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We're chillin' dude. Lets just do some yasuo instead
yasuo is actually really fun
OH that was soo bad, (+some boosted@ talking)
get out of here i'm out peacefully oh
I'm so that i'm done minute where's my
minions have to sidestep sidestep
sidestep script script scripts hahahah
rekt GG missing you i miss minion
Oh, is that it? is that it?
got them Coach no no no oh I almost missed
the cannon dude if I miss the cannon I would
have tilted to the Shadow Realm the next
dimension dude. POOF, HASAKI
let's see let's see it lets see it then
let's see if that hold on . okay okay and
another 1 bam + 300 in the chat let's see it
it they did I think you think it was
that either way I'm actually happy with
any we got it easy games you like you
were fed we are data are today how you
say his name
website and I'm gonna press the w
no children no I'm so boosted if I
didn't actually put my wo to find right
all right Shawn didn't sound like a
I hope y'all helped my wife and I want
to poke you
second-year I'm gonna pretend I'm scared
oh I'm scared dying son where's your
Black team
am I really that boosted
am i really that boosted...i need to unistall
I absolutely need to uninstall hundred
percent like we've already got this
obviously bark 700 I don't see anything
wrong with the suit
this is an easy game is like 430 that is
literally all right there right there
dude I mean right there
ok mark she's over double your level but
if you believe in yourself what kind of
course of feeding my lane
oh my boost rent just poker down with
this cutie has a key
what goes through it o.o what we're
just like it sounds what the heck was
that boosted animal dies in the jungle
and no one is around to see Peter yes
yes all the brother oh my gosh
out of 77 and BTW ok ok
oh how is that not working
aww man
I got it worth all right no okay I think
I've died in a team I think I've
honestly died enough i'm going to a
place for serious now i kinda wanna die
I like what I like to do is I like to
because I've seen I Hansel and Gretel
you know how like that but the which
feeds them get some really really like
you know me and then then eat them right
like cook salmon soup right that's based
on what I'm doing is feeding her i just
wanted to kind of you know a little bit
me more meat just so i can even get the
most the most flavor out of Sandra yeah
no I think I think it's time to cook i
think i think you know she's setting up
now hold on we got this
can do it I can do that connected what I
dude like to lose
auto attacking me to death at this point
i missed if I had a war that would have
missed it had a war two
no no she's not get a triple kill it's
not fair no present for someone else did
let's go
also the precal is the free local this
is my time to shine
nice dude all right there we go dying
every dawn where'd you find where is
your dad speaking farm ok check your
footing so we've got that they've got it
make crepes getting strong to do all my
god . your back to upset for let's go
waiting actually here he might you might
there we go
okay that's not bad
did I to actually United here somehow I
mean I got out of there technically
aspects when can we wait for me wait for
me can't let them get that third in him
and they can't they might go for parents
to rip
this is kind of good i don't like
fighting like capitals do they're like
not likely look at this one before
oh it's up kind of early try to sneak up
on here
all that was damaged
he's got no I washed it out of my jungle
let's get the Barden i exhaust chillin
all parties to shut er down
holy this part of God let's go let's win
this game dude
got him revenge
and she's done zone let's get another
what barred let's get up
double exhaust get out of my jungle
didn't want him back though
let's get a total top
I can't find
okay okay okay this one is yet
no he's so fed come apart
nice ok ok that's my that's fine dude
I'm so strong I'm strong it i like it
can get in hip will get that nothing
else is up to a minute for eldering can
cut for eldering Jackie tank that maybe
you could have to take that can you get
for three yes thank you take it no no
part 1
bartow Dominion ok ok ok and then run
and then
Run ok we're fine we're fine hold on team
I'm here
cya outside get out of my trouble
I actually go through this no not
anymore way that game might be game over
this way
oh she's only one alive internal tension
tension don't die that shit
oh your gone and they're done dude that's it
GG well played. i'm pretty sure i think that's
a 77 second death timer dude let's go
you guys that was a feeder 1717 so what
I have 75 somebody kills i'm no longer
feeder technically no no justjust NM at
me right there that it that's it
so you just want me to reduce the
that is it dude GG well played
plus 50 do a dance good game i told you i'm
gonna win that 55 minigame holy I'm so
boosted yaso dude so boosted. but you know what
that's how the whole car that's that's
that's my ninja way right there man my
struggle in the beginning but in the end
it doesn't matter if you've come to kill
me i hope you brought friends