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  • The British government have an Industrial Strategy. That’s all about supporting industry

  • to create jobs and economic growth. As part of that they are creating partnerships with

  • the key sectors that have the most influence.

  • Now, construction is very much one of those sectors andConstruction 2025” is the

  • strategy between industry and Government to improve construction by 2025.

  • Now rather like the BIM Protocol and some of the PAS guidance that weve covered on

  • The B1M in the past this document iswellpretty dull.

  • It was actually published back in July 2013 and made freely available as a PDF. A lot

  • of people saw it but they tended to be very strategic thought leaders, very senior managers

  • or people in the academic world. The vast majority in the middle of the industry, don’t

  • really know it exists. Were hoping to change that with this video, because if we all know

  • where were going and we all believe in what we need to do to get there, itll be

  • much much easier.

  • In the UK (United Kingdom) construction employs nearly 10% of the population – a whopping

  • 3 million peopleand it contributes £90 billion to the economy, making up about 7%

  • of its total.

  • Construction creates, builds, manufactures and maintains the places where nearly every

  • business that contribute to the national economy function. It provides our infrastructure;

  • our schools, hospitals and homes.

  • Construction is extremely influential and what happens in it matters, to everyone.

  • It’s set to grow by up to 70% between 2013 and 2025. The total global construction output

  • is set to rise to $12 trillion US dollars by then, which is about £1M in sterling.

  • Well to be honest we haven’t got time to properly explain in a short YouTube video.

  • It’s not working as well as it could be at the moment. Were driven by outputhow

  • quickly and cheaply we can deliver a buildingrather than the ultimate outcome it’s

  • going to have on that business and our society. We work in silos and don’t talk to each

  • other. People are out for the own commercial gain. The margins are suicidal so everyone’s

  • looking to price in risk or for contractual slip-ups that mean they can penalise someone

  • else. Adversity is rife and the Forms of Contract we use only encourage it. There’s a low

  • level of innovation, there’s not much knowledge sharing, there’s massive gender imbalance

  • and many young people don’t see it as an appealing place to work.

  • People have been trying to change construction for decades. And all the institutions, all

  • the reports, all the working groups, all the charters, all the award dinners, all the initiatives,

  • all that experience, all that knowledge out there, has led us to the day that youre

  • currently experiencing at the moment.

  • I’m passionate about changing it because in amongst all that stuff I’ve just described

  • I can see the good bits. I see incredible people, I see the phenomenal feats of engineering

  • we pull-off, I see innovation, I see rising stars, and most of all I see the potential

  • of what we can be.

  • So how do we get there?

  • Well there’s a few different bits to this.

  • For starters, Construction 2025 sets out the vision and aspirations for the industry across

  • 5 different areas.

  • The first is PEOPLE. For construction to become an industry that is known for its talented

  • and diverse workforce. Second is SMART. To have an industry that is efficient and technologically

  • advanced. Then there’s SUSTAINABLE. To be an industry that leads the world in low-carbon

  • and green construction exports. GROWTHfor construction to drive growth across the entire

  • economy. And finally LEADERSHIP. An industry with clear leadership from a Construction

  • Leadership Council (formed of Government and Industry representatives).

  • It also sets some targets: Like a 33% reduction in the initial cost of construction and over

  • the lifetime of built assets. A 50% reduction in time for design and construction. A 50%

  • reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. And a 50% reduction in the gap between the amount

  • of construction products that we import to the UK, versus what we export.

  • Construction 2025 sets out a number of strategies for achieving the vision. It talks about adopting

  • BIM and exporting Britain’s expertise in that area, investing in low carbon technologies,

  • driving up safety standards on smaller projects, focusing on occupational health, creating

  • apprenticeships, clarifying the employment routes into the industry, changing procurement

  • routes and promoting innovationamongst a number of other areas.

  • The strategy says that by 2025, Construction will no longer characterised by late delivery,

  • cost overruns, commercial friction, late payment, accidents, unfavourable workplaces, a workforce

  • unrepresentative of society or as an industry slow to embrace change.

  • "By 2025, construction will be radically transformed".

  • Now when I first heard those targets I was pulling the same face that youre probably

  • pulling right about now. When youre working in the existing construction industry and

  • you hear stuff like that, trying to work out how were going to get there can just feel

  • like it’s impossible. And, all those strategies I listed off just feel like things youve

  • probably heard a thousand times before.

  • And that really highlights how far behind we are, how bad things have got and how significant

  • the change required actually is.

  • The fact is, this is going to come down to people. People like you and me.

  • The 50% reduction is time is expected to come from changes to the planning and sign-off

  • bureaucracy to make things slicker. The 33% reduction in cost will be coming from changes

  • to the project delivery process to cut out wasted time and resources.

  • CHANGE is the key word here.

  • If you feel like you can’t take part in this because the contract youre currently

  • working under doesn’t enable you to: CHANGE IT.

  • If you feel like the way you work has always inherently been a bit wasteful: CHANGE IT.

  • If youre fed-up with adversity: CHANGE IT.

  • If youre sick of the image that this industry has: LET’S CHANGE IT.

  • Don’t sit there and think this is a PDF full of dreamy ideas that other people are

  • going to deal with for us. We all need to play our part. Let’s not be another generation

  • that oversaw a period of status-quo in construction. Let’s be the generation that history remembers

  • as the moment when everything: CHANGED.

The British government have an Industrial Strategy. That’s all about supporting industry

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2025年建築業解讀| B1M (Construction 2025 Explained | The B1M)

  • 530 19
    Ntiana posted on 2021/01/14
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