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If you're over 30, you may have chosen to ignore Snapchat, thinking it's more an app for teens
若你超過三十歲,你可能會選擇忽略 Snapchat,認為這比較像是青少年在用的手機程式
but it might be time to start paying attention
The app company plans to hit public markets in 2017, with a reported valuation of 25 billion dollars
這間手機程式公司計劃於 2017 年掛牌上市,公司估值 250 億美元
That would make it the biggest IPO star since Alibaba in 2014
它會是繼 2014 年阿里巴巴首次公開募股之後最大的新起之秀
Don't be embarrassed if you don't know Snapchat
你還沒聽過 Snapchat 的話,不用感到難堪
One of the biggest differences with Facebook and Twitter is that a snap will disappear after at most 24 hours
Snapchat 跟 Facebook 和 Twitter 最大的差別是一則 snap 訊息會在 24 小時內消失
The app lets you take photos or short videos with your phone
You can doodle, annotate, add filters
So how is this app so valuable?
Well, it has 235 million users amount
它有 2.35 億使用者
More than half of those use it daily
Despite being a relatively young company, it ranks just behind Instagram and Twitter
雖然它是相對較年輕的公司,但它僅排在 Instagram 和 Twitter 之後
And the youngs love it
70% of 18 to 24-year-old smartphone owners use the app
有七成 18 到 24 歲的智慧型手機使用者使用這個手機程式
Its popularity is even growing among the older, 30+ crowd
在 30 歲以上的族群裡也漸受歡迎
The company makes its money from video ads and branded filters that are interspersed throughout the app
Snapchat 透過散佈在程式各處的影片廣告與品牌濾鏡賺取利潤
And thanks to Snapchat's young and coveted millennial user base
Snapchat 擁有一群年輕、備受覬覦的千禧世代使用者
advertisers are willing to pay top dollar to get their promos in front of youthful eyes
That's triggered big expectations
這形成了人們對 Snapchat 更高的期待
With revenue estimated to reach 1.7 billion dollars in 2018
總收益額在 2018 年預估高達 17 億美元
Still, Snapchat isn't cheap
然而,Snapchat 不便宜
Its reported 25 billion dollar valuation is 25 times its expected 1 billion revenue next year
公司估值 250 億美元是 Snapchat 明年十億美元期望收益的 25 倍
Compare that to Facebook, which went public in 2012, it had a valuation of 19 times its forward revenue
2012 年公開上市的 Facebook 的公司估值則是期望收益的 19 倍
And even that valuation was considered outrageous at the time
Snapchat is hoping that its popularity isn't as fleeting as the life of one of its messages
Snapchat 期望它的知名度不會像他的 snap 訊息一樣一閃即逝
Whether it deserves a huge valuation depends on how long users keep snapping
Snapchat 公司估值的高低取決於使用者是否持續使用它