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  • What are you gonna miss the most of it?

  • I know you're looking forward to like you said rolling a window down and walking

  • and doing things that you haven't been able to do, but what are you gonna miss?

  • >> It's really the people.

  • I think about the girls have grown up in the White House,

  • I mean the staff that's there, we see them everyday.

  • These are people who have helped us raise our kids, they've loved us,

  • they're taking care of us and the minute we leave, that's it.

  • So it's really the people that we'll miss most.

  • And I'm sure the girls will have a tough time.

  • They think they're ready, but when you've grown up in a place, I mean imagine,

  • they won't be able to just knock on the door and say can I see my room.

  • That's not going to happen.

  • So we're trying to have them step back and

  • really appreciate the walk on the South Lawn, sitting on the Truman balcony.

  • I mean so, we just wanna keep creating some memories for them as well.

  • >> Yeah, because talk about not having perspective.

  • They really have grown up and

  • gotten used to that and what an amazing experience they have had.

  • >> Yeah, Yeah. >> It's incredible

  • >> I'm proud of them.

  • They've really managed this so well.

  • I just love them to death.

  • The big thing I've always worried about was making sure that they got out of

  • this whole.

  • And I'm just proud that they're poised, smart, intelligent young women.

  • >> They are, they are.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> I mean.

  • >> [APPLAUSE] >> I

  • met them eight years ago when you brought them here to see the Jonas Brothers.

  • >> That's right.

  • >> And that was the first time that I met you and the girls outside.

  • >> That's right outside, yeah.

  • I got that picture in my dressing room.

  • >> Do you? I mean it's amazing when you look at how

  • long ago that was.

  • And then of course I know them a little bit now, and

  • it's hard enough to raise children, period, but to raise children in front

  • of everyone in the White House and they have done, you've done an amazing job.

  • Do you feel like and I'm sure you did feel pressured to be the first

  • African-American First Lady, like there's some kind of responsibility or.

  • >> Well one of the things I know from sitting in this position that every

  • First Lady feels some level of pressure.

  • I mean this is a big platform and you don't wanna mess it up.

  • So I wouldn't dare to compare my experience to any former First Lady, but

  • I do take the role seriously.

  • I do, as I said in my convention speech, I know that kids are watching us.

  • They're watching what we say, what we do, and

  • Barack and I have tried to make sure that what kids are seeing

  • is something that they can be proud of, because it matters.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

  • >> You have accomplished that.

  • You have accomplished that and I know you know that, but you should feel very proud.

  • Both of you should feel very proud.

  • Like I said, we will miss you so much,

  • because it has been a joy and I feel proud to call you a friend.

  • >> It has been an honor.

  • >> I mean, an honor and I wasn't the political spouse.

  • I was very hesitant about this, but it's truly been an honor to serve,

  • to travel this country, to meet so many great people.

  • I have so much hope for this nation and I hope that everybody else does too.

  • We have some great young people, we've got great communities.

  • I just wish everyone have the opportunity to travel the country like

  • we have had because you would feel good everyday about where we live.

  • This is the best country on Earth.

  • >> [APPLAUSE]

What are you gonna miss the most of it?

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米歇爾-奧巴馬談遺產和白宮回憶 (Michelle Obama Talks Legacy and White House Memories)

  • 184 26
    kath_chaste posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary