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Hello Folks
In this video I gonna show you the main differences between Vray, Corona and specially Octane Render
which is the renderer that I actually using more in my pipeline
I´ll also talk about cpu x gpu rendering
Biased and Unbiased renderers
To maybe answer that common questions of...
Which one is the best? Which one is the faster?
And obviously make some advertise about my newnest Octane Render Course
So that´s it, I´ll try to keep it simple and I hope you like it
First of all I´ll talk about the difference between Cpu x Gpu render engines
In therms of processing, on cpu renderers the Processor is the responsible for the rendering process
On Gpu renders we use one or more Video Cards to process the rendering
The first difference between them is the amount of simultaneous threads of each method
For example the Processor has tens or hundreds of cores/threads to make a lot of processes
And Video cards has thousands of cores/threads to make a single process
On Nvidia video cards, these Cores are called CUDA cores
which can be used by the Gpu render engines to make the processing faster
So it means that every Gpu renderer is faster than Cpu renderers?
No! And I´ll talk about it soon.
The second difference between them is the memory usage
For me this is the worst thing about Gpu render engines
In the CPU render engines we use the Ram memory
which in standard personal computers can be expanded to 64gb or more than that if you use high performance workstations
on the other hand, GPU renderers like Octane, uses the Video Card(s) memory / VRAM
So at this moment if you look for the best video card, you can find a TitanX, with 12gb of VRAM
By a huge amount of money (at least here in Brazil)
Is good to know that Octane Render doesn´t take advantage of SLI
It means that if you has TWO video cards, the first one with 3GBs of VRAM and the second one with 2GBs of VRAM
Octane won´t add the both memories, It will just add the Speed of them (Cuda Cores)
always leveling by the Video Card with less VRAM
in other words, even having one 3GBs VRAM video card, you could use just 2GBs of VRAM
If both video cards were activated to render at the same time
This memory issue can limit us a lot
Cause more memory, means you can render more polys in your scene, more high quality textures, bigger the render size
And wider the amount of rendering solutions as fur, displacement, motion blur, etc
For this reason I´ll show in this video soon, how the Octane Render memory usage actually works
And how to optimize your scene in the best way
Now talking about compatibility
The CPU renderers has advantages again
Cause all the kind of Processors in the market are compatible with CPU renderers
On the other side, a lot of GPU renderers just use the Cuda Technology, exclusive to Nvidia Video Cards
So, AMD/ATI cards can´t be used on Octane Render
If you were planning to buy Octane Render and you just have AMD/ATI Video Cards
Is better to wait a little more to eventually Octane get this kind of support, which actually the developers has in their plans
So, balancing these informations I think we can talk about Cost X Benefit of each method.
All the equipments in Pink are the ones which needs to have really high performance, and probably a little bit expensive
In yellow are the moderate in therms of price and quality
And finally in blue, the ones that you don´t need to spend so much money on it.
So in this case for CPU renderers we have the Processor, Motherboard and RAM with high performance
but the Video Card don´t need to be awesome as it is responsable most part of the time just for the viewport processing
On Gpu Renderers, in this case, Octane Render
The processor is mostly used just for load the scene and geometry, but has almost no usage at the time of rendering process
So you can choose if you wanna invest or not in a high performance processor
The Motherboard doesn´t need to be the best one, but as advice try to find some with a lot PCIexpress slots
For you upgrade your system with new video cards in future
About RAM memory you can invest in less amount of GBs at least using Octane Render
cause there is other GPU renderings on the market that uses Ram memory too
But for sure it will be implemented on next Octane Render versions
And last but most important, the Video Card. The most expensive item cause you will really need awesome video card(s)
Cause better the video cards, means faster your renders and more complex your scenes can be, depending of your VRAM amount
So, as a conclusion, for both kind of Rendering methods, CPU or GPU
we can save some money in some itens in relation to others
But balancing all these informations I can say that invest in GPU rendering, normally is a bit more expensive, at least in a first moment
Cause there is something really important that we can´t forget which are the future upgrades on our workstation
that is, we have to think in long-term investments
Using CPU, we could be forced in some cases to buy a new computer, new processor, motherboard, ram, etc.
On the other hand, for GPU renderers we just need to buy a new Video Card and thats it. Our speed and processing has been increased.
It means, in Long-term, probably the investments on GPU rendering turns out cheaper.
The Next thing I wanna show you in a simplified way is the difference between Biased and Unbiased renderers
Starting by the biased ones, basically to be faster they calculate just a few samples/pixels on our scene,
representend by the yellow points on the first image
after that the Renderer use this points as references to estimate the intermediate samples, represented here by the blue points
this approximation calculation is called Interpolation,
that way the renderer saves a lot of time on calculating every sample/pixel in maximum quality
The good points: Interpolation can save a lot of render time being highly customizable
The bad points: The Interpolation method can cause some splotches, flickering on animation or errors on light calculation
as I represented on the third image
The Unbiased renderers, by default, renders all the samples/pixel in a brute force way, it means, without interpolation
The good points: the brute force calculation normally avoid the splotches, light leaks, errors on lighting and flickering on animations.
The bad points: as the renderer calculates every sample/pixel in a brute force method, you can have longer render times in comparison with biased ones.
So, as we can see, biased x unbiased has no relation with cpu x gpu rendering methods
but, the way they calculate the samples of our scenes
Is good to remember that Vray, even being a biased renderer has a lot of ways to work in an unbiased way.
For example using the GI with Brute Force on primary and secondary bounces or in some cases Light cache x Light Cache
and using the progressive method of Anti Aliasing you will have vray simulating an Unbiased Render Engine Calculation
similarly, Corona and Octane render, even being unbiased has a lot of techniques to optimize them to cheat a little
the longer render times common on unbiased engines
So, enough of theory, let´s see some action
I gonna show you a comparison between the lighting process on the 3 main renderers
And the idea is not to just focus on render time, but specially the whole process until the final render
with a good lighting without noise, splotches, etc
For these tests I used the newnest versions of each one: Vray 3.3, Corona 1.3, Octane 2.24.2-2,16 (beta) for 3D Studio Max
But you can find the Octane Render plugin for a huge list of softwares, like: Maya, Cinema 4D, Revit, Modo and a lot more.
Just for your information, the next videos are 3x faster than real speed.
As the 3 renderers has planar lights I lit the scenes equally, using just a planar light on the right window
Leaving the lights and cameras with default values and after that just playing with the camera, lights and render settings
until reach the final render, so this way, every test on each render engine will start at the same point to make it fair
Vray and Corona Renderers were made with my I7 4960X and Octane Render image, with just One GTX 780ti
Let´s see the tests
Starting with Vray, we can see in the first test the light appears overexposed using the default values
So I changed the light intensity and after that I adjusted the Exposure and Contrast on VFB, which sincerely I do not like so much
I setup the render with settings that I know that gonna result in a fast and clean render in the end
It´s important to say that I made all my efforts to optimize the maximum I could each one of the renderers using all my knowledge
But maybe using your own techniques you could have different results in therms of time and quality
Jumping to Corona I just gonna change to UHD Cache mode which is a little bit faster than default hdcache
gonna make 2 more renders just to adjust the light intensity
and finally just playing with the contrast we are good to go
So in this moment is clear how easier is to work with a unbiased render like Corona, without worry about light issues and other artifacts
And finally on Octane, we just need to adjust the realtime exposure, the enviroment color to control the indirect light and that´s it.
Comparing all of them at same time, we have a higher workflow time when using vray
Which is the time needed to configure the whole lighting perfecly to just Render the final image
In other words, we waste more time setting up vray
Corona was the second and Octane the fastest one.
Comparing render time Corona was the slowest
but for sure we could speed up the rendering using for example bucket mode and playing a little more with the settings
and again, Octane render was the fastest.
Then, we can already conclude that Octane is the best one?
In fact, NO!
Octane render had a best behaviour in this specific simple scene, using this specific one light source and specific video card
maybe in more complex situations for example interior scenes with a lot of lights
or more complex landscapes we could have very different results
In these presented situations the time were no more than 2 minutes
but if you expand it to more complex scenes and the time compared in hours
you could have almos 2x time setting up Vray in comparison to Corona, but vray with faster render time
at least in this presented situation
So, the question is: Which one is the best? or Wich one is the best for you?!
There is some people who can´t take longer render times, (this is my case).
And others who don´t wanna waste time learning how to configure a lot render settings
This way we can see that the best one will depends of your workflow, the time you have for each step of your project
And of course, your experience and personal taste
Now making another comparison
In this case I redid all the renders on each Render Engine, trying to achieve the almost exactly same result of light and realism
Here we can see how is possible to achieve similar light results on Octane in the first image, Vray in the second and Corona the last one
So when people ask me, Which one can achieve the most phorealistic results?
The answer is whathever! Cause you can reach realism in any of them, and a lot of other renderers
however each renderer has its particularities and its own ways to reach the photorealism
Then, again. You need to know what render engine fits better on your pipeline and workflow
At this moment probably a lot of you are already looking at these 3 images looking for errors,
expecting to show to your friends how your favorite render engine is the best one and crushed the others
So that´s why, in this case I LIED!
In fact this is the correct renderers order
The first image was rendered in Corona, the second one in Octane and the last one Vray
I lied intentionally to you detach from this kind of little stuff, which in the end are almost unnoticeable
specialy if we aren´t seeying the images side by side to the other.
Then I´lll keep the mistery.
Right now, Did I told the truth about the order?
Well, I´ll let you sleep with this question which is so much funnier
I´ll start to talk about Octane Render into details
About the positive points and specially negative points
Cause I´ll not here to talk about good stuff and sell courses
First of all I gonna show you how the Video Card memory (VRAM) usage works.
For this purpose I downloaded the GPU-Z software free software, which shows every detail about your video card(s)
On sensors tab we can see the actual VRAM usage, which in my case its a GTX 780ti with 3GB of VRAM
The most important here is to see what processes our computer is doing right now
At this moment I just have the 3D Studio Max opened with this scene and obviously the windows
which is being calculated as part of the VRAM memory (displays too)
It means that as my Video Card is being used for this processes I´ll not be able to use all the 3GB of VRAM in my render
I´ll have a bit more than 2GBs to use in my scene.
Remember that you need to have enough space of VRAM to calculate, scene geometry, your textures
which in case of Octane it already have this Option, Use Cpu Memory, to calculate your textures with your RAM memory
but the other functions as Displacement, Motion blur stil need to be loaded on your VRAM
I´ll render this scene even without any textures, and this aircraft which is very detailed with screws, etc
uses 185mb of VRAM and this amount of VRAM used will variates a lot depending of the Render Output Size.
Cause bigger the render size, more memory is needed to render out your image
So in this example, with this option activated(lock resolution), I can make Octane adapts the render size to the window size
and also we can see how the memory usage variates according to the window size
then we can think. well, in this scene I could put a just few airplanes in this scene or we could extrapolate the VRAM limit,
Well, so... Octane just work with simple scenes with just a few poligons? Well it depends on your scene
Octane has an option which can help us a lot in some cases
selecting the object and right clicking on it you´ll find the octane properties and inside it we have the Movable Proxy option
when activated it works as a proxy, using the first model as a base and any instance of it will be treated as a reference
In other words, Octane will calculate the proxy instances once, even if you have thousands of instances of it
I´ll start the render again, and we can see the memory usage decreased to a little bit more than 130mb
and it happened because each piece of this model was also converted to a movable proxy
so the little pieces like screws copied as instance are being calculated just once on the VRAM too
And the nicest part of movable proxy option is the feature of move and copy objects while rendering
so, if I make some instanced copies of this plane you will notice how the memory doesn´t change
in this example I used it with aircrafts but think about how can you use with any object
for example a grass model, to scatter in a terrain or even trees to make a forest
knowing this, we have now to face the worst problem with octane render until now
which is what happens when we extrapolate our VRAM limit
to show that, I will deactivate movable proxy on all objects, make some other copies, and render again
then we receive this message: Warning render failed
It´s important to optimize everything inside your scenes on octane render
each one of these methods I explain in details in my Octane Render Course
so this way you can use the minimum of your memory and render really complex scenes as these examples here
Don´t forget the movable proxy with exactly similar geometries and copied as Instances
In conclusion, if you have a huge and complex scene, where you have the obligation for example
to create various completely different types of trees, or hundreds of cars also with different models
and because of being completely different models the movable proxy couldn´t be the option to save VRAM
Well, in this situation you have two main options:
First one you can buy a video card with a lot of VRAM as TitanX for example, that counts with 12GBs of VRAM
cause imagine you´re almost finishing your project and deadline, and not be able to deliver it because your VRAM wasn´t enough
And the second option is to use another renderer as Vray or Corona, since they do not depend of VRAM
and has a lot of techniques to optimize complex scenes like this example I mentioned
See, why is so hard to say: This Renderer is better than the other ?!
Each situation demands different needs, and each renderer adapts better to each of this specific needs.
So now let´s talk about the nicest things on Octane Render, therefore I´ll open the scene used on my Octane Render Course
First of all on the camera you can see a bunch of options here but I´ll talk about just a few
I´ll start talking about FOV (field of view), no secrets here, we are just changing our camera lens
the Aperture will controls the DOF (depth of field) intensity all in Real time and without affecting camera exposure
and to change the focus point Octane has this awesome button called focus picker
when activated, where you click, it automatically will change the focus to that point
And as you can see I´ll changing the focus to various points of my scene freely
Jumping to exposure settings. You can control your exposure in realtime without doing any other rendering
speeding up a lot the whole process of lighting
If by accident your light is overexposed you can use the Highlight Compress
which is very similar to the Burn Value of Reinhard Color Mapping on Vray
Another impressive features of Octane Render are the real time Post Production effects
to show you that, I´ll go back to previous camera position
and activating the post production effects we can see the realistic bloom and glare effects without render the image again
being applied on the brightest areas of the scene as the sunlight and the car specular
I´ll also an interesting effect to apply for example in interior night shots point lights
without worring about some plugin to do this or post product it latter
And talking about post production, for the ones who likes to work in post production
Octane has a huge list of render elements that can be accessed directly on Octane Frame Buffer
Some of them you have aditional controls, as Z-depth for example
which you can control also in realtime, just changing the Kernel method to Info channel and selecting Z-depth channel
Controling the behaviour with the Z-depth Max option
and to finish the camera part I wanna show you how the motion blur works
I´ll change to another camera, and here we can see this yellow car that it´s already animated
and activating the motion blur option, we have this real time feedback of it
the duration controls the amount of blurriness and speed of the objects in movement
and notice how fast is the render even using motion blur on it with just one Video Card
as we can see this is a typical commercial scene with a few houses, cars and trees
so it´s not a scene as simple as the one I showed you on workflow and lighting examples
Jumping to lighting features, I´ll need to make some changes first
I´ll turn off the motion blur, the Background layer, I´ll delete the sun and split our viewport screen in two parts
this way we can see the render by the camera view and change the lighting at the same time
I´ll also activate the clay mode, which will tint all the objects with a bright grey, perfect for lighting tests
Since I have everything setup I can start creating an Octane Sunlight
see how is easy to control the light and shadows position when you have a realtime response like this
the feedback and render time are really impressive, specially with this level of realism without almost any effort
and of course, on Octane Render you´re not limited to Octane Sunlight, we can also use HDRI images
I let some pre setted HDRIs here, so I just need to apply it on the environment and that´s it
realtime feedback, and without restarting the render again and again
remember that I rendered this scene just once and keep testing camera, lights and other stuff with just one render
at this point you can control the intensity, contrast and hdri rotation depending of what you want as final result
was precisely this convenience that just convinced me to use Octane Render as my main Render Engine on these days
Seeying this kind of features is quite hard to not fall in love for Octane Render
Let´s understand now how the Octane Render Materials works
basically Octane has 3 materials types: Diffuse, Glossy and Specular material
Diffuse is normally used to create opaque stuff, as fabrics, translucent, light materials and matte
Glossy material is the most important one cause it has reflex, so we gonna use it for 90% of our materials
The main difference between Glossy and the Vray or Corona material is that it uses Roughness
which is almost the inverted value of the Reflection Glossiness of other renderers
therefore, higher the roughness value, blurry will be the reflections
And the last one, the Specular Material which is used mainly for glasses and other kind of translucent materials
On this image we have a 4th material called Mix Material, which is used to combine two materials in one
for example: diffuse with glossy, glossy with specular, etc... Or other combination that you may want
So the octane materials works in a very intuitive way but the main problem with its materials is the incompatibility with 3D studio Max
Cause with octane is not possible to use Standard Materials, Maps or Procedurals
which makes harder the process of advanced material creation
but as a way out, you can see on the right side of the image the list of Octane render procedurals and maps
that actually is enough to create a lot of materials
Octane has no blend or composite materials so the most part of texture blending needs to be pre made on photoshop for example
And for the ones who likes to reuse materials or models made in other render engines
Octane already has a Material Converter, (marked in red) and making use of it
you can convert standard 3D Studio Max materials, Mental Ray or Vray materials directly to Octane
But as every converter you can´t expect a perfect material conversion, so sometimes is easier to do it by hand
I gonna show you two fast examples of how is is the material creation process on octane render
In this first example, an old scratched metal
the video is accelerated but is easy to see how the process is the same of any other renderer
but with the advantage of being full realtime
In this case I just used variations of the same texture on specular, roughness and bump
It basically would work at same way on Vray or Corona, using the textures on Reflection, Reflection Glossiness and bump
just adapting the textures for each one of these channels
In this second example you can see a more complex material, which is this tree leaves
And the material creation follows the same of any other renderer
where we have a material representing the front of the leaf and other one representing the translucent part
On Vray we could do this using vray 2 sided and on Corona with translucency
So if we forget the lack of materials and advanced maps I consider this realtime material creation
another positive point to octane render
Now to finish this video I gonna make one last comparison between the three Renderers based on my experience with them
I made this table marking in blue the things that I considered advantages, yellow the things that could be better and red things I don´t like at all
Starting with the flexibility, Vray is the best one, also to be the older one
with Vray we can do almost any kind of scene and for sure you´ll find support to a lot more tools and plugins than the other two
corona is almost there, and Octane I still consider it very limited in comparison to the others
but even as it is, is already possible to create a lot of things with it
About rendering configuration, for me, Octane wins cause you can make satisfatory renderings with almost no headache
Corona takes the second place cause it has a simpler configuration if compared to vray
In therms of Splotches, Flickering and Light Leak issues, Corona and Octane are the best, thanks to unbiased rendering processing
On the other hand using vray can be very painfull to get rid of this rendering errors in some cases
About materials, Vray got the first place again because of its huge variety of materials and maps
In second place Corona which is already really close to Vray and the last one Octane for the reasons I told you a few moments ago
In therms of memory usage, again Octane get the last place cause as I explained in this video it gets limited VRAM while the others uses the RAM memory
About the Lighting, Camera and Exposure, even considering that all of them can reach the same photorealistic quality
I consider Octane the easiest to work, with the possibility to do hundreds of adjustments and changes with just One render since the beginning
Corona gets the second place cause it its very easy and intuitive too, speacially using the interactive mode
And vray takes the third place, cause in my opinion, at least for beginners I consider Vray a bit more complex to setup than the others
as it´s not so intuitive or optimized in default settings
And the last item of this my table is the Network Rendering
which for me is another victory to Octane Render, cause despite the need to buy a license to each Slave computer, as Vray or Corona
it has a very important difference as it uses just the Slave Video Cards processing
so, the Slave computers doesn´t need to find the texture and scene paths
and there is no need to buy plugins licenses to each Slave computer
so imagine how much you can save in softwares and plugins licenses just by using Octane Render
In resume we can see each of these renderers has its particularities
and adapts better to specific situations
If I could give you a tip, it would be: If possible learn all these three renderers and the others not mentioned here
and after that use each one of them to the most suitable ocasion
At least is what I have done for me and haven´t regretted
I hope you enjoyed and learned with this video
In case of any questions you can write on the comments or just call me inbox on facebook
Don´t forget to access the links on the video description
Here is two other videos
The first one is the introduction of my Octane Render Course (in Brazilian Portuguese Language)
and the second one is the first lesson of my course
which is about the Instalation of octane render, Memory Usage and How to choose the best videocard for Octane Render
you can have more information about my Octane Render course in the link:
And if you like this video, please like and share with your friends
and if you like it a lot, please subscribe to my Channel to keep updated with new videos
That´s all, seeya :)