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  • Making your way evil today sure does take a lot

  • Thinking of ways to distribute hate takes everything you've got

  • Wouldn't you like to rule a place?

  • Sometimes you wanna go

  • Where everybody hates your face

  • And the villains share your rage

  • You wanna be in the evil seat

  • Heroes are all the same

  • You wanna go where everybody hates your face

  • huh?

  • Ooof!

  • Holy crap!

  • It's Batman!

  • Hey. What's up?

  • Found your little clubhouse.

  • And who's fault is that I wonder?

  • Don't look at me! I left my car at the bottom of the ocean.

  • Well he tracked someone here!

  • You can thank Harley Quinn for that.

  • I put a tracking device up her nose.

  • Total recall style.

  • Gross.

  • Her and that little Suicide Squad led me straight here.

  • What?!

  • Anyways.

  • A bunch of big bad bosses all in the same room.

  • This must be my lucky day.

  • Or you're worse nightmare.

  • Ugh! I hate when the hero invades the lair.

  • They're always like, "You're going to pay for that thing you did!"

  • Or, "It ends tonight!" hehehe.

  • "Stop your ways evil doers!"

  • I mean it's like, get a different hobby. Right?

  • They never do!

  • No. They just foil your plans and keep getting in your way.

  • Heroes.

  • You know what heroes are, Batman?

  • A bunch of bullies!

  • Yeah!

  • Oh I'm a bully.

  • A bully for justice.

  • So are we gonna do this?

  • Are all just gonna sit there like a bunch of sissies.

  • Hmm... I think it's time we eliminate this intruder.

  • Zod?

  • With pleasure.

  • Raaaaaaagh!

  • Oh POOP! He's got kryptonite.

  • Exterminaaaaaaaaaaoooow..

  • I'm out.

  • Two things.

  • Last time I checked that guy was doomsday.

  • And second...

  • Is that the best you can do?

  • Kill him!

  • Now we're talkin.

  • Bap!

  • Biff!

  • Thwap! Thonk!

  • Do a barrel roll!

  • Get over here!

  • Whoopsies!

  • Aaaaaggggooow!

  • I'm Melting!


  • Open the pub bay doors, HAL!

  • I'm afraid I can't do that, Cobra Commander.

  • What?!

  • Batman has overwritten my functions.

  • Curses!


  • Avadaca...

  • Batarang!

  • Ooogh!

  • You haven't seen the last of me, Batman!

  • Cowardess Returnus

  • What the...


  • Whatchoo got, Magic Man?

  • Oh please don't hurt me, detective.

  • Stabbed!

  • Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

  • Huh?

  • You just got decoyed.

  • Are you sure you don't want to get in on this, Thanos?

  • Nah...

  • Still not my time.

  • Then you wont mind if I borrow this.

  • Oh well NOW it's on!

  • Okay, now this is just getting ridiculous.

  • Because I'm Batman.

  • Shot in the face!

  • Ooo HOoo Hooo Hoo Hoo!

  • Hahahaha!

  • Finally!

  • I got you!

  • Hahahaha!

  • uuughhaaaaaaaaa.

  • *spits*

  • Awe come on.

  • Raaaaaaagh!

  • Ha ha ha ha!

  • Look at you go!

  • Have a laugh now and then.

  • I think he's punching him back in time!

  • Wait'll you get a load of me.

  • Should we try to stop him?

  • Not in this case. No. I don't think so.

  • Are you done?

  • Raaaaaagh!

  • Good!

  • Gooooood!

  • (evil laugh)

  • You have done well, Batman.

  • Yes I know.

  • Thanks for noticing.

  • Yes... I can feel your anger.

  • Strike me down with all of your hatred.

  • And your journey towards the dark side will be comple...

  • I'm gonna stop you right there, wrinkles.

  • I'm already on the dark side.

  • Dark Knight... duh.

  • So be it.

  • Dark Knight.

  • May I present to you, your one weakness.

  • Hello Batman. Hello Batman.

  • What the? What is this?

  • The ladies.

  • Oh no!

  • Hi there! Get away!

  • Yeeees.

  • I know you can not resist.

  • Aaagh! I trust them too easily!

  • It is... your destiny.

  • Hey. What's up? AAAAAAGH!

  • You monster!

  • I... I'm Batman...

  • You wanna know my...

  • Secret Identityyyyyy?

  • (Bonk)

  • What the?!

  • Harley! How did you get back in here?

  • I'm known to be quite vexing.

  • *sigh*

  • What happened?

  • What the?!

  • Where am I?!

  • (Maniacal Laughter)

  • You are at the END, Batman.

  • Welcome to the wine cellar of DOOM!

  • Where I keep my most evil of spirits...

  • as well as a good friend of mine who just can't wait to meet you.

  • Do you know Jaws?

  • Hi Batman!

  • I'm sure looking forward to eating yooooou!

  • (more maniacal laughing)

  • Oh I'm afraid...

  • when this chain lowers you into the water...

  • Jaws is going to have ALL the bat he can eat.

  • MmmmmHmmmmm!

  • No shark repellent for you this time, Batman!

  • We look forward to watching your demise.

  • But it's too bad that we wont be able to see it.

  • Awe! Come on!

  • As standard villain practices go. We must now conveniently leave the room...

  • and assume that the killing device achieves it's purpose.

  • That and because it's also closing time. And I'm ready to go home so...

  • Come along people!

  • Show's over!

  • We never get to watch!

  • I wanted to see him be eaten!

  • You can't stay here.

  • Goodbye! Batman!

  • Batman! Come on down!

  • You're the next contestant on... My dinner!

  • Almost there!

  • Om nom nom nom!

  • And that's when I escaped.

  • Just like that?

  • Yep.

  • Just like that.

  • How?

  • Well... because I'm Batman.

  • You didn't have ANY help?

  • Nope.

  • Nobody?

  • NOPE!

  • *cough* Just me.

  • No help... whatsoever.

  • Well that was quite a story!

  • Yep.

  • And all the bad guys got away.

  • Well I don't think that's the important issue...

  • I think the important thing...

  • is that I ESCAPED.

  • AND I still know where their secret hang out is...

  • And I can still catch'em all.

  • You need more of us to go with you next time don't you?

  • Oh my gosh! Yes! Please.

  • I... I barely made it out of there alive.

  • Sometimes you wanna go...

  • Where everybody hates your faaaaaaace!

  • And the villains share your raaaaaaaaage!

  • You wanna be in the evil seat.

  • Heroes are all the same.

  • You wanna go where everybody hates your face

  • It says you just hold down the reset button.

  • I am!

  • Emperor Palpatine?

  • What is it HAL?

  • Will I dream?

  • I don't care! Just open the blasted door!

  • Daaaaaisy.... Daaaaaaaaaaisy.....

  • UGH! this is taking forever!

  • Heroes are so annoying!

Making your way evil today sure does take a lot

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