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- Jyn, whatever I do,
- 無論我做了什麼
I do it to protect you.
- 都是為了守護你
Say you understand.
- 跟我說懂了
- I understand.
- 我懂了
- You want to get out of here?
- 離開這裡嗎?
- Our rebellion is all that remains to push back the Empire.
- 革命是為了重新推翻帝國
You think you might be able to help us?
- 你的自以為是,能幫多少?
- When was the last time you were in contact with your father?
- 最後一次聯繫上你的父親,是何時?
- What is this?
- 有何種關聯?
- It appears he's critical to the development of a super weapon.
- 聽起來,他是敵人,隱藏的秘密武器
- If my father built this thing,
- 如果我父親,親手做了這些
we need to find him.
- 就必須找到他,問個清楚
- Alright,
- 沒問題
how many do we need?
- 這些人手夠了嗎?
- They are requesting a call sign.
- 我們被要求機號
- It's um...
- 就說
- 機動戰警號
Rogue One.
- 無敵機動戰警號
- The power that we are dealing with here
- 掌控宇宙的權力
is immeasurable.
- 勢在必行
- If the Empire has this kind of power,
- 如果帝國,擁有壓倒性的力量
what chance do we have?
- 該倚靠什麼方法,才能勝利?
- We have hope.
- 希望的意念
Rebellions are built on hope!
- 革命的根本,就是希望和平
- They've no idea we're coming.
- 他們不曉得,我們會發動攻擊
- Take hold of this moment!
- 記住這一刻
The force is strong.
- 意念戰勝萬物
- Make ten men feel like a hundred.
- 讓一群團結的螞蟻,咬壞對方的巢穴
- We'll take the next chance,
- 失敗了,我們將不斷地採取B計畫
and the next,
- 直到成功為止
you're all rebels, aren't you?
- 你代表所有叛軍,不是嗎?
- Save the rebellion!
- 堅守革命
Save the dream.
- 捍衛我們的國家