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  • My first initial reaction after

  • My first initial reaction after

  • I put it on was "I'm going to use makeup remover."

  • And I realized it wasn't even makeup

  • It was literally sticky the next day

  • Hey guys its Wengie

  • and welcome back to my channel and if you're new guess what you get

  • and you guys complain about chest hug so here's an armpit hug

  • the other day I spent two hours in the candy store and I felt like a kid in a candy store

  • (That joke doesn't work)

  • I swear the shop assistant literally thought we were like pocketing

  • candy because we were just there for so long. This video was inspired by nikkitutorials

  • I thought candy would be so fun and when I did my DIY lip peal video you guys all said

  • that I reminded you guys of Harley Quinn so I thought why not let's do a Harley Quinn

  • inspired video.Now hold up if you are not apart of this family join us here we are a

  • lovely bunch you can win one of two mac book airs and to enter all you need to do is to be subscribed

  • to this channel and be part of my vlogsquad, which means subscribe to my vlog channel

  • good luck lets get this video to a 100,000 thumbs up And without further ado lets get straight

  • To the video, let's go. For my foundation I'm using Wizz Fizz when I was a kid I used to

  • love this stuff you have like a white carst and this is really fine so I think it will go on

  • Super dooper well wow its super powdery I'm really tempted to

  • lick this stuff right now got my trusty favorite foundation brush I'm just gonna

  • dip it in buff it in.

  • this must sting if I get this in my Eye. Circular motion so that is it on and

  • this is it off flawless this is actually going on pretty well well if you guys ever run out

  • of powder some wizz fizz you know what to do I give this a 7 out of 10

  • alright so my base is done yea I got to say feels pretty good on the skin

  • I'm going to use kool-aid for the eyeshadow; cherry, strawberry, and blue raspberry

  • raspberry lemonade and I also got this star candy that's supposed to make your

  • tongue really blue

  • so I'm gonna like use the kool-aid and like mix it with like a bit of water to make like

  • a eyeshadow sort of paste we'll see how we go these two colors for the pink side

  • i'm going to see what color the strawberry if I need a bit more red I've

  • got the cherry color well like this purple color not even sure this is the

  • right color

  • I'm gonna add some water, wow it is so red, I'm gonna add some of that pink cherry

  • It's the same color

  • yeah still red oh my God it looks like blood you guys need special effects

  • makeup for blood I think kool-aid will do the trick and I've got this

  • strawberry cloud that's.. I'm just going to eat.. Since the other two colors were to red I'm

  • gonna go with pink lemonade

  • Oh like a promising color woah could work

  • Ow. Dont get kool-aid in your eye guys it really hurts

  • we have this blended thing like she cried and her eyeshadow around I'm gonna take the

  • tiniest drop of water with some of the pink lemonade color a tiny drop of water

  • it's just moist. Don't do this at home; purely for your entertainment . with a

  • darker color it on my crease It's getting a bit sticky

  • that one eye done It turned out pretty well we can do the blue side and now to take

  • some of this blue raspberry lemonade, fingers crossed it's the right color

  • it's white

  • I'm not sure it's going to be the right color Oh as soon as you wet it turns

  • like blue think we're good here with this this color the blue dab it on

  • a little bit tricky lucky this makeup is really messy-looking really mess right

  • now this color is not as strong as the red color got the second candy just to

  • make your tongue blue of any color comes up

  • really nope going to take a blue cloud and eat it going to build up the color

  • with the Kool-Aid I think the other blue stuff ain't happening is getting like

  • super sticky can just blend it out of the ayah it blends somewhat how's this

  • probably use kool aid to dye your hair like one side blue and one side pink

  • she has like this cool like smokey eye sorta look so I got these aniseed

  • balls I figured I could use as a black eye shadows i'm going to just Rub brush on it with

  • some water that's kinda cool the coloring is coming off and I'm going to try it on the back of

  • my hand it's like a nice washed out black turning green i'm gonna try to

  • give myself like a black eye

  • pretty good I really like this effect

  • like I said I'm really hopeful about this look I tried licorice by the way

  • licorice does not work let me just dab it I haven't actually tasted this

  • so it tastes like licorice. Ah these are licorice gum balls! It all make sense now this is

  • so this part is going to be the super fun part we're going to do a winged liner with

  • candy i'm so excited I'm gonna be using the ninety percent cocoa for my eye liner it's the

  • darkest color I could get to make it into the right consistency we're

  • actually gonna melt it I tried microwaving it before and it literally

  • did not melt I had to add a little bit of like water in it for it to melt we can

  • do like a double boiler but I'm just way too impatient for that this the color of

  • the dark chocolate it is pretty much black and use the block as like a guide

  • for your wing liner if you really want Mm I actually got 85% and as well that's the

  • color difference thinking I might put some 85 in to do my brows and pop it in the

  • microwave and I'll be right back. I'm back from microwaving it and I'm literally so

  • excited how good this looks there I made myself my very own eyeliner gel

  • let's get this on before it hardens black eyeliner goodness

  • hey that looks pretty awesome to blend some out here really proud of myself right now

  • Andy goodness winged liner are fleek

  • I'm having a really good day oh yeah inside I'm like jumping up and down.

  • I'm going to blend this down here as well

  • we good I'm gonna do my brows to find the brown chocolate like so excited like

  • how good these brows look like what do you guys think of my new brows *Ahh* who needs make-up

  • right now I want to give you guys a hug they're on fleek normally my brows are not this on fleek

  • like okay and line the top of my little bit more you don't recommend

  • doing your waterline with this set so my eyes done but do gumball do

  • sort of like my inner corners just literally looks green it's not turning

  • out silver it's so disappointing. This work? No. I'm gonna finally get a bit and that's the color

  • it comes out not even like shiny I feel like a dupe I'm gonna try this gold one so that is

  • yellow i'm really sad i'm gonna give up on my inner corners I want some

  • like Blush yes must pick some color up not that much color time for a break in

  • a cloud great flavor cloud i'm going with some water and see if this musk lolly

  • is comin off with

  • nothing have a pink gumball that's super cute! its like this baby pink color I love it

  • maybe I can just go directly by what if Iick it and like look at that there we go we

  • got some pink cheeks really cool now finally we're gonna do the lip which I am

  • super super excited about because I managed to find some lip gloss is gonna go

  • in with some Skittles American mixed Skittles so it's got the blue, the red,

  • and the white which is like very Harley Quinn I'm gonna get a red of course when you hold

  • skittles in your hand is like super hot all the color comes off like lick it

  • look how amazing that is makeup hack if you need some color just using some Skittles

  • and get another one

  • not really pigmented I'm gonna go add some kool-aid to this that will add that

  • red actually like the most exciting part called the TNT mega sour strawberry

  • slime and I was like how good would this be as lipgloss I'm gonna taste it I've never had

  • this before

  • Oh it's so sour. Its like the perfect lip gloss consistency

  • oh my gosh guys this is life how good is this kind of shiny and you can eat it as well I

  • actually got a blueberry sour foam and I thought I could use it as a hair

  • product.

  • My hair dresser is gonna kill me and look what it does

  • oh that is disgusting

  • it's not foaming up i'm not going to use it the final thing she has on her face is like

  • this little heart right here she has like the word rotten written on her face I literally

  • don't know if I'm like even what I need enough to write rotten on my face

  • going with the heart first the dark chocolate is so useful turned out

  • better than I thought I could do so i'm going to write rotten it's literally going

  • to be written backwards for me I'd actually really nervous because I don't want to ruin this whole look

  • if you guys want to cheer me on like click the like button, cross your fingers

  • do whatever you want just do it! knowing me i'm going to spell it wrong.... is that the right

  • way?

  • heart is pumping so bad my god what does the "N" look like backwards? ok alright

  • that's good enough guys to do the hair now and finish up this look

  • Tadaaa

  • ok

  • actually super proud of myself right now I thought this would turn out like

  • horrendous but we still look like a mess but Micah a hot mess my gosh guys I have

  • so much fun today and you guys have fun with you we as well and I love to know

  • what you guys think you give me a rating out of 10 or maybe to let me know what

  • you thought. Low-key guys im so proud of myself right now you can catch me on my social

  • media or on my vlog and i'll see you guys soon bye Love you *Laughing*

  • ok I'm good.

My first initial reaction after

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全臉只使用兒童糖果的挑戰!哈雷-奎恩特警隊的靈感來源 (FULL FACE USING ONLY KIDS CANDY Challenge! Harley Quinn SUICIDE SQUAD Inspired)

  • 110 5
    kath_chaste posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary