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  • Hi, I'd like to welcome everyone

  • to the class notes on reading The Canterbury Tales in context

  • so this week I'll go over

  • some specific context that I hope will help people

  • as they navigate through the sections of the Canterbury Tales that we're reading

  • and then from there I'll say just a few words about how to think about

  • the reading from this week and the reading for every week for the course

  • in terms of some larger contexts of what the course is trying to accomplish

  • So I'm going to go ahead and get started.

  • There are some special challenges with reading The Canterbury Tales

  • you'll see here in the notes that I've abbreviated that to TCT

  • just for simplicity sake and one thing that I've tried to do here

  • is bold any key

  • literary terms, especially the kind of thing that might come up again in a

  • midterm or

  • on final exam. So with that said

  • one thing that I recommend to everyone is

  • that you should all spend extra time reading marginal definitions and

  • footnotes

  • This is something that I went over in last week's class notes but this

  • week in particular and I think really for the next few weeks

  • we'll see this come up with Othello

  • when we read Shakespeare for example. But this week in particular

  • I think

  • present a lot of challenges and really makes for some very slow reading

  • It takes me a long time to read through the Canterbury Tales

  • just with trying to read through the marginal definitions, the footnotes,

  • trying to figure what's happening line-by-line, stanza-by-stanza

  • There's kind of a lot to process there and so you're really going to want to

  • give yourself time to do that.

  • The text is just loaded with both kinds of information

  • marginal definitions footnotes, and so you should find

  • a system that works for you so for instance when I read something like

  • like the Canterbury Tales I just get used to looking in the right hand margin

  • at the end of every line

  • watching for in reading footnotes as I encounter them. I really actually find

  • myself really great differently than I do.

  • Even for last week, for Beowulf, that had some of

  • this but not really nearly

  • as much. I would I would sort of glance ahead at times to see,

  • "Oh great, I've got five lines coming up with no

  • marginal definitions and no footnotes," and I knew I could just read through that

  • and try to make sense of it on my own.

  • It takes a little getting used to because when you we look at that stuff

  • especially the footnotes where your eye

  • has to move down the whole page, it can can pull you out of

  • the flow of making sense of the reading itself

  • so it takes with me a little while and I except it takes everyone a little while

  • just to get used to that and moving back and forth.

  • If you find a better system works for you then go for it.

  • You know there are sometimes when I'll just say you know what I'll only look at

  • that material if

  • I'm really confused and I won't look at all of it or

  • I might stop at the end of every sentence or every stanza and look back over the

  • material to help me out.

  • So find a system that works for you, that helps you

  • kind of read, get into some kind of reading flow also

  • while also understanding what you're reading. Another thing that you should focus on doing,

  • just like last week but here even more so perhaps

  • last week would be with Beowulf we had a modern translation so we didn't really have to

  • deal with

  • in that case it would have been Old English and all the strange nuances of spelling and

  • and vocabulary that that we would have encountered

  • had we read the Old English version. Here we are reading

  • a translated version in the sense that

  • some of the spelling's been modernized there are there have been some editorial

  • changes made

  • but it's much closer to Middle English

  • than it is to modern English and so there's a lot of weird spelling in there.

  • So when I would recommend doing is reading out loud,

  • sounding out words your head perhaps

  • help you become accustomed to the unusual spelling of Middle English.

  • in pages 19-25 of our textbook

  • there's some help with this where the editors basically explain

  • how in Middle English different

  • letter combinations actually are

  • make different sounds than what we're used to as modern readers. I don't find

  • that very useful

  • because I just can't remember that

  • what you know I look at the material but it's hard for me to keep in

  • mind while I'm actually looking at

  • the primary text. I just kind of make my way through and try sound it out on my own and

  • oftentimes by saying it out loud

  • even if the spelling is different than what we're accustomed to, if you say

  • it out loud

  • you can kind of hear the modern word

  • in the Middle English word and you can get to the right place. An example here

  • is just the first four lines of the poem

  • So what I have underneath that is a translation that includes

  • any of the definitions of words that were given in the marginal notes or the footnotes.

  • I changed those around and I just modernized the spelling even more

  • so the translation I came up with was

  • This is still a word-by-word rendering, and when you first encounter it,

  • it still is going to take a little bit to ask, okay, what's actually being

  • described here

  • because the sentence structure is very strange. It's not a straightforward

  • sentence

  • and we're going to encounter that a lot the Canterbury Tales

  • so if I were to take this to a next level translation, like try to put it into

  • just simple straightforward English, I might

  • translate this as something like

  • "When April brings its fresh showers,

  • to freshen the roots that have been dried out

  • from the drought of March and the plants have sucked up all of this rain,

  • that's what gives flowers their life and energy."

  • That's a little awkwardly done because I

  • did it line-by-line, but

  • the sense there is that these flowers are sucking in

  • the rain that's falling in April, so the most important thing here really is the idea

  • that, hey,

  • it's spring, and flowers are blooming. That's what's being said there.

  • But you need to kind of work through all those different levels of understanding

  • and you know when I'm reading I'm not doing what I'm talking out loud right now

  • I'm not doing this in full detail. A lot of it's happening

  • just in my head as I'm reading along. As I'm reading I'm thinking about what's

  • going on, I'm trying to,

  • I'm reading out loud. I'm making sure I just understand the basic gist of what's going

  • on

  • and then in my head, I'm trying to make sense, and say, okay, it must be spring time because these

  • these are the months,

  • this is what's being described.

  • In addition to just contending with the spelling issues and the sentence structure

  • at the end of every stanza clarify for yourself what was the point

  • of that stanza, what happened in it or what was described

  • Remember that you can identify stanza breaks

  • anytime that there is an indented line which indicates the start of a new

  • stanza

  • much like the start of a new paragraph in prose writing. Note that some poetry will

  • sometimes use a line break or gap between lines

  • to indicate a stanza break

  • Now that ends that stanza

  • previously for many lines, I just took the last few lines out of it

  • then you can see the indent right there

  • here's our indent, that means we're onto a new stanza

  • often a stanza break indicates a shift in subject a shift in focus

  • a shift in tone perhaps but nonetheless

  • and then it goes on from there. I just wan to be clear that's

  • what we're referring to.

  • Stanzas can be anything from a line to

  • many many lines, dozens, hundreds, depending on the poem or the poet.

  • In The Canterbury Tales a lot of stanzas tend to be

  • I guess

  • anywhere between 15 and 30-40 lines, something like that

  • Some of them get a little bit long, but they are being used intentionally.

  • Like in the prologue a lot of times

  • each stanza focuses on one character for instance

  • so what's nice is that those stanza breaks give you a visual cue to pause,

  • ask yourself, okay, what just happened in that previous stanza.

  • The remainder of what I have in these notes

  • are intended to help you read Canterbury Tales within the context of the time

  • period

  • and of other course content. When it comes to reading the general prologue, basically I

  • assigned the general prologue

  • and then The Miller's Tale. For the general prologue

  • keep in mind the basic frame narrative is very simple

  • a range of characters across all social classes in occupations

  • are journeying on a pilgrimage to a holy site

  • so a frame narrative is a story

  • that serves as the mean narrated in which other stories are embedded were

  • told

  • so here in but Canterbury Tales

  • for instance the premarital is the story of the travelers

  • core meeting at the beginning in going to Canterbury so that come with the

  • means to ru

  • in the stories we tell each other as the trouble

  • are situated in or embedded in a larger free merited

  • says they are telling them as the trial but the story to journey with the means

  • through

  • so free to bring art it is like that you think about as a framework agreement

  • photograph her need it frames the other stories

  • so the story I'm the freemen air tonight is

  • but introduced in the general prologue begins adding in

  • were all the characters are staying with a host who decides that the most all

  • cover stories the past I murder

  • so in the same way now and we going along Karcher

  • we play games right listen to music it wasn't in

  • the radio you know we might tell each other stories to read it aloud to each

  • other whenever

  • whatever we're doing to pass the time though says he must pass the time a

  • current stories

  • and this is a quote from rate from the general prologue

  • no sense that Egypt you too short with our way

  • in this biatch Chuck telling tales 20

  • to can cover

  • in its own homework you should tell another two ventures

  • that will with them all in other words he saying hey

  • on the way there everyone tales to tales

  • on the way back to camp from Canterbury to London everyone tells

  • two more tales two towns to more details

  • that one twister again so was the hosts idea

  • it will be the competition was Utah's best story up the host

  • that accompanies them on the pilgrimage to King to look for long is intended as

  • an introduction

  • to all the characters it is meant to be humorous

  • so I'm hoping that is you reading your point some parts are and ensuring funny

  • somehow sort of me laugh out loud funny sometimes more

  • arm ironical satirical com

  • but but is often at the expense in pointing out some kind of hypocrisy

  • involving the character in the typing ewbal Road society that they represent

  • sees you to water the characters their is I'm

  • sort through things going on where we're being given the sort portrait Beach

  • character

  • arm in miniature giving wanted details about them

  • but at the same time so for those details on some things the character

  • does

  • seem to be at odds with who they're supposed to be

  • or third job in and that's intentional so so pay special attention to what's

  • happening

  • i sry the introduction to the following questions

  • were kinda details but various characters to strasser a

  • regular attention to you you know one thing that's very obvious he talks a lot

  • about what people are wearing

  • so notice that ask yourself why is he paying too much attention that's why

  • does it matter so much

  • what close the app what concludes the havoc and jackets with materials

  • y si Q its how does each of his descriptions and two years into the

  • character

  • and how he wants is to you hammer so it's going to the big over-arching

  • question what you're asking

  • as you read the general really get to know them

  • the miller's tale

  • on again enters the plugs actually

  • pretty basic got three men John Nicholson Absalon

  • we meet various points the narrative are fighting over one woman I wasn't for her

  • actions so when you really the miller's tale I want you to pay attention

  • tell each before main characters are portrayed house trance you representing

  • do you think were meant to root for anyone character

  • work your butt any character comes out on top what might be the consequences

  • for socially

  • given the implications of this story it what it suggests about communities in

  • about the relationships between men

  • various classes in between those minimum

  • women this case the woman be trying to that

  • and so looking also keep in mind here is that this camp is cool

  • in response to the next year now we did with the next year but I'd

  • sign you read the very short summary opening staying on as you read where

  • that makes your is a throwback to know should balance

  • romanians in chivalry in I'm

  • you know hot so high-minded values misses a very different kind

  • story so that back contrast there's really important to keep in mind

  • read I'm in the introductory materials

  • about chaucer in about the Canterbury Tales you learn something about

  • because the images are being done to Canterbury but really important context

  • your cynicism

  • you know it is a religious wage I'm

  • to PR managed to get to it to go to the shrine

  • to pray on you know of the people we go on these brokerages to you

  • %um are you know because we had to reboot

  • a goal in mind maybe to how bout with someone that was second reminds

  • or themselves that was sick or two Cooper pray for

  • better fortune home or you know for any number of things in all the things that

  • even today that we are still might hope increase 49

  • on the upper left corner here you'll see that included just a

  • a little Mapple the the way that he would have gone on

  • on home if you go on Google Maps kinda cool you can

  • you can just track out their journey

  • and I think when you put it if you do buy food at the gate I think Google Maps

  • it was something between

  • something around 16 17 18 hours walking

  • I'm so I miss those kind according to jeanette

  • we can you can do that and people still going on a journey now you know

  • partly the pilgrimage now is about retracing this literary text not so much

  • with just wage

  • arm but anyway don't here's a picture above

  • I'm Canterbury cathedral itself over here we are

  • team is PT may have some of the programs and then if you follow this link

  • it's pretty cool because it's so much to her mind about the Canterbury Tales

  • as I'm sure to have your going to discover cleaved by all means

  • put that up in on discussion board under the

  • for a minute created to be able to share a minor

  • me online resources be fine but this one is I was really cool because

  • it gives you but your virtual tour Canterbury Cathedral secret is poppin

  • their

  • can look around and see you know what was so inspirational

  • people want their on

  • so the last thing I wanna talk about here is just how you're thinking about

  • each week's readings in relationship to you the readings and come before the

  • readings that are to be coming up

  • so each week in addition to focusing on the readings for the week

  • in using any preparatory an introductory materials

  • to help you appreciate and understand the week's primary tax

  • you should also be thinking about how this week's readings we made to the

  • previous week 3

  • so maybe no at the back of your mind me when you're done reading after

  • discussion board

  • post you might be thinking about that sometimes the questions that I ask

  • in discussion board might help you to think about making some of those

  • connections but

  • always you know if you see those those interesting connections there arm

  • make note of those whether your commenting on them in discussion board

  • or just

  • writing about them in your notebook this is also the kind of thing and I'm really

  • going to emphasizing the

  • midterm

  • exams so want to meet virtues of course light

  • we're taking is that by covering such a long stretch literary history

  • in such a short time frame were able to see connections across time across

  • literary tax but we could pay attention to how for instance

  • Baywalk in the Canterbury Tales might have a reason overlap

  • and also ways in which the diverge how you might ask

  • to both want homes represent the ties that bind communities

  • people together so hear something to you manana track

  • also mister monger now until very

  • peeves about community what defines a community what bonds

  • you make people together what forces were calling them a car

  • who gets left other community words intentionally kept

  • on the country's a fucking national identity is another major theme

  • how to various kinds of communities you might within the sense of national

  • identity

  • especially as we begin reading Shakespeare in the writers who come

  • after

  • and we'll see we get the Shakespeare beyond we respected get this

  • idea a English miss in in Bruges in israel coalescing

  • coming to shred for peeves above core values were

  • work or values do various characters in a letter

  • literary works in the church how did the values have different characters come

  • into conflict

  • how do those values change over time papist gender and sexuality

  • how you perceive biological differences in differences in sexual practice

  • indoor orientation shape attacks representation of its characters

  • and the communities that the for class

  • in social science what role the characters class status in society

  • worries occupation play with intact and now we could see her here as well

  • and we see similar obviously somewhat this week in the Canterbury Tales

  • and it was to get the shakespearian and beyond will see I'm

  • you know if you look at which point much more good time you can act

  • active role in

  • I'm as he jus as as characters in a raid

  • I'm so we could certainly put her her here as well

  • up to this point in our readings the his someone appropriate and that most the

  • characters were looking at would be walked in with

  • Canterbury Tales are are mostly male characters religion in ways that knowing

  • what does faith look like with any literary tax

  • with practices are rewarded which in our and what is meaning

  • face and then finally race and ethnicity house

  • otherness to find within a literary text has free spirit this is the function

  • in attacks help to find different communities and the Browns

  • this is gonna come right in the forefront when we get to a fellow so as

  • you post your responses on discussion board this week in going forward

  • push yourself to make smoothies connections between tax time periods by

  • asking these questions

  • always wondering about changes that you see across time

  • and across Hawkins

Hi, I'd like to welcome everyone

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課堂筆記 《坎特伯雷故事》 英國文學傳統 UML Hurwitz (Class Notes The Canterbury Tales Brit Lit Traditions UML Hurwitz)

  • 38 6
    Chia-Yin Huang posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary