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  • [Slide 1] Ok, welcome to lecture 2. Now

  • before we dive into the physics of transistors,

  • what I want to do is to spend

  • two lectures reviewing some basic concepts of semiconductors

  • and semiconductor physics. Now, many of you have

  • an extensive background in semiconductors and this will

  • be pretty familiar to you. Some of you

  • don't have much background in semiconductors and it's

  • going to go pretty fast. Now what I

  • mainly want to do is highlight the concepts

  • that we're going to be using for the

  • rest of the course. If you can get

  • comfortable with using those concepts, you'll be set

  • for the rest of the course. And the

  • references give you some pointers to additional resources

  • if you would like to fill in your

  • gaps. So we have two parts of this

  • lecture; Part One... [Slide 2] We'll just dive

  • right into it and well go back and

  • begin with basic freshman chemistry. So you'll remember

  • that atoms have energy levels and silicon is

  • an atom that has atomic number 14, so

  • it has 14 electrons. Those 14 electrons have

  • to fill in to these energy levels, n=1,2

  • ,3 ,4, etcetera. And we just start filling

  • up the energy levels from the lowest energy

  • until we have accounted for all fourteen electrons.

  • And in order to do that, we end

  • up filling in some of the n=3 energy

  • levels, the two S levels are completely filled

  • and then there are six states in the

  • P level and we only need two of

  • those and we have accounted for all 14

  • of the electrons that we need to. So

  • deep down low energies, we call those the

  • core levels, we don't need to worry much

  • about them because there is not much we

  • can do to affect them, but the highest

  • energy levels are the ones that we worry

  • about because we can manipulate those and they're

  • involved in chemical bonding and those are the

  • energy levels that we make use of in

  • electronic devices. And the important point is that

  • in the highest most energy levels we have

  • four electrons, four valence electrons, though we have

  • eight states there so there are four empty

  • states as well. [Slide 3] Now, we are

  • going to be primarily talking about transistors made

  • on silicon. So think about a chunk of

  • silicon. It has a lot of silicon atoms

  • arranged in a regular lattice, 5 times 10

  • to the 22nd of them per cubic centimeter

  • and they are arranged in this diamond lattice,

  • each silicon atom has four nearest neighbors and

  • the lattice spacing here is about five and

  • a half Angstroms. Now something different happens when

  • we put silicon in a lattice and it

  • can bond with its nearest neighbors; those energy

  • levels change and we going to need to

  • discuss how they change. Important points to make

  • are that we're only interested in the top

  • most energy levels, the valence states, there are

  • 8 of those. So that gives rise to

  • 8N atoms states that we'll be interested in. But the

  • interactions of the electrons wave functions as they

  • interact with their neighbors changes the energy levels

  • and that leads to what we call "Energy

  • Bands." [Slide 4] So the energy levels become

  • energy bands. The 3 S states and the

  • 4 S states couple and merge and we

  • end up with the same total number of

  • states, we don't have simply 5 times 10

  • to the 22nd of these energy levels, they

  • interact and the states become bands. We have

  • half of the states end up creating a

  • band of states where there are energy levels

  • so finely spaced that we consider them to

  • be continuous but 4N atoms states are in the lower

  • band, 4N atoms states are in the upper band, all

  • of the electrons then can be accommodated in

  • the lower sets of states and there's a

  • gap of energy in all of the states

  • above are completely empty. We call that gap

  • "The Forbidden Gap" because there are no states

  • there. Electrons cannot be inside that gap. That's

  • what happens at temperature equals zero. If we're

  • about room temperature we have a little bit

  • of thermal energy we can move an electron

  • from a lower state to a higher state

  • so we have a few empty states in

  • the bottom band, the valence band, and we

  • have a few electrons in the conduction band

  • which is empty at T=0. [Slide 5] Ok

  • so that allows us to explain what makes

  • an insulator, what makes a semiconductor and what

  • makes a metal. So an insulator is just

  • a material that has a very big band

  • gap. So consider silicon dioxide, for example, the

  • insulator that is used as the gate insulator

  • in most MOSFETs. It has a band gap

  • of nine electron volts. The thermal energy is

  • kT and that's roughly .026 electron volts so

  • there isn't very much thermal energy and not

  • nearly enough to break a bond and not

  • enough to move an electron from the valence

  • band to the conduction band so we don't

  • have enough electrons to conduct electricity and the

  • material is an insulator. Now a metal is

  • completely different. In a metal it ends up

  • that the states in one single band are

  • filled only half way into the band so

  • we have filled states and empty states and

  • the electrons are now free to move if

  • you apply a voltage, give them a little

  • bit of energy they can just move up

  • and fill one of the empty states and

  • current will flow. Now a semiconductor is like

  • an insulator, it just has a small band

  • gap and its small enough that we can

  • break a few of these bonds and at

  • reasonable temperatures we can create some empty states

  • in the valence band and we can create

  • some electrons in the conduction band. That's a

  • material that we would then call a semiconductor.

  • The band gap of silicon is 1.1 electron

  • volts. A band gap of a good insulator

  • like silicon dioxide is 9 electron volts. [Slide

  • 6] Now let's look a little more carefully

  • within these bands of conduction band states and

  • valence band states, we have all of the

  • states distributed between a bottom energy and a

  • top energy and then the valence band the

  • top energy and a bottom energy. And they

  • are distributed in some way throughout that energy

  • range and we call that the density-of-states. It's

  • the number of states per unit energy, typically,

  • per unit volume. So there is one for

  • the conduction band, one for the valence band.

  • So these states are very finally spaced in

  • energy, they came from those original atomic energy

  • levels but they are smeared out and spaced

  • so finely that we just consider this a

  • continuous distribution of states. If I integrate over

  • all of those energy ranges from the bottom

  • to the top I'll just find the total

  • number of states. So half of the states

  • associated with that N atoms 5 times 10

  • to the 22nd atoms are located in the

  • conduction band. The other half are located in

  • the valence band. And it is important to

  • realize that these states are extended in space;

  • if an electron is in a silicon energy

  • level of an isolated silicon atom, it's physically

  • in a particular region not free to move

  • throughout space. Inside a silicon crystal these states

  • are extended which means these electrons are free

  • to move throughout the crystal. The holes are

  • actually free to move throughout the crystal also;

  • we think of them as positive charge characters.

  • Ok, now, we're only going to be able

  • to perturb things, we are only going to

  • be able to make a few empty states

  • at the top of the valence band and

  • a few filled states at the bottom of

  • the conduction band so really all we're interested

  • in is what happens near the edges of

  • these bands. [Slide 7] And near the edges

  • of these bands it turns out, for typical

  • semiconductors, they have a simple shape; they tend

  • to go parabolically with energy and then those

  • of you who have had some semiconductor physics

  • courses will have derived the density of states

  • in this region near the bottom of the

  • conduction band and you might remember that it

  • goes as the square root of the energy

  • with respect to the bottom of the band.

  • And there are parameters called effective mass that

  • come from that material's mass as well. We

  • have a similar expression for the valence band;

  • the number states in the valence band goes

  • to the square root of the energy difference

  • between the energy and the top of the

  • valence band. So these are typical expressions that

  • we will use. They assume common, simply energy

  • bands that we call parabolic energy bands. But

  • you should remember that the particular shape of

  • the bands depends on details of the band

  • structure and depends on whether or not the

  • material is a 1D 2D or 3D material.

  • [Slide 8] Ok, now I want to talk

  • about something else we'll call an energy band

  • diagram. We're going to spend a lot of

  • time looking at energy band diagrams. And what

  • do we mean by energy band diagram? So

  • the electrons are "de-localized" and free to move.

  • The holes are too. And that means everything

  • is happening near the band edges where we

  • know the densities of states. So it's very

  • useful to plot the conduction band versus position

  • and the valence band versus position and then

  • we can get an intuitive feel for how

  • the electrons and holes are moving throughout the

  • silicon crystal. [Slide 9] Alright now, another important

  • concept that you've seen before in semiconductor physics

  • and we'll be making extensive use of is

  • the Fermi function. So we know that typically

  • in the valence band the states are mostly

  • filled and in the conduction band they're mostly

  • empty. If I were to make a plot

  • of the probability that a state is occupied,

  • the probability goes from zero to one and

  • I know that the high energy states have

  • a small probability and the low energy states

  • have a high probability so I could just

  • sketch what it should look like. And I

  • know that way below the valence band the

  • probability is one. Way above the conduction band

  • bottom the probability is zero. And then makes

  • a transition that is something like that. Now

  • it turns out that there is a key

  • parameter, we'll call the Fermi level. And the

  • Fermi level is the energy at which the

  • probability of a state being occupied is one

  • half. Here I've drawn it in the forbidden

  • gap, for which there are no states. If

  • there were a state there, it would have

  • probability one half to be occupied but there

  • are no states there so there can be

  • no electrons there. So there is a small

  • probability of the states of the valence band

  • of being empty because the probability is not

  • quite one. And there is a small probability

  • of the states at the bottom of the

  • conduction band of being filled because the probability

  • is not zero. And that particular function is

  • well known, has a simple mathematical form called

  • a Fermi function, and it simply gives us

  • the probability that a state that a particular

  • energy with respect to the Fermi energy is

  • occupied. [Slide 10] So now we can sketch

  • what we would call an n-type semiconductor. In

  • an n-type semiconductor there are few electrons in

  • the conduction band that are free to move.

  • And in an n-type semiconductor that means that

  • the Fermi level would be up closer to

  • the conduction band such that there is some

  • small probability that those states nearer to the

  • conduction band will be occupied. [Slide 11] We

  • could sketch a p-type semiconductor. So here is

  • an energy band diagram; energy versus position for

  • the valence band and the conduction band. We'll

  • sketch the Fermi energy. We'll put it down

  • valence band now because if I do that

  • there's some small probability that the sates nearest

  • the top of the valence band are not

  • occupied which will give me an empty state

  • or a hole that is free to move

  • around and act like a positive charge carrier.

  • [Slide 12] Now this Fermi level is very

  • interesting because I can now put the Fermi

  • level and the densities of states together and

  • I can relate them to the densities of

  • electrons or holes. So if I want to

  • know what is the density of electrons per

  • cubic centimeter in the conduction band, well it's

  • the number of states per cubic centimeter which

  • is that density of states in that energy

  • range times the width of that energy range

  • times the probability that the state is occupied,

  • which is given by the Fermi function, and

  • then I integrate from the bottom of the

  • conduction band. I should integrate from the top

  • but I'll take the integration all the way

  • to infinite because the Fermi function will make

  • the probability go to zero anyway so I'll

  • never get to the top. Well you just

  • plug in our expressions for the Fermi function

  • and for the densities of states and we

  • do the integration and we can find an

  • answer [Slide 13] So it takes a little

  • bit of math. Let me do it quickly

  • and you'll see how that works on one

  • of the homework problems for yourself. Here's the

  • Fermi function, here's the densities of states, and

  • this is the integral that we need to

  • do. I'll move all of the constants out

  • front so I have an integral like this

  • to do. I'll define some parameters. Eta is

  • normalized energy. It is the energy with respect

  • to the bottom of the conduction band in

  • units of KT. And Eta F is a

  • normalized Fermi energy. It's the Fermi energy with

  • respect to the bottom of the conduction band

  • in units of KT. And then I'll do

  • a change of variables and I'll convert my

  • integral to this form. Now I have an

  • integral that if I can work out we

  • have an answer. Ok. So I'll lump all

  • of the constants together and I'll call them

  • Nc. That is something that we call an

  • effective density of states. It involves things like

  • effective masses and kTs and is a material

  • dependent parameter. So that is something that is

  • known for any common semiconductor. We'll call it

  • the effective density of states as units per

  • number of states per cubic centimeter. [Slide 14]

  • Ok so if we do that integral, it

  • turns out you can't do that integral. You

  • can always do it numerically on a computer

  • so we'll just give it a name and

  • the name we give it is Fermi-Dirac integral

  • of order one half. The one half comes

  • because we have the normalized energy of the

  • one half power and we have a normalizing

  • fraction out here. It's just a name we

  • give to this particular function. The only way

  • we can evaluate that is to integrate it

  • with Simpson's rule or whatever numerically because there

  • is no analytical solution for that integral. But

  • that doesn't matter, we can evaluate it numerically.

  • So the electron density is related to the

  • effective densities of states which involves material dependent

  • parameters like effective masses. And it's related to

  • the position of the Fermi energy with respect

  • to the conduction band edge. So we have

  • the expression. [Slide 15] Now, Fermi-Dirac integrals make

  • things a little complicated mathematically. We're going to

  • try to avoid them for the most part

  • in this course but there will be a

  • time a or two where we will need

  • to use them. I just want to mention

  • something about Fermi-Dirac integrals and then point you

  • to some notes that you can find on

  • the nanohub that will tell you all that

  • you need to know about Fermi-Dirac integrals to

  • solve common semiconductor problems. This is a definition

  • of the general Fermi-Dirac integral. The normalizing factor

  • out front, the square root of pi over

  • 2 that we saw is in general 1

  • over the gamma function of argument J plus

  • 1. We dealt in the previous slide with

  • J of one half but in general J

  • could be an integer or any half integer.

  • So these are some useful parameters. The gamma

  • function, remember, is something like a factorial and

  • there's a recurrence relation that allows us to

  • determine it at one value if we know

  • it at a value that is just one

  • integer away. There are some nice properties such

  • that if we differentiate it we just kick

  • the order down one. And the Fermi-Dirac integrals

  • also simplify greatly. When this parameter, Eta F,

  • is much less than 1, much less than

  • 0 actually, where the Fermi level is way

  • below the bottom of the conduction band then

  • the Fermi-Dirac integrals have any order just reduced

  • to an exponential. And that makes things simple

  • and that is the mostly the way that

  • we are going to be using them in

  • this course. Ok, now be sure when you're

  • dealing with Fermi-Dirac integrals that you don't confuse

  • this. When you're reading papers, you might come

  • across papers that talk about Fermi-Dirac integrals that's

  • defined a little differently and usually this will

  • written as a Roman F instead of as

  • a script F. The Roman F doesn't have

  • this normalization factor out front. And you have

  • to be careful about that. That normalization factor

  • is very nice, it allows us to differentiate

  • Fermi-Dirac integrals and use this expression but people

  • do it both ways and you have to

  • be careful to know how they're doing it.

  • [Slide 16] So if we make this assumption

  • that the Fermi level is way below the

  • bottom of the conduction band, then that Fermi-Dirac

  • integral simplifies to exponential and under those cases

  • we'll get some very simple expressions the Fermi-Dirac

  • integral becomes an exponential, Eta F is just

  • the Fermi energy minus the bottom of the

  • conduction band in units of kT. So we

  • get a very simple expression that just says

  • the electron density is exponentially related to the

  • distance to the bottom of the conduction band

  • and the Fermi energy. Higher the Fermi energy

  • the more the electron density is. So this

  • assumption would be called non-degenerate carrier statistics or

  • Boltzmann statistics, makes life simple, we will use

  • it frequently, every now and then we need

  • to be more accurate when we're analyzing experiments

  • then we'll direct to Fermi-Dirac integrals. [Slide 17]

  • Now you can do the same thing with

  • holes. The Fermi energy here is near the

  • conduction band so we so we have a

  • significant number of electrons in the conduction band

  • but there are a few holes and the

  • separation of the Fermi levels and the top

  • of the valence band determines how many. And

  • you can go through the same type of

  • argument and you can relate the hole density

  • to the Fermi energy with a Fermi-Dirac integral.

  • There is an effective density of states that

  • effects the hole effective mass and the parameter

  • Eta F now is the difference between the

  • top of the valence band and the Fermi

  • energy. [Slide 18] Ok. And I can simplify

  • the hole expression from Boltzmann statistics as well.

  • You know then if I look under equilibrium

  • conditions and if I take my simplified expression

  • for the electron density, my expression for the

  • whole density, and if I multiply the two

  • together I get this. And it turns out

  • then that the Fermi energies drop out, so

  • the result is independent of the Fermi energy

  • and the result just depends in the end

  • on the difference between the conduction band and

  • the valence band, that's the width of the

  • forbidden gap and on these two material dependent

  • parameters. Nc and Nv which depend on the

  • effective mass of electrons and holes. So the

  • product of N and P we'll call Ni

  • squared. And in an intrinsic semiconductor we have

  • an equal number of electrons and an equal

  • number of holes and that number is given

  • by this simple expression. In silicon it works

  • out beautifully. Room temperature in silicon, the intrinsic

  • density of electrons or holes is almost exactly

  • equal to 10 to the 10th per cubic

  • centimeter. That's a very small number. Remember there

  • are 5 times 10 to the 22nd silicon

  • atoms per cubic centimeter. [Slide 19] Ok, just

  • a couple more things and then we'll wrap

  • up. We can make semiconductor devices because of

  • doping. And that's what makes semiconductors so useful.

  • We can change the number of electrons in

  • the conduction band or the number of holes

  • in the valence band by controlling the location

  • of the Fermi energy and doing that by

  • doping. [Slide 20] And this is how it

  • works. Here is my silicon lattice, a little

  • cartoon picture. Each silicon atom has four valence

  • electrons and four nearest neighbors. So when you

  • put these all together with their four nearest

  • neighbors they have a completely filled shell, 8

  • electrons. And that is covalent bonding that makes

  • the silicon crystal. But if I substitute say

  • a phosphorus atom from column five of the

  • periodic table it has one extra electron. So

  • it goes into the lattice where it's supposed

  • to but there is one electron left over.

  • Or if I substitute a boron atom from

  • column three, it has one to few electrons.

  • So it goes in but there is a

  • missing bond in one place. Now if I

  • look at the electrons, it takes just a

  • little bit of energy to break that bond

  • and put that electron in the conduction band

  • and let it flow throughout the crystal. So

  • we would draw that energy of that energy

  • state of that fifth electron just below the

  • conduction band and at room temperature that electron

  • bond would be broken and the electrons would

  • be up here in the conduction band. We

  • would say that we've doped the semiconductor n-type.

  • Now if I look at this boron atom,

  • it takes just a little bit of energy

  • to break the next bond and put it

  • over here and fill that missing bond. Now

  • I've created a hole that's free to move

  • around through the semiconductor crystal, so I've doped

  • the semiconductor p-type. And that little energy I

  • would draw it down near the valence band.

  • So this is what we mean by n-type

  • and p-type doping. We dope n-type to make

  • the source and drain an n channel MOSFET.

  • We dope p-type to make the source and

  • drawn a p-channel MOSFET. So we have these

  • densities of dopants. At room temperature most of

  • those dopants are ionized. The fifth electron has

  • been released to the semiconductor crystal or in

  • the case of the boron atom, another electron

  • has filled that bond. [Slide 21] Ok and

  • then finally we can talk about how we

  • would in general determine the number of carriers

  • in the semiconductor. And we would do it

  • this way. A semiconductor likes to be neutral.

  • So if I look at the charge density

  • in coulombs per cubic centimeter, it's charge of

  • an electron times positive contribution from the holes

  • minus the negative contribution from the electrons plus

  • the positive contribution from the dopants so its

  • positively charged once that electron is broken off

  • minus the negatively charged acceptors. And electrons and

  • holes will fly around and try to make

  • everything neutral. So if I try to solve

  • that expression, if I assume that all the

  • dopants are ionized then I can assume this

  • is just the density of phosphorus atoms and

  • the density of boron atoms. And now I

  • know that product of N and P is

  • Ni squared, so I could eliminate P and

  • I will get a quadratic equation for N.

  • And you could do the algebra and what

  • you'll find is at near room temperature the

  • number of electrons in the conduction band is

  • very nearly the number of phosphorus atoms that

  • you put into the crystal. And the number

  • of holes in the valence band very nearly

  • the number of boron atoms that you put

  • in the semiconductor crystal. So it makes it

  • very easy for us to control the density

  • of the electrons in the conduction band and

  • holes in the valence band. [Slide 22] Ok,

  • so that's it for the first half of

  • this review of semiconductor fundamentals. The key points

  • I want to leave you with are the

  • importance of this density of states which describes

  • how the energy levels are distributed in a

  • conduction band and in the valence band, the

  • fact that the Fermi level is a critical

  • energy level that determines the probability that those

  • states are occupied, the fact that we can

  • mathematically relate the carrier densities to the location

  • of that Fermi level, and the fact that

  • what makes semiconductors so useful is that we

  • can control by doping the location of the

  • Fermi level and move it from anywhere down

  • near the valence band to up near the

  • conduction band edge. Ok so that's part one

  • of the review and we will continue the

  • review in the next lecture and then we

  • will be ready to dive into MOSFETs. Thanks

  • you.

[Slide 1] Ok, welcome to lecture 2. Now

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nanoHUB-U 納米級半導體 L1.2: 半導體 - 半導體評論 I (nanoHUB-U Nanoscale Transistors L1.2: The Transistor - Review of Semiconductors I)

  • 123 13
    Li-Cheng Jheng posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary