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  • (Sucking the straw) Yeah~ You did it!

  • Hey, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

  • and a life that you love.

  • And this is Q&A Tuesday.

  • That means Q’s and A’s and today’s question comes from Malia and she writes:

  • Hi Marie, how do you deal with the daily battles of fear and self doubt in business?

  • How do you ultimately channel that energy into selling yourself, your product, or your

  • service even though you may not fully be confident in yourself?

  • Thanks so much, Malia.”

  • Malia, great question.

  • I especially love that you didn't ask, “How do I become constantly confident?”

  • You asked something way better, which is how to work through that lack of confidence and

  • continue to move your business ahead?

  • You know, one of the biggest myths out there is that you have to be confident to be successful.

  • That is so not true.

  • Every creator who consistently takes risks and shares their ideas and produces work feels

  • fear and self doubt.

  • I feel fear and self doubt on a daily basis.

  • And a little reality check here, those daily battles do not go away with time, experience,

  • or even massive fame.

  • You know, Grammy award winning artist Adele has talked publicly about projectile vomiting

  • on someone in Brussels.

  • And then another time in Amsterdam she got so scared she escaped out the fire exit.

  • If youre an artist or an entrepreneur, fear and self doubt are gonna be your lifelong companions.

  • So the question remains, how do you move ahead?

  • Well, here’s one trick that has always worked for me.

  • I want you to think about your attention, your mental and emotional and spiritual energy

  • as a flashlight, and that flashlight can only shine in one direction.

  • So in any given moment, that flashlight is shining in on you and how scared and insecure

  • and fearful you are, or it’s shining out on your customer or the work that you're producing.

  • When you shine that flashlight on you, all of your focus goes to your thoughts, which

  • probably sound something like this:

  • Oh, my God.

  • I suck so bad.

  • Everybody’s gonna hate it, I’m gonna look like an idiot, I am not good enough yet.

  • Who do I think I am?

  • And this flashlight is really unflattering.”

  • Now, when it’s shining out, all your attention is on your customer, what your customer feels

  • and needs and wants and, most importantly, how you can help them.

  • Now, here’s the cool part, when your flashlight is 100% focused on them, youve got zero

  • light on you and your fears and your self doubt, which means they recede gently into

  • the darkness.

  • Obviously this isn’t a one time event.

  • It’s a practice and something that you have to come back to every day and often on a moment

  • to moment basis.

  • If youre ever feeling so much fear and self doubt that you too might projectile vomit,

  • you've gotta ask yourself: in this moment, where am I shining the light?

  • Because it’s either on you or the customer, you or the work, you or making a difference.

  • Me? Them? Me? Them?

  • Me? Them? (vomiting sound)

  • Who just vomited?

  • Keep it as simple as that.

  • And if you want a little reminder to make this a habit, use this tweetable.

  • Your attention’s like a flashlight.

  • Shine it out on others and you lose sight of your own fear.”

  • That was my A to your Q, Malia, give this a try and let us know how it goes.

  • So now I would love to hear from you.

  • When do fear and self doubt tend to pop up for you?

  • And what do you do specifically to keep believing in your business or your work, especially

  • during those times when youre not believing in yourself?

  • As always, the best conversations happen after the episode over at, so get

  • on over there and leave a comment now.

  • Did you like this video?

  • If so, subscribe to our wonderful channel and I would be so grateful if you shared this

  • with your friends.

  • And if you want even more great resources to create a business and life that you love,

  • plus some personal insights from me that I only talk about in email, come on over to

  • and make sure you sign up for email updates.

  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special

  • gift that only you have.

  • Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time on MarieTV.

(Sucking the straw) Yeah~ You did it!

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