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  • I'm Mack Lyon from the Professional Ski Instructors of America. Hop Turns are awesome tools to

  • be able to use off piste for when I have a lot of vertical distance in a run, but not

  • a whole lot of width. To execute a Hop Turn, I really want to focus on being really low

  • and exploding upwards and pivoting around my ski pole. What that looks like is I'm going

  • to set my edges with my pole plant and then I'm going to explode and extend all at once

  • to be able to get my skis off the snow. I'm going to pivot them around my ski pole and

  • as I land I'm going to plant my pole and flex and suck up all of that force to be able to

  • use in my next Hop Turn. A Hop Turn allows you to ski terrain where you don't have enough

  • space to be able to make a regular turn.

I'm Mack Lyon from the Professional Ski Instructors of America. Hop Turns are awesome tools to

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滑雪:如何跳轉 (Skiing: How to Hop Turn)

  • 45 2
    alex posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary