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hello everyone welcome back to english
with Lucy I'm with Emma from mmmEngish
mmm yes you are mmm yes i am today we're going to
have a conversation so we're going to
have a chat and hopefully it will help
you with your English listening skills
i'd like to ask Emma a few questions
about how she became a teacher, her experiences i
think it's going to be really
interesting because I'm genuinely
interested in how you got started on
YouTube and how you started teaching I
recommend that you listen to this video
once without subtitles and then you
watch it again with subtitles to see how
much you understood we also filmed
another video about introductions which
is on Emma's channel so make sure you watch
that as well
the link will be in the description box
alright let's get started
ok so Emma what do you do?
well Lucy I'm a teacher teacher I teach. Are you?
Yeah I teach English online so i do that
through youtube or through my website
and Facebook groups and that kind of
thing so I have lots of students online
how did you get into teaching?
because you originally did something
different yeah i did I've been teaching for
about five years now
okay but before that I was a landscape
architect a landscape architect yes
it was a design degree that i did at
university but you know of course I wanted to
travel and I wanted to live in other
countries and experience other cultures
and things like that so i decided to
train to be a teacher and so did you
teach and academy or did you do private
lessons I taught in an academy there
yeah yeah I've never had any Vietnamese
students i mainly teach Spanish
students ok in person but I have a whole
rainbow of students on my online and
that's the great thing about teaching
what do you think is the biggest
challenge for vietnamese students learning
for Vietnamese students yeah well i think a
lot of it is to do with pronunciation
because we have a lot of very different
sounds in English that are not really
present in their pronunciation when they speak in Vietnamese
there's only one so a lot of consonant
sounds especially when they're the end
of words shall I get a lot of comments
about the th sounds yeah for Spaniards
actually for Spanish speakers the biggest problem
is the pronunciation of the vowels
mhm because in English we have 12 vowel
sounds and seven diphthongs and they just have
five vowel sounds and a couple of dipthongs
as well and I think it's even even more
difficult because actually the script
the alphabet is the same so the
confusion between the letters and
the pronunciation is crazy and of course with
english not being phonetic ... absolutely, because in Spanish it is phonetic
exactly yeah you read it as it is
i remember seeing children read really really long
words in Spanish and I thought oh my God you guys
are GENIUSES and I realized that
actually no you just read it section by
section and the letters and the accents
tell you exactly how to pronounce it but in
English it just isn't like that
yeah how it's written is absolutely not
how it's pronounced yeah and even if
it's written like that it can be in
different words it can be pronounced
completely differently
yeah even if it's the same so what do you think
is the best way to students to
learn how to how to pronounce words in English
i think i'm a really big fan
of imitating other native speakers
definitely and I think that's great
for pronunciation practice but also for
learning the intonation and the rhythm of
English because your you know students
will listen to us when we speak and
hear that our voices are kind of going
up and down and up and down and that's
so important
yeah there's so much meaning in that for
english know the same sentence in a
couple of different ways with different
tones of voices and it means something completely
change it yeah and that can really be
confusing for students well it can be
confusing when you're trying to speak
and get your message across but when
you're listening you know you miss so
much information if you don't understand
that so it's really important
another thing for me is the set phrases
like be the expressions but this is the
same for learning any language I remember when I
Spanish here really weird phrases and
you want another wheeler
yeah you can't just guess yeah you mean
like Indians or radio and yeah yeah you
really have a few it's like inside
knowledge really have to work on
so what about Spanish learners what I
you've talked about some of the
navigation problems they have but what
other kinds of problems do they have
with English one of the big ones in my
opinion is World Order
hmm you can't just translated sentences
literally because we really change
things around
yeah so in one sentence in spanish you
can't directly translated into English
is we're going to send you
we're going to talk to you that's a big
also they really struggle with trailers
and I'm a confusing thing in English is
some crazy about have multiple means yes
people really little and so what about
your teaching experience what how did
you get into teaching by accident really
the best accident i have had and i was
working and marketing in madrid in my
life I was doing sandwich course at
University which is what you do two
years university one year industry and
then one last year university okay
normally courses are three years if you
do a son which course that ball so I'm
just going to be my year industry Madrid
and then the company closed i found
myself chocolate so I did my teaching
qualification just feel that get in
madrid i didn't develop actually i moved
back with my ex-boyfriend and teaching i
will have to make had to be for awhile
and then I also finishing my degree I
had a couple of English groups
yes then I started to everything
yes yeah this is a game-changer for sure
so what is it that you really love that
teaching i love that you can really make
a difference and you can see it and I
like Google people's confidence so I
know that after one hour session with
someone i will be able to see a real
marked difference you know they're the
quality of that
yeah without you that's a good question
it's um it's definitely like if I think
about what I was doing before and I was
working in an office in a team that was
great but what I love about teaching is
how instantly you can help people and
you know really help them to change what
they're doing understanding something
and start using the language differently
so i think that's one of the really
lovely things about teaching is you can
really help people and make a difference
yeah and you can open so many you can
help them to open so many doors because
having an extra language can completely
change your life
yeah I didn't know spanish I wouldn't be
here meeting I from late so much for
answering my questions nobody like dat
shouting and lovely catching up with you
here not yet been great xu yeah I come
and visit mean well but so if you like
this video make sure you head over to
Emma's channel the link to her video
another video we did together just
having a chat without introductions
yeah introductions and small talk with
our first video that's in the
description box so click on that and go
and see what we spoke about on any
channel don't forget to connect with me
on my social media which is all over her
face right yeah if you don't mind I will
see you again for another English lesson
very very soon not right up
ok so here and here you can turn under
I'd love to show you my area like okay
we're using it
everybody left