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Can I run him down mid?
Can I run him down?
Im runnin' him down dude
What do you guys think, 12-0-18?
Colossus doesn't work? wait what
*Intense music*
*Monkey sounds*
0-18-12 thunderlords
Oh please tell me it saved
Did it save?
Wait colossus doesn't work
On Olaf
Oh Olaf is dead
Oh do I have thunderlords on Olaf now?
I have colossus! No!
I'm going to go Kermit
I'll be, I might not, I'll be
I dont, brb
[singing] The heat bring the fire
Oh no, you bet 50 dollars?
Wait, your friend thinks hes going to beat me dude?
Your friend thinks he's going to beat me?
Oh he's getting cocky isn't he
Alright, we got this dude
Look at this
Wow that clear on Olaf is nuts dude
dude who cares about colossus, I don't even need masteries dude
Didn't reach him
Wait what
Did he just flash his mastery rating?
You did not just flash your mastery rating did you?
You did not just flash your mastery!
OK we're in a, we're in a bit of trouble
Aw come on!
Yo, check me out, watch me whip
Now watch me kappa
Lets go team
Get 'em
Here we go, here we go
pog champ
Oh the plant
OK, OK lets go, flash
Flash, you won't
There we go
Oh I autoed the minion
*chuckles* Got 'em
I autoed a minion on accident
Alright, not bad
Not too shabby, lets go back
This is what happens nightblue when you mess with masteries in 2016
Yeah dude, whatever, we don't need masteries
Uh oh team careful, run miss fortune
Oh they have no summoners bot, thats not good
We could probably still get killed
They're actually fighting?
[intense music]
And a double axe! here we go!
Triple, triple
Triple kill! Oh baby it's a triple and that's Olaf right there
You think I need masteries? I don't need masteries dude
Can I "CY@"
That's what you get for mastery rating me earlier in the mid lane you little bonobo
Alright, we're fine
[clears throat] Not toxic
I'm not toxic whatsoever
I'm reformed actually
Is there anything I can do right now with colossus, at all
Nope, nothing
Nothing at all, its literally just in there
Alright colossus, you just sit there and look pretty this game dude
Is he talking to his mastery?
Yeah, yeah I am actually
Yo, can we run this guy down!
I'm about to run him down dude
[Race car noise]
Let's get 'em!
No, got 'em!
Oh am I going to live? I'm going to live?
Not even close baby
we're fine
Yo should I do it?
Wait, oh
Here we go, heals, heals
Look at that, all healed
Yo, lets go
Lets go
Hit this, hit the turret! The turret dude!
Hit the turret
Oh! How much gold did I just get there!
I swear I just got a thousand gold there
[song "Here comes the money" plays]
Yo, my dude Justus i'm about to make you 50 dollars richer man
Your friend is going to lose
Wait which one is your friend? You should have told me so I could camp him
You should've told me man, did you say who it was? Hold on let me see
No you didn't
You didn't say who it was dude, rip
Yo should I just run it down?
Dude, this is going to get nasty
If you're under the age of 18 please look away
If you're under the age of 18 you're definitely going to need to look away for this one dude
Oh look away team, look away
[Race car noise]
[intense music]
Look away!
Alright fine, and! Oh, she burned
Oh man dude, she used flash, ultied, exhaust
Come on Zac, what you got dude. Oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh? Ahri?
Oh! Get jebaited
Oh, "CY@"
Hold on
Can we get 'em?
Let me get last hit, last hit, last hit
Thank you
Ha ha
How does it feel to get jebaited, and im god like. I'll take it
Dude, I've got titanic hydra
At 13 minutes
With boots
With boots, and cinderhulk
Like what?
What the heck dude?
Colossus doin' work
Give me some of these fruits
I'm a fruit
We're all fruits
If you all think about it. Think about it long and hard dude
We're actually all fruits, at the end of the day
Nightblue, what do you mean we're all fruits, do I look like a fruit to you?
Yes you do, do you want to know why?
Because we're all sweet
Like fruits
Come here zyra!
I have a thing against you zyra!
Make sound effects and do more damage
Alright, we're good
We're chillin'
We're chillin' like a villain
Uh oh
Awh, thank you Morgana
Oh you're asking for it now buddy!
Wait, hold on
Hold on, I want the, I want the thing
The krugs, the krugs dude, the krugs
Yo i'm going to snipe this guy with my axe
But some fruits are sour and bitter
Yeah, and you're one of 'em alright
What's your point dude
Just accept my compliment, stop being technical
You sour fruit
Who do you want me to run down?
You guys, you know what
Twitch plays Olaf, this is called twitch plays Olaf, its a little minigame we like to play here
Twitch plays Olaf, who do you want dead here?
You name a champion and they're dead
Alright, Zyra? OK Zyra it is
He he he XD
OK I really hope I don't hit the traps here
I really hope I don't hit the traps
OK I see a lot of Vayne's in the chat dude
You want to see Vayne run down? Alright
We'll wait until Vayne comes back up
Alright, you said Vayne right? You said Vayne?
Hold up
Hold up, let me get this, secure this, secure this
Vayne where you at!
Come here Vayne!
Nice condemn lul
Got her with the axe team, got her with the axe
One, two, kappa
Let me at 'em coach, let me at 'em
Fabbio? More like 'Deadio'
Haha got it, get it guys, do you get it?
Deadio because hes going to be dead
Where you goin' Fabbio?
Oh I got a heal
What was that heal?
That heal is busted
I'm going to hide behind the minions Hide behind the minions
Five seconds
Fabbio you're done!
That's what you get for flashing your mastery rating on me
Right there dude, right there, you guys said Vayne right?
You want Vayne dead? Alright
Alright team, Alright stream
One Vayne, coming right up!
There you go
Olaf is a balanced champion
Good job colossus, colossus doin' work guys
Colossus doin' work
Should I go last whisper?
No, lets get some armour dude, I think some armour is good right?
Kappa, you thought I was going to get armour?
Who thought I was going to get armour dude, are you serious?
No, I'm going to go red pot BF sword, lets go dude
That was a pop quiz, a test to see if you actually really knew, you know if you're new here
No, we don't do armour, we dont do armour here dude
No, at 322 armour, I mean AD, there we go that's more like it
Who do you want dead, just name somebody, name somebody, anybody
On their team, not me I can't kill myself, I mean I can Kermit
I guess I could
I see a lot of Zac's dude
I see a lot of Zac's
Like you guys are saying Zac because you don't think I can kill him right?
You think I can't kill the Zac that's why you're spamming Zac right?
Let me show you a thing or two about Zac
Let me show you
First, you wait for his E to be used
First, we wait for his E
Here we go, here we go
Oh we're runnin' it down mid lets go
Alright we had to kill her
Come here Zac!
OK another one, wait penta kill, penta kill?
Yo what?
What are you doin'?
How did I survive?
Snipe her with the axe!
The axe snipe
Come here!
Oh I got her
And another one
[Giggling] She blew up dude
Oh Olaf is broken, good job colossus
I must say courage of the colossus really paid off this game
Thank you very much
Do a little dance, a little gg well played
Good game guys
Colossus, on Olaf
Who has no crowd control
To proc the colossus
It's all mind games dude, we did it
Yo Justus, you're 50 dollars richer now dude
Your friend lost the bet
Olaf: I'm OP? your mom is OP
[Outro Music]