespread use and low cost, the weapon can be counted alongside the most basic
of tools:
The hammer;
The sickle;
The AK-47.
Thank you very much for watching - and until next time, farewell.
非常感謝你的收看 - 直到下次,再會。