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hi there I'm drew badger the world's number one english fluency guide and it
is a pleasure to welcome you to the series that just helps you understand
everyday objects and things but in this video
this was another requested video that was about can you please describe a
so I thought I would talk about Donald Trump since he is in the news lately and
you will be hearing about him
probably for the next few months regardless if he becomes the next
president of the United States or not
so we're going to look at Donald Trump and i'm going to describe him as a basic
speaker an intermediate speaker and then it advanced speaker
let's begin so looking at this picture of Donald Trump you can see he has maybe
a not-so-happy face so he doesn't look very happy
he usually looks like this may be a confused expression and he has an
interesting haircut you can see he has maybe blondish hair
I don't know if it's his real hair or not some people say maybe it's his real
maybe it's not his real hair but that's a basic definition of just what Trump
looks like
so if you were to describe somebody to say well it's somebody that has a baby
sad expression or angry expression on his face and he has interesting blonde
hair that's combed over
so this is a comb-over so he has an interesting comb-over typically a
comb-over is when you have your hair growing along on one side and then you
brush it over to cover a bald spot something but Donald Trump has an
interesting we've of here it's almost like a like a bird nest something like
that anyway so that's a basic definition of Donald Trump
so now we're going to get a little bit more intermediate and hopefully by using
this this description
you could actually tell someone that this is donald trump without them
looking at the picture
so if I'm describing this in an intermediate way i might say okay I'm
thinking of a guy he has kind of a maybe a
a sad or angry face or you could describe this as a scowl SC 0 WL scowl
so he has a maybe I can do a really good Trump impression but that's basically
how he looks so he has a scowl on his face and he's always thinking about
business and how we can do things and you know whatever he's imagining for the
assuming he becomes president so we'll see maybe he will become president maybe
he will not but Donald Trump or the the man i'm thinking of so yes I'm
describing Donald Trump but he has kind of a comb-over of blonde hair it almost
looks like it's a it's a weird woven hair style if it's real but it's a
blonde hair cut and it almost looks like a like a soft helmet is like a helmet on
his head maybe it's a no hopefully it's real hair
but if not it doesn't really matter so Trump also typically has it looks like
he was in a tanning booth
so he's a pretty white guy but maybe as a kind of white around his eyes and the
rest of his face is a little bit darker
maybe he goes to the tanning salon so that is a in an intermediate definition
or an intermediate way of describing Trump but now i'm going to talk of maybe
a little bit about how it looks but maybe about his face and maybe some
history behind that phase
why he has that expression so I don't know anything about Donald Trump
personally really I've never read any of his books and I don't really I mean I've
never spoken with him personally either but anyway here's a more affluent way of
describing him
so right now we're looking at Donald Trump and you can see he has a really
interesting hairdo hairdo
so clearly he spends a lot of time at the hairdresser or wherever he goes to
get his hair fixed like that because clearly he has many woven parts to his
hair and it really looks like a piece
honestly so a piece is what we would call a toupee or a hairpiece so a piece
like p I ECE a piece on his head
so it looks like a piece a lot of people think it is a piece but who knows I
can't say for sure
he also has looks like he has a mask on because he often get stands i'm guessing
just by the way his skin looks so the area around his eyes is a little bit
lighter than the rest of his face and you can see that maybe he has a scowl
because maybe he's not quite happy with how it looks
or actually recently maybe I don't remember how long ago it was but
recently he was outed
so to be outed by something means that you have a secret told about you
it was outed that his book the art of the deal was ghost written by someone
else so this is another really interesting phrasal verb or action a
phrasal verb but an interesting phrase or in an interesting way of describing
someone that writes a book for someone else
so a ghost writer so right to like writing writing a book a ghost writer is
someone that will write a book for you but will give you the credit so if you
pay the money
so this person who is the ghost writer for that book the art of the deal
he got like half the money half the royalties from the book but he recently
came out any out at Trump saying like I can't believe this guy is going to be
President are running for president so the guy that wrote the book for Trump is
saying that maybe he won't be a good candidate for the presidency of the
United States and maybe that's why Trump has his patented scowl
the last thing I'll mention about this to talk about having a patented
so when you produce a product maybe you have a particular like an iphone
something like that you have a particular feature or a physical thing
about the shape of a device you can patent that it means you can tell the
government hey I created this this is my invention and no one else can use this
without my permission
so this is my patented thing but if you have a patent in the kind of everyday
sense of the word to patent something or if you have a patented expression
this just means that you have something that's particularly you so when you
think of Donald Trump you think of the haircut and the patented frown or the
patented scowl
that usually makes so if you have a friend that always as a kind of dance or
something like that for years like a patented way of moving or a patented
anyway that's the advance for the fluent way of describing Donald Trump and
hopefully you can think of a few more things to describe as well but just get
specific so pick something even looking at his hair you can describe the color
of it the shape how it was done there are lots of interesting things you can
use to describe that but the more you take time to practice describing things
like that
the more it will help you express yourself fluently so right now I'm not
reading from a script I don't have anything i'm using i just am really
thinking about what i want to say but as I say it
and so that's the kind of way that if you can practice doing that you
you really just try to think of different ways of expressing thing
different ways of expressing things and then practice doing that and that's
what's going to help you get flowing faster if you enjoyed this video to hit
that like button
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haven't already and I will see you in the next video bye bye to continue
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