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  • Designated "Mod. XXX," the Spitfire auxiliary fuel tank photographed here is being filled with Pale Ale from Henty & Constable Brewery.

  • "XXX Joy Juice" was racked into jettisonable "slippers" of up to 90 gallons (240 liters) for transport under the center of the fighter.

  • The modification was used by British RAF pilots to circumvent thin supply lines to the front line in France after the D-Day invasion.

  • 18 gallon (82 liter) casks could also be fitted under modified pylons on each wing in a "beer bomb" configuration.

  • Westerham Brewery attached Bitter on one wing, Mild on the other. Flying at 15k ft (4,572 m) ensured the beer was chilled when it arrived.

  • Made by Sun Rubber and Disney-approved, this Mickey Mouse gas mask was created for U.S. children following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

  • Having witnessed the Japanese Army's use of mustard gas against Chinese soldiers, the Army Chemical Corps feared attacks on America.

  • In preparation for a hypothetical attack, gas masks and warnings were distributed to civilians in cities on the U.S. west coast.

  • The Mickey Mouse masks were sized for children up to 4-years-old and were intended to turn chemical attack drills into a fungame.”

  • It turned out that U.S. chemical weapon concerns were well justified.

  • Post-war investigations into Japan's infamous Unit 731 uncovered plans to deliver chemical and biological agents by balloon and kamikaze.

  • Pictured here carrying an inflatable tank are 4 members of the 1,100 strong 23rd Headquarters Special TroopsGhost Army.”

  • From 1944 until the end of the war the Ghost Army was tasked with faking the existence of two 30,000 man U.S. Army units across Europe.

  • Engineers and artists from the 603rd Camouflage provided visual deception...

  • ...while the 3132nd Signal Service provided fake audio and dummy radio traffic.

  • The Ghost Army participated in over 20 classified battlefield deceptions, even faking whole airfields complete with hanging laundry.

  • For Operation Fortitude the unit tricked German coastal defenses into believing D-Day would be arriving across the Strait of Dover.

  • Seen in this 1939 photo, Lieutenant Colonel Jack Churchill was a British solider known for leading commando charges with a Scottish broadsword.

  • "Mad Jack" believed that "any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed."

  • Also among Churchill's preferred accoutrements was a set of bagpipes used to rouse his troops and a longbow and arrows for combat.

  • He is credited with recording the last longbow kill in action, felling a German sergeant with a barbed arrow to signal the start of an attack.

  • Churchill later fought the Japanese in Burma and was disappointed in the U.S.'s use of atomic weapons:

  • If it wasn't for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going another 10 years...”

  • Officially a weather balloon, secretly a UFO? This photo shows a mysterious object hovering over the "Battle of Los Angeles."

  • Tensions in Los Angeles were high following the February 23, 1942 bombardment of the Ellwood oil field by a Japanese submarine.

  • The next night the city succumbed to "war nerves" when a lost US weather balloon trigged artillary fire from the 37th Coast Brigade.

  • When the photo of the battle was published in the LA Times, UFOologists believed it was evidence of an extraterrestrial craft.

  • The Navy and Air Force insisted there were no signs of enemy planes in the area...

  • ...while Army reports suggested the presence of 1 to 5 unidentified craft...

Designated "Mod. XXX," the Spitfire auxiliary fuel tank photographed here is being filled with Pale Ale from Henty & Constable Brewery.

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5張二戰時期最奇葩的照片|黑暗5號 (5 Strangest Photos of World War II | Dark5)

  • 175 4
    Benjamin Shih posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary