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  • ( intro music )

  • ( applause )

  • Kobie Boykins: Tonight what we are going to try to do...

  • we are going to take an exploration,

  • an exploration of the planet surface of Mars.

  • And we are going to look at that planet through the eyes of Rovers.

  • And the first Rovers we're going to talk about

  • are Spirit and Opportunity,

  • the two Mars Exploration Rovers.

  • And then we're going to switch into Curiosity.

  • A larger Rover and its job is to do something a little different.

  • But first we have to go back in time.

  • We're going to back approximately 10 years,

  • a little bit more than 10 years.

  • And we're going to discuss what happens

  • and how Spirit and Opportunity made it to the surface of Mars.

  • So, we're going to fly over to Kennedy Space Center in Florida

  • and we're going to go and we're going to get

  • real close and personal with the Delta II rocket.

  • Now this is the Delta II rocket,

  • it's built by the Boeing Company.

  • It has three stages to orbit.

  • And around the bottom side of this vehicle

  • there's nine air-lit solids.

  • So this is going to help us get a little bit extra lift,

  • so that we can get to Mars as rapidly as possible.

  • And if you don't mind counting down with me.

  • Five, four, three, two.

  • Begin ignition.

  • And lift off of the Delta II rocket with the Mars Exploration--

  • And in a minute and 30 seconds we're in orbit around Earth.

  • As you see, we're starting to

  • drop away some of the air-lit solids.

  • Once those air-lit solids fall back away they get recycled.

  • They get picked up.

  • Once out first stage burns out,

  • we're going to let that go,

  • we're going to light our second stage.

  • Once we light our second stage

  • then we let that first stage fall back to the ocean,

  • it becomes an ecosystem for the fish.

  • We light our second stage.

  • At this point the spacecraft has very little stability,

  • so we are going to spin it up.

  • We spin it up to about 12 RPM,

  • more or less like a quarterback that throws a nice, tight spiral.

  • We are going to get really good flight through the air.

  • We light our third stage,

  • this puts us on a direct trajectory to Mars.

  • We are going to do what we like to call quiescent period.

  • The boring period of travelling through interstellar space.

  • ( audience laughter )

  • Okay. So now...

  • Seven months later, here we are

  • travelling at 16,000 miles per hour

  • toward the surface of Mars.

  • We lose our cruise stage because we don't need it any more.

  • It has pointed us directly at Mars,

  • we are ready to go and we are going to hit our landing site.

  • We are travelling at 16,000 miles per hour

  • and we hit the upper atmosphere of Mars.

  • When we hit the upper atmosphere of Mars,

  • the friction as we come through

  • literally burns a hole in the upper atmosphere.

  • The heat shield in the front of our Rover

  • gets to about the surface temperature of the Sun

  • 1600 degrees centigrade.

  • At this point we're going to start

  • what I like to call reverse origami.

  • We're going to pull up a parachute,

  • this is a supersonic parachute

  • and that's going to start changing our angle

  • of attack from being directly in

  • to being more vertical with the surface of Mars.

  • At this point we're going to slow down

  • to around 300-400 miles per hour.

  • We are going to lose our heat shield

  • because we don't want that heat to come back into our vehicle.

  • We are going to lower our lander more or less on a shoestring.

  • Once we find the surface we blow up the airbags.

  • That takes about the blink of an eye,

  • about half a millisecond.

  • And then we're going to fire some retrorockets

  • when we get to about 40 meters above the surface,

  • slow down to zero miles per hour

  • cut the cord and bounce.

  • And we bounce...

  • and we bounce.

  • Now the first bounce of this vehicle could take us over,

  • I use, the Empire State Building.

  • we can bounce anywhere from a mile and a half to two miles.

  • Each successive bounce is taking away a little bit of energy,

  • which slows us down.

  • After we lose all of our energy and we come to a stop,

  • we are going to deflate the airbags.

  • So the vehicle senses that we've stopped

  • we deflate the airbags.

  • What you saw happen in a few seconds there

  • takes about 45 minutes in real time.

  • The next thing that we're going to do is

  • we're going to open up our lander petals.

  • We are going to open up these lander petals now,

  • what you're going to see happen in about 30 seconds

  • happens in 45 minutes.

  • The next thing that we are going to do

  • we are going to open up the solar arrays.

  • If you don't mind, I'll watch too.

  • Ah!

  • ( audience laughter )

  • We've got one more thing to do.

  • Just one more part. Okay, just...

  • ooh... once it gets over center,

  • ah, okay! Well done.

  • I must have seen this a thousand times,

  • it doesn't matter how many times I see it,

  • I get very excited when it works.

  • Because my team and I were the team that designed that

  • and if it didn't work we had a very, very bad day on Mars.

  • So, when it works I get a little excited.

  • So, open up the solar arrays,

  • now we can power the vehicle.

  • We are starting to charge up the batteries.

  • The last things that you are going to see happen on this first day

  • is we pull up the Pancam mast, what we call the PMA.

  • And we deploy our high-gain antennas,

  • so we can talk directly back to Earth.

  • The last thing that you are going to see the Rover do

  • in this animation is it's going to take a panoramic image.

  • One of the things that you want to do when you've landed in a new place

  • is find out where you are.

  • So we are going to take this beautiful image,

  • we're going to start transmitting that back to Earth.

  • So the next day what we're going to do is

  • we're going to stand up the vehicle.

  • Deploy the front wheels,

  • and we're going to change more or less

  • our perspective on the surface.

  • When we designed Spirit and Opportunity,

  • we designed the eyes to be at 5-foot-2.

  • That's approximately the level of a human being walking

  • on the surface of Mars.

  • So, now when we take images

  • and we get our panoramic images,

  • it's going to feel like a human being was standing on Mars

  • looking around. We are looking for

  • scientifically exciting sites.

  • Spirit and Opportunity are roving geologists.

  • Their job was to follow the water,

  • to look for water that may have flown on the surface of Mars.

  • And we are going to do that through the history of the rocks.

  • Go up taste the rocks, touch the rocks, feel the rocks,

  • if you can break the rocks.

  • Try to figure out do the rocks tell us something

  • about the history of Mars.

  • So now the last thing that we have to do

  • is drive the Rover off the lander.

  • You are going to see the lander change it's position a little bit,

  • get ready for the Rover to drive off

  • on these things called batwings.

  • We drive off on those batwings

  • and we get six wheels on the surface of Mars.

  • We call Spirit the bad sister.

  • And not because she was bad in any way...

  • but we drive off the lander, we go up to the first rock.

  • The rock was called Adirondack.

  • We took out her arm, we touched the rock

  • and as soon as we touched the rock

  • Spirit did not call home.

  • It's like ET went, "I no phone home."

  • So, we were worried that we didn't understand

  • what was going on with Spirit.

  • Remember that boring period

  • of driving through interstellar space

  • that I told you about... seven months.

  • So, during that seven month period of time

  • we had one of the biggest solar flares,

  • solar activities that we have ever seen,

  • Alright? So lots of gamma rays, bad stuff...

  • are... the sun burped,

  • bad stuff goes flying through interstellar space.

  • So what did we do?

  • First time ever when we were flying a spacecraft

  • into deep space we actually rebooted the computer.

  • So we turned it off.

  • ( audience laughter )

  • Turned it back on.

  • And it goes, "Hey, I'm here."

  • And we go all, "Oh goodness, gracious, thank you."

  • Okay! It calls back home, we are like great, great, great.

  • It has all of this great stuff,

  • it starts recording everything that it's doing,

  • all of it's maneuvers, it records all the things that are felt,

  • all the bounces on the surface, everything, everything...

  • eight days later drives off, touches a rock

  • and it's memory got full.

  • And once its memory got full, the computer wouldn't boot up.

  • And we actually told it to erase it's memory,

  • threw all of that stuff through quiescent space away.

  • And then, "Hey, here I am all happy."

  • "Do whatever you want me to do." "Do the rock."

  • And then Spirit became okay

  • Spirit and Opportunity were, I'll tell you,

  • they were designed to go to the surface of Mars

  • and explore the surface for 90 days.

  • And travel up to 600 meters.

  • Spirit was on the surface

  • communicating for more than five years.

  • Traveled a little less than five miles.

  • Opportunity, the good sister landed a month later,

  • has been on the surface for over a decade

  • and continues giving us great information daily.

  • And she's traveled over 25 miles.

  • So, why do we go to Mars? Why is Mars

  • such an interesting place to explore?

  • In the image that you see behind me on the left is Mars.

  • And on the right is Earth.

  • Looks like where river or water

  • may have run at some point in time.

  • In this image, I have switched it around.

  • On the left is Earth, on the right is Mars.

  • That image on the right is the largest known volcano

  • in our solar system.

  • The rocky planets, it's called the Olympus Mons,

  • it's on the surface of Mars.

  • It's approximately the size of the state of Arizona.

  • Go back to the early 70s, 76-77 when we landed

  • the Viking landers on the surface of Mars.

  • We have Mars Pathfinder, which landed in July 4th of 1997.

  • And then we had Phoenix.

  • And then you have the two landing sites for Spirit and Opportunity,

  • in this topographical map. Let me show it in a different way.

  • For those that like planetary maps

  • you can see where we landed.

  • And the other thing that you'll see in this

  • is the yellow places are the places that we've landed,

  • the ones in white were the

  • possibilities for Curiosity to land.

  • So, now we're on the surface.

  • Spirit and Opportunity caught

  • some very interesting things on the surface.

  • From orbit we could see things that look like large tracks,

  • long tracks on the... on the dust, the surface.

  • And we always postulated that they would have to have

  • these dust devils, but we had never seem them.

  • We believe that this is one of the reasons

  • the vehicles have lasted so long.

  • Every so often when these dust devils would come by

  • and clean off my solar arrays...

  • and make us happy and we make more power

  • and now the Rovers can continue to do their science.

  • Very interesting.

  • Scientifically this is one of the most important images

  • that we took with the Opportunity vehicle.

  • It was the first time ever remotely

  • with a robotic vehicle

  • that we took an image on the surface

  • at the exact same time we took the image from orbit.

  • So, now we can actually do atmospheric science

  • from the ground and from orbit at the exact same time.

  • So, with Opportunity, the good sister,

  • it travels 300 million miles,

  • bounces along the surface of Mars

  • and lands in a crater.

  • There's nothing there, it's just nothing,

  • except one rock.

  • And the rock is not from Mars!

  • It's a meteorite from somewhere else.

  • Now, the interesting thing is

  • we've seen quite a few of these now on the surface of Mars.

  • We do know that they are from one of the four rocky planets

  • or some of the asteroid belt, we do know that.

  • But where they are actually from we don't know, okay.

  • They probably were around sort of the early formation

  • of the planet.

  • But we don't know.

  • But they are very interesting. Very exciting.

  • The Rover is now here in Endeavour Crater.

  • It's been exploring Endeavour Crater

  • for at least a year now.

  • We've driven down into the crater,

  • we are at a new location inside the crater.

  • We are seeing a lot more of these clays, right.

  • So now we know that in this location

  • all across the Meridiani Plains there's a lot of water.

  • Deep water.

  • We see the change in salinity.

  • Same thing for Spirit,

  • as we drove up Husband Hill

  • we started to see this change in salinity in the soil.

  • It was a failure that actually told us that.

  • One of the wheels on the Spirit Rover

  • stopped working and so we started dragging it.

  • And by dragging it we created

  • this trench on the surface of Mars.

  • And as we were creating this trench

  • when we turned around and took images

  • we saw the actual albedo,

  • the light that was coming off the soil change.

  • And that started to tell us something is going on

  • so we started doing more investigation.

  • And we saw this salt level change

  • as we started to get higher in elevation on the mountain.

  • And what it means is that as the water was receding

  • it got much more salty

  • and that told us that there was water there.

  • Very salty water and there was water at both these locations.

  • So now we know that Mars was a very wet place

  • at one point of time in the past.

  • We are going to change gears and talk about Curiosity a little bit.

  • Curiosity was launched on November 26th 2011,

  • and landed August 5th.

  • We've traveled for 9-point...

  • 9-point-4, 9-point-5 kilometers on the surface as of Saul 774.

  • Curiosity was designed to drive 20 kilometers

  • and be on the surface for one Martian year.

  • So, we've already made one Martian year,

  • so we've already made part of our prime commitment to NASA

  • and that... it's been awesome.

  • It's been an awesome couple of years.

  • Now how did we get there?

  • So it's a little different.

  • Very, very similar launch sequence

  • but it's a different launch vehicle.

  • So instead of a Boeing vehicle, this is a Lockheed Martin vehicle.

  • It's called an Atlas rocket. It's built by Lockheed.

  • It has really just two stages to orbit.

  • So you've seen we've already got into orbit,

  • you saw that particular part.

  • Now, this second stage of this vehicle is much more capable.

  • It has some retrorockets on it, it has some thrusters on it.

  • Now it can spin us up and it can point us directly at Mars.

  • So we did the last kick,

  • and then that's going to fall back and burn up in the atmosphere.

  • What doesn't burn up becomes ecosystem for fish.

  • And now we are going to start going around.

  • So now we are on a direct trajectory to Mars.

  • You are going to see us light up the solar arrays

  • that are around on the cruise stage.

  • That's going to actually charge up our batteries

  • and then what we do is, we supercharge the batteries

  • and then we discharge them

  • and we keep them at about 80 percent the rest of the way.

  • Now we are travelling a little bit slower

  • because we don't have the same lift capability

  • with the Lockheed vehicle.

  • So we are travelling at 14,500 miles an hour.

  • And it takes a little bit longer

  • because Earth and Mars are at different orientation.

  • Deploy a parachute again.

  • We are going to lose that heat shield

  • because we don't want to get that heat soak

  • coming back into the vehicle.

  • But now everything is changed.

  • We lose the heat shied and instead of...

  • lowering a lander with airbags

  • we are actually going to cut some cables and bolts, more or less

  • and let our Rover fall toward the surface.

  • Fire up some rockets and fly.

  • We added a new science instrument called the Marty Camera.

  • This camera is actually taking images

  • at about 32 frames per second.

  • So we are going to zoom in on the camera

  • and you're going to look at what's going on.

  • So as we are falling toward the surface

  • the camera is taking images of the surface of Mars,

  • overlaying them, figuring out what is our downrange trajectory

  • and velocity, and if there are any obstacles that are in the way.

  • Once we figure out there are no obstacles

  • in the way, we are going to lower our Rover

  • on three shoestrings and an umbilical cord.

  • Really gingerly hit the ground

  • and once we sense slack in the cables.

  • The cables go slack, we cut the three umbilical cords

  • and the descent stage fires up and flies away.

  • Designed to go 600 meters away from the vehicle.

  • It would be bad if it came back

  • and crashed on us, that would be really bad.

  • Now we are on our wheels.

  • We are ready to start exploring.

  • So now instead of having to drive off a lander,

  • we are ready to go the very first day.

  • Last things that we have to do is pull up our remote sensing mast

  • what we call the RSM

  • and pull out our high-gain antenna.

  • The high-gain antenna for this vehicle

  • was delivered to us by the Spanish

  • as a gift... to NASA.

  • Last thing you are going to see here is

  • as we start driving around with Curiosity is that

  • Curiosity is a different vehicle.

  • Instead of being a roving geologist,

  • it's a roving biologist.

  • It's job is to look for past places on Mars

  • that could have sustained life.

  • We get to shoot a laser at the rock.

  • Now why did we do that?

  • Instead of having to go over and touch every rock

  • and taste every rock... like we said before,

  • we can actually fire the laser at the rock,

  • burn the surface of the rock

  • and look at the gas that comes off.

  • And from that gas we can see

  • what the chemical composition of that rock is.

  • What are the elements that are there.

  • The other thing that we did with Curiosity

  • is we added a drill.

  • Now this is the first time that we will be able to drill robotically

  • on another planetary surface.

  • Now we have drilled before with human beings

  • on the surface of the moon.

  • Anyway what we are seeing here

  • in the video is what we call x-ray florescence.

  • We are actually shooting x-rays through the rocks,

  • we agitate them and we can see

  • how the actual chemicals are held together.

  • What is the crystalline structure and that actually tells us a lot

  • about what's going on with rocks on the surface of Mars.

  • Some more of the testing that we've got

  • and here what we're going to do is,

  • we're going to show the mobility system.

  • The mobility system is very similar

  • to the mobility system that we had on Pathfinder

  • and the Mars Exploration Rover. Right.

  • It's the rocker-bogie suspension system

  • that we've used on all of the vehicles

  • that we've had on the surface.

  • But this one serves a different purpose.

  • It actually is our landing gear.

  • So, the wheels that look like

  • they are one monolithic structure of aluminum,

  • they are not. They are about seven sheets

  • of paper of aluminum on the outside shell.

  • But in the middle it's titanium

  • and the titanium is there

  • to give us sort of a spongy, flexer feel.

  • You are going to see us doing some testing.

  • We are driving over obstacles that simulate

  • what we believe we are going to get to on Mars,

  • about 35-centimeter height obstacles.

  • We tilt the vehicle to driver over different surfaces,

  • we drive on the surface.

  • We have six-wheel drive, four-wheel steering.

  • So, all six wheels of the vehicle can drive,

  • and all four wheels can turn toe-in about 90 degrees.

  • So we can actually turn about our center of mass.

  • So if we wanted to turn in place we actually could.

  • The vehicle has a top speed

  • of five centimeters per second.

  • It's boogieing.

  • ( audience laughter )

  • It takes us... I'll tell you what--

  • It takes us 45 minutes to do a football field.

  • That's how slow we move.

  • So it's really, really slow.

  • Now, when you are 300 million miles away from the

  • nearest gas station, it's okay to go slow.

  • Where did we go on the surface of Mars for Curiosity?

  • Curiosity went to a place called Gale Crater.

  • So, why did we go to this Gale Crater?

  • The reason we went to Gale Crater is that...

  • we wanted to investigate

  • this place called Mount Sharp.

  • And Mount Sharp is this very, very large mountain.

  • It's 5-point-5 kilometers in size

  • and what we are looking for is the different layers

  • as you drive up the mountain.

  • So, we are going to land, drive to the mountain

  • and then look at the difference,

  • they say clays, we'll just say it is time periods.

  • So, early time period to later time period

  • as you drive up this mountain.

  • Trying to see... can we see

  • places on the surface of Mars

  • that once could have been habitable for life.

  • Could Mars in this location, around Gale Crater,

  • sustain life and does it have the building blocks,

  • the basic pieces to actually have life grow

  • in that location.

  • Then we got some of the first images back.

  • So this was actually... after the first drive.

  • And you see the name Curiosity.

  • After we got to the surface, we started taking selfies.

  • ( audience laughter )

  • So this is one of the first selfies of the Rover.

  • It's a shadow, we weren't really good at it yet.

  • Then...

  • ( audience laughter )

  • Somebody had some fun with one of our images.

  • Optimus Prime came and visit us...

  • So...

  • ( laughter ) That's fun.

  • We have a laser.

  • So great, we have a laser.

  • Here's what people think we do.

  • ( audience laughter )

  • Sort of fun.

  • Here's what we really do.

  • So, you have the picture on the left, undisturbed soil

  • picture on the right, five laser holes.

  • I'll show it to you a different way, I'll show a video.

  • So, here's a video of us burning a hole in the ground.

  • Pretty exciting, you can see sort of the by-products coming off.

  • You can't see the gas.

  • But what we are actually doing is we're burning a hole,

  • looking for the gas so we can tell what it's made of.

  • So, the first thing that happened after we got-- after we landed

  • we drove to this area on Mars that was very interesting.

  • Within the first three months

  • of being at this location, we were able to say,

  • one, Gale Crater was wet.

  • Number two, it can sustain life.

  • Now we can't say that there was life there

  • but we can say that if there was,

  • it would have been able to be sustained.

  • There are all of the chemical compositions

  • that are needed to support life.

  • Paying homage to some of our great explorers before us,

  • footprint of Buzz Aldrin and then Curiosity Rover footprint.

  • Our first scoop,

  • so we now went down and we scooped up some of the dirt.

  • We are going to actually take that inside the vehicle.

  • Some more of these analogues.

  • So, looks like riverbeds.

  • Picture on the left is uncorrected,

  • just an image that comes back

  • from the surface of Mars, looks like a riverbed.

  • You can see false cover image of Mars

  • that's sort of in the middle

  • and then an Earth riverbed.

  • Looks very, very similar.

  • Here is the first time we are going to sample,

  • we are going to drill into the surface of Mars.

  • I can tell you this took a long time.

  • It took us about four weeks

  • to actually make this one little hole.

  • Here's a picture of the hole up close.

  • The next image is after we've taken that

  • and we ingest it inside,

  • we can actually separate different particle size.

  • So we can take things that are down to the couple microns.

  • We will sift those out,

  • then we can deliver those to different instruments.

  • Here's a picture of Mount Sharp.

  • This is where we wanted to go

  • It was an early picture.

  • There's a rock that's out in the distance,

  • that rock is 5-point-5 kilometers away from our Rover

  • and it's approximately the same size as the Rover.

  • And we are thinking, "Oh, my goodness,

  • it would so great if we can make it there."

  • The other thing that you will notice in this image,

  • if you are looking closely is there's clouds.

  • Mars does have clouds just like Earth, right.

  • So there is moisture in the atmosphere.

  • So, this image shows sort of our trajectory to get down

  • to the start of the mountain.

  • And as we were driving we were starting to figure out,

  • "Oh, my goodness there's parts of Mars

  • that are really, really scary".

  • And the reason they are really, really scary

  • is that the rocks that are on the surface

  • are different than we have ever seen

  • anywhere else on the surface of Mars.

  • As we were driving on Mars with Spirit and Opportunity,

  • we'd hit a rock and we'd break it

  • or push it over and move it out of the way.

  • In this particular area, the rocks are like cemented into the ground.

  • And then they have this word, I don't know,

  • I'm just going to use it, it's called Ventifacted rocks.

  • In other words the rocks are wind-blown.

  • So, if you can imagine you are covered with water

  • and as the water recedes, the wind starts working on the rock

  • and as it recedes, it sharpens the rock.

  • So the rocks look like teeth.

  • Very, very sharp teeth.

  • And as we are driving over them,

  • we are puncturing holes in the wheels.

  • So, we thought, "Oh, my goodness,

  • one, we have to figure how not to hurt our wheels,

  • and number two, we have to figure out where to drive around things."

  • So, you can see we take sort of this really crazy path.

  • And then we got to the place that's at the end of

  • this particular image.

  • And the scientists had a choice.

  • We could go right,

  • effectively right from the Rover's perspective

  • and go through this area, right here,

  • which is a choke point.

  • There's really no way to get out if you get in there.

  • Or we could go straight,

  • very, very bad rocks.

  • So we chose to go right. So we go right.

  • We end up right

  • we take some images of our wheels.

  • We started to see lots of wear

  • as we were driving over this area called the Hummocky Plains.

  • And the hole that you see is, eh, sort of benign.

  • The thing that's actually, really scary

  • is the hole that's underneath that.

  • And the reason it's scary

  • as we are driving over the surface what we are going to do

  • is the wheel is taking load, right, it's moving,

  • it's actually getting stressed.

  • And every time you do that

  • you are actually having this crack propagate.

  • And we were worried, "Oh, my goodness,

  • how are the wheels going to fail?"

  • These cracks are going to propagate across the wheel

  • and then part of the wheel is going to fall off.

  • And the part of the wheel that falls off

  • is it going to hit anything that's bad?

  • Because there's cables all around this.

  • So, as the wheel falls apart, is it going to do this.

  • So now what we are doing is

  • selectively on different soils we are driving the Rover backwards.

  • So, driving backwards actually

  • takes a little bit of the load off the front wheels...

  • about the same in the middle wheels,

  • and then starts to do the damage to the back wheels.

  • But that's okay

  • because they are not damaged at all at this point.

  • So we are going to start to try to even out

  • the wear across the wheels

  • so that we get a little bit of longer driving.

  • The other thing we noticed

  • and I told you we went to that choke point

  • is that with damaged wheels

  • we could drive over sand dunes better.

  • So, climbing over nice light stuff

  • was actually better with these holes in the wheel.

  • So, we turn right we get to the sand dune.

  • Now we've done some testing,

  • we know that we could drive over it.

  • But as all good engineers and all good scientists, go,

  • "Well, what happens if there's really sharp rocks

  • underneath the dune?"

  • So we argue for about two days,

  • about driving over this dune and I'm thinking,

  • "Golly, it's only a meter tall,

  • only a meter tall, you know three feet.

  • And the Rover's belly is 75 centimeters,

  • so three-quarters of a meter.

  • So, if it was really just light, fluffy

  • you know sand dune we would get stuck.

  • But the reality is that the rover would sort of float over it.

  • But we were freaked out, for a little while.

  • So, we did some testing. And then we decided to go.

  • But we didn't decide to go all at once.

  • We put a toe in and then put another toe in,

  • we drove up to the top and looked over

  • and then we drove back. Then we said, "Okay, go."

  • So here's the image from the other side.

  • Here's the video of us driving over that particular obstacle.

  • Sort of fun. But it took us a while to do that.

  • Then we have where we've gone.

  • So we land at Bradbury,

  • we go over to Yellowknife Bay.

  • And now we are at the Pahrump Hills.

  • Now the Pahrump Hills are more or less the gateway to Mount Sharp.

  • Our first drill at Pahrump Hills.

  • Now you can see it really sort of looks clayish.

  • We do some close-up investigation,

  • we can see these lines, looks like secretions.

  • And hard stuff around it,

  • the mineral that we believe that's there,

  • and we were just doing some investigation

  • right now, looks like hematite...

  • which only forms in water here on Earth.

  • So, it looks like we are finding another place

  • that was really wet on the surface of Mars.

  • And then we can talk about what's coming next.

  • In 2020, we'll have a new Rover.

  • You can see some of the science.

  • The science suite has been announced.

  • You can see the international collaboration

  • that's going to happen.

  • Very, very similar vehicle to Curiosity in terms of size,

  • but has a different mission.

  • And it's mission really is going to go sample the surface of Mars

  • and capture the samples.

  • And hopefully return them back to Earth.

  • So, now as I close

  • I'm going to show you some of my favorite images

  • from the surface.

  • This image is from Curiosity.

  • And you see that star...

  • that's out there? That's Earth.

  • And in high-resolution you can see the moon.

  • And now I'll show you my favorite video...

  • my favorite image.

  • This is from the top of Husband Hill.

  • This is one of the last things that we got from Spirit.

  • And if we had been able... had a little bit better camera,

  • we could have seen Earth set.

  • And I'll show you this as a video.

  • And this is the Sun setting on Mars.

  • And, the thing that makes me

  • love this image so much is

  • literally the fact that...

  • some day a human being will stand on the surface of Mars

  • and say, "I am watching the Earth set

  • and then I am watching the Sun set."

  • And I can't wait for that day.

  • Thank you guys so very much.

  • It's been awesome. ( applause )

  • ( outro music )

( intro music )

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火星探測器的奇特生活|Nat Geo Live--------。 (The Curious Life of a Mars Rover | Nat Geo Live)

  • 209 16
    Freyja posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary