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On July 5, 2016, 37-year-old Alton Sterling was fatally shot by police in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana. Less than 48 hours later, police shot and killed 32-year-old Philando Castile
in St. Paul, Minnesota. Many have voiced their opinions that with better police training,
these deaths could have been avoided. It’s a concern that has been brought up many times
over the past few decades. So how are officers being trained? And has anything changed?
Well, to start, there is actually no federal standard for how police are trained. The specific
disciplines taught and the amount of time officers spend on each one varies from department
to department. But according to the most recent data from the Department of Justice, more
than half of police training is spent on hard skills, like firearm use and self defense,
leaving little time for soft skills, like de-escalation, communication and “community
policing”. Community Policing is the idea that officers who build close ties with the
community are better able to promote safety and order, as they understand the unique issues
of their beat.
The distinction between these two types of law enforcement has garnered attention in
recent years, with many experts saying that police academies should allot more time to
soft skills. We reached out to the Director of Police Training in Washington State, Former
Sheriff Sue Rahr, who told us that the emphasis on hard skills is more of a time factor than
an intentional priority.
when you’re training a physical skill, it takes a lot more time just because we spend
80-some hours on defense tactics and 8 hours on dealing with people with mental illness,
it doesn't mean that defensive tactics are more important, it just the nature of skills
based training.’”
The problem with police training may not be how time is distributed, but instead lie in
the nature of the training. A 2015 Harvard study Rahr co-authored found that many police
are trained as warriors, rather than as community guardians. According to this idea, police
who only respond in a time of crisis, instead of regularly interacting with their community,
only have a linear understanding of their beat. This issue is only made worse by a police
academy’s “warrior culture” which has its foundations in military training. For
instance, the officer who shot Castile had allegedly attended a police-organized “bulletproof
warrior” seminar, which stressed fast reactions and a preparedness for combat-like situations.
Although there is a renewed push for community policing in recent years, it has actually
been a part of police training for decades. In 1994 President Bill Clinton signed the
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which, among other things, led to the
allocation of $14 billion dollars to community policing initiatives. But a review of the
policy 20 years later showed that while many departments have adopted such tactics on paper,
few have actually incorporated it into their training and field work.
Even for the departments that have heavily incorporated community policing strategies,
the results have been mixed. For instance in Camden, New Jersey, which is considered
one of the most dangerous cities in America, city officials disbanded the police force,
rebuilding one that is heavily focused on community policing. Although in two years,
shootings fell by 43 percent and murders by more than half, the tactics used to achieve
those results have led to significant tension. A greater police presence has culminated in
an increase in stop-and-frisk and surveillance tactics, which has only heightened tensions
between the community and police force.
But while de-escalation training and community policing are a step in the right direction,
many have argued that they fail to address the larger problem, which is explicit or unconscious
racial bias on the part of law enforcement. According to a report by the Washington Post,
nearly 1000 people were shot and killed by police in 2015, more than a quarter of whom
were African-American, although they make up a much smaller proportion of the US population.
A number of departments have adopted training programs that aim to suppress any implicit
racial bias officers may have. However the effectiveness of these initiatives has yet
to be studied. As the number of people killed by police in 2016 is well on its way to exceeding
that of the year before, law enforcement is under more pressure than ever to get to
the root of the problem.