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  • hi there I'm drew badger of the world's

  • number one english fluency guide and it

  • is a pleasure to welcome you to another

  • advanced listening practice lesson in

  • this video i wanted to talk about

  • something that's actually one of the

  • most important questions are one of the

  • biggest or most commonly asked questions

  • I receive from learners and this is how

  • can I continue to speak fluently without

  • getting stuck now the reason people get

  • stuck there and I like to kind of go

  • through the the source of things you can

  • understand what's really happening

  • because there are two ways to solve

  • something one is like the kind of

  • putting a band-aid over the problem

  • right now and we can kind of help you do

  • that in this video a short-term solution

  • that will help you a little bit but

  • really the important long-term solution

  • and i'll talk about the long-term

  • solution first is really going back to

  • the source of why you struggle when you

  • speak so let's talk about that first

  • now the problem that people have is and

  • this even happens to me sometimes when

  • i'm trying to speak Japanese and i'll be

  • seeing something and maybe I can't quite

  • think of something it's like maybe I'd

  • even practice the word before so I

  • learned the word and then in the

  • conversations god I can't remember what

  • it was

  • so it could be there's again many

  • reasons why it can happen and this is

  • why it's important to think about what's

  • happening in that time is it a word you

  • know that you just forgot or is it a

  • word that you didn't learn before or is

  • it something that you just actually it's

  • like a like a phrase or a whole idea

  • that you just don't know how to explain

  • because you never learned how to do that

  • thing so it could be again something you

  • learn before and you forgot it or you

  • never learned it in the first place and

  • the reason why people often get stuck

  • is it could be again one of those

  • reasons or maybe you're thinking it

  • could be about using the grammar for

  • that particular phrase so you might know

  • how to say something but the grammar

  • becomes maybe the kind of sticking point

  • or the thing that stops you from being

  • able to communicate or it could be

  • thinking about your pronunciation or

  • anything else but people get stuck in

  • conversations for a number of reasons

  • and typically the reason why that

  • happens if we're going from the

  • conversation back to the source of the

  • problem it's because of how

  • we learned and when people are going

  • from the kind of traditional way that

  • people would learn English and they're

  • coming to my way of learning English

  • it's much more thinking about developing

  • habits as opposed to learning specific

  • things and obviously learn like all of

  • the ways of expressing yourself the

  • maybe particular phrases and expressions

  • like slang and ATMs you learn all those

  • things as you learn with me but you

  • learn them through the native way of

  • learning and you do that by developing

  • the right English fluency habits so

  • instead of just trying to learn all

  • these different pieces of information

  • and then think you will magically put

  • them together in a conversation in your

  • head it doesn't work that way so that's

  • why you have you know people that can

  • learn all this information but then when

  • they get in the actual conversation like

  • they run out of things to say so they

  • lose their words or they get stuck they

  • feel I I just don't know what to say for

  • the next thing so always try to go back

  • the real long-term solution to this is

  • actually to develop the habits that let

  • you speak effortlessly they let you

  • speak automatically that let you let you

  • speak fluently and continuously so all

  • of these things come from developing the

  • correct English fluency habits and

  • that's why these are so important to

  • develop but the kind of short-term

  • thinking if we want to get into that

  • because i know people want to know right

  • now how can I like start speaking more

  • and just not really worried so much

  • about that really the two things that

  • you can do number one you can relax more

  • in a conversation because really the

  • nervousness that appears in the

  • conversation really is the main

  • contributor especially when people know

  • the information already but they forget

  • it in conversation so maybe you were

  • practicing something but then the

  • opportunity arises in a conversation to

  • use that and you're feeling nervous and

  • it just doesn't come to your mind at

  • that time so the more you can relax and

  • the best way to relax really is just to

  • remember he like

  • so what if I make a mistake it's okay

  • like I'm just speaking with people or as

  • i mentioned in a previous video in this

  • series you can actually admit you're

  • feeling a little bit nervous and that's

  • ok so if you admit that and you just

  • talk about how you're feeling nervous

  • what kind of at the beginning of the

  • conversation like you know just talked

  • about maybe your feelings like today I'm

  • feeling a little bit i'm feeling a

  • little bit nervous and maybe it's about

  • this

  • conversation or something else but you

  • know if I forget something like this

  • probably the reason for it

  • so when you're feeling more relaxed and

  • conversations and you don't try to force

  • the language like even right now as I'm

  • speaking i have a general topic I'd like

  • to talk about but I'm not reading

  • anything for these lessons I don't have

  • any particular order in which i'd like

  • to say things I'm just naturally

  • speaking now typically my mind is

  • slightly ahead of what i'm trying to say

  • but generally I really just have kind of

  • a general idea of what i like to say and

  • then I let the words just come out and

  • this is what I'm trying to train you to

  • do as you're listening to these lessons

  • and in lessons like master English

  • conversation where we show you how the

  • language works and then how people

  • actually start using it such that you

  • can answer things in conversations or

  • just speak about whatever you like in

  • affluent way so again the relaxing thing

  • like I'm very relaxed when I do this I

  • really love helping people learn and I

  • like even getting to speak in front of

  • groups of people i remember not that

  • long ago I was giving a speech in

  • japanese and english at a friend of

  • Mines wedding and it was like I could

  • feel like the nervousness come up for me

  • but I was like excited about that

  • because i was really happy to get out

  • and speak and maybe like tell a few

  • jokes and make some people enjoy their

  • meal and their evening much more so i

  • was really happy to do that even if I

  • felt nervous or even if you feel nervous

  • in a particular situation you don't let

  • that stop you from you know actually

  • trying to trying to speak you you make

  • note of that you let people know about

  • the nervousness that you're feeling or

  • you make it clear for yourself and then

  • that helps you relax more in

  • conversations so again make it clear

  • number one or just remember like okay so

  • what if I make a mistake it's ok the

  • other thing you can do really the second

  • kind of tactical thing you can do to

  • improve the way you speak in your

  • fluency is if you kind of use your

  • fluency in the way that I'm speaking

  • right now you think about it as water

  • that's moving down like a mountainside

  • something like that so water is very

  • lazy and water is trying to move in like

  • maybe a particular way or another we're

  • another place and if it gets to a

  • particular location where it stops then

  • maybe the water

  • pools up like you've got a river and

  • then the water moves down over something

  • else but water doesn't go uphill it

  • doesn't go anywhere else where it would

  • have to require any effort it's really

  • just taking the laziest path and that's

  • what I'm really doing when I'm speaking

  • like this so i don't have again a clear

  • path about where i want to go i'm just

  • letting the the flow of my words come

  • out in a natural way

  • so let's say I wanted to talk about

  • penguins like right now I'm just

  • thinking about this idea of talking

  • about penguins now I have no idea I have

  • no plan talk about penguins but maybe I

  • can envision a penguin in my mind I'm

  • thinking about where they live and i

  • began to just get associations about ok

  • we have a story of a penguin and he's

  • walking he's on the snow and he's

  • hopping around and talking to other

  • penguins and again this is just a silly

  • example but it's a way a kind of kind of

  • way of practicing where you just think

  • of something and then get the visual

  • idea of it in your mind and then let

  • your mind i'll create the words that

  • come from that so if you can relax and

  • then maybe you don't know exactly how to

  • express something so maybe I don't know

  • how to express something I want to say

  • in Japanese I have a general idea i just

  • relax and maybe let the expression come

  • out in a slightly different way and then

  • if i'm speaking with someone i'll say

  • hey is this a good way to say it or if

  • they laugh at me and say oh like I guess

  • I didn't pronounce that correctly or I

  • didn't say that correctly what would be

  • a better way to say that

  • so if I'm if I'm open and honest with my

  • own mistakes than other people relax

  • more as well and they're happy to tell

  • me about how you shouldn't say it that

  • way you should stay in a different way

  • now if you're speaking with people and

  • they're nervous about trying to correct

  • you or something because you you have to

  • take that opportunity first to say hey

  • like I want to improve or if they laugh

  • at you just say all like what was funny

  • about that like you really want to know

  • so you're not angry you're not

  • frustrated you're just you're like

  • excited all like here's an opportunity

  • for me to learn something and so the

  • more you're getting excited about that

  • the more you're able to help other

  • people kind of enjoy the conversation

  • with you so the whole conversation

  • becomes better so in the short term

  • think about relaxing and think about how

  • you can just say kind of what you want

  • to say and I've given this example

  • before about phrasal verbs specifically

  • so let's say I have this

  • this bottle of water right here and

  • maybe you don't know exactly the way to

  • talk about like doing this action and

  • i'm going to let water come out of the

  • bottle into my hand now maybe you don't

  • know exactly how to say that but you

  • could say like turn the bottle and water

  • falls out of the bottle something like

  • that so that's a good way to express it

  • but if you're talking with a native

  • speaker they might say oh you tip over

  • or tip the bottle so you tip the bottle

  • and you pour out the water so it's a

  • similar way of expressing it but it's

  • more natural in native way that native

  • speakers would use and these are the

  • kinds of things that you develop in a

  • conversation the actual conversation is

  • where you develop your fluency and this

  • is where a lot of students miss the

  • whole point of being able to develop

  • fluency because they think fluency is

  • built outside of the conversation they

  • think okay I'm learning all of these

  • words and phrases and then like all use

  • them when i get into the conversation

  • like no no it doesn't work that way it

  • works as a thing that you develop in the

  • conversation itself so this is how you

  • develop conversational fluency and this

  • is why we call it conversational fluency

  • as opposed to like book-learning fluency

  • so it's not about ok i remembered all

  • these words and i can use them all when

  • I'm just talking to myself but I when I

  • get into a real conversation i forget

  • what i want to say for the words you

  • know they escaped my mind or you know I

  • get stuck whatever way you want to

  • express it

  • so in the conversation itself again the

  • more you can relax the more you let your

  • words flow like water much the more easy

  • it is for you to become a more confident

  • speaker because you're not worrying

  • about things and you're actually giving

  • the other person the opportunity to

  • improve with you and to have better

  • conversations as well anyway if you have

  • enjoyed this do click that button for

  • liking this video to become a subscriber

  • to the English anyone . com youtube

  • channel and i look forward to seeing you

  • in the next video bye bye

  • to continue learning click on the link

  • in this video to download speak English

  • naturally our free guide to speaking and

  • sounding like a native English speaker

  • the guide reveals the three most

  • important kinds of conversational

  • English must learn if you want to sound

  • native and will help you experience

  • instant improvement in your fluency and

  • speaking confidence to download your

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  • the link in the upper right of this

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  • computer click on the link in the lower

  • right of this video i look forward to

  • seeing you in the guide

hi there I'm drew badger of the world's

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英語口語時如何解套--高級英語聽力練習--73篇。 (How to Get Unstuck When Speaking English - Advanced English Listening Practice - 73)

  • 866 56
    william7787 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary